okay lets see
Why didn't my already existing slimes capture any terrain? I'm certain I ordered them to do so.
my mistake i read that as the newly spawned slimes claiming territory...will fix it.
Question : In combat in which multiple unit types of either side are involved. Which goes first? I'd very much prefer it to be the stronger units, because otherwise my Large slimes have no purpose whatsoever.
usually i will use the strongest units first till they are down to 1hp or so and then move on to your weaker units as casualties and then the stronger ones. So roughly this order applies:
Strongest Unit down to 1HP > Weakest Unit > next strongest unit....Strongest Unit
A Large slime is not a unit sink, it is in effect quite effective at defense. With 10 HP it will outlive most of the lvl 1 creatures in combat. Add to that its 10+10d6 damage and its eating everything that comes a-knocking apart from tourg incursions and Boss led hordes. Right now 1 Large Slime could still very well take on an entire Undead Horde...and win.
Why? You have a potential of rolling seventy (10+10d6), while kevak at best can roll 32+1d6 which is 38. That doesn't make your Large Slime overpowered necessarily, since they can only kill 1 unit if sent attacking (more if there is no one else left). In defense however they are worth their weight in gold.
Regarding unit cohesion you hit the nail. It may seem overly strong right now but do not forget that your large slimes can hold him at bay. Also note that while i will use strong Units till tehy are down to 1 HP, if on this last roll they would get destroyed, they will be destroyed. Lets say your large slime has 5 HP remaining, and through some luck somebody does 6 damage instead of 4, before the slime is replaced by slimelings filling the gap, it will be destroyed.
Question: In case of an attack, there's a 66% chance a unit is interrupted in what it was doing. Is that a chance per attacking player, or just once in total. In addition, how much units can each attacking unit disrupt?
There is a 50% chance (4+ means 4,5,6 which is half of a d6). That is per disrupted unit. so if the enemy intends to disrupt 20 of your guys, we roll 20 times to see how many leave and how many stay.
Question: Kevak's zombies need souls as sustenance. At no point in the game have I seen him gathering souls. Why are they not starving? He should have lost his 6 zombies on turn 3, thereby ensuring that he failed to capture all the goblins terrain on Turn 4.
That is indeed true, usually they would starve, but remember that all living things possess souls in this game. Souls without crystals however are simply vanishing into Magic. So in other words, his zombies sustained themselves on the beings they killed and raised as zombies, aswell as on the goblin newborn. If they dont get to attack and kill they will simply waste away. So yeah with Zombies he is constantly forced to attack or they starve.
NERJIN(Since obviously otherwise you ignore anything that i post regarding ruling.
Attack the zombies with EVERYONE
add your Races name to it, otherwise i will ignore your orders from now on.
Also you can only move your goblin whelps upwards to attack the Zombies.
Also Also, you are not out of the game, you need to guide one of the gobbos to become an orc.