Well, let's say that my first contact with Nova was a bit overwhelming, but mostly because the interface to manage all that stuff isn't really well done, sometime i clicked to move a group and it resulted as if i had clicked to "next troop" , doing nothing else, sometime i moved the troops as wanted, and funnily sometime the troops refused to move again after that.
Annoying too when you want to bombard and select your space fleet, you have to separate manually the bombard-able ships from the rest because the game isn't smart enough to allow the bombard to happen if other ships can't do that.
Many little annoyances like that pilling up with each other.
And i told my nobles to be more cautious when having sex with random women
But they never listen.
The AI was indeed badly impressing me by its high passivity, i attacked without any provocation a few things (you can't do any war on Byzanthium apparently) on some planet and after lots of turns, no retaliation
For fun i decided to max the taxes and the "other thing i have not yet looking deeply into" while increasing my troop pay to max, just to see how rebellions would do.
Rebellion of course happened immediately, then i waited on purpose and no rebel ever attacked my loyal silly high paid troopers.
And no other house ever try to benefit from my power crumbling by launching any invasion.
I'll give a look to that emperor stuff to see if at least the AI is more believably reactive but looking at the shortcoming of the interface regarding the complexity of the units in Nova, i'm not sure i'll have much more fun.