1114, Moonstone 6
Erith: "Yah? Well if ya don't want to be made into cheese quit botherin' us and get back to work!"
The scrawny goblin has burst in once again, beating everyone but David and Owen. "I'm gunna start sendin' ya down if ya don't work!"
A few seconds after the scrawny goblin leaves, a big goblin flings a large yellowish lump at
David has made the bag large enough to squeeze two elves and given it some hypnosis ability, consuming seven total cut gems. There is not yet enough time to make a wand of light.
Owen has melted down five iron gauntlets, recovering five iron bars.
Owen has advanced two furnace operator levels!
Steve has crafted a masterwork wooden armor!Kringle has advanced a level in bowmaking!
Output log
Cacame Lemonpie1 *? ? ? bone crafts*
2 +? ? ? bone crafts
4 -? ? ? bone crafts-
6 ? ? ? bone crafts
1 +bone armor+
1 -bone armor-
1 bone armor
1 xbone armorx
Urist McUrist5 iron bars
3 iron helmets
2 iron shields
"Cheesy" Erith2 silk mittens
1 silk jacket
1 xsilk jacketx
Grifishrulbin4 -«leather clothing»-
2 «-leather clothing»-
3 +«leather clothing»+
3 «leather clothing»
1 x«leather clothing»x
David1 *cut gem*
1 +cut gem+
1 -cut gem-
7 cut gems
-1 *cut gem*
-1 +cut gem+
-1 -cut gem-
-4 cut gems
Kringle Goldentoes-wooden bow-
7 wooden bows
1 *wooden bow*
2 *wooden bows*
4 -wooden bows-
9 wooden bows
Steve1 *wooden training sword*
1 *wooden training sword*
1 +wooden training sword+
2 -wooden training swords-
8 wooden training swords
1 ☼wooden armor☼
1 +wooden armor+
6 -wooden armor-
1 wooden armor
1 xwooden armorx
Everett Owen≡1 batch of crossbow bolts≡
5 iron gauntlets
-5 iron gauntlets
+5 iron bars