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Author Topic: old AOS main  (Read 18432 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD: [Age of Strife][Chapter 2][Turn 3: Into the cave we go!]
« Reply #60 on: March 04, 2015, 07:42:50 am »

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    Turn 3: Into the cave we go!

    Before you continue.
    • Alright, your inventories, skills and such should be updated now. Make sure to check it for any errors and keep checking it, since eventually I will make errors which will lead to…. misunderstandings of some sorts.
    • In the OOC thread, I've updated below the first post the links to the documents relevant to this RTD. Things such as lore, armor/damage and classes are linked there. Some of the things are still WIP though.
    • I've changed the naming of the rolls in the rulesheet, specifically the 5,6 and 7 roll to be more logical with the rest.

    Player/world actions

    World Actions

    No world actions.

    Player Actions

    Dwarmin (Leo Westerland)
    I looked at the rock lizard things, and mused to myself. "I want one. Can they be pets?

    Leo paused from sharpening his dagger with a whetsone.

    "If you want a pet that grows as heavy as a boulder, and never stops eating, sure. Don't worry-if you feed it, it'll never stop following you-they somehow can learn how to tell one person from another, maybe from the sound of your footsteps, I guess.

    And, they are good eating, if catch my drift. Flip one over, and pry off it's underparts and scoop out this greasy ball of white meat-you have to cook it really well, but murker meat is pretty tasty if you have the right spices, and about a day to stew it up right. It can make you sick if you're not careful...

    I wonder what they're doing here, though...supposing normal animals don't like Demons either, I guess...they seemed cold, gathering around fire like that...and bigger than usual. Maybe just a regional cousin? Or something else...I've got a bad feeling about what these things have been eating."

    He goes back to whetting his blade.

    Action: We move on to our objective, yes? Maybe after Salsa takes a pet.
    (-) With Ronald having tamed one of the lizards, you move onward further into the mountainside to find some clues which could lead you to the attacker.

    [Perception check, Requirement: 7 = 7! ,Reached!]
    You scour the mountains for clues, you find very little until you spot discoloration on some rocks in the distance. Ronald doesn’t seem to have noticed this so you attend him to it.

    You both walk over to it to see what it is. As you get closer a strong stench of rotten flesh fills the air. At the stone the discoloration is caused by blood, lots of it. It’s all around the stone and a trail of blood leads into the tunnel, hidden in the rocks. The smell is definitely coming from there, so there’s something there.

    But it’s time to find out, since  that’s what you will get paid for. You take one of the branches and make a torch with some rags. Ronald makes one as well. You light the torches, cover your face against the smell and slowly move into the cave. Ronald’s pet is clearly distressed as it doesn’t want to really follow you, but eventually it does. Stranger can’t follow you as the tunnel is too narrow and irregular for a horse. So he waits outside.

    It’s damp, warm, smelly and cramped as you move deeper trough the tunnel until eventually you exit and reach a vast cave. Some light coming through a crack in the ceiling illuminates some of the cave, revealing stalagmites and stalactites covering a large portion of the cave. Looking up there are also a lot of bats and some bird nests.
    On the ground there are small rats and varying insects feasting on the bat droppings or spiders on the rats.

    “We need to go further, keep your eyes peeled. The darkness can hide many things.”

    The trail leads deeper into the cave so carefully you tread into the darkness, occasionally hearing a crunch of a splattered bug. You walk until you stumble upon the corpse which the demons dragged with them and some loud crunching and growling. Your presence alerts the creatures feasting on the corpse, namely hellhounds. 7 of them to be exact.

    You quickly take a combat stance as the hounds rush forward.
    You are now in combat!

    You gained nothing.

    Blazing Glory (Katrianne Ellen)
    Automated action due to no action posted.
    (-) The things Lysander told are definitely of more help than what Baro told, but you don’t know much about magic as well. You understand some of the basic concepts and the popular magic types but beyond that, not much else.

    The mage however seems to know more, if Lyssander is right. Knowing where he possibly lives also helps since you finally got a start on the mysterious disappearances. You can see the tower in the distance, so you depart into the woods following the dirt paved road.

    The woods are what you’d usually expect: lushy green, wild animals walking all around you and the birds continuously tjirp in harmony. The weather is warm and the sun occasionally shines through the clouds, for a moment the forest ends with an open grassfield. Some doe’s are grazing on it and heed no mind to your presence, the stag however intensely observes you. He attempts to display his strenght and scare you away by hitting the ground, displaying his antlers and making sounds. Probably the pack leader. You don’t plan to do anything so you continue walking.

    A nice change of atmosphere. You pass the deer pack and as you get closer to the tower things get a little strange. You see patches of the forest bend in unusual ways. Not that it strangely grew, but as if the space there is bulged or bend wrongly. Animals pass through it unscathed but you don’t intend to take any risks. As you get closer the frequency of these space bends intensifies and they get bigger as well.
    The road starts heading up as you traverse the hill until you are finally near the tower. The road splits as there are crude stone steps to the tower. You make your way to the tower making sure that you don’t trip, here the next strange things shows itself. All kinds of items are scattered on the ground varying from kitchenware such as pans and bowls to books and toys. You check the items and most are in good condition, meaning these things were recently scattered.
    There are no signs of any struggle or accident, enforcing the strange placing of these things.

    The tower is build half inside the rock.
    You walk up to the door and call out for someone a couple of times with no response given. You try to open the door and surprisingly it’s not locked. Inside, it’s dirty. Books, dust, scribbles, foods, clothes and some rats make up most of the interior of the tower accompanied by a nasty smell. There are stairs leading down and up, there’s some light coming from the down stairs.

    You gained nothing.

    DarkArtemisFowl (Raphael Markaus)
    Raphael put his head on his hands while watching Ahrian move the jug. "Heh, the easiest part of that all is finding them in the dark. It's knowing where to start that's the problem." He mulls it over in his head before finally sighing and putting his hands up. "Alright, fine. We'll get a good night's rest, the both of us. We're still doing the night watch thing, though. I'm not letting us get killed in our sleep.

    You get some rest first, though. Like I said, I'll wake you when it's your time. In the morning, if we're not dead, we'll check the town out and see if we can find the baddies."

    Barricade any remaining entry points and have my gear ready to go in case of attack. Leave one window open to allow me to see during the night. Assuming we get any sleep, wake Ahrian about four to five hours in to have her watch for the rest of the night. Get some sleep myself after she wakes up.
    (-) You talk a bit with Ahrian but suggest that she should get some sleep before anything happens. Since only one will be sleeping, you shove the second bed to the door thus effectively blocking it and take watch at the open window.It’s pretty hard to see anything in the darkness but the occasional lighted torch or lamp illuminate some of the town.

    [Perception check, Requirement: 9 = 7! ,Failed!]
    For a few hours you observe the surroundings but see nothing of interest or danger. A drunk, some villagers, townguards and horse cart are some of the things you saw. The drunk actually passed out but was quickly picked up by presumably his friends.
    Since it’s about time that you get some rest you carefully wake Ahrian up. You carefully shake her.

    “Hey, wake up.”

    Ahrian slowly wakes up. She’s still sleepy but splashes some water on her face to refresh herself giving her the wake up call she needs.
    “Anything happen?”
    “No, not really. It’s your turn now.”
    “Ah, alright.”

    While Ahrian takes watch, you lay down and doze off into a well deserved sleep.

    Lenglon (Ahrian)
    "Okay, sleepie-time it is then."
    I drag the blanket off my bed and hide under it to change into an oversized shirt to sleep in. afterwards I throw it and myself back on the bed and curl up to sleep...
    followed by getting up out of bed again, drinking some more water, and then getting back in to sleep...
    followed by getting up again, this time looking for someplace to pee, and with the door blocked...
    I spend a few moments looking around, then head for the window.

    if Raph doesn't interfere: then I'm going to be opening the window, and looking around to see if there is anyone outside where they could see me. then I hop down, reducing gravity near the end for a safe landing, then run over to a secluded spot, either an actual outhouse or simply around to the side or back of the building, and relieve myself. I'll then hop back up to the window and re-secure it behind me. Once I'm done I go to bed, this time actually for the final time.
    (-)After arranging the first watch with Raphael you get to sleep first. You do your sleeping ritual and fall asleep only to awaken shortly and chug some more water and going back to sleep.

    You are awakened by Raphael telling you it’s your turn to keep watch. Though all that water has left you with the urge to pee. The door is blocked by the bed and too heavy to move. There’s a bucket in the corner, but…. that’s gross.

    Quickly you hear that Rapheal’s fallen asleep, seems he’s a fast sleeper or maybe he was just very tired. Either way, you can now sneak outside to do your need and return before he wakes up and he won’t be any wiser!

    You look out of the window to make sure that there are no passerbyes.
    [Casting roll: Reduce gravity(5)+(passive:1)=6! Success]
    You  then manipulate gravity in order to slowly fall to the ground and not get hurt in the process. You jump out of the window and like a feather you fall to the ground.
    You look around and see a dark alley, there are some boxes and barrels stashed away so you can hide behind those. You hide behind and a barrel, squat.. but then talking. You freeze up and take a peek as 2 men walk past the alley and the talking slowly becoming more and more quiet until it is no more.
    When all is quiet again, you quickly finish your business before anyone else shows up and walk out of the alley. You go back to the window you jumped out from and look around again. 2 spatial dashes should be enough.

    [Casting roll: Spatial Dash(3)+(passive:1)=4! Lesser Fail]
    You jump and feel some acceleration, but it stops and you fall to the ground. Dirtying your clothes a bit. You try again.

    [Casting roll: Reduce gravity( 8 )+(passive:1)=9! Epic Overshoot]
    You overcompensate vastly for this one. All goes well first but then it doesn’t stop accelerating and you shoot forward into the room through the window crashing on the wall and falling on Raphaels bed. Ouch.

    The crash makes a loud thud and the fall on Rapheal obviously wakes him up. He sees you on the bed.

    “What are you doing?”
    “Ehhh.. I tripped” You say nonchalantly with a smile.
    “I wanted to stretch my bones a little, and clumsily tripped.”
    “Aha. I see. Anything else happen?”
    “Nothing yet. You should go back to sleep again, I’ll be careful now.”
    “If you say so, but I think that you should get off the bed or do you intend to cuddle with me?”
    Ahrian blushes slightly and quickly gets off the bed, she returns to the window to watch outside as Rapheal turns around a bit and falls asleep again.

    “That was a close one.” Ahrian thinks.

    You gained 3/4 Novice Spatial Dash
    You gained 1/4 Novice Reduce Gravity

    Salsacookies (Ronald Bones)
    No action given after taming of pet! Taking Dwarmin’s turn as base!
    (-) You tamed one of the lizards, you aren’t quite sure of the name yet but it’s following you. You don’t know for how long but if Leo’s right, then he should stick for quite a while. Although you aren’t sure of his combat usefulness he’s probably great at detecting things with his tremor sense.

    With still having a job to do, you both move deeper into the mountain side. You look around and don’t see much, just all rocks.

    [Perception check, Requirement: 7 = 6!, Failed!]
    Yawn, you doubt that the demons would like just walk in the open.

    “Hey, there’s something over there. Let’s check it out.”

    You look at the direction Leo is heading to and do spot some reddish rocks, you’d have missed it if not for Leo. On the spot it’s clear the red is dried blood and the blood trail leading into the tunnel confirms this even further. You take a whiff of air only to receive the smell of death and rot.
    Normally people would have gagged or puked, but you had it worse. So you resist this urge.

    Leo makes a torch and you do too, he lights both and you head into the tunnel. Lizzy however doesn’t agree with that choice, as he frantically walks towards you and back. He probably doesn’t want you to enter, but you have a job to do. Eventually lizzy breaks his hesitation and follows.

    A short walk trough the cramp tunnels bring you to a vast cave. You both take a quick look around the cave. Whilst Leo is looking around, you fixate your eyes on a massive spider with mandibles munching on a rat. If not for the rare nature of spiders, you’d swear they would be demons too.

    Leo warns you to watch out, you grab your gun firm as you proceed further into the cave. A bit further into the cave, you can gear gnawing and crunching. The smell is also slightly stronger over there too.

    “There’s something over there. It’s eating.”
    “Yes, I can hear it too. Enjoying it’s meal probably.”

    Leo takes point and soon after you see the corpse, you see the creatures eating. They do not hesitate and charge pretty much instantly. 7 Hellhounds charge at you. Prepare for combat!
    You are now in combat!

    You gained nothing.

    Player Data

    Quote from:  Leo Westerland (Dwarmin)
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    Spoiler: Killboard (click to show/hide)

    Quote from:  Katrianne Ellen (Blazing Glory)
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    Quote from:  Raphael Markaus (DarkArtemisFowl)
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    Quote from:  Ahrian (Lenglon)
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    Quote from:  Ronald Bones (Salsacookies)
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    Spoiler: Lizzy (Rock Lizard) (click to show/hide)


    No one's dead yet!


    None here[/list]
    « Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 08:16:12 am by Mr.Zero »

    blazing glory

    • Guest
    Re: RTD: [Age of Strife][Chapter 2][Turn 3: Into the cave we go!]
    « Reply #61 on: March 04, 2015, 08:30:54 am »

    ((Agh, shoot, I'm always forgetting to post stuff in this.))

    ((Who's Lysander?))

    Check the titles of the books, afterwards go down the stairs.


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: RTD: [Age of Strife][Chapter 2][Turn 3: Into the cave we go!]
    « Reply #62 on: March 04, 2015, 08:40:48 am »

    ((Agh, shoot, I'm always forgetting to post stuff in this.))

    ((Who's Lysander?))

    Check the titles of the books, afterwards go down the stairs.

    The village head, the dude you spoke to.

    Baro have a wife? If he does, ask her if she knows of any strange animals, or wizard types, that may be in this region, and ask her if she can show me the animal tracks.

    If not, look for the village head and ask him about any wizard types.

    We also found some large animal footprints north of our village, we think that some beast wandered of the Terjan Wilds and crossed the river. But you will have to ask him."

    ((I wouldn't quote the mention of the animal tracks but since the breeder's name changed from Tamar to Baro I thought I might as well go ahead in case you might've forgotten.))

    You walk back to the village and ask around for their village head. They point you to a large wooden/straw house that stands out among the rest. There you speak with Lissander, the village head. He tells you that there was one circle mage that used to live around here, but when he failed to create his work he dissapeared. Lissander couldn't remember his name as he usually secluded himself and lived outside the village at the nearby mountain slope.

    You also asked about his 'work', all Lissander could tell that it had to do with what the scholars call: "Manipulation of Space and time or spacetime for short." He had no idea what it included but there were never any troubles just that there were periods of time where item dissapeared. Sometimes days inbetween and sometimes months, they disregarded is as petty thievery since quite a lot people pass trough here underway to the fortress and they caught one once.

    blazing glory

    • Guest
    Re: RTD: [Age of Strife][Chapter 2][Turn 3: Into the cave we go!]
    « Reply #63 on: March 04, 2015, 08:43:44 am »

    ((Agh, shoot, I'm always forgetting to post stuff in this.))

    ((Who's Lysander?))

    Check the titles of the books, afterwards go down the stairs.

    The village head, the dude you spoke to.

    Baro have a wife? If he does, ask her if she knows of any strange animals, or wizard types, that may be in this region, and ask her if she can show me the animal tracks.

    If not, look for the village head and ask him about any wizard types.

    We also found some large animal footprints north of our village, we think that some beast wandered of the Terjan Wilds and crossed the river. But you will have to ask him."

    ((I wouldn't quote the mention of the animal tracks but since the breeder's name changed from Tamar to Baro I thought I might as well go ahead in case you might've forgotten.))

    You walk back to the village and ask around for their village head. They point you to a large wooden/straw house that stands out among the rest. There you speak with Lissander, the village head. He tells you that there was one circle mage that used to live around here, but when he failed to create his work he dissapeared. Lissander couldn't remember his name as he usually secluded himself and lived outside the village at the nearby mountain slope.

    You also asked about his 'work', all Lissander could tell that it had to do with what the scholars call: "Manipulation of Space and time or spacetime for short." He had no idea what it included but there were never any troubles just that there were periods of time where item dissapeared. Sometimes days inbetween and sometimes months, they disregarded is as petty thievery since quite a lot people pass trough here underway to the fortress and they caught one once.

    ((Ah, sorry about that.))

    ((Would explain why the search button for Lysander wasn't working.))


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: RTD: [Age of Strife][Chapter 2][Turn 3: Into the cave we go!]
    « Reply #64 on: March 04, 2015, 08:54:35 am »

    ((Agh, shoot, I'm always forgetting to post stuff in this.))

    ((Who's Lysander?))

    Check the titles of the books, afterwards go down the stairs.

    You walk over some of the books looking at the titles: Magical Energy Conversion Theory, Tales of Melandir, Summoning Circle Deciphered, Handbook vor Magic novices, Dimension Magic Theory, Theory of Time and space.

    Lots of books regarding magic. Seems the one living here really likes magic and is a huge slob. You make your way down the spiral stairs. You hear some sounds from the depths, as you get closer they sounds become clearer. They are cow moo's. The one reponsible for the dissapearance of the cows is here, with the cows. You finally are at the bottom of the stairs in what seems to be a dungeon refurbished into a laboratory. It's messy here as well and the scribblings and drawings are not read-able due to the complexity. On some of the tables are glowing stones, powders and tonics currently in the brew and on the shelves atop there are the ingredients used for them. Gems, Minerals, Organs, eyes, leaves and herbs presumably.

    A door leads further into the mountain. Towards the direction the cow moos are coming from, besides them you also hear a human voice. You try to listen to what he or she is saying but the mix of cow sounds and the distance make it impossible to understand what the person currently is saying.

    blazing glory

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    Re: RTD: [Age of Strife][Chapter 2][Turn 3: Into the cave we go!]
    « Reply #65 on: March 04, 2015, 09:11:44 am »

    Enter through the door.


    • Bay Watcher
    • Where do we go from here?
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    Re: RTD: [Age of Strife][Chapter 2][Turn 3: Into the cave we go!]
    « Reply #66 on: March 04, 2015, 09:14:44 am »

    "Behind me!" Leo commanded, his spear preparing to lash out at the nearest hell-dog.

    Action: Use my shield and spear to keep the dogs from getting close to Roland. Poke them liberally! Also, anything interesting I can recall about Hellhounds at the moment?
    Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

    "The hats never coming off."


    • Bay Watcher
    • Everyone cries, the question is what follows it.
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    Re: RTD: [Age of Strife][Chapter 2][Turn 3: Into the cave we go!]
    « Reply #67 on: March 04, 2015, 09:32:31 am »

    maintain reduced gravity on myself so I can move around without making the floor all squeaky, and watch and listen for bad things.
    ((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: RTD: [Age of Strife][Chapter 2][Turn 3: Into the cave we go!]
    « Reply #68 on: March 04, 2015, 09:52:34 am »

    Take cover behind my giant lizard, and begin to take aim and fire at the hellhounds
    Yep, the sig is here
    Whoops. Well, shit. Typical salsacookies.
    I don't need my cavities checked. I just went to the dentist! Ba-dum-tiss.
    I am a Christian


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: RTD: [Age of Strife][Chapter 2][Turn 3: Into the cave we go!]
    « Reply #69 on: March 04, 2015, 10:21:19 am »

    Enter through the door.

    You open the door and enter a tunnel. It's strangely carved out but not by hand. At the end you enter a cave, carved out in the same style as the tunnel but this cave is truly huge and extends very deep into the mountain. Small dots of light fly around illumating the darkness. Magelight. One of the most basic spells any mage knows, create a source of light which draws power from something. If the source is big enough they can exist near indefinitly.

    The cows moo at your coming. They're scattered around the cave. They seem to be healthy and under no distress except that they aren't out in the open. They got bails of hay to eat showing that the person somewhat cares about them.

    You walk deeper into the cave and see all kinds of items. Floating glowing stones suspended by magic, circles drawn on the floor and walls, caged creatures like dogs, rats and cats. In the distance you see a human. Frantically jumping all around the place, muttering to himself. He takes no notice of your presence or he chooses to ignore you. He seems to be working around one of the distortions you saw earlier, this one is no see trough however.

    "Not enough power, need stronger source. Amplify mana explusion, might make stronger." He says as he runs over to a crystal, holding a scroll and then reading the scroll aloud. You don't understand anything of what he says, though it does something as the portal start pulsating.

    "Bad, Very bad. Portal not stable, Mana collapsing, need to stabilize." He madly shouts, while grabbing different objects and throwing them into the portal. He also throws a live rat into the portal, which re-appears from your right, around 8m in the air after 5 or so seconds. You catch it and put it down. The portal stops pulsating.

    "Portal Stable, can resume work. Output location... Not sure, impossible to pinpoint location. Need more research." He softly says while running to a nearby table filled to the brim with books and scrolls. He shuffles the scrolls and start reading and writing stuff down.


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: RTD: [Age of Strife][Chapter 2][Turn 3: Into the cave we go!]
    « Reply #70 on: March 04, 2015, 10:41:51 am »

    maintain reduced gravity on myself so I can move around without making the floor all squeaky, and watch and listen for bad things.

    You attempt to reduce your gravity again to move trough the room without waking up Raphael.

    [Casting roll: Reduce gravity(5)+(passive:1)=6! Success]
    You float up and hover around the room, sometimes popping your head out to see what's up. You perform some neat acrobatics in the air and then look around again. You see a brown with white spots dove in the window opening. You slowly float over to it and see that it has a small note wrapped around it's legs. Surprisingly the dove doesn't fly as you approach, so you unwrap the note.

    "You're being watched, come to the cloth shop at noon."

    The dove then flies away.


    • Bay Watcher
    • Everyone cries, the question is what follows it.
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    Re: RTD: [Age of Strife][Chapter 2][Turn 3: Into the cave we go!]
    « Reply #71 on: March 04, 2015, 11:25:22 am »

    maintain my low-grav vigil the rest of the night
    ((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))

    blazing glory

    • Guest
    Re: RTD: [Age of Strife][Chapter 2][Turn 3: Into the cave we go!]
    « Reply #72 on: March 04, 2015, 07:58:38 pm »

    Kick the table to get his attention.

    "Why do you need a bunch of cows?"


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: RTD: [Age of Strife][Chapter 2][Turn 3: Into the cave we go!]
    « Reply #73 on: March 05, 2015, 03:23:13 am »

    Kick the table to get his attention.

    "Why do you need a bunch of cows?"

    You walk up to him and kick the table.
    "Why do you need a bunch of cows?"

    He looks at you.
    "Would you not do that? Valuable research, very fragile."

    He goes back to scribbling on some scrolls.
    "The cows? Unfortunate accident. Portal probably open near cows, cows go in, portal close, cows stuck. Luckily they're friendly, also feed cows, dead animals not troublesome but unpleasant to other animals. Cannot release cows, stairs too small, so cows stuck. Go into portal? Bad choice, see what happen to rat? May happen to cow, destination uncertain."

    He has a point, but leaving the cows here is not a option.

    blazing glory

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    Re: RTD: [Age of Strife][Chapter 2][Turn 3: Into the cave we go!]
    « Reply #74 on: March 05, 2015, 05:46:35 am »

    Katrianne grimaced.

    "Is there anything you can do to make the portal more stable?"
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