I just realized we only have 2 battles left in the round, but Christmas is looming. I'm going to say let's start the next round so that if people happen across each other over the next week or so you'll have something to do.
Round 5:Here are the route lists for round 5:
10 Caterpie
11 Metapod
12 Butterfree
13 Weedle
14 Kakuna
15 Beedrill
25 Pikachu
26 Raichu
39 Jigglypuff
40 Wigglytuff
43 Oddish
44 Gloom
45 Vileplume
46 Paras
47 Parasect
48 Venonat
49 Venomoth
54 Psyduck
55 Golduck
58 Growlithe
59 Arcanine
60 Poliwag
61 Poliwhirl
62 Poliwrath
69 Bellsprout
70 Weepinbell
71 Victreebel
102 Exeggcute
103 Exeggutor
108 Lickitung
111 Rhyhorn
112 Rhydon
113 Chansey
114 Tangela
115 Kangaskhan
123 Scyther
127 Pinsir
147 Dratini
148 Dragonair
149 Dragonite
158 Totodile
159 Croconaw
160 Feraligatr
172 Pichu
173 Cleffa
174 Igglybuff
182 Bellossom
186 Politoed
191 Sunkern
192 Sunflora
194 Wooper
195 Quagsire
202 Wobbuffet
203 Girafarig
212 Scizor
214 Heracross
242 Blissey
270 Lotad
271 Lombre
272 Ludicolo
283 Surskit
284 Masquerain
285 Shroomish
286 Breloom
290 Nincada
291 Ninjask
292 Shedinja
341 Corphish
342 Crawdaunt
360 Wynaut
440 Happiny
453 Croagunk
454 Toxicroak
455 Carnivine
463 Lickilicky
464 Rhyperior
465 Tangrowth
470 Leafeon
535 Tympole
536 Palpitoad
537 Seismitoad
548 Petilil
549 Lilligant
556 Maractus
580 Ducklett
581 Swanna
585 Deerling
586 Sawsbuck
595 Joltik
596 Galvantula
667 Litleo
668 Pyroar
672 Skiddo
673 Gogoat
694 Helioptile
695 Heliolisk
704 Goomy
705 Sliggoo
706 Goodra
1 Bulbasaur
2 Ivysaur
3 Venusaur
4 Charmander
5 Charmeleon
6 Charizard
7 Squirtle
8 Wartortle
9 Blastoise
16 Pidgey
17 Pidgeotto
18 Pidgeot
19 Rattata
20 Raticate
23 Ekans
24 Arbok
39 Jigglypuff
40 Wigglytuff
52 Meowth
53 Persian
54 Psyduck
55 Golduck
58 Growlithe
59 Arcanine
66 Machop
67 Machoke
68 Machamp
88 Grimer
89 Muk
100 Voltorb
101 Electrode
113 Chansey
120 Staryu
121 Starmie
122 Mr. Mime
124 Jynx
129 Magikarp
130 Gyarados
133 Eevee
134 Vaporeon
135 Jolteon
136 Flareon
137 Porygon
174 Igglybuff
183 Marill
184 Azumarill
196 Espeon
197 Umbreon
209 Snubbull
210 Granbull
233 Porygon2
234 Stantler
235 Smeargle
238 Smoochum
242 Blissey
252 Treecko
253 Grovyle
254 Sceptile
255 Torchic
256 Combusken
257 Blaziken
258 Mudkip
259 Marshtomp
260 Swampert
261 Poochyena
262 Mightyena
298 Azurill
300 Skitty
301 Delcatty
311 Plusle
312 Minun
316 Gulpin
317 Swalot
358 Chimecho
387 Turtwig
388 Grotle
389 Torterra
390 Chimchar
391 Monferno
392 Infernape
393 Piplup
394 Prinplup
395 Empoleon
420 Cherubi
421 Cherrim
433 Chingling
434 Stunky
435 Skuntank
439 Mime Jr.
440 Happiny
470 Leafeon
471 Glaceon
474 Porygon-Z
479 Rotom
495 Snivy
496 Servine
497 Serperior
498 Tepig
499 Pignite
500 Emboar
501 Oshawott
502 Dewott
503 Samurott
506 Lillipup
507 Herdier
508 Stoutland
509 Purrloin
510 Liepard
519 Pidove
520 Tranquill
521 Unfezant
531 Audino
568 Trubbish
569 Garbodor
572 Minccino
573 Cinccino
582 Vanillite
583 Vanillish
584 Vanilluxe
587 Emolga
602 Tynamo
603 Eelektrik
604 Eelektross
607 Litwick
608 Lampent
609 Chandelure
636 Larvesta
637 Volcarona
650 Chespin
651 Quilladin
652 Chesnaught
653 Fennekin
654 Braixen
655 Delphox
656 Froakie
657 Frogadier
658 Greninja
672 Skiddo
673 Gogoat
676 Furfrou
677 Espurr
678 Meowstic
682 Spritzee
683 Aromatisse
684 Swirlix
685 Slurpuff
700 Sylveon
701 Hawlucha
707 Klefki
54 Psyduck
55 Golduck
72 Tentacool
73 Tentacruel
86 Seel
87 Dewgong
90 Shellder
91 Cloyster
98 Krabby
99 Kingler
116 Horsea
117 Seadra
118 Goldeen
119 Seaking
120 Staryu
121 Starmie
129 Magikarp
130 Gyarados
131 Lapras
134 Vaporeon
170 Chinchou
171 Lanturn
179 Mareep
180 Flaaffy
181 Ampharos
183 Marill
184 Azumarill
211 Qwilfish
213 Shuckle
222 Corsola
223 Remoraid
224 Octillery
226 Mantine
230 Kingdra
278 Wingull
279 Pelipper
298 Azurill
318 Carvanha
319 Sharpedo
320 Wailmer
321 Wailord
345 Lileep
346 Cradily
349 Feebas
350 Milotic
363 Spheal
364 Sealeo
365 Walrein
366 Clamperl
367 Huntail
368 Gorebyss
369 Relicanth
370 Luvdisc
393 Piplup
394 Prinplup
395 Empoleon
399 Bidoof
400 Bibarel
418 Buizel
419 Floatzel
422 Shellos
423 Gastrodon
456 Finneon
457 Lumineon
458 Mantyke
550 Basculin
564 Tirtouga
565 Carracosta
580 Ducklett
581 Swanna
592 Frillish
593 Jellicent
594 Alomomola
686 Inkay
687 Malamar
688 Binacle
689 Barbaracle
690 Skrelp
691 Dragalge
692 Clauncher
693 Clawitzer
Before you start your round 5 battles, here is what you need to do:
1) Pick a fifth Pokemon from one of those routes and a sixth from a past route you
haven't previously visited. Like before, keep track of the routes you choose (although it's less important after this round).
2) Level up your Pokemon to level 70.
3) Bring invested EVs up to max.
4) Pick two more items and a second berry. You should have 7 plus two berries, so make sure you're keeping track of the extras. Mega stones are now an option!
5) Gain two Custom Passes for entering town. You can spend these and any others that you have before you battle anyone, so do it! Make sure you remember to use the two you got for beating Team Vogue as well!