Turn 5: Hammer smashed Face
World Events
1. Zalthrog and Greeter have both been killed!
2. Heinrich the Smith is now Level 5
3. Tims Brother has turned into Jim, the Smiths Apprentice Lvl 4
4. The Two Heroes have moved to level two to hunt down Tourgs due to their aggressiveness.
RatmenThe Rats on the First level seem to do not much else than procreate all day long...what a beautiful life...
meanwhile on deeper levels their brethren claim more land for their species.
gained 7 space
gained 6 unusually large rats
consumed 2 food out of the stocks
Undead(OOC: update on your ruling. ebbor is right having two heroes is overpowered. Change of Rules: You can't get minibosses you get minibosses from raising heroes or boss corpses. That makes it more fair and i think you agree that otherwise undead are overpowered. ;P))
You decide that these fresh bodies are quite valuable and decide to procure more. Your little army falls upon the unprepared search party and starts to kill. When they finally mount a defense half of Heinrichs Sons are already dead. A brutal merciless melee begins and Heinrich in the midst of it. The eldest of Tims Brothers manages to lay the body of his brother to rest before dying to goblin whelps swarming over him. Heinrich entering a martial trance finally meets Zalthrog in an intense melee. Blows fall left and right and although the smith is heavily injured he manages to finally take revenge for his fallen sons. When all is over only two of the humans remain. Heinrich and one of his sons.
Immediately they burn the corpses and scavenge what they can from them before setting up camp.
Heinrich gains Iron Sword (+1)
Heinrich gains 13 exp
Jim the Apprentice gains 10 exp
Heinrich the Smith is now level 5 (4/6)
Jim the Apprentice is now level 4 (3/5)
the heroes scavenge:
60 Gold off of Tims Brothers
6 Clubs (+1)
9 Soul Crystals
8 Magic Crystals
1 Medium Magic Crystal
1 Large Soul Crystal
they also burn all the corpses making them useless.
SnakemenThe extra food and warmth has caused more eggs to hatch. 5 more freshborn crawl forth and join their brethren in the hunt for delicious rats.
However the rats have become more vicious than ever selling their hides dearly. you lose 7 freshborn before you manage to hunt down enough rats to sate your hunger. one of the Freshborn has become suprisingly...large.
8 unusually large rats killed
7 freshborn killed
1 Freshborn Lvl 1 (12/2) gained 8 exp
gained 15 Food
GoblinsYour Goblin whelp goes off hunting Zombies...but finds none. Instead he finds a particularly well kept Crypta and starts looting corpses. He drags back some food and some weird blue sparkling things.
1 Space of Undead ground claimed for goblins.
2 Restless Corpses turned into 2 Food and added to the Goblin Stocks
2 Magic Stolen from Undead Stocks
Gelatinous slimesCrawling out of the Primordial Filfth, oddly enough several of the slimelings drag parts of it somehow...with them? In any case soon enough a tiny greenish pool now adds to the scenery of the Fungal Forest.
20 Slimelings spawned
26 Space claimed on Level 2
15 Parts of the Slimepool moved to DL2
TourgsBreed more tourgs
Pick of the heroes one by one.
((A lack of Numbers and a lack of orders on who should move where wont make this job easier. I will presume orders here, which can and will be to your detriment. In the future make your posts clearer))
18 of the Whelps have grown enough to now start actively hunting. 1 of them chases off into the upper levels to get killed by the two remaining heroes.
(Posting here out of hilarity: 1+1 vs. 18+5+1)
1 Tourg Whelp killed
18 Tourg Whelps gained
Heinrich the Smith gains 1 exp
he scavenges 2 food from the Tourg Whelp and 1 Valuable (a Tourg Pelt)
The Dungeon
Level 1 CaveTotal Space: 100
Sustenance: 40 Food, 10 Magic
SlimesClaimed Space: 20
Food: 10/10
- Food that Replenishes each turnSlimepool (35/55) (spawns slimelings on command) -
Each Slimeling needs 1 Space and costs 1 Food to spawnRatmenClaimed Space: 20
Food: 4/10
Stocks: 11 Food
4 unusually Large Rats Lvl 1 (0/2)
SnakemenClaimed Space: 20
Food: 9/10
Stocks: 35 Food
75 Snakemen Eggs (turn into Freshborn)
1 Freshborn Lvl 1 (12/2) - ready to grow
The UndeadClaimed Space: 39
Residual Magic: 0/10
Food: 10/10
Stocks: 2 Food ,73 Magic, 1 Gold
74 Restless Corpses (turn into Skeletons or Zombies)
GoblinsClaimed Space: 1
Level 2 Fungal ForestTotal Space: 79/220
Sustenance: 79/200 Food, 0/20 Magic
Heinrich, The Smith - Lvl 5 (5/6), Iron Sword (+1) (known loot: 60 Gold, 1 Valuable, 9 Soul Crystals)
Jim, Smiths Apprentice - Lvl 4 (3/5) (known loot: 6 Clubs (+1), 8 Magic Crystals, 1 Medium Magic Crystal, 1 Large Soul Crystal)
RatmenClaimed Space: 14
Food: 7/14
6 unusually Large Rats Lvl 1 (1/2)
1 Ratman Lvl 2 (0/3)
GoblinsClaimed Space: 9
Food: 0/9
Stocks: 2 Food, 2 Magic
4 Goblins Lvl 2 (0/5)
5 Goblin Whelps Lvl 1 (0/2)
TourgsClaimed Space: 20
Food: 0/20
Stocks: 5 Food
18 Young Tourgs Lvl 1 (0/2)
2 Tourgs Lvl 2 (0/3)
89 Tourg Whelps
SlimesClaimed Space: 47
Food: 6/47
15/15 Slimepool
1 Large Slime Level 10 (0/100)
40 Slimelings Lvl 1