Create a single Raw fundamental magic particle. Call It ether, and have it carry the following qualities:
"Contains an bottomless void on one side, and an infinite source of energy on the other, both of which function at a very slow rate.
Naturally attracted to Other particles, this attraction is not Compounding like gravity, a group of 100 Ether particles will attract with a force equivalent to 1 ether particle, but the range of this attraction does extend based on proximity,
These particles each hold a mote of sentience at the center, which is only noticeable when a large amount are in one place.
The sentience allows particles to rotate, causing them to exude or absorb more energy from around them.
How this should work in theory, is that the particles remain in an equilibrium, two positive sides will repel one another, as each one generates energy to force the other away, two negative sides would attract, creating a two sided particle that repels all but negative facing particles, and a positive and a negative side should attract, as the Void absorbs energy, and the natural attraction brings them together.
In short, Tiny particles with a positive and negative side and a hivemind like intelligence that only shows when many are together, which defies thermodynamics, like good magic should.
These would form strong balls which repel everything, except for negative facing particles, and long weaker strands of ether, created from particles facing the same direction, which could attract things, in theory anyway."