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Author Topic: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game 206-210 AD  (Read 10853 times)


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game 206-210 AD
« Reply #135 on: February 02, 2015, 10:10:38 am »

Aileen smiled at Seralt's praise, a ploy to put her off guard clearly but still it was nice to hear others sing praise to the House, even if they didn't quite mean it.

"We certainly had luck on our side in those early years, but the Church's fall on Si'kar was that fool of an Archon Luthias' work. By the time my grandfather turned on the Church lands to get that bastard's head he'd already fled with what few officials were still loyal to him, the general populace weren't happy with the man either so the Church's presence crumbled from there though I won't say we didn't speed it along in a few places when we had to. However I could bore you with my tales, and thoughts of that war all day Seralt, but we both know this meeting isn't meant purely for pleasantries, you think I can help you gain some more power for House Azores as the new power in the Imperial Domain.

What plans do you have for Azores' and Salyar's futures Seralt?"

Aileen was all smiles, and good graces as she was lead into the Emperor's study however the mood changed quickly as Valerian spoke and her smile quickly changed to a frown with a glare that would've made men of lower stature severely uncomfortable. She stared at the man for a few moments, how had she not noticed it this entire time? A Hartwing was the Emperor. A Hartwing had laid waste to Si'kar, and her grandfather had swore to find that man in whatever hell his soul fled to yet here she was. Here she was standing before that damned Archon's own son, the Emperor and the lord she'd finally allowed Salyar to kneel to.

"Hartwing. I am honestly surprised I didn't realize this before I decided to let my House become the vassal of the family that managed to bring our homeworld to ruin. The name is Aileen Salyar, Matriarch of House Salyar which rules part of the blasted hellhole your Father has made of Si'kar. I came to see of what use my family could be to the Emperor, but now I see we'll probably be needed to go glass another world, make it a deathworld and then leave without a glance to those dying on its surface."


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game 206-210 AD
« Reply #136 on: February 02, 2015, 11:18:15 am »

Alruna's return to Imperial space from the Triumvirate was quiet and understated, intentionally so.  She had kept herself in the loop with information from home as best as distances permitted, but her frustration was palpable at the recent disaster on Halo.  The one who was to be her husband, Wilhelm Al-Hazar, had been accosted on the street by common layabouts and ruffians, and even if he had made short shrift of them as an example to the others, it was unconscionable that such a thing could have happened to him on the streets of the capital.  Thankfully, the announcement of the Emperor seemed to indicate that he had his own interests in seeing the marriage cemented, and the opposition of the Church on Mirrodan did not seem to stretch to their militant and scholarly branches alike, who were both apparently content with House Morgarten's piety.  And there was certain...other news reports that had been passed to her.  The first steps towards a stable foundation in the Triumvirate seemed to be underway, and her departure from Trinity had been made with her administrative staff now one person larger.   She began writing out the first of her orders, gathering further information and preparing the groundswork for tasks to come. 


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game 206-210 AD
« Reply #137 on: February 02, 2015, 03:18:19 pm »

Valerian rose from his chair, his hands on the desk in front of him. He matched Aileen's stare with his own imperious frown.

"That will be 'Your Majesty'. 'My Lord' will suffice too. I gave you no leave to call me familiar. Remember that. Remember this as well - do not confuse me for my father, I am far more reasonable but also far more powerful, more so than he ever was."

He sat back down and with a motion of his hand offered her a seat.

"If you decide to be reasonable, you might help fix mistakes of the past. Your position within the Empire looks promising and I'd hate to see you waste your energy on conflict with me. Especially when you will be the only one losing."

"Now, Si'kar is in a dire need of rebuilding and I pledged imperial resources to it. I would be happy to name you the chief manager of the project, albeit with your input too. What say you?


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game 206-210 AD
« Reply #138 on: February 02, 2015, 07:16:40 pm »

"To be honest, I have no plan. I mostly go by ear." Seralt chuckled, before pressing on. "In all seriousness though, I think we could achieve a lot working together. Our houses combined hold the vast majority of the wealth that is produced within the empire, and thus, the foundation of the imperial treasury. And with that we could almost certainly use that influence to place either ourselves or a close family member at the head of an imperial fleet or two. Large imperial fleets at that.

Furthermore, I would assume it would be to both houses benefit if we were to arrange a marriage between two of it's members. I know my son Issradi could definitely use the oversight..."
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game 206-210 AD
« Reply #139 on: February 05, 2015, 05:48:47 pm »

Aileen gave Valerian a half smile as she took a seat.

"My apologies your Majesty, it would take a much braver person than me to go against your will, and a much stronger House than that of House Salyar. If you are offering to help repair my world then I must accept, my people would not stand for it if I were to decline such an offer, but before I take such a position from you I would ask you explain your plans for this rebuilding. One cannot blindly accept deals when so much relies on them my Lord."


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game 206-210 AD
« Reply #140 on: February 05, 2015, 06:02:23 pm »

"The general plan is to terraform Si'kar back into its original state, as much as possible that is. I've drafted plans and designated some resources to it, but Majority of it will rely on you, whereas additional Imperial resources can be committed. I can go as far as tax exemption for the planet if the income that otherwise would be tax was invested in the project."


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game 206-210 AD
« Reply #141 on: February 07, 2015, 01:20:20 pm »

"That would be simple enough, but terraforming won't be enough to restore Si'kar especially not given the fact that the current political climate is far from sound given that House Nova is likely wary of Salyar and its connections with Cr'tok. We might repair the planet my lord, but unless Si'kar is under one power block strife, and dissent will be rampant. So long as two major powers exist on Si'kar the world will never know a prosperous peace, my lord."

Aileen looked at Valerian with a glint in her eyes, she wouldn't ask it of the Emperor directly, but House Nova was a thorn in Salyar's side. A thorn that needed to be removed so that the true rulers of Si'kar may sit the throne ...


"Hmmm, I believe at least two of my daughters would be interested in such a marriage, Mona or Ryanne one would be more than happy to accept such a marriage I'm sure. Heh, the best part of it is before I joined the imperial domain I almost wished I'd had a few boys instead of daughters, but now as cruel as it seems my daughters are the best tool House Salyar has to work with Seralt. There was a lord on Si'kar long ago when House Nova was still small that said, 'To have fallen so low, and yet still be so far above the rest is to know the true nature of man.' Its a sad truth I must agree."


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game 206-210 AD
« Reply #142 on: February 07, 2015, 04:37:05 pm »

"Well, given that before Salyar rose, there was a major shortage among the greater houses. If anything, you could gain a fair bit of influence. Just bear in mind that some of the houses are rather... conservative in regards to how marriage should work.

In any case, these two daughters, mind telling me a bit about them?"
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game 206-210 AD
« Reply #143 on: February 08, 2015, 05:09:50 pm »

"Let's not get ourselves ahead in that regard. I need to know whether you are committed to the project. House Nova is of interest to us and we've made headway towards restoring them and repairing damage incurred on them by my father."

Valerian glanced at Aileen again and rubbed his chin.

"I realize that reconstruction will be difficult and that Salyar will need resources. There are several worlds that might bear mineral goods, recent Imperial exploration by House Al-Hazar revealed them. I'm sure I could grant your family colonial and mining rights to these worlds while you rebuild Si'kar."


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game 206-210 AD
« Reply #144 on: February 08, 2015, 06:02:58 pm »

"Of course I would be committed to such a project, anything to repair Si'kar so that my people are no longer forced to live in caves and bunkers because the surface is a death sentence to any who without enclosed habitats. As for these worlds you're offering me, I want none of them. They are not the worlds of our system, they are not the worlds that my people have looked to in the skies knowing that their families would one day sit upon. If you want to give me worlds my Lord then give me Sigma I, Sigma II and its moons, and the asteroid fields of Soma System. Give to us what is only my peoples birth rights, or 'give' us nothing.

From what I've heard you've traded away these planets that the people of Si'kar have rights to, I mean no offense your Majesty but we lived on Si'kar long before Al'hazar, or any other House aside from Nova itself. The other Houses have no rights to settle there as the people of Si'kar, House Nova, and House Salyar do. Don't offer me worlds that are systems away when there are those so near, and the right of my House that you could give in their stead."


"Oh where to start ... Lets see, there is my wonderful firstborn daughter Ryanne. She has a penchant for involving herself in businesses that others might find of questionable morality, but she does it well and it seems to fit her desire for dueling that has gotten her into so much trouble recently. She was actually wounded somewhat severely in a recent court duel by one of your own house if I remember correctly, one Ranult Azores which was quite surprising. I've not seen her lose many duels except to Keela, and that one fights like a woman possessed by some animal.

As for the second that would be my precious Mona, she's got a spot of luck more than the rest of our House if I had to be honest. She's probably the most likely to handle a marriage well, she's far less likely to go running off to duel everyone who so much as glances at her, I'd honestly prefer it if she were to marry your family since I always have the constant fear Ryanne's going to get herself killed in one of her damned duels ..."


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game 206-210 AD
« Reply #145 on: February 08, 2015, 06:20:37 pm »

"That's an interesting way of thinking, Aileen, but what has been given cannot be withdrawn, otherwise I would be violating the rights of Houses to claims that they have been granted, would you not agree? I know it must be quite unfair on you to see the situation as such, but you could trade with others for rights, potentially? If you see no merit in that however, I shall give you none, as you yourself said. I just want to make sure that you have been given an offer and a generous one at that. If you are sure that you would reject these rights then confirm it for me.

I want to make one thing absolutely clear - rights come with responsibilities and those have to be earned. In this empire, law is being made anew as the times demand and new precedents are being set up. You can invoke past times and make a case, that shall be judged before your Emperor but I advise cooperation."

Valerian smirked, observing the courageous display of this woman. Aileen was certainly of a desirable stock.

"I have a suggestion, that might make everything smoother - you have daughters and my brothers remain unmarried. If you were to cement your relationship with Imperial House, we could certainly talk in a much more familiar and friendly manner. Maybe that could smooth out few things and make a case in your favour."



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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game 206-210 AD
« Reply #146 on: February 09, 2015, 08:20:22 pm »

"Well, I believe a marriage between Mona and Issradi would be the most appropriate option, wouldn't you say?"
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game 206-210 AD
« Reply #147 on: February 10, 2015, 03:16:08 pm »

Aileen smirked as Valerian began to create opportunities for his own House. She had barely been in the Imperial Court for a week at most, and the speed at which others began to try and turn everything in their favor was somewhat comforting, at last she had a field of battle that didn't involve her getting shot at by some idiots who didn't realize that falling under the banner of House Salyar was the only prosperous choice.

"It would be an honor for one of my house to marry into the Imperial Family. However I have only my first daughter, and a cousin who would eligible for marriage. My sweet Mona has been promised to Issradi of House Azores, if one of your brothers would seek to marry Ryanne she would be most pleased for certain. The simple honor of getting to marry a sibling of the Emperor himself, it is the greatest honor my daughter could ever wish for."


"It would seem we both agree on that then, the marriage between Mona of House Salyar and Issradi of House Azores will be a greatly celebrated event by the people of Si'kar I should think. We've seen enough tragedy, and little enough happiness in the recent decades. What do you say Seralt, shall we start the preparations at once or should we wait for the oh, so holy Church to deem it a .... hmm how would those idiots put it? A 'moment from the very depths of Hell' worthy of the union of a Heretical House with House Azores?"

As Aileen finishes she lets out a short laugh, the marriage would be worth it that was for sure. Its been a full twelve years since she last got to shoot a member of the Church after all ...
« Last Edit: February 10, 2015, 03:17:54 pm by adwarf »


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game 206-210 AD
« Reply #148 on: February 12, 2015, 03:05:18 pm »

"Very well. i'm glad to hear that Aileen. I hope that the earlier misstep won't sour your mind about anything too much. seeing how my brothers still have administrative business to tend to, I won't rush anything, and Ryanne can spend some time around us. Don't leave Mona out of either, let the girl at least have some fun before the marriage business starts."

Valerian felt satisfied, at least somewhat. Salyar were Luthias' old foes, but at he same time, they were pragmatic. If there was anything they would follow, it was reason.


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Re: Imperial Splendour - A Rising Suns Game 206-210 AD
« Reply #149 on: February 13, 2015, 11:54:34 am »

"We should get the preparations under-way. Besides, I doubt the church would call it a moment of hell. Given the fact that I've basically pissed the church off in regards to secularising the empire, and that House Azores has never been a friend to the church. Rather, they'd call this the moment hell got it's shit together to start wreaking havoc upon it.

...I take it you heard about Adrian De Treming?"
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll
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