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Author Topic: Helppost the Accidental Hermitage  (Read 5005 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Helppost the Accidental Hermitage
« on: November 15, 2014, 03:34:40 pm »

So, I've played a lot of Dwarf Fortress, and I always have fun, but I rarely felt the need to document any of the cool things that have happened in my games. The events transcribed below are an exception. Parts 1 through 3 are from a single game session that I just needed to share. I hope you enjoy it!

The game was started in 0.40.13 but I will probably continue the story by moving the save over to 0.40.16.

Part 1:

Adelaathira, The Wondrous Planes

A seemingly unsullied world, ripe for colonization... you'd never know at a glance that the world's sapient civilizations have been trying (and failing) to gain a foothold in the 1050 years of the world's history. Notice that most sites are in fact ruins, the crumbling structures of dwarves, humans, elves, and goblins, now serving as homes of dragons, giants, rocs, and Cyclopes...

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In the year 1050, a group of dwarves calling themselves the Anvil of Respect from the civilization known as The Livid Fountains left their homes to found an outpost in the desert. Optimistically, they decided to call it Helppost.

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The site itself had some interesting features. Although a desert biome in the shadow of a mountain, the silty soil belied the presence of an aquifer. More intriguing, a tall, porous bee-hive shaped outcropping of claystone stood as a prominent outlier among the dunes of silty clay loam. The dwarves knew that they could circumvent the barrier of the aquifer by descending into the claystone cave.

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The dwarves gave perhaps too much thought to what lay beneath the claystone cave, and not enough to that which perched atop it.

The members of the Anvil of Respect immediately began laying out their grand plans, hoping to make this the fortress that would bring greatness and fame to dwarvenkind, that would drive civilization out of this dark Age of Myth and into a heroic Age of Legends.

They'd brought four picks instead of the usual two, and began to labor immediately on a wide entryway for wealthy trade caravans, followed by a deep and defensible stairwell...

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The hydra Smästa, a giant dragon-like monster with seven heads, leapt down from the claystone cave and disrupted all plans.

The dwarves fought bravely, but they had no hope of victory.

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Even those fortunate enough to be armed with copper pick or battleaxe could barely scratch the beast.

All those who challenged the creature fell to its wrath, and those who fled only briefly delayed their demise.

With one exception...

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Only one dwarf survived the onslaught. Tosid Zimzuglar ("Crestships") had dug deeply enough into the soft silty clay loam to avoid the beast's attention.

The shrieks of his dying comrades and the sounds of slaughter echoing from above drove him deeper.

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At the last, he grabbed a claystone boulder and used it to seal himself in. By the time the screaming and crunching from above finally ceased, the darkness and the warm, humid burrow in which he found himself felt less like a refuge, and more like a tomb.

Though the surface was silent, Tosid was certain that the beast was merely waiting for its next victim.

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Tosid vowed that it wouldn't be him.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 03:40:14 pm by thriggle »


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Re: Helppost the Accidental Hermitage
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2014, 03:35:42 pm »

Part 2:

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Tosid Crestships, the last surviving member of the Anvil of Respect, was alone with only his thoughts to haunt him. The hydra Smästa had attacked his wagon and killed his friends and livestock; he alone had managed to seal himself in safety beneath the desert soil.

Despite the bleakness of his situation, he was able to focus on the task at hand: to survive, he needed to eat and drink. Though his drink of choice was longland beer, even drinking water was a superior alternative to dehydration and death.

Fortunately, he was entombed with his pick. He needed only to dig a few urists deeper before the warm silty clay gave way to the damp of the aquifer.

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Tosid immediately gave up all his other tasks and began fishing in the muddy pool he'd excavated.

This can perhaps be forgiven on account of his mental state.

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He eventually came to the realization that there was nothing to catch in the aquifer pond, or, as he had come to call it, "the central swamps."

Without being able to fish for his supper, he had to form another plan.

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The toppled wagon still held the colonists' original supplies: a treasure trove of cloth, thread, seeds, food, and ale. It even held an anvil.

Tosid entertained the notion of reaching the wagon, even if only briefly, to retrieve the supplies he needed to survive.

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Tosid began his preparations by constructing a couple workshops out of claystone, giving him space where he could perform basic masonry and craftsdwarfship.

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He was doubtful that a mere door would be able to withstand the wrath of Smästa, but he didn't have time to build a sturdy drawbridge and its attendant mechanisms and lever, so a door would have to do.

He also constructed a nestbox on the very slim chance that one of the turkey hens brought by the Anvil of Respect had survived.

He just needed a way to safely expose his cavern to the outside world so he could reach the wagon. He had his chance when he heard the sounds of two muscled titans locked in Olympian combat echoing through the silty tunnels!

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Or maybe it was just the sound of a camel being torn apart by a hydra.

In any case, the direction of the sounds indicated that Smästa was not perched in his usual spot atop the claystone cave overlooking the wagon site.

He knew this would be his best chance to reach the wagon unobserved.

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With the door at his back, ready for him to rush back through and bolt it at a moment's notice, Tosid began tunneling toward the wagon wreckage.

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With the digging of an upward ramp, Tosid was greeted by the harsh light of the desert sun as a barrel fell into his lap!

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What treasures did this barrel contain? Delicous, nourishing booze? Prepared goat intestines?

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Plump helmets!

Tosid knew he could eat the plump helmets and plant the leftover spawn in the soil of his cavern, ensuring that he'd now have a supply of food.

And after he'd obtained enough food, he could start brewing wine from the versatile mushrooms.

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Meanwhile, one turkey hen had indeed survived Smästa's onslaught and then escaped the beast's notice.

The turkey had been wandering the desert hillsides in a perpetual state of panic since Tosid first entombed himself.

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Turkeys are perhaps the wisest of all Armok's creatures.

By its primitive intuition, the turkey hen was drawn to the tunnel Tosid had exposed near the wagon and raced there forthwith, heading to the nestbox that Tosid had built.

The turkey abruptly laid 10 eggs, which Tosid soon cooked into 10 palatable egg biscuits.

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Here we can see the turkey loitering near its nestbox, as well as the small aquifer pond (aka the central swamps), a butcher's shop built by the optimistic Tosid, a seed stockpile, and a farm plot for plump helmets.

Though he still had no bed on which to sleep, things were finally looking less grim for Tosid. He had food, water, and he would soon have booze.

He was not prepared, however, for the onset of summer, which brought with it...

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...some unexpected visitors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Helppost the Accidental Hermitage
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2014, 03:36:10 pm »

Part 3:

When we last left our intrepid hero Tosid, he had secured a supply of food and drink in his underground tomb of Helppost, safe from the resident hydra Smästa which had slain his fellow colonists.

For the entirety of spring he'd managed to cope with his loneliness by focusing on overcoming the immediate obstacles to his survival. Now he found that he was no longer alone...

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The specters of Tosid's comrades, their corporeal bodies rotting on the surface of the desert, floated into his vision. Their spirits were restless, irate-- they could not find peace until they were properly memorialized.

Tosid felt a tingling on the back of his neck as their accusatory gazes fell upon him.

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But the ghosts of his brethren were not the only newcomers brought to Helppost with the onset of summer...

A wave of migrants arrived, expecting Helppost to by now be established as a modest outpost with the trappings of Dwarven comfort.

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Smästa gave them the ol' Helppost welcome.

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Tosid, meanwhile, remembered his friends and toiled day and night to ensure they would not be forgotten.

Each fallen dwarf received a slab engraved with their name, the date and means of their demise, and some facts about them to set them apart from the rest.

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Granted, Tosid didn't actually know them that well, so he had to make up a few facts.

Reg liked cherry opal, right? Sure! And if anyone loved short swords it was Amost...

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The angry spirits were quieted, and the silent slabs that Tosid had painstakingly engraved became the only companions to share his dark enclave.

With his friends properly memorialized, Tosid took a moment to carve a statue from a mudstone boulder.

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Tosid looked upon his work and smiled. This symbol of victory, a dwarven god frozen in a moment of triumph, would be a fine centerpiece for the nice room he'd begun carving out in a stonier section of his cavern.

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He propped up the statue and somewhat jokingly designated the area to be Helppost's meeting hall.

All the residents of Helppost could meet here, he decided. There was certainly room for all of him.

As if on cue, two small beasts clambered down the crude stone steps toward Tosid.

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A water buffalo calf and a cow calf, both livestock brought by the recently deceased or dying immigrants on the surface, had managed to succeed where their owners had failed. They had evaded the wrath of Smästa and found their way into Tosid's cavern.

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Tosid was delighted!

For so long he had shared the lonely cavern with but ghosts and a turkey hen...
the sight of these two creatures instilled in him an immediate sense of purpose.

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Of course, there was no grass in the cave upon which the young bovines could feed, so the only sensible thing to do was slaughter them immediately.

And a good thing, too, for the spoiling food that remained in the wagon was being ravaged by buzzards while Smästa was distracted by the migrants.

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Helppost's larder now had plenty of foodstuffs to keep Tosid happy and healthy.

But despite the hydra Smästa slaughtering the visiting dwarves and Tosid slaughtering the visiting animals, even more visitors arrived.

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First came a trade caravan. The merchants stayed as far south of Helppost as they could, cautiously surveying the terrain and seeing nothing but death.

There they waited in vain for some sign of life from the outpost.

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Next came more migrants, walking unknowingly to their doom.

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Tosid was drinking dwarven wine from his one wooden barrel when he heard unfamiliar footsteps echoing through his cave.

To his utter shock, it was a young girl!

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Tekkud Idossazir, a 5-year-old dwarven child, immediately ran to Tosid to hold a meeting with him.

Tosid had no choice but to drop what he was doing and listen to her story.

She had arrived with her mother, father, younger brother, and an unrelated leatherworker. As they crossed the final dune on their approach to Helppost, a monster worse than any nightmare attacked their party.

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The monster killed Tekkud's family before her eyes.

Tekkud miraculously managed to escape, found her way to the hole near the toppled wagon, and had climbed down into Tosid's cave.

Although complaining to Tosid made her feel a little better, perhaps it also made her realize the enormity of the situation. Her family had come here expecting to find a fortress--perhaps an unimpressive hillock, but a stable community nonetheless. To come and find a nightmarish scene of blood and corpses stalked by a many-headed menace, while a single dwarf cowered underground with a private stash of food and booze...

Well, let's just say that Tekkud lost her temper.

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Striking out at the nearest available targets, Tekkud grabbed the turkey hen and punched Tosid.

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She trampled the plump helmet farm plot.

She destroyed the butcher's shop and craftsdwarf's shop.

She toppled a memorial slab.

She hurled a pot of tallow into the aquifer pond.

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Finally, she punched Tosid in the neck, fracturing his spine.

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Tosid was knocked unconscious and then beaten up by the child.

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Fortunately, the fractured spine was Tosid's only lasting injury from the fight. Well, that and his pride.

Tekkud, meanwhile, was quite pleased with herself.

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Maybe life in Helppost wouldn't be so bad after all, she thought.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Helppost the Accidental Hermitage
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2014, 03:55:43 pm »

Good stuff, loving the artwork.

Spehss _

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Re: Helppost the Accidental Hermitage
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2014, 04:06:00 pm »

Saw this on reddit when it was up. Was entertaining.
Steam ID: Spehss Cat
Turns out you can seriously not notice how deep into this shit you went until you get out.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Helppost the Accidental Hermitage
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2014, 05:16:37 pm »



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Re: Helppost the Accidental Hermitage
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2014, 06:22:17 pm »



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Re: Helppost the Accidental Hermitage
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2014, 10:15:47 pm »

Just ask yourself: What would a mobster do?
So we butcher them and build a 4chan tallow soap tower as a monument to our greatness?


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Re: Helppost the Accidental Hermitage
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2014, 12:19:06 am »

This is awesome
I am quite looking forward to the next 20 or 30 years or so of developmental madness


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Re: Helppost the Accidental Hermitage
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2014, 03:39:59 pm »

Terrific artwork and story, keep up the good work.
Max avatar size is 80x80


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Re: Helppost the Accidental Hermitage
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2014, 05:47:21 pm »

Great portrayal of the events in the story.
Having a child to mind the farm while your other dwarf does real work is always good.


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Re: Helppost the Accidental Hermitage
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2014, 06:18:23 am »

With injured spine? I don't know...


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Re: Helppost the Accidental Hermitage
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2014, 05:39:51 pm »

Right. I forgot about that.     ::)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Helppost the Accidental Hermitage
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2014, 08:48:16 am »

Not bad, not bad at all.
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


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Re: Helppost the Accidental Hermitage
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2014, 08:42:17 pm »

There's going to be more, right? RIGHT?!
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