Final candidates seem to be Doomsday, The Ram and Haebi acid. Which one is superior in terms of getting shit melted, the ram or haebi?
Assuming a standard canister size, whatever that happens to be, what would be canister prices? I don't want to jerk off other guys' shapeshifting arms.
Standard canister 'size' is 10 uses. One could use larger ones, of course, or even attach a tube leading to a big tank filled with whatever fitted on the back, but enough volume 10 normal uses per 1 token refill has been used up till now.
Also, I did research into using strong acids/bases/liquid helium/anomalous melting mustard gas/modified sharkmist and the like as chem thrower ammo before, and pw mentioned the tubing of the thrower would also need to be reinforced to handle very corrosive chemicals/substances (but would otherwise be able to do it). We might be able to have the thrower get that 'upgrade' without having to pay extra though.
Then again, he may have forgotten entirely about it even needing it as well :v
((The Gurney is most likely not being considered at all, currently. You didn't bold your post in this thread, so PW didn't see it, and you never specifically asked the Council to review it in either thread.
The Council is a group of (mostly anonymous) players, led by Radio, which PW trusts with balancing and pricing. To my understanding, which may be flawed, they finalize all the game-mechanic stuff; Piecewise deals with everything else. Essentially, PW decides whether it works, and how it works, while the council decides how well and at what price.
PW will only respond to bolded questions posted in this thread; he does not read Heph OOC, for health reasons. The Council will generally see and respond to (preferably bolded) questions posted in either this or the Heph OOC thread. The council seems to be somewhat less reliable than PW, although that speaks more of PW's insane dedication than any flaw on their part. Also, most of their discussion goes on in secret, so it's not really obvious when they're talking about what, and whether or not they've forgotten about something. Periodic requests for updates aren't a bad idea if you're talking to the council. Also, they're slower than PW due to being consensus based, rather than ass-pull based.
I honestly don't know how much Tinker is supposed to be discussed directly with the Council--They primarily operate at PW's request, but seem to be fine with direct questions. Radio's almost certainly reading this, so if we're lucky he'll chime in.
Aside from questioning the council, Heph OOC is also useful for questioning other players. We'll generally be all too happy to discuss practicality of designs, suggest what they might cost, suggest improvements, or answer questions about old materials and equipment. We've got far more knowledge than is on the wiki, which I should really try to remedy.
In general, we prefer to keep as much discussion out of this thread as possible, so that it's easier to search it for statements from PW. So, again, any response should be put in Heph OOC. I'm only responding to you here to make sure you see my post.))
As you indicated, getting an idea with pw of whether something works and other technical aspects is good. A rough price range can also help, especially if it's for something totally new or 'exotic'. Then presenting the council with a write-up of the relevant data will lead to us discussing it for a while, we then try to come to a consensus/agreement in terms of price and such and report back, and after some more back and forth between us and the tinkerer if needed you should have a new armory-ready item (possible Hep admittance notwithstanding). We do other things as well, such as looking into/reviewing/giving advice about things if pw asks it, or helping a tinkerer with something upon request.
And yeah, we can be slower than pw, but that's the price you pay for having things be actually discussed and considered rather than spur-of-the-moment gut feeling. Means we should be more consistent, if nothing else.
(Note that some council members are kinda busy in rl for the moment, so proceedings are going a bit slow, but one can still put things before us.)