Link to download : the advent of the new major update to DF, I (perhaps foolishly) deleted my old mod folder as I expected massive raw changes. While they were numerous, they were not implacable. Truly, I was more concerned with new ideas than fixing old ones. This is where Korbac's Komplete Krossover Mod REDUX comes in.
Primarily adding familiar races and creatures into the Dwarf Fortress Setting, KKKM is designed to enchance the base game by basically adding more content in the form of sentient races. Currently we have :
Nyx (Dota / Dota 2) : A race of sentient beetles with the power to confuse others, with good sneaking skills. Cunning and villainous morals, but loyal to the Queen. They lay eggs - take this into account if playing as them.
Pimmons (Alien Nations) : Largish, blue - skinned humanoids who have a similar code of conduct to dwarves. They live in cities, however, and are larger, but retain a fairly similar social structure.
Kasvasgorians (Startopia) : A race of big, muscular, GGRRRRRRRRRHHHHH warriors who battle with their fists. Kasvasgorians are not particularly bright, but they are very strong and almost impossible for a normal human to kill. They are alcoholics. They possess their own brand of morality - for example, beating up another Gor is perfectly acceptable, but murder is punished by exile.
Protoss (Starcraft) : An ancient alien race that possesses a powerful energy shield and some rather OP weaponry, but with average physical attributes.
Things I need help with :
Currently, languages. I'm using the closest approximation of the current languages to suit a race best at current. If someone could point me to a good language generator, I'd be very grateful.
Credit to Putnam for answering all my goddamn questions and just generally being cool.