Odd that I hadn't ever really paid attention about dwarven families having separate last names
That wouldn't be a bad change, giving a shared last name, or maybe giving each family a crest or something similar to the in-game dwarven group/government names.. Something like, "Urist McFeels and Gurlist McChills founded The Axe of Claws in 339. The Axe of Claws has 719 deceased members and 24 living, born over 68 generations." along with a full list of the family, preferably in real-world family tree format if at all possible..
Also, some minor exterior indicator showing whether a dwarf is male or female would be somewhat handy.. Its a strange comparison, but it'd be like if all the books in the world were suddenly male or female, but you had to pick up each one and flip to page 171, third line, to find out what the sex was, when you could just stick a small blue or pink mark on the cover :> It would be hard to create strictly female dwarven names with the current setup, which is over 2000 real-world words and their 'dwarven' counterparts, where any 3 are picked in a '1 23' format.. At the very least you'd need to be able to flag a word as 'first name only', male or female only, and being able to assign a word as last-name-only along with choosing if it is a front compound or back compound would be very helpful as well.. We'd end up with dwarf-equivalents of Johnson Susankate and Jeremy Gailcourtney with the current setup :>
The shared last name or lineage and a proper 'family tree' page would take a lot of the hard work out of tracking a bloodline for storytelling, and would also allow dwarven full-family feuds and grudges, which could lead to some interesting fort layouts (and giant bloodbaths, as it should be!)..