Also, ideas are welcome on how to implement/improve various parts of UI (although for now I'm keeping things closer to the original UI for number of reasons). For example we can finally make military screens understandable, and I need to do something with labour management - nobody likes the vanilla df way to do this, but DT/dwarf manipulator-style tables are too bid for small screens.
Dwarf Therapist tables would work on iPad.
Here's an idea for a labors menu to get the discussion started:
Labor MenuLists the names of all labors and the number of dwarves that have that labor enabled on rows. When you press on a labor it goes to the next menu.
Labor Menu -> Labor DwarvesLists all dwarves with that labor, as well as their profession. When you press on a dwarf it goes to the next menu.
Here you can also Add or Delete dwarves. Deleting a dwarf will disable the labor for that dwarf.
Adding a dwarf will take you to the Dwarf Selector menu.
Labor Menu -> Labor Dwarves -> Dwarf LaborsLists all the labors the dwarf has enabled.
You can delete labors here, which will disable the labor. You can also add labors, which will take you to the Labor Selector menu.
Labor Menu -> Labor Dwarves -> Dwarf SelectorLists all dwarves and their profession. Pressing a dwarf will enable the labor for that dwarf. Swiping the row will take you to the next menu.
(There's probably better ways to do the actual inputs.)
Labor Menu -> Labor Dwarves -> Dwarf Selector -> Dwarf Labors (no options)Lists all enabled labors for that dwarf. No options to add or delete.
Labor Menu -> Labor Dwarves -> Dwarf Labors -> Labor SelectorLists all labors and the number of dwarves that have that labor enabled. Pressing a labor will add the labor to the dwarf. No other options.
You could also do a similar menu structure but starting from selecting individual dwarves.
I don't know if it's possible, but being able to edit and assign custom templates for labors would really help too.