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Author Topic: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game 206-210 AD  (Read 10867 times)


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #60 on: December 16, 2014, 06:54:51 pm »

"That seems like a fair assessment, but I'm afraid I cannot give you an answer immediately.  I will, however, speak to my chamberlain regarding our ability to free up the necessary funds, and send you a proper response via courier as soon as I am able.  I hope this is acceptable?"
"That is acceptable. Though by doing so our plans are slightly delayed, this is tolerable, and give us time to prepare the first step. Now, I beg my leave of you unless there was something else you wished to discuss my lady."
Alruna shook her head.  "No, I have nothing else to discuss at this time.  Thank you for your patience, Lord Seralt, and I hope to have a proper response to you soon."


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #61 on: December 16, 2014, 07:47:38 pm »

Outside the Restraunt stood Adrian and his son Jareld with bodygaurds nearby. Adrian wore the same Noble outfit only now he had invested more into his jewelry by addring a ring and watch to his right hand. Jareld wore White and Purple outfit with a thin necklace hanging outside. They both looked more like nobles about to paray in a 1st world parliament then anything else. There bodyguards on the otherhand wore a military uniform the same as Jareld from the palace the exceptions being that they had no beret insignia and no cloak. Instead opting for a more traditional insignia on their collars with guns in clearly seen hoisters. Neither looked very on guard and more tired from the walk than anything else.

Nearby approach the Ladies who meet them both with bodyguards not far behind.

Adrian speaks first in a very diplomatic voice.

"Ahh, Lady Morgaten and Alaine Morgaten. How very pleasant to see you this evening."

Says Adrian bowing, Jareld a bit lagging.

"I do apologize for not setting this event up more properly, Tax structuring is as unbearable as writing the bible of the pan-creator blindfolded. It was quite a time eater and i lost track of time with all the shouting. Do tell how has your day progressed?"

Later on inside the restaurant both parties eat while bodyguards stay outside of the room as to provide security. Without anything of note happening they both chat away and eat.

"Lady Morgaten, The reason i have asked you here was to inquire about how you are going to deal with the Triumverte? I know them to by tell tales to be very fond of credits and gold. They take it from whoever not caring if they are noble for they only care about price and transactions beneficial to them."

He stops briefly to sip from his water.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2014, 07:52:09 pm by 3man75 »


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #62 on: December 16, 2014, 08:57:17 pm »

Sigmund smiled and made a polite bow as he first saw the Matriarch. He had never spoken with her personally before that day, and that might have been on his mind as he replied with a courteous tone.

"I thank you for the offer, my Lady. I will have some water, nothing more." He looked around them as he spoke, and waited a little before continuing, seemingly gathering his thoughts. "I hope you will forgive my lack of tact, my Lady, but I have many preparations to make in sight of my departure with the fleets in a few weeks. For the purpose of sparing your time and mine, I will be brief. I would like to offer you the possibility of an alliance between our Houses."

With that said, he paused again, letting his words sink in, before resuming.

"Although the birth of the new Empire should bring peace and stability to the Houses, I am of the opinion that one can never be overly prepared. The Empire has fallen before, and it can fall again, if we do not protect it closely. To further stabilize it, and to safeguard our Houses in the event of the eruption of a civil war or a disaster of any other kind, I believe both Morgarten and Al-Hazar should stand together. It is with this in mind that I would like to put forward the possibility of a dynastic marriage between your House and mine."

He seemed to be about to pause again, but he blinked once and then again, looking like he had said things the wrong way, and quickly clarified his thoughts.

"Err... Not between you and I, that is. The union of two House leaders could lead to succession troubles and- well, you understand the political implications. I wished to offer you the hand of my brother, Wilhelm.

Now, I understand that the two of you have never met... It is not an union for love I propose, although Wilhelm is a kind and bright man, and you may grow to like him - what I offer is an alliance. My brother owns half the holdings of my House, and his heirs will come to represent half of our family, in time. He is of noble blood, high standing, and great influence - acting as Regent whilst I am away from Mirrodan. He would-"

He cut himself off, and his gaze fell on the noblewoman, whom he had been avoiding. He seemed slightly nervous.

"Shall I keep talking, my Lady? Once more, for the purpose of time, do tell me if the offer could interest you. I do not wish to ramble on for an hour only to have you inform me that you see it as inconceivable."


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #63 on: December 16, 2014, 10:12:04 pm »

With the de Tremings
Alruna and Alaine Morgarten both approached the Azores de Tremings who had preceded them, Alaine knowing well the attention her flattering dress called upon herself, and Alruna seeming to phlegmatically ignore it, even as she inwardly considered it with approval.  At Lord Adrian's polite apologies, she demurred.  "Oh, I assure you that this is all still quite impressive, especially on such short notice.  My own day has mostly been caught up in navigating the petit nobility, I'm afraid, as well as preparations for my journey."

Inside, the two placed their own drink and meal requests with the waiter, occupying themselves with general conversation with both of their dinner partners.  Finally, however, the topic turned to business, as Adrian broached the subject of the Triumvirate.  "Yes, the Triumvirate is a bit of a question, is it not?"  She smiled politely, even as she considered her water glass.  "I believe your own assessment of them matches quite closely with my own.  While it would be wonderful if I could simply fly in and convince them to accept a political solution to the matter, they would not so easily accept without tremendous incentive or tremendous pressure.  I believe that it will be necessary to convince them of the wisdom of this matter, economically as well as diplomatically.  Economic cooperation between myself and their primary resource extraction industries should help demonstrate the benefits of patronage from nobles of the Empire, but I suspect there will be enemies of the Empire who will block any attempt to translate this into political leverage.  For them, I believe particular responses will be fundamentally rooted in the manner of their opposition, and thus need to be tailored on the scene."  She leaned forward slightly, in interest.  "May I ask if you had any thoughts on the matter?"

With Sigmund Al-Hazar
At his drink request, Alruna nodded slightly.  "Certainly, Lord Sigmund.  Tsirona, if you would be a dear?"  As the servant brought two glasses of water, the two each accepted their own glasses, as he launched into his request at length, halting briefly from time to time to recollect his thoughts.  Alruna nodded politely at each juncture, occasionally taking a sip from her glass, as she considered his words.  Stability was, naturally, a watchword of House Morgarten, and their support for the Imperial venture had largely been to ensure the survival of the Empire.  Wilhelm, she knew from her study of the Golden Book of the Imperial nobility, was significantly older than her, but such things were not uncommon in arranged marriages, and in an era of age rejuvenation and enhancement available to those of wealth and power, even a fifteen- or twenty-year gap was not an insoluble obstacle to people who would live for well over a century at a minimum.  When he stopped again, this time in query, she responded evenly, "I don't mind.  I will admit the offer is rather intriguing.  I must admit, though, while your House is one with quite a long and illustrious history, mine is quite a young House, only recently come to prominence.  I'm certainly flattered by your offer, but I cannot help but wonder how much our own House can help yours."


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #64 on: December 17, 2014, 12:24:01 am »

Adrian thinks hard before answering in a casual yet deductive tone.


Play to your strengths Lady Morgaten. If you need money I can work to provide a loan to you from my house's coffers. Use it to buy pieces of a company. Assuming you know how to play the game of a executive and stock buyer that is. Other wise I'd find another way.

Have you thought of doing research on the 3 leading factions and who runs them? How they operate and behave?

These merchants have only coin and if you threaten to take a sizable chunk while making the promise of a sizable reward then they will capitulate. That is however a guess. I know very little about them as I preferred self sufficiency during the fall and war. As such I interacted very little with them."

Again, play to your strengths and avoid looking weak. I know from experience roses like you and your sister come with thorns.

He drinks and looks at lady morgaten facial tones looking to test her.

"By the way I wanted to inquire: What is it that you want? The throne? Power? You don't strike me quite like the other nobles despite the obvious wealth and wit that is. "
« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 12:46:13 am by 3man75 »


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #65 on: December 17, 2014, 02:03:11 pm »

She nodded slightly to his initial question.  "Indeed, I have considered them carefully, and I will also be sending factors on ahead to collect information at the source, in order to ensure that I have it from the moment I arrive.  I believe their disunity may be a useful asset, if it can be redirected properly.  Economically, that is indeed close to my own plan, though your offer of a loan may be beneficial to me, and if I should have need once I am there, I shall send a representative to work out the details.

"Your advice is indeed insightful.  I shall certainly take it into account."
She smiled at the complements, but as he moved on to ask her directly her own desires, it seemed to stiffen slightly for a brief, almost imperceptible instant, one that might not have been recognizable to any who lacked Adrian's keen eyes.  "What I desire is the stability and safety of the Empire and all humanity, just as we all do."  Her smile seemed to resume its earlier character, as though nothing happened in that brief moment, and she continued in a self-depreciating, but amused tone.  "If I, if we of House Morgarten do not seem like most nobles, it is likely because by the standards of the Imperial Court, our House is but frontier gentry of minor rank in spite of our recent elevation due solely to the trust of the Grey Guard.  We are a young house of poor rank, so I do hope you will forgive any minor lapses."  She gave a brief chuckle, almost a giggle before taking a sip of water.  Glancing over at the others, she saw her sister and Lord Adrian's son talking intently about some of his military exploits that earned his reputation as a fighter, but almost immediately returns her attention to Adrian. 

Now, it's Alruna's turn to be blunt, testing Adrian's responses.  "I assume you ask so specifically because of the events surrounding our election of Emperor Valerian, because of your...relative's actions then?  I stated only truth when I declined Lord Seralt's offer to make me Empress.  Further, I did not ask him to make the offer, and I was as surprised as any when he nominated me.  I do not pretend to the Imperial crown, and the unity of humanity is necessary in these times.  I would not disturb it, as young and fragile as it is, lightly.  Power is a tool, not an end, and the throne..." she leaned forward again, this time looking Adrian squarely in the eyes.  "The throne is rightfully held, by our acclamation, by Emperor Valerian."  Her own thoughts were locked securely away behind cold green eyes, no longer showing anything at all of her inward feelings.  "What do you seek, Lord Adrian?"
« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 02:10:59 pm by Culise »


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #66 on: December 17, 2014, 06:22:21 pm »

Sigmund frowned and looked away, avoiding an answer for a moment. He seemed to search for his words.

"Well," he started, his tone diplomatic, "There are several factors. A marriage between our Houses would bind us in a solid and powerful alliance. However, there is one thing Al-Hazar needs perhaps as much as strong allies right now."

He looked down at his right hand, raising it slightly to examine it. Long ago, it had been marked by burns, but as he flexed his fingers he smiled, his eyes shining with memory.

"My grandfather," he started, "had six children. One died young; two were killed in battle; and two tried to rise against my father in rebellion. He put an end to that. My progenitor himself only had two sons before he passed away. Wilhelm and I - the warrior and the administrator, some call us. This arrangement was functional, for a long time. However, we are both now growing old, as you can no doubt see for yourself... And we are both heirless."

His eyes left the burned hand and met the noblewoman's gaze easily.

"House Morgarten enjoys the benefits of elective succession laws, and your lands - though very rich, of course, enough to make your house wealthier than mine - are also quite small. If you allow me to ignore the laws of tact and courtesy once more, you are less in need of heirs - in fact, soon you may have too many children and not enough lands to keep them busy. That will lead to conflict. I have exactly the opposite problem.

My offer, then, is that you marry my brother, and that of the children you two will have if you accept, you may name one - the eldest or the most competent or the one with the best claim, I care not - as your heir, and he or she shall be considered to be part of House Morgarten from there on out. The others will go to Al-Hazar. Our respective problems will be resolved - we will both avoid a potential succession crisis, you for lack of lands to give and I for lack of heirs to pass them to."
He paused. "Does that sound reasonable?"
« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 06:53:43 pm by Shootandrun »


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #67 on: December 17, 2014, 10:49:57 pm »

Lord Adrian listens intently to everything Lady well as the banter of two "young adults" who he suspected may be up  to youthful activites in the presense of grown ups. Still Adrian did nothing about it, It is a special time for those of that age and what authority did he have to take it away from someone? He continues to listen while sipping from his glass and asking for a refill when she finishes.

"A noble, My dear lady, from my experience is a cut and dry individual who jockeys for power. They always come up with stupid reasons for being above people like divine investment from some cult or tarnishing the words of the Pancreator. An it is as you say, you are more of a Guardian of the peace than someone willing to start a war over juvenile things."

He stops breifly with a more serious tone.

"Lady Morgarten, i beleive you are smart enough to know why i have asked for this meeting. I wish to rid myself of the mistakes i have done in my past by erasing they who still live. I speak of the Azores Dynasty, who apparently felt the pan creator should have been on their side instead of the one who pursued morality and justice all those years ago.

You see when i was designated heir by my Grandfather the Patriach he told me to trust no one. I was foolish to trust my brother who used blackmail, bribery, and flase promises to start a coup against me and my grandfather. The house split in two you see but our side was pushed out and slauthered and although one could say we hit hard back..

Adrian grimices and Jareld looks with worry.

"..Well let's just say that war makes people want to die quicker. Seralt tells no one for obvious reasons and i doubt the extended family under him no the true reasons for that old war. Yet, i am always blamed because people think i came out with the short stick and want to suck up to a crocodile who's tears are as fake as his confidence."

He leans in closer.

"We are two very small houses my Lady.  An my families finances can build the infrastructure needed to take back what is lost and talented enough to have a warrant. But i want an heir to my heir, so to speak. I desire a bethroatal between young Jareld and your sister Alaine. They are of the same age and in time i'm sure they will enjoy each others companies as they journey thorugh life. The marriage will produce children for the Azores de tremming house however. That last part is non-negotiable for clear reasoning. I am prepared to negotiate strongly because i feel Alaine shares the skills of a good administrator as well as a strong faith to the Pan-Creator.

If the marriage were to be arranged, then Jareld and her will travel between Garthon III and Agri-Prime. Know this, I offer a bond of marriage between two small houses so they may stand united against the larger ones who would wish us under their thumbs or divided so they may conquer easier. You are young but you know stories do playout this way many times. Why? because they are reality.

Adrian looking exhausted through his speech takes up another glass as to cleanse his throat. He also thinks that new plans should be in place...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 18, 2014, 04:15:12 pm by 3man75 »


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #68 on: December 18, 2014, 02:20:17 pm »

With the Azores de Tremings
"Some, of course, would say the same of you."  She said it with a smile, without any edge of malice or suspicion.  "Lord Seralt, in particular believes himself to be the true heir by virtue of being the elder, and he states that he.  I will say this outright, however: his opinion of the Church is one that I believe would be dangerous.  It will naturally follow that I will in likelihood oppose him in any actions taken this regard.  That said, it does not follow that I will immediately support you, though you too oppose him."  She paused a moment, letting that sink in.  "I, personally, do not believe a feud within one of the most prominent families of the Empire is in its best interests, though there are times when it can be better than the alternative.  To the point of the matter, regarding a marriage between our lines, it would be something I need to consider carefully.  There is, however, one request I have.  If I were to accept the offer, I would request that one child be permitted to be raised by her mother Alaine in House Morgarten, and that her lands on Bastion shall pass to this child, or failing that, default to House Morgarten.  I have little desire to fragment our holdings on Bastion with little borders and statelets.  Would this be acceptable?"

With Sigmund Al-Hazar
She smiled slightly at his comment of getting old.  "I would not say you are as old as you claim; certainly, you have many years ahead of you to wed and have a child.  With medical treatments, why, men almost as old as poor Luthias Hartwing have had strong children, and you are a century at the least away from his seniority."

As he continued with his full proposal, she nods politely, but inwardly, she realized exactly what it would mean to accept his offer blindly.  "That may well be for now, but I do not believe it will be the case indefinitely.  Our immediate plans include the gradual reclamation of Garthon III, which will likely open many further lands that will require administration if successful.  Ceding the care and the future of all of my children save one to Al-Hazar will leave us with little to recommend us, neither lands nor talent.  Mirrodan is a friendly and accommodating world to you, controlled solely by humans of the true strain, with a breathable atmosphere and powerful government led by yourself and your many vassals, though they may not be of your blood directly.  Bastion rests as a single mighty fortress, certainly, and one with a far greater population than Mirrodan, but it is a fortress surrounded by mutants, on a world where the vegetation and very air are inimical to humans.  There are far too many missteps that can happen, even for the wary, and should my sole heir perish on the battlefield, by disease, or through another of the myriad opportunities for mischance there may be on a death world, Morgarten would be left with no future save the children of collateral branches.  While I find your offer of marriage and alliance intriguing, I'm afraid that your conditions are rather onerous.

"Rather, at the most, I would request half of the issue of any such union remain of House Morgarten, rather than only one single child.  As well, I suggest that we codify any inheritance so that lands of Mirrodan do not pass to House Morgarten, and that the converse shall be the case as well.  There have been far too many worlds where the fragmentation of individual fiefs between multiple rulers on a single world has led to onerous border controls and absentee landlords, which benefits no one, and my preference would be to avoid the possibility of such coming to pass."

Preliminary Orders for House Morgarten: Summer, 205 AD
  • Send factors of House Morgarten on ahead to Trinity to gather and collate publicly-traded information on the three major factions, and generally start laying groundwork for Alruna's imminent arrival, as well as contracting a skilled and independent corporate lawyer to navigate the legalese particular to the Triumvirate.  Other agents will seek less public information on primary shareholders in publicly-traded companies (especially those in which a voting share can be acquired) and potential political schisms within those companies operating as guilds or by families.  After Alruna's arrival, continue these activities, operating those less-public agents via cut-outs.
  • Alaine will approach the Ecclesia Scriptores on Baudelaire to request any support they may be able to offer, technological or military, in order to drive back the mutants and "reclaim" Garthon III for humanity, in return for any support House Morgarten can offer to them
  • Maria Fornost will assume administrative duties over the Family Holdings as steward during Alruna's absence as well as the Noble Quarters, and begin raising a military force from veterans willing to bring the fight to the mutants
((Also, if possible, unofficially transition "Garthon III" to being named Bastion in its entirety after its largest and (thus far) sole settlement, because having picked up the only world in the Empire that lacks a proper name feels a bit odd. :P))


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #69 on: December 18, 2014, 04:00:36 pm »

Adrian listens to Lady Morgarten and waits before answering.

"I am old and at this moment i simply have no desire to wed. Jareld tell us if you would accept the terms of this marriage."

Jareld looks surprised for a moment as all eyes on the table fall on him. He takes a breath before speaking.

"Well, i don't really see a problem with it but even if the child were to be raised by Elaine..would i still be the father? Can i visit him and have say in his life? I'm sorry if you feel me indecisive but i can't live in a world where my Son or Daughter simply doesn't care about me..."

Adrian intervenes before Jareld can complete his thought almost like a whip.

"Jareld, You will be Patriach one day. You will accept or decline the offer. You know how i feel about on the fence answers."

Jareld looks at his father with a face of worry and stress before relaxing.

"Lady Morgarten, i will accept the terms but i want unlimited visitng rights to the child. I know that one day they may be sent off to war or important assignmnets but i always want to make an effort as a father. It is only correct way in the eyes of a Azores de Tremming. But as you say said child will be looked on by Alaine and service Morgarten not my house. I can accept that."

He pauses momentarilly before speaking out again.

"I'd also like to show support notion that a split between us and the other Azores is dangerous to the Empire but those are the cards we have to take from the deck, so to speak. Where me and my father show diplomacy my uncle in law would like to equip a ship to bomb church held worlds because he can. If left to his own devices and his teachings flowing down the tree then i forsee a civil war fought between the secularist on one side and the believers on the other. Or worse a politically paralyzed Empire.

Seralt is a classical General when he cares about results over stepping over corpses. If you think my fathers liberal use of "man filth" is bad then wait until Seralts actions shake the empire to it's very core. I am no lier. He will do everything possible to root out the church and set it on fire, even if he has to betray the body the Pan creator gave him.

Adrian looks at his son with worry over his out burst. He then looks to Lady Morgarten and then Alaine to determine the looks on their faces.

"My apologies for my son, he is known to show more blunt truth then tact. I hope this does not put you off about marriage or future cooperation between our houses. For one i still have plans to build a new Military-Industrial complex. One that could help outfit Imperial soldiers and take back worlds."

After the dinner, Adrian and Jareld bid their due's with Jareld kissing the hand of Alaine before departing. They make their way bodyguards not far behind to the palace where they sleep. The next week Adrian gets to work setting up and collecting taxes while Jareld goes home to work on building a brand new fief. Jerald also looks for temporary mangers to run the farms.

« Last Edit: December 18, 2014, 04:22:40 pm by 3man75 »


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #70 on: December 18, 2014, 04:08:41 pm »

Sigmund's expression did not shift as he heard her counter-proposal. When he had the time, he played many games of chance, and reputation called him rather good at them; that showed here. After the noblewoman finished speaking, however, he thought for a time - undisturbed by the silence - before, at last, smiling.

"Your proposal," he started, "is fair. I had in mind only the best interests of both our Houses, but I had not taken into account your future actions on Garthon. To keep the matters simple, and to avoid possible legal disputes should an uneven number of children be born, I would like to set this agreement down in a simplified fashion. The daughters born of your union will be members of House Morgarten, and the sons will be heirs to Al-Hazar... Or the reverse, if you have a preference - I do not.

Should the marriage produce only children of one gender, the eldest will be considered heir to the parent who would otherwise have none - I did come to you to avoid a succession crisis, after all, not to lay the groundwork for one.

Will that be agreeable?"


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #71 on: December 18, 2014, 06:42:15 pm »

It was a lazy evening, with the warm breeze entering the chamber through opened doors to a balcony behind the desk, the marble office bathed in the golden sunset. Valerian sat with notes in front of him, penning down his thoughts in equisite cursive, a small glass of Halo's sweet wine standing next to it. One could be fooled into thinking that the old Luthis himself was writing it, the hand moving in the same, precise manner. Every flourish of the pen, every move, designed to put words on paper, but to do so with style - not a flashy one as done by courtiers or bards or over the top calligraphy practiced by the Church, but the elegant light hand that was oft used by the writers and nobles of ancient eras, as far back as the First Empire; a tight style that added substance to otherwise dry words, made them flow and rested easy on the eye.

But what he wrote was not poetry, or grand divinations of a theologian, but personal thoughts, considerations of this new age that he was called upon to bear.

"The crown. The throne. The might of the united suns of Mankind, rising like Phoenix from the ashes of the dark age. Yet the wings are those of a raven and even though they fly fast and high, there is no eagle in sight to rule the skies, to see everything, to bring down his talons on the rabbits that scurry on the ground. So they chose me.
I would not say that their choice was wrong, one's assessment of personal strength is always close to exaggeration but can that be said of those that succeed every time they set their mind to the things they require? How much weight would I have to shuffle and put on everyone's shoulders to finally get off the ground and soar like they want me to? and every burden they put on themselves is a load that grows on me too. People need courage, faith and the light to come together in harmony to bear this weight together and let the eagle fly.

Where are those bearers of light? The keepers of knowledge? They sit and count the length of the candles they still have, refusing to give the spark needed to move everyone. I will have to give them one thing they want, so that they move and struggle for it, instead of cowering behind the altars of the bygone age. They want the light for themselves."

 - From the personal memoirs of the Valerian I Hartwing, First Emperor of the Restored Empire

The Emperor goes for an official meeting with the Patriarch of the Church once more. (can be done next turn if seasonal change only.)
« Last Edit: December 18, 2014, 06:44:56 pm by Ardas »


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #72 on: December 19, 2014, 01:10:42 pm »

With the Azores de Tremings

At Jared's request, Alaine laughed in good cheer, as though his actions have just confirmed something positive with her.  "Of course you would.  My sister only talks about the family name, I am sure.  Our children would still be raised together between both of us, both de Treming and Morgarten."  This she said with a meaningful aside to her sister. 

The fact that Alaine used the cadet name "de Treming" without the appellation Azores here in front of the pretender to that houses's position of Patriarch did not miss Alruna's attention, but she declined to comment.  To her, too, the outburst had been confirmation of his character, either as the truth of his personality or to his talent as a extemperaneous mummer.  "Indeed, I would not seek to deny you your rights as the father to any of your children, any more than I would expect my sister's rights as a mother to be denied to any of your children being raised as Azores de Treming.  You need not worry about us blocking such, and to raise them together will also help further the bond between our familes, should such be accepted."

She paused, considering the previous engagement with Seralt.  There was also her own research she would need to do; she had done some in preparation for these meetings, but more exhaustive work would be necessary to make a proper decision.  "I'm afraid I cannot give an answer immediately, but I shall certainly have one before my sister returns to Bastion or I depart for Trinity.  I hope this is acceptable?"

With Al Hazar

"Our family also is gender-agnostic regarding succession, for all that by coincidence the surviving members of ours are female and of yours male.  It seems, under such a circumstance, unnecessary to force any arbitrary gender-dependent split.  Rather, I suggest that if a specific and neutral method is required, we simply adopt every other child to bear our family names; the eldest to Morgarten, the second to Al Hazar, and so forth.  If we should have an uneven number of children, the last-born can also pass to Al Hazar, which would benefit you."

She paused.  "As well, there is one other fine detail, though considerably more minor.  If I accept, where possible, I would prefer for the children to also be raised together.  The distances between our worlds and separate fiefs may not always make this practical, but I believe that by doing so, we could also further the bonds between our two families by ensuring that our children still see each other as one family, even if half will work with Al Hazar and half Morgarten."


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #73 on: December 19, 2014, 01:25:53 pm »

Adrian sat up right at this. When nobles laugh it is either in defiance or of using someone for an alliance. He knew Jareld to be bright and not at all a bonehead filth like his brother..still he knew women were known to destroy men in many stories of old.

Jareld nods and so does Adrian each one going back to their food. Jareld however corrects very softly Alaine "Azores is a much shorter and correct name for myself. Yes this is acceptable."

He laughs somewhat forcefully "Perhaps one day you will have the honor of being an Azores Matriarch."

They depart after feeling the meeting to be productive. Jareld goes to the homeworld to invest on the cannery complex his father wants and Adrian goes to the palace after seeing him gone. Adrian in particular splits his time in finding a competent scientist and technicians to accept as retainers while working on taxation for the Empire. He also makes sure that his brothers house his taxed hardest for having so many fiefs.

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« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 03:01:56 pm by 3man75 »


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game (5/5 Players) IC-Thread
« Reply #74 on: December 20, 2014, 07:58:01 pm »

"Done," he said, satisfaction clear in his tone, "and done. The children shall be divided between our Houses according to the order of their birth, and they will be raised on both our worlds, at intervals of... A year? To allow both Houses to raise them. Of course, Al-Hazar will be pleased to grant you some estates on Mirrodan to allow you to visit the children when they are on our ground as often as you should wish, or to spend time with your future husband. Your doing the same would be appreciated... Keeping children separated from their parents for long cannot have a good effect on their upbringing, I suspect. Regardless, a pleasure doing business with you, Lady Alruna - I hope yours will be a fruitful and, with some chance, happy marriage."

He smiled, and for a moment he seemed genuinely glad.

"Wilhelm will be overjoyed. I suggest that the ceremony be held on Bastion, as my House approached yours, and as such it seems fitting that you may host it... But I will leave the decision up to you - I'm afraid I will not be able to attend, alas. The Empire requires my presence elsewhere.

Have a good day, milady."

And with that, he left.

A marriage is arranged between Wilhelm Al-Hazar and Alruna Morgarten.
The first child of the union will be a Morgarten heir, the second belonging to Al-Hazar, and so on.
The children are to be raised together, spending time alternatively on Mirrodan and Garthon III. As a gesture of courtesy, Alruna Morgarten is granted estates (much too small to make a fief, but not modest by any means) on Mirrodan and the right to enter and leave the world as she pleases, for the purpose of being able to visit her children while they are on the planet.
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