Isn't voting on the region where the house is kind of what we're doing now?
Taricus kept bugging me, so I said if he could 5/7 of you to vote in favor of choosing a new region, I'd allow you all to then vote on choosing a new region.
I'd let you use the same house stats-it's clear you guys want the OP one-but I'd adjust the house and the lore to fit wherever you guys want to play. You could probably have killed Giant Snakes in Dorne, you know, or maybe a Kraken on the Iron Islands, in place of a Dragon.
Otherwise, Northern House 5 is the overwhelming choice.
If you guys are happy with that, it's on to step two...
House Name: House Placeholder
Motto: "We hold the place"
Coat of Arms: This is what flies on your House Banners, of should have some meaning! Note-the Lore is completely fungible at this point, and my setting indicated in the previous thread is in many ways a placesetter-I'll change it depending on what you all decide. Don't be afraid to put a dog on your banner!
I need you lot to settle on something. My best guess is for each person who wants to set forth an idea to do so, and when the aye's have it, we'll move on. There was some in the character creation thread, but now you know you are a strong family in the North-unless Taricus convinces you all differently-things obviously change.
Note, Lucus is making his own banner house, which will be just his-so, I won't count his vote too heavily-if it comes to votes, and not a mutual group decision.