Probably not in yet because pw never gave us a real write-up himself. Did he ever give a cost?
And I do wonder what to do about Hep if Maurice does bite the dust. Do a recruitment drive to fill its ranks? Or let it go and have it run in the background via gm proxy?
I've asked about it in the tinker thread. I'll go hunt for those quotes when someone is there to receive that info.
But basically, it relies on some sort of vibration effect and can teleport things as long as they are not too large, complex or made out of many different materials (because then the vibrations fail for some reason, probably interference. Might want to look into if that extremely good vibrator we have can help with that. Maybe vibrator bullets could vibrate easily enough to allow them to be used on space combat to bypass defensive automanips). It can transport small things small distances with relative ease, but it requires someone smart/good with calculations to operate it because it's rather complex. As size, distance and complexity get larger, it requires more and more energy, meaning that it could potentially run better out of a more powerful generator if one is available (hook it up to a battlesuit or other vehicle) or utilise existing power sources (like blue-rad cells or laser rifle batteries).
However, we currently lack the levels of power necessary to make them feasible for long range transport or space-ship combat. The energy they need at that point is probably better spent on a laser. One exception is Void Ships (or maybe automated Void Mines, if they would be more efficient). Those near-invisible automanipulator-drive-equipped ships can easily get in teleport range of another vessel and than either bypass its armour and fill it with explosives or other nasty chemicals or, if we can get the teleporter to work with sufficiently advanced robots or create a swarm of small, easily-teleportable robots, try to take over the ship. And, assuming our space magic factory is finally up and running, we can now start pumping them out in bulk, since we have those people we captured on the Q'baja diplomacy mission and whatever genetic material we have requested from Q'baja.
One of the things we haven't tested is if automanipulators and other space magic can be transferred, so that one can fire a grav-shell with it, bypassing armour. We could also check if we can impart momentum on things, so it can act as a sort of telefrag shotgun (instead of having to teleport a rock in someone's brain, you teleport a rock that breaks up like a shotgun blast close to someone's brain).
And sure, if they don't make it, we could just recruit any people who want to go there instead of going on mission. I'm certain we could find a few tinker addicts if we searched around the trashcans outside the Wrec Room.