SNES: Chaos. Freaking. Seed. Needed to get that out of my system. That game is gorram
The super robot wars games. Didn't you say you hadn't played them yet, Guni? You have some on all three mentioned systems, even! You need to go play those. They're some of the most wonderful fanfiction ever professionally produced.
If you've yet to do ogre battle, go do ogre battle. SNES or PSX version, whatever. Bahamut Lagoon, perhaps. The langrisser games... they're on both the SNES and the PSX, iirc, and fantranz'd over the years.
Chaos World is a bit older (NES era) but also pretty neat.
This was also pretty darn awesome.
I think you've played the old Front Mission stuff? If not,
definitely do Gun Hazard.
Liva-a-Live? Monstania is an alright little SRPG.
This. Thi-- actually, just [blegh, editing] check out aeon genesis translation project. Most of the[ir] completed projects are some variation of golden.
GBA, I'm not sure there's terribly much worth mentioning that aren't obvious, ha. Dragon Quest Monsters, maybe. Perhaps check out Oriental Blue -- it's a fantranz'd one that's pretty solid, from what I remember of playing it. The Summon Night games, if for some reason you missed them.
If you're willing to go to other systems,
this was a pretty neat little gamegear game.
Bunch of PSX stuff probably worth mentioning I've forgotten about. Bunch of a lot of stuff worthy of mention I've not mentioned/forgotten. But those are some nice places to start. And, as always, I recommend skimming through a list [squelch] of translated games, as per the obvious major translation website asked not to be mentioned. It's not a guaranteed thing, but it's fairly likely that if someone's gone through the trouble of translating a game, they think it's worth playing.
E: *grumbles vaguely*