I spent the last month relaxing in my new stronghold of Coastalshins surrounded by my servants- it's former residence. My rest was interrupted by news some elf savage has launched an attack against the Realm of Tours. Once again I must teach them a lesson. As I prepared to depart one of my impudent slaves who apparently did something to make me injure her earlier accosted me.
Since she missed the point of our earlier lesson I explained again.
Afterwards I was very careful to ensure I was understood.
I understood it wasn't her fault she was from an uncivilized people and rather than kill her I accepted restitution in the form of her pet as travel rations.
One of the others took exception to this and she too was corrected.
When I arrived at Leagueshins the dwarven lady I appointed was presiding over the site but a nearby elf had dared to call itself militia commander.
It's been too long since I threw an elf out of a tree.
The guard captain was uninjured by the fall and died in a more boring fashion.
I don't understand how elves do business so I'm not really sure who I have to kill to make them stop being so annoying and insisting this site is still theirs. I elected to go tree to tree finding and punishing anyone who stood against us. I stumbled across a collection of wealth that I decided as rightful master of this place was illegal. There's a lovely silver whip that I believe I can have some fun with. I also there is a new queen in Voicdedvale. I think I'll pay her a visit.