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Author Topic: Nations of Etraxia OOC  (Read 25015 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nations of Etraxia OOC
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2014, 01:47:37 am »

Can you explain a little bit more about the magic? If I want to do a magic-focused nation I need to know if Magic is a skill like any other (IE most people can get atleast some basic knowledge in magic" or if it is reserved for the lucky few?

Anyone can learn magic; it's extremely difficult (and dangerous) to learn, however, so not many people become mages. Basic spells could potentially be learned by the mob if a system of magic was devised that is easily learnable and usable, even by simpletons and/or people who don't have the time/money to become a mage. No such system has been invented yet.

Each system of magic is unique, and it's possible to create new types of magic, but all magic is fundamentally similar.  Need any additional information?
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Re: Nations of Etraxia OOC
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2014, 03:21:38 am »

Ruler Name: Risdra Kalen

Nation Name: Rakdar

Government: Feudal Monarchy, succession via elective council of nobles for the high king, primogeniture for most lower titles.

National Focus: Dominance (Unifying and controlling Etraxia by whatever means)

Important Laws:
-Slavery: While in it's most common form, it is illegal, the myriad contracts and laws essentially turn the vast majority of people into property of the various administrators and nobles by making them as part of the land (In administrative terms) rather than actually being able to leave it. While a minority live in the cities and towns, this minority is, outside of the merchants, bound to their settlement of birth
-Social Laws: For the Rakdaran elves, most laws are more or less equal (This is more due to the rough and tumble nature of Rakdaran politics to ensure that as many heirs are eligible for inheritance in case of... 'accidents'). The human commons, while in theory having these same rights, are mostly looked-down upon by their Rakdaran overlords, and abuses against them are not unheard of. Of these, only the most contentious and open offenders are ever sentenced, and only to placate the general populace about such actions.
-Immigration: Given the social practices within Rakdar, no such laws are necessary as no-one really immigrates.

National Religion: While practising a secular government, various sects, cults and other religions spring up from time to time within the various houses. The commons, however, have no such right and the Rakdar enforce atheistic doctrine on the general population.

Magic Control: 9, The Rakdar heavily control, and enforce this control, just about every source of magic and every caster they can get their hands on. Most of these are usually put to work as enchanters, producing magical items for their master's use. The few Rakdar mages are typically considered houseless and brought under the wing of the royal guard, serving as the shadowy, mysterious enforcers of the crown.

Military: 0% Light Infantry, 15% Medium Infantry, 30% Heavy Infantry, 50% Archers, 5% Cavalry, 0% Knights

Additional Info:

Between the typically backstabbing nobility, the half simmering anger of the human population and a less organised system of government one would think the Rakdaran military to be weaker than it is. For the Rakdar, it is a profession of glory and honour which brings the uncertain promise of power and riches which the lesser children of the houses leap upon. For most of the humans in it, it is a path to wealth and respect within the nation; Most houses are constantly jostling for glory and influence within the nation, and most tend to invest substantial amounts of resources into the training and equipment of their troops, the bands under the Rakdar houses garnering a reputation for an impressively flashy displays in uniform and drill. While this has meant that more bands dying from unnecessary last stands and other heroic actions, the tenacity of the warriors and their commanders along with the precision of their manoeuvres.

That, however, describes the fate of under half the soldiers. While the same precision drill is applied to every aspect of their military, the largest arm of the Rakdaran military is the archers. With a preference for massed missile fire to cut off a foes prize units

Background: A key feature of Rakdar and it's history is the presence of two species rather than the one. The ruling class, descended from some of the original elven inhabitants of Etraxia that had survived by hiding from the empire. Once the empire had crumbled, they returned, and whatever culture they had before being utterly forgotten by both them and the humans on the island. The initial surge of attacks proved to be the start of a rather 'golden' era for the Rakdar. (Though the humans under them would mostly say differently.) Drafting up more and more troops from each successive village, town and other settlement they conquered, it seemed inevitable that this wave of the past would return to a state of glory unheard of.

What stopped the Rakdar was themselves. As the Rakdar conquered more and more, they had more and more land and people that needed to be administrated and managed, and the losses sustained by the Rakdar themselves drawing their numbers out to far lower levels meant that internal strife was inevitable. The old council of yore fell apart, with rival retinues and warlords clashing with one another, leading to a period they called the blood crisis. Their numbers dwindling, the crisis was a sure sign of mutually assured doom for the Rakdar.

Until one warlord, whom only their last name of Kalen is known, united several smaller warlords under his banner, promising them control of some of the territory they had conquered in exchange for their loyalty and service. Warlord Kalen's army marched through what would be called Rakdar, assimilating or destroying any rival warlords that opposed them. The surviving warlords at the end of the crisis found themselves wealthier, whilst Kalen had unified the once disparate Rakdaran peoples into a single nation under their banner. The council of yore being reformed into a new iteration, consisting of the most powerful warlord-nobles with a single king, Kalen, in control of them.

This lead to the creation of the nation of Rakdar, the successors of the warlords taking their name, enshrining them as their right to rule over others and as a symbol of pride of their survival of the tumultuous times the empire had created for them.

Stance: Expansionistic
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll

Evil Marahadja

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Re: Nations of Etraxia OOC
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2014, 07:16:35 am »

Ruler Name: The White council, Mayard Carter.   (One representative from each major type of magic, and one additional member from the military and church, the leader of the church is the headmaster of the council.)
Nation Name: Narsis
Government: Officially it is a meritocracy, with the most powerful and wise mages leading the country. However, critics within the country often complain that there is far to much plotting and nepotism among the more powerful mages to be considered a Meritocracy.  You do have to be magical gifted to advance to the higher ranks in both the military and government.

National Focus: Magic

Important Laws:
Slavery is allowed but generally frowned upon. There are pockets of slaves working in the largest plantations, in mines and forests, these slaves mostly imported from other countries.

The penalties for physically hurting a Mage is severe. These persons are usually given a death-sentence. They are sent to the Magical academy to be experimented on until they die. Same harsh laws are applied to material theft. This laws tend to be a bit softer is the aggressor is a Mage.

Every citizen is obliged to take the "Magical tests" sometime between their 10 and 15th birthday. These tests is lead by experienced magicians and their goal is to locate gifted individuals so that they can be offered more in-depth education. These tests usually takes 2-3 mounts. It is a very new tradition, and the tests could be much safer and effective. But the council is always working to improve these tests as they are one of the foundations of the country. Every citizen is also offered to take a much longer more proper education in the magical arts. This education is three years long, and everyone can sign up. This education is even more experimental and the council only recommends citizens proven to be gifted  in magic to take the course, as the mortality of this education is quite high.

Immigration: Individuals who are magical gifted are awarded a unconditional citizenship no matter their former social status or past crimes. This has made Narsis quite popular for magicians. Because of this Narsis has faced some problems with murderous magicians roaming the streets, but the white council has found ways to use these assets...

National Religion:
Church of Novis
God is our enemy, and magic is our weapon. Most citizens in Narsis is devoted to the Church of Novis. According to the Church of Novis the world was created by a single god, called Kaa. Kaa was a very controlling and demanding god, and he had a plan for his creation. Every man, animal and even plant had its own destiny, and no matter what the individual did, he was a subject to  Kaas will. This went on for hundreds of years, everything according to Kaas plan. Who could have predicted that a single woman were able to break free from this curse. No one really knows how, but for some reason Novis was able to tap into the power of the god, and she used this new-found power to openly challenge Kaa and his wicked control over the world.

The battle was fierce, but Novis managed to trap Kaa in another realm. The price for this was Novis own life, but before she died she granted her fellow humans with the weapon of the gods. Magic. Even if Kaa is trapped in another existence, he is still influencing most of humanity. Everyone has a destiny he or she is supposed to fulfil, and humans tend to be drawn towards their destiny no matter what they do. Thanks to Novis humans have a way to fight back, with the help of magic humans have the potential to break free from Kaas influence. Kaa is using his influence to find a way into our realm again, while the church of Novis is devoted to seal Kaa forever, with the help of magic.

Generally the church of Novis doesn't have preachers and prayers, instead they have lectures in magic and meditation. Every citizen is also requred to swear an oath in the honour of Novis that they will do their best to escape their destiny and instead do whatever it takes to keep Kaa trapped.

The church of Novis is intertwined with government in most ways, and people with another belief will have a very hard time advancing in the Narsis society, even though there has been examples of seculars in the government. People who are actively worshipping other gods will  experience active discrimination. Since they are believed to be the minions of Kaa. Crimes against such minorities tend to remain unsolved.

Magic Control: 0, magical use is even openly encouraged, but the best magicians tend to end up in the academy.
Military: 50% Light Infantry, 25% Archers, 10% Cavalry, 10% Heavy infantry, 5 %  mages. (Acting as officers and alone in special magical units. The officers are often skilled in telepathy and other buffing magic's, while the magical units are much more diverse.  )

Background: Narsis was the largest prison for mages on the Island. Even though the Empire of Mann often struck down against mages they also saw their potential. mages were sent to Narsis to work, research and serve the empire in a manner deemed safe. But due to the instability caused by the revolution the mages were able to kill their watchers and break free.  In the ruins of the prison they formed the Magicial academy of Novis in honour of the religion previliant in the region for many hundreds of years. 

Additional Info:
Narsis is a remarkable equal society regarding gender, much thanks to the Church of Novis, no one would be very surprised if a woman held a high position in either the government or military. Most of the important positions are still held by men, though.

Stance: Devious.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 03:07:04 am by Evil Marahadja »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nations of Etraxia OOC
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2014, 02:40:24 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Oh, one thing that struck me as a bit odd.  It's the Bronze Age, so it's at least seven centuries before the stirrup, or five centuries before any sort of proper saddle (much less canted saddles).  How are people using spears and lances from horseback without something to keep them from getting knocked right off their horse, and where are the chariots?  Even most horses during this era would have been too small to carry a man in anything more than light armor; that took centuries of systemic breeding to create the destriers or coursers we think of when we hear the word, "knight."  It seems more than a little odd to me. 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nations of Etraxia OOC
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2014, 02:43:33 pm »

Oh, one thing that struck me as a bit odd.  It's the Bronze Age, so it's at least seven centuries before the stirrup, or five centuries before any sort of proper saddle (much less canted saddles).  How are people using spears and lances from horseback without something to keep them from getting knocked right off their horse, and where are the chariots?  Even most horses during this era would have been too small to carry a man in anything more than light armor; that took centuries of systemic breeding to create the destriers or coursers we think of when we hear the word, "knight."  It seems more than a little odd to me.

Mmmm, good point. I'll downgrade all knights to cavalry until technology reaches that point.

Actually, on second thought, I'll add chariots and replace knights with them.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 02:45:04 pm by DontBanTheMan »
Life isn't fair, and neither am I.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Nations of Etraxia OOC
« Reply #20 on: November 20, 2014, 04:33:25 pm »

Ruler Name: Noq

Nation Name: Zeodia

Government: Republic

National Focus: Espionage

Important Laws: There is only two laws, "Stealing from the Government" and Murder. Anyone caught commiting or assisting in one of these acts will be punished by an eternal sentence in "Hell." A prison built into abandon mine tunnels that filled with a toxic gas as red as the devil himself. If someone inhales this gas their mind starts to deteriorate and causes mass amounts of hallucinations. Thus creating an endless pit of souls screaming for a grasp on reality.

National Religion: No

Magic Control: (1) While its despised upon, people have full right to take up the art.

Military: 10% Archers, 20% Light Infantry, and 70% Medium Infantry.

Additional Info: Zeodia is filled to the brim with the greatest Theives, Spies, and Assassins to have ever existed thanks to the remaining gift from their ancestry.

Background: The Zeos, a beautiful and unique type of creature with the ability to adapt to any attributes they found on a creature they saw in a days time. Often traveling in packs of ten, these creatures would roam the wild forming bonds with every lifeform they met. However Mann started to take notice of these beasts and started hunting them for sport. This continued for a few generations untill there was only one pack left. To avoid being hunted any longer they adapted to a full Mann form and lived among them. However, taking on this full form damaged their gift and they had to remain looking like them forever. Left only with the small advantage of being able to morph their face, they set off for the island of Etraxia where they would create a new colony and prevent extinction.

Stance: Neutral
« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 04:37:38 pm by Assassinator1000 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nations of Etraxia OOC
« Reply #21 on: November 20, 2014, 06:51:04 pm »

Important Laws: There is only two laws, "Stealing from the Government" and Murder. Anyone caught commiting or assisting in one of these acts will be punished by an eternal sentence in "Hell." A prison built into abandon mine tunnels that filled with a toxic gas as red as the devil himself. If someone inhales this gas their mind starts to deteriorate and causes mass amounts of hallucinations. Thus creating an endless pit of souls screaming for a grasp on reality.

 :o This sounds like a horrible place to live. Reminds me of the adventure time episode "City of Thieves"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nations of Etraxia OOC
« Reply #22 on: November 20, 2014, 06:54:24 pm »

Which islikely a good thing actually. Mostly because I'm no longer target #1 :P
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nations of Etraxia OOC
« Reply #23 on: November 20, 2014, 09:19:56 pm »

(Apparently this is completely wrong and needs can still read this but I will be changing this. Well I guess that's 1 hour wasted uhhh >.<.)

Hax's Faction :3

(Beware, this is a very long post and I spent over a hour doing this).

Rulers Name: Boduognatus
Nation Name: Battranian Confederation
Government: One leader with 8 elders in each village that gives advice.
National Focus: Independence

Important Laws:

Slaves- Legal and encouraged by the Battranians. Any captive from war that is not either killed or ransomed for gold is taken into custody and turned into a slave. Loyal  and able slaves are treated fairly however, and many slaves life to a old age and some even gain their freedom by proving their worth. Most slaves work on farms or in the depths of caves searching and mining for precious minerals.]

Prostitution- Allowed but have many laws that restrict and discourage the practice of Prostitution. The Battranians believe that sexual desires will lead to a warrior becoming weak inside and a farmer abandoning his fields.

Justice- All accused people are judged in a court where 8 old wise elders of the village determine the fate of the accused. However, the leader of the tribe often have the final saying of the decision of the trial. Punishment includes, a fee, slavery, exile and death.

Immigration- Traveling is allowed by the Battranians as they often trade with other nations for supplies like salt and other exotic spices. However, not a lot of Battranians will leave their nations for an another due to the that most people are usually happy with how the Battrainans leaders govern the village.

National Religion: The religion of the Battranians closely resembles the ancient Celtic and Germanic tribes. Some scholars even believe that the Battranians were the first people who made the very religion that the Celtic people worshiped. There are many gods in the Battranian religion and all of them have at least some ties or relations with nature.

Magic control: 7

Magic is only allowed to the shamans in each village and the military itself. Normal citizens are not allowed to practice magic unless they have a specific reason to why they should. If a peasant was caught of practicing magic without permission, the peasant would mostly likely be sold into slavery or even executed in public.
Military: The Battranians are a powerful military force. The Battranians have both a very capable army and navy. All men over the age of 18 is expected to be trained in basic combat and ready to fight at a second’s notice.

Army Composition:

Light infantry(Raiding Infantry)- 15%

The Battranians possess a very strong force of light raiding soldiers that can move fast and strike hard.

Medium infantry(Melee Infantry)- 35%

The Battranians possess a very sturdy and offensive medium infantry force. The morale of the Battranians is very high and this makes the Battranians rarely rout in battle, even when facing extreme odds.

Spear Infantry(Medium/Heavy Spearmen)- 10%

The Battranians possess good spearmen selection and can fend of cav relatively easily. However, they do lack elite spears and this could propose a problem if they fight against elite cavalry like Knights.

Heavy infantry(Shock Infantry)- 5%

The Battranians have some of the finest heavy shock infantry in all of Etraxia. One notable unit that the Battranians possess is the feared ***Battranian Bloodsworns***.

“Covered in the finest armor and trained since the age of 5, the Battranian Bloodsworns were bred for war.” -Unit description

Skirmishers(Slingers/Archers/Javelinmen)- 15%

The Battranians are lacking in the scrimising compartment, as they only have access to cheap javelinmen and archers.

Cavalry(Light raiding cav)- 10%

The Battranians have excellent light cav that can be both a distraction for the enemy or a deadly flanking force.

Cavalry(Heavy melee cav)- 5%

The Battranians have some very capable heavy cav but their numbers are limited and they are lacking in performance compared to other faction’s heavy cav. However, they can come in handy against medium infantry and cav.

***Chariots***- 5%

While the Battranians weren’t the first ones to discover chariots, they have learned from their frequent wars with other nations and they have adopted the ways of the chariot in their armies.

Additional info- The Battranians’ economy mostly focuses on agriculture and they have a constant source of food. The Battranians also trade with other neighboring tribes and they mainly export food, lumber and mercenaries for warring nations.

History- The Battranians were originally a client state of the Extraxia Empire. The Battrains resented their master’s rule and the people often rebelled against their masters. However, the rebellions were no match to the might of the Extraxia Empire and the Battranians villages were razed to the ground and their artifacts stolen by the Extraxians. Since this day, the Battranians been waiting for an opportunity to fight back and regain their lost homeland. Boduognatus, the son of a Battranian general sees an opportunity to restore the might of the Battranians as the power of the Extraxia Empire wanes and weakens. Boduognatus prepares his men for war and he will restore the power of the Battranian Confederation! (Intense Music :P)

Stance: Determined

Wow you read all of that? Cookies for you :3

« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 09:38:48 pm by InstantHax »
No hacks here...........just move along :3


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nations of Etraxia OOC
« Reply #24 on: November 20, 2014, 09:57:04 pm »




Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nations of Etraxia OOC
« Reply #25 on: November 20, 2014, 09:57:51 pm »

Not all the sheets are RP. There's hope yet :P
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nations of Etraxia OOC
« Reply #26 on: November 20, 2014, 09:59:44 pm »

Not all the sheets are RP. There's hope yet :P
Yeah I hadn't seen Assassinator's yet...
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nations of Etraxia OOC
« Reply #27 on: November 20, 2014, 10:05:28 pm »

Ruler Name: Madrea Assere Bedios
Nation Name: Istania
Government: Theocracy; the church makes the decisions for the good of her people. While not a democracy, per se, input onto the perceived best action is often asked for, though as church policy dictates many decisions, and almost all Istanians are faithful members of the church, there is rarely conflict.
National Focus: Religion

Important Laws:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

National Religion:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Magic Control: 4-8
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Additional Info:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Stance: Considerate
« Last Edit: November 22, 2014, 08:50:56 pm by Rolepgeek »
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nations of Etraxia OOC
« Reply #28 on: November 20, 2014, 10:06:45 pm »

Oh, one thing that struck me as a bit odd.  It's the Bronze Age, so it's at least seven centuries before the stirrup, or five centuries before any sort of proper saddle (much less canted saddles).  How are people using spears and lances from horseback without something to keep them from getting knocked right off their horse, and where are the chariots?  Even most horses during this era would have been too small to carry a man in anything more than light armor; that took centuries of systemic breeding to create the destriers or coursers we think of when we hear the word, "knight."  It seems more than a little odd to me.

Weren't the Greeks Bronze Age? Alexander the Great of Macedon had his Companion Cavalry. They were heavy cavalry.
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nations of Etraxia OOC
« Reply #29 on: November 20, 2014, 10:09:22 pm »

They weren't equivalent to medieval knights in tactics and equipment though, which is a big difference.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll
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