1114, Moonstone 7
Kringle has decorated a well-crafted wooden bow with some gems stolen from
David has managed to cut and set gems and has produced 9 wands of light.
Erith has contacted something elves were not meant to know through communion with a lump of elven cheese so graciously given by the goblins.
Owen has produced 15 bars of iron.
Kringle has produced 15 wooden bows.
Zangu has tossed Vanilla Bone into the cell, slamming the door shut before the elves can do anything. Half an hour later, the scrawny goblin bursts in again to punish those who failed to produce goods.
Kringle hurls a rock at the goblin and ROCKETS at him, latching on to his face and beating him with a «-wooden bow-»!
Steve slashes at the goblin with a *wooden training sword*, bringing him down! Some elves have tossed the now-hovering
Erith at the goblin, but he is already down, and
Erith bounces back from the door.
The scrawny goblin gives in to pain.Kringle has created a masterwork wooden bow!David has advanced a level in gem setting!
Kringle has advanced a level in bowmaking!
The elves have now incapacitated a daily threat to their continued existence. What shall they do, considering that the scrawny goblin may have keys?
Output log
Cacame Lemonpie1 *? ? ? bone crafts*
2 +? ? ? bone crafts
4 -? ? ? bone crafts-
6 ? ? ? bone crafts
1 +bone armor+
1 -bone armor-
1 bone armor
1 xbone armorx
Urist McUrist5 iron bars
3 iron helmets
2 iron shields
"Cheesy" Erith2 silk mittens
1 silk jacket
1 xsilk jacketx
Grifishrulbin4 -«leather clothing»-
2 «-leather clothing»-
3 +«leather clothing»+
3 «leather clothing»
1 x«leather clothing»x
DavidKringle Goldentoes5 -wooden bows-
16 wooden bows
3 *wooden bows*
-1 -wooden bow-
+1 «-wooden bow-»
9 wooden bows
3 -wooden bows-
2 +wooden bows+
1 ☼wooden bow☼
Steve1 *wooden training sword*
1 *wooden training sword*
1 +wooden training sword+
2 -wooden training swords-
8 wooden training swords
1 ☼wooden armor☼
1 +wooden armor+
6 -wooden armor-
1 wooden armor
1 xwooden armorx
Everett Owen≡1 batch of crossbow bolts≡
5 iron bars
15 iron bars