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Author Topic: Mansionquested: Seven Dwarves in Exile  (Read 3884 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Mansionquested: Seven Dwarves in Exile
« on: November 23, 2014, 10:07:14 pm »

In the year 250, a young administrator and aspiring politician by the name of Stukos Boulderbreach made the unfortunate decision to make some less-than-flattering remarks about the mayor of the capital. These remarks eventually made their way to the ear of the mayor, who decided to write a few letters to the aristocracy. Two days later, gold belonging to the nobility was found in the possession of Boulderbreach, who was promptly arrested. Found guilty by a trial before the queen, Boulderbreach was sentenced to a thirty-year exile to The Dune of Armor, a desert located on the small, uninhabited island The Praised Land.

She, along with six peasants found guilty of petty theft, would be left on the island, confined to an area designated by the government of The Clear Chambers as "Mansionquested." A supply caravan would arrive yearly, as would the outpost liaison, but there would be no other relief, no more help, no more dwarves for all of the thirty years they would live on the island. As the boats set off for The Praised Lands, everyone from The Clear Chambers wondered whether or not the seven prisoners would ever again make it back to civilization.

Essentially, I will be playing a game of Dwarf Fortress with the population capped at seven; no migrants will ever come. I will make write-ups—usually in journal form—of the gameplay in such way that will hopefully not bore anyone. If this actually progresses to a good point, I'll take suggestions of what to do, but for now I'll be making my decisions independently. Until then, let's see if a party of seven can form an outpost worthy of a king!
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mansionquested: Seven Dwarves in Exile
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2014, 10:32:38 pm »

The imperial navy of The Clear Chambers—if one could even call it by such a name—was largely an unimpressive sight. The fleet of boats—not ships by any means—that moved through the waters were little more than rowboats. There were, in total, nine of them: six for carrying the peasant prisoners, who were forced to row under the supervision of a guard; two as guard-boats, one of which carried a small wagon, the other, the animals; and one "flagship" which was merely a slightly larger rowboat. On it stood the outpost liaison and the general of The Clear Chambers, along with a couple guards and a recruit to do the rowing. The liaison looked at the hunched dwarf sitting aft, and approached her carrying several documents.

"Stukos Boulderbreach," the liaison began," I have here the list of supplies and men you have to begin your 'expedition.'"

Boulderbreach did not respond. She sat quiet, gazing tiredly at the ropes which bound her arms together. The liaison did not wait too long for a response, and showed her the list of supplies nontheless.

"You have been supplied with seven picks did strike the earth, and one axe to fell the trees. In addition, you have been supplied with a reasonable amount of food, drink, and seed. Building supplies, as well as basic equipment, have also been provided to you. The crossbow and bolts are for hunting."

"And the training sword?" asked Boulderbreach with undisguised anger.

"Consider it a friendly joke from the nobility.

"Examining the experience of your party, I've come to the conclusion that none of you are prepared for this."

"Mark my words, when you come to pick me up in thirty years, you'll find an outpost better than the Mountainhome!"

"I'll be waiting Stukos. By the by, you have also been supplied with a journal and with writing supplies, so you'll have something to do other than waste away under the hot sun.

"But now, it is time to rest. To-morrow, we will have reached the shore, and you six will set off."
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mansionquested: Seven Dwarves in Exile
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2014, 10:43:35 pm »

Looks good so far.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mansionquested: Seven Dwarves in Exile
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2014, 10:48:44 pm »

And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mansionquested: Seven Dwarves in Exile
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2014, 11:00:54 pm »

1st Year, 14th of Granite:

Our wagon has reached the site that they have chosen for us to die in. There isn't much here, just sand, grass, a few trees, and a pond or two. Hardly a cradle for civilization, but I suppose that's exactly why this was the place chosen.

As soon as we had disembarked from the wagon, I made it quite clear to my workers that they could consider me both leader and sheriff of our outpost, and thus I was essentially the law personified for the upcoming thirty years.

Then grabbed a pick and ordered everyone else to do the same. If we are to endure thirty winters here, we'll need a place to live. It is time; strike the earth!
« Last Edit: November 23, 2014, 11:11:57 pm by Gnorm »
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mansionquested: Seven Dwarves in Exile
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2014, 04:51:46 am »



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Re: Mansionquested: Seven Dwarves in Exile
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2014, 05:15:00 am »

The first two migrant waves are hard-coded. Your pop cap of 7 won't stop them from coming.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mansionquested: Seven Dwarves in Exile
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2014, 12:02:44 pm »

The first two migrant waves are hard-coded. Your pop cap of 7 won't stop them from coming.
IIRC, this MAY be true.  However, the strict pop cap will, if you set it for the first year and then remove it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mansionquested: Seven Dwarves in Exile
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2014, 11:25:50 pm »

1st Year, 1st of Hematite:
Spring is over; we've made it to Summer. I can tell that the peasants feel a slight twinge of pride knowing that, considering their collective lack of experience, they've actually survived a season away from civilization. I for one am not going to let myself get cocky over such an early accomplishment; our struggle has only just begun.

We've dug out large rooms for stockpiling of our goods, a task which is still incomplete. At first, I thought it was out of generosity that the government gave us so many barrels of drink, but now I'm beginning to think that it was just to stall our progress by having the six peasants stay preoccupied with lugging around the barrels.

Whilst the peasants were carrying the supplies inside, I was hard at work making tables, chairs, and doors in the workshops. At first, they seemed—for some reason—angered that I refused to help them lug around barrels of rum, but their complaints were silenced when they began to have chairs to sit upon. We've also begun preparing to slaughter our horse, and I'd like to have every part of it be put to use: meat, bones, fat, hair, &c.. The ass, being female, can provide us with milk and cheese; the horse, presently, just takes up space.

The peasant's dining hall has been set up, and it currently serves as our meeting hall. Conveniently, it is right across from my own office, in which I place my table; no need to eat with the peasants.

I must confess that I actually have two tables and two chairs. I didn't think it was much of a problem, but apparently one of the peasants did, he confronted me about it.

Peasant: "Why do you get two tables and chairs when the rest of us only get one each?"

Me: "Well, it's all a matter of symmetry."

Peasant: "What?"

Me: "Well, the entrance to my office is two spaces wide, so if I had only one table it would look awkward and uneven."

Peasant: "Is that really important now?"

Me: "Important enough for me."

If memory serves, the peasant just groaned and left after that. I don't think that these peasants were ever formally educated, seeing as they don't seem to comprehend the importance of symmetry.

Our jail is right next to my office. Mostly built to send a message to the peasants, it presently consists of a rope and a wooden door. It's hardly what I'd use for a raging lunatic, but it's the thought that counts, I suppose.

Apparently, plump helmets grow just fine in the sand. We have a small farm to grow food, so hopefully we won't have a problem in that regard.

I'm going to try to get some traps set up. I didn't see any myself, but a couple of the peasants reported seeing a giant desert scorpion crawling about outside. From what little I know about such exotic creatures, getting stung by one doesn't tend to lead to a long life.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mansionquested: Seven Dwarves in Exile
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2014, 10:25:00 pm »

Pretty good storytelling you've got going on here. Eagerly awaiting more reports.
Our forward thinking overseer at the time devised a way in which werebeasts can live in peace with other dwarves by utilizing the mysterious magical properties of soap!

Quote from: PsychoAngel on January 19, 2016
Don't worry. I've got extremely volatile exploding fish.
My friends and I say a lot of fun things to each other.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mansionquested: Seven Dwarves in Exile
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2014, 12:49:15 am »

1st Year, 25th of Hematite:
The hauling jobs are being finished up, so we're currently in the process of moving to jobs focused on: a) security, b) comfort, or c) trade. We breached a couple more layers of earth to find chalk, and a few boulders of it were obtained for our use.

If we're going to set up the traps to ward off, kill, or capture the beasts that would do us harm, we'll need rock mechanisms. Thus, I ordered a shop set up with a first set of mechanisms to be made.

I also had a craftsdwarf's workshop set up, and have ordered the peasants to make crafts out of our surplus wood.

If the government is true to her word, she'll send a trade caravan to us sometime in the Fall as a sort of "relief." Of course, considering our present situation, I don't think that the traders will be willing to give us any discounts; we'll need a good number of trade goods if we want anything of use.

The bedrooms have all been dug out, and everyone here now has a bed to sleep in. I gave everyone a choice of where they wanted to sleep, though I naturally got the first pick.

The same peasant as before questioned me on my symmetry, and I was forced to repeat my lecture. It's not necesarily that I want two beds. I just need them both to maintain the aesthetic quality of the outpost—I certainly don't mind having two beds, though.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mansionquested: Seven Dwarves in Exile
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2014, 05:47:11 pm »

1st Year, 11th Galena:
The first security installations to our outpost are finally finished. We have four lockable hatches atop our stairways, and four traps rigged to catch any hostile creature within a sturdy, wooden cage—made by yours truly, of course.

In other news, we slaughtered the horse, and we're currently trying to use as much of him as we can. His bones and hoofs are being used to make crafts, his hairs are being used to make thread, and his fat is being used for tallow. Under our present conditions, we can't afford to waste anything.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mansionquested: Seven Dwarves in Exile
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2014, 06:07:08 pm »

1st Year, 25th of Galena:
I was walking through our stockpiles to-day, trying to get a sense of what we had achieved as the season closes, when I came across an interesting object laying amidst our furniture.

I asked the peasants why they had made such a foreboding object, and they responded that it was meant to be the box that I had ordered, but their lack of experience "twisted the shape a little," until it became more of a coffin. I told them too make a new box, and I'll be selling this coffin when the traders come; I hope we won't need any coffins in this outpost.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2014, 04:05:20 pm by Gnorm »
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mansionquested: Seven Dwarves in Exile
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2014, 01:00:38 pm »

And any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction: 'I served in the Assaulted Lanterns Magma Artillery' - King Id I of the Assaulted Lanterns


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mansionquested: Seven Dwarves in Exile
« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2014, 04:05:04 pm »

1st Year, 11th of Limestone:
I took a walk this morning, and I was met with quite a surprise.

The ships must have landed last night, whilst we were all asleep. I ordered the peasants to drag all of our crafts up to the make-shift depot I had built a few weeks back in anticipation of this arrival. Being the most experienced in diplomacy, I'll be handling the trading myself. There is one dwarf, however, with whom I am not looking forward to meeting: the liaison.

Regarding the game itself, I'm still playing version 0.40.18. Are saves for this version compatible for the new release, and are edits to the raws necessary?
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.
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