Gonna post my "awesome" theorycrafted list before I actually get into the game. X-wing Miniatures Game. Is it actually fun? And worthwhile blowing $100-200 on miniatures? They're not too bad as ornaments as it is, and it's cheaper than Warhammer anyway.....
3x B-wing Blue Squadron (scrappers)
w/ Fletchette Cannon, Fire Control System
(stress+, long range if needed, furball, all the targeting to not whiff shots)
1x A-wing Green Squadron (cheap commander)
w/ Squad Leader, Chaardan Upgrade, A-wing Test Pilot, Stay on Target
(extra actions for scrappers or afterthought movement, but you can't have both at once)
99pt build. One highly mobile commander to give free actions and stay out of the way (and awesome red movement bumping if needed in the 2-3 speed range), three scrappers that are able to joust, swarm efficiently, or occasionally stress-tap larger targets (YT 2-ship builds).
What do you think of it game-wise? I could sub in another standard B-wing if the commander sucks, or drop lots of fire control systems as well and grab an ion turret Y-wing for a Phantom hard counter. But I think this build will give plenty of options and fun, with some action control and firepower.
So, is it competitive?
edit: Also vaguely thinking a C3PO B-wing/e2 as a tank ship as an option. *must do 2 damage to you* before anything bad happens is pretty scary for a B-wing to have. But there's something to be said for not whiffing shots and free actions (do them barrel rolls. While you re-target and shoot. Because you can.). Thus the above.