I'm slowly growing the highly uninformed thought that eventually DF will cease to function before "1.0" is realized.. I'm just not so sure I care where the army that just attacked me came from, even if I were able to trace their movement through Legends, or to research the squad commander and find out his son was kidnapped by the opposing army and is now their leader..
I dunno.. I may not muster up the eloquence I need, here.. :> For now it feels like every siege can be handled with the exact same tactics, and it barely matters who is out there needing killed.. Just with the enhanced fruit/plant set-up, its easier than ever to just close the gate and ignore attackers.. It always makes me think of Terraria and their "clown" enemy, who had the unique power of being able to destroy things you built.. That clown had the power to strike fear into your heart, and enough people complained about fear so that now the clown bombs cannot destroy blocks (and as a result I view the clown as.. well, a clown!)
Not saying we complained the fear out of DF, at all! Just saying that recent updates have enhanced survivability while adding little-to-no new danger elements to the game.. For instance, now that food production is quite a bit easier, maybe its time to consider implementing that food-rot/preservation mechanic fully.. or maybe try to get rising water levels added back in..
A part of the "I'm SAFE!!" feeling a lot of players have had recently could be due to a lack of danger in the natural world.. Somewhere I suggested 'animal migration' swarms, where a herd of randomized-yet-plausible animals (wolves, bears, keas, snakes, birds, anything, really..) enter and cross the map from east-to-west/west-to-east or north-south/south-north, like they're migrating across.. I'm sure other things are coming later on, like on-site sabotage, but for now I think DF balance is thrown off by an overly large influx of "good" content..
We need more evil :> Ah, and its always nice to keep options available for setting up a fully peaceful world (or fully psychotic world), just to cater to that play style..