@Kri's Hephaestus Science page
Sorry for the near unreadability of the Heph page. I made most of the structure of that page as-needed, and I guess it's ended up being a bit of a mess. Despite that, please don't overhaul the Heph page itself without PMing me or something first; A good amount of it is organized for me to easily update, and it would be nice to not have things changed without warning. I do agree that it should be improved though.
Thanks for the research page. Would you mind if I change it to be less of an overview, and more of a central data dump for the materials? Or do you think that would be better on a different page? I just think it would be nice to have all the relevant information for, say, hexbug or sharkmist, on a single wiki page. Right now all the info is spread across a bunch of unconnected links and posts.
@BB guns
These are all good and seem mostly balanced, but I have two concerns. First, shouldn't they all have more options for intensity? I see no reason the rifle shouldn't be able to fire at standard lasrifle power when needed. Second, could we add something like a 'Blaster Carbine', which outright replaces the old laser rifle? Or possibly downgrade the blaster rifle to replace it? I'm not sure about other people, but I dislike how the armory is progressively cluttered with more and more varied weapons, and old things are virtually never removed. It's probably really overwhelming to a newbie, not to mention that we keep stuff which is essentially worthless for us now (like the gauss cannon or tesla arc).
I was under the impression that we'd move the planetary mass afterwards, somehow. PW initially said we could put it on Heph's surface, so it must be mobile.
Also we're building it on an asteroid sitting in a lagrange point near Heph. The one that's colinear with the sun and planet, but not between them. L5 or L3 I believe. Nope, checked and we're actually putting it on a moon. Apparently I didn't record which moon. Oops.