Year 2, FallSummer has given way to Fall, though the weather could tell a different story. The harvest is bountiful, and the peasants are happy.
Rantessa's chaos is beginning to simmer down into more of a civil war than an all-out shitstorm, while rumors whisper of strange beastmen in the northern forests. Stories of magical beasts spotted in the wilder places of the continent are becoming more common, and the magical aura of Etraxia has grown stronger. Mages' spells have grown more powerful, while more and more spellcasters are emerging. Unauthorized magicians roam the lands, peddling to the common folk and often even the nobility. Not only this, fishermen have reported seeing ships of unknown origin off the coast of the Western Isles. Etraxia is changing...National Power: 11/7/17 (+3/4/6)
Economic Size: 3190
Wealth: 14 (+48)
Resources: 45 (+2919)
Manpower: 1083 (+682)
Public Order: -4 (0)
Unrest: Low, Medium [middle class]. -Morale [slight; soldiers].
Military: SK 6: 19,200, SK 5: 500, SK 4: 500, SK 3: 500, SK 2: 1000, SK 1: 1000.
Navy: Boarding Ships, 3: SK 6 [60 soldiers each].
Police: Large Agency. -16 income/turn [-10/agency, -6/officers]. LVL 1: 200, LVL 0: 1000. +1 PO/turn.
People of Note: Spy Hunters, 15: LVL 2, Rowan Dumont [Adventurer, LVL 3].
Modifiers: Drafting (+Manpower, -Public Order), Research Focus [advanced weaponry, -8 income], Border Posts LVL 1 [-8 income], Industry [Bronze LVL 1, -Copper, -8 income], Resource Production LVL 1 [+339 resources, -8 income], Roads LVL 1, Agriculture LVL 1 [-8 income], +Supply Cost [military; -8 (Candria)], Domestic Growth [temporary; +econ].
Diplomacy: Embassy [Serica, Narsis], Foreign Embassy [Serica], Infiltration LVL 1 [Avezol].
National Ideas:
Other: 3 Captured Spies [Avezolan], Magic Sword [properties unknown], Progress [Agriculture LVL 2].
Buildings: Training Camp [Wilderness, Central], Military Academy [Capital], Defenses LVL 1 [Avezol].
National Focus: Military
Population: 339,000
Prosperity: Low.
Trade Goods: Copper, Stone [trade for Gems],
Nature Gems (half) [trade for Dye],
Bronze (half).
National Power: 5/2/17 (+4/4/4)
Economic Size: 3350
Wealth: 50 (+99)
Resources: 3283 (+2408)
Manpower: 650 (+452)
Public Order: 15 (-1)
Unrest: Low [human].
Army Size: SK 5: 17,500, SK 3: 500, SK 2: 1000, SK 1: 2400.
People of Note: Advisor [leader, +1 Admin/Turn]
Technology: Breakthrough [Iron Working].
Modifiers: Roads LVL 1, Agriculture LVL 1 [-8 income], Throwing Weapons [+˝ resource/infantry, +Combat], Guard LVL 2 [-13 income, +2 PO/Turn], Purchasing Grain [-5 income, +Grain].
National Ideas:
Buildings: University [capital], Construction [Roads LVL 2].
Other: Istanian Religious Texts, Velite Plans [unfinished], Possible National Idea [Order], Coke [Charcoal; Limited Use], Construction [Roads LVL 2], Velite [Heavy Skirmisher, medium resource cost]. Marble and Copper are unused currently.
Espionage: Infiltration [Istania, LVL 3], 3 Spies [New Moon], Spy [Istanian Colonel], Religious Discrepancies [Istania], Infiltration [dissidents].
National Focus: Dominance
Population: 352,000
Prosperity: Medium.
Trade Goods: Furs [in use], Marble, Copper, Grain.
National Power: 0/13/12 (+2/4/2)
Economic Size: 2690
Wealth: 44 (+82)
Resources: 8416 (+2396)
Manpower: 3968 (+436)
Public Order: 9 (-1)
Unrest: Low [naval], Low [middle class].
Military: SK 5: 14,500.
Navy: SK 1: Elementaships, 6.
People of Note: Convert [Blood Mage R3, Avezolan].
Modifiers: Avezol-Novis Research Program, Roads LVL 1, Border Posts LVL 1 [-7 income], Mage Education Program [-7 income].
Diplomacy: Embassy [/w Church; Serica, Avezol], Foreign Embassy [Dunik, Serica, Istania], Vassal [Ostradari].
National Ideas:
Buildings: University, Construction [Large Port, Kvao].
The White Robes: -8 income. Small Program [-5 income], White Robes [R5: 1, R4: 6; -2 income], Unenlightened [LVL 1: 30, -1 income].
The Black Robes: -6 income. Small Program [-5 income], Black Robes [15: LVL 1, -1 income].
Other: unicorn-horn sword, Narsis Servants [military], Business [Salatia, +1 income].
National Focus: Magic
Population: 291,000
Prosperity: Low.
Trade Goods: Coffee [in use], Dyes [trade for Nature Gems],
Nature Gems (half) [in use].
National Power: 9/3/8 (+3/4/2)
Economic Size: 4609
Wealth: 179 (+135)
Resources: 2935 (+3193)
Manpower: 1920 (+405)
Public Order: 22 (-2)
Unrest: None.
Military: Soldiers: 24,500 [SK 5: 22,500; SK 3: 500, SK 2: 1000, SK 1: 500].
People of Note: Radama vei Ui-Valona, Possible Advisor [Teacher].
Modifiers: Border Posts LVL 1 [-8 income], Focused Research [Economy, -8 income], Divination Program [-10 income], Currency [Sericans], Roads LVL 1.
Diplomacy: Embassy [Salatia, Dunik, Narsis, Avezol], Foreign Embassy [Dunik, Narsis, Istania, Avezol], Trade Routes [Avezol, +168 econ, Pottery for Silver], [Istania, +162 econ, Silk for Gold]
National Ideas:
Buildings: Ei-satra Academy [+Advisors], Headquarters [Imperial Inspectorate], Wonder [Imperial Palace; +1 PO/Turn, +Morale].
Imperial Inspectors: -18 income. Large Agency [-10 income], Inspectors [20: LVL 3, 30: LVL 2, 100: LVL 1. -8 income].
Other: Knowledgeable Diplomats.
National Focus: Production.
Population: 361,000.
Prosperity: Very High.
Trade Goods: Gold [in use], Silk [trade route: Istania], Pottery [trade route: Avezol], Tin [in use], Silver [in use].
National Power: 10/4/3 (+6/4/1)
Economic Size: 4026
Wealth: 21 (+74)
Resources: 4529 (+2468)
Manpower: 1602 (+442)
Public Order: 23 (+1)
Unrest: Low [middle class], Low [lower class].
Religious Unity: Mother’s Church [48%, growing], Unaffiliated/Local Beliefs [52%, shrinking].
Army Size: 21,500 [SK 5: 19,000. SK 1: 2300].
People of Note: Advisor [theologian; diplo], Possible Spy [under watch].
Modifiers: Education Program [-17 income], Research Program [-17 income], Agriculture LVL 2 [-17 income], Research Focus [agriculture, -9 income], Welfare Program LVL 1 [-9 income], Infiltration LVL 1 [Salatia], Roads LVL 1, -Supply Cost [grain], Supply [-4 income].
Diplomacy: Trade Route [Serica, -Gold, +180 econ], Embassy [Serica, Salatia, Narsis, Avezol], Faction [Candria], +Infiltration [Rantessa; 10: LVL 1, 20: LVL 2 Moonlit Agents], -Fervor [Missionaries].
National Ideas:
Nation Watch: -7 income. Small Program [-5 income], Watchmen [600, -2 income].
New Moon: -10 income. Small Program [-5 income], Moonlit Agents: 100 [50: LVL 1, 50: LVL 2; -5 income].
Full Moon: -12 income. Small Program [-5 income], Lunar Gaurd: 130 [20: LVL 2, 110: LVL 1; -8 income].
Other: Potential Militia [2000], Defenses LVL 1 [Rakdar Border], Buying Surplus Grain [-3 income, +Grain], Spy [Captured].
National Focus: Religion
Population: 347,000
Prosperity: Med-High.
Trade Goods: Gems [traded for Stone], Horses [traded for Timber], Gold [trade route], Grain [in use].
National Power: 4/0/4 (+4/1/6) [+1 AP, +1 DP: Advisors]
Economic Size: 3738
Wealth: 0 (+107)
Resources: 12905 (+2710)
Manpower: 4395 (+480)
Public Order: -3 (+1)
Unrest: Medium [all], High [upper class].
Army Size: 23,250 Soldiers [SK 5: 23,250].
People of Note: Advisor [diplomat], Dravius Black [intellectual].
Modifiers: Education Program [-19 income], Research Focus [seafaring, -9 income], Roads LVL 1, Education LVL 1 [-9 income].
Diplomacy: Embassy [Serica], Foreign Embassy [Istania, Serica, Narsis], Trade Route [Serica, Silver for Pottery, +168 econ], Faction [Salatian Conservatives].
National Ideas:
Steel Agency: -8 income. Small Program [-5 income], Ministers [15: LVL 3, 35: LVL 2; -3 income].
Police Agency: -8 income. Small Program [-5 income], Officers [400: LVL 1, 200: LVL 0; -3 income].
Other: stone eye [artifact], Assassins LVL 3: 3 [Salatian religion], Possible Trade Good [Sugar], Great Library [under construction], Supply Cost [-5 income], Riot: Vinesse., Plans [University].
National Focus: Science
Population: 378,000
Prosperity: Medium.
Trade Goods: Silver [trade route; Serica], Citrus.
National Power: 19/14/26 (+4/4/5)
Economic Size: 3100
Wealth: 53 (+6) [tax rate: 3.5%]
Resources: 5899 (+2627)
Manpower: 3099 (+654)
Public Order: 24 (0)
Religious Unity: Court of Salae [63%, growing], Unaffiliated/Local [37%, shrinking].
Unrest: None.
Military: SK 5: 19,300, SK 3: 500, SK 2: 1500, SK 1: 500.
People of Note: Mayor, Voskiyu [Converted], Jahan Golias.
Modifiers: Education Program [-18 income], Caring for the Poor [-30 (-15) income, +Public Order, +Religious Unity], Working Poor [-Cost (Government Projects), +20% Manpower], Free Market Emphasis [-5 income], Salatian Greater Subsidy Fund [-2 income, 10 wealth].
Buildings: Defenses LVL 1 [Avezol, Rakdar, Serica], Holy Temple [under construction].
Diplomacy: Foreign Embassy [Serica, Istania].
National Ideas: Possible National Idea [Fervor].
Ut Mendacii: -10 income. Small Agency [-5 income], Tricksters [LVL 3: 50, -3 income]
Other: Holy Book [work in progress, -10 income], Church Reform LVL 1 [see: Year 1, Winter], Plans [Grand Holy Temple].
National Focus: Religion
Population: 363,000
Prosperity: Very Low.
Trade Goods: Salt [in use], Fish [in use].
National Power: 10/4/2 (+6/4/2) [+1 AP: Advisor].
Economic Size: 380 (-19)
Wealth: 60 (+14)
Resources: 420 (+370)
Manpower: 339 (+139)
Public Order: -20 [+1].
Unrest: High [all].
Military: Soldiers: 2500 [SK 5: 800, SK 4: 700, SK 1: 500, SK 1: 500 (unequipped)]. Militia SK 0-3: 2000.
People of Note: Advisor [economist, +1 Admin/Turn].
Modifiers: Turmoil (-1/20 Econ Size/Turn, +50% Manpower, -1 Public Order/Turn).
Diplomacy: Truce [Loyalists].
National Ideas:
Other: Tools are currently unused.
National Focus: Infrastructure.
Population: 37,000.
Prosperity: Medium.
Trade Goods: Tools [limited: no bronze].