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Author Topic: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (Todo: Done!)  (Read 19072 times)


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ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (Todo: Done!)
« on: November 07, 2014, 11:14:29 am »

If you're not one of the Seven Players I've chosen for my game, please do not post here until we are clearly done deliberating.

We've got an OOC thread for chattering.

Player Creation Thread-->
OOC Thread-->

...And, here is where the players will decide their place in Westeros. Here is what we have decided on, so far.

House Name: House Stonehearth

Motto: "First and Last"

Coat of Arms:

Realm: The North
House Location: Northeast of Deepwood Motte
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Defense Rank: 39+5(Realm)+3(Kyle)+4(Alessa)=51
Influence Rank: 47+10(Realm)+5(Cortnay)=62
Land Rank: 28+20(Realm)=48
Law Rank: 33-10(Realm)=23
Population Rank: 35-5(Realm)=30
Power Rank: 31-5(Realm)+3(Rilmad)=29
Wealth Rank: 31-5(Realm)+5(Elise)+2(Henry)=33

Spoiler: Defense (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Power (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Land (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Wealth (click to show/hide)

House Age/Very Old (Formed sometime in the last 5000 years)
Major Events (6)
Foundation: Glory

Your family is an old and well respected one, of True Northern blood-you were here before the Dragons, the Stags, and the Lions-even the Wolves, maybe. Your family has endured Winters beyond count...and, has yet to break. Since time immemorial, your families blades have defended the North-you served the Kings of the North, a line unbroken for thousands of years, until the King who Knelt, where your family was shamed into throwing down their arms. Much like the Starks, you can boast of defeating Wildling hordes, Savage Ironborn Raiders, Bolton Betrayers, and mounting the heads of Giants on your walls...and more-one of most heroic ancestors actually managed to kill a mythic Ice Dragon, and it's frozen bones, still hanging in your hall, are a popular topic of discussion at your hearth tables. Your reputation for Heroism is unmatched-when the banners are called, you come-when Eddard called, you came and fought for Robert-and though many never returned to their homes in the North, you won an enduring respect from many in the realm. Your reputation is peerless, and your family is rich with trueborn heirs, your halls ring with the laughter of children-the future has never looked brighter. And if others whisper behind your backs-what does it matter? Winter is coming, and your family has never suffered Summer fools.

Your lands are immense and untracked, and you boast a fairly large population, uncommon to the North where desolation rules. Your military power is modest-your family has always preferred to fight with speed and surprise, with tactical acumen and trained soldiers, rather than relying on pure numbers or untrained levies-your lands boast defenses of stone and earthwork second only to Winterfell itself, many of which have stood for centuries. Your families wealth is not in gold and silver, either, though you don't truly lack for either.

In recent times, your family has never been stronger, but wildlings have begun to move on your lands in greater numbers-seemingly, their fear has been replaced by something worse, or perhaps it's just that new King Beyond The Wall...the Flayed Men of the Dreadfort become bold as well, and seem even more arrogant than usual, since Ned Stark went South, chosen to be Hand of the remember the words, though. It may take Heroic Measures, but, your family has the will to hold against any foe-North, South, West, East.

Current House Members
In Last Harbor Castle
Desmond Stonehearth, Lord of Stonehearth, Defender of Last Harbor
His five children
Henry Snow, age 19-born of Bastardy from one Melissa Saltworth†, a merchants daughter
Benjicot Stonehearth, his natural son and heir, age 25, born of an annulled union from Jane of Fossoway
-From Alenna Hornwood), his current wife
Kyle Stonehearth, age 18, his oft disappointing son
Lesly Stonehearth, age 10, his salty daughter
Melissa Stonehearth, age 9, his youngest, bookish daughter

Maynard Camber Castellan
Callo Stonehearth, Steward
Septon Hullen, also called "Septon Snowbeard", often travels the lands
Emmon Lannack, Master-of-Arms, golden of hair and sharp of tongue. Hails from the Westerlands.
Sworn Swords-Eddwyck Mollen the Lordguard, Eldred Camber, Gregory Snow, Jack "Jumping" Jast, Pell Tenward, Hal Highoak, John Bronzehelm, Tedryck Wist, also called the "Swordmaester", A man named Nymer, also called "The Readied", Others
High Hall Chef Bodrick Wull, and his assistants and sons-Pell Wull and Tell Wull. Identical twins.
Geoffry Hornwood, Master of the Hunt

Camber Family
William Camber Married to Riana Karstark†
His Three Children
Alessa Camber, his sword-dancing daughter
Sam Camber, his first son and heir
Russel Camber, his second son

Frederich Wull, A Camber Family Knight-General

Maynard Camber brother to William, Castellan of Last Harbor, Married to Gabrielle Harclay
Clara Camber ((
Eldred Camber

Some explanations.

Realm is your Houses place in Westeros, and it gives both bonuses and penalties-for example, Dornish Houses enjoy +10 to their Land and Power ranks, but -5 to both Influence and Law.

Defense Rank is indicative of the number of your Houses number of towers, walls, and strong fortifications-your points here are used to purchase defense buildings. When defending your lands, these defense buildings give bonuses to your army to repel invaders-however, depending on the size of your lands, you may have to choose either one large stronghold, or a string of them to watch all your domains.

Influence Rank represents your social power and presence in your region, and throughout all Westeros. Influence can be used to purchase valuable heirs-which can be either players, or your relations-who are very valuable in Diplomacy with other houses. You can also expend your houses unspent influence to improve it's wealth, and aid your party in intrigues.

Land Rank determines how much land your house has-this is spent in creating "Domains", which represent a piece of land your house has control over. Domains can have both terrain, and features-the biggest features are Cities.

Law Rank is indicative of how safe it is to live in your Families lands-from bandits, brigands, turncoats and unscrupulous foreigners. Law Rank affects your families wealth, leeching it away if low, or providing a sizable bonus, if high.

Population Rank is simply how many smallfolk your lands support. Population Rank affects your families wealth, leeching it away if low, or providing a sizable bonus, if high.

Power Rank is how robust your families military power is. It's primarily used to purchase military units, and banner houses.

Wealth Rank represents your families incomes and resources. You can spend your wealth to improve your houses lands-with mines, marketplaces, and ports for example-or keep it in reserve, for producing the Dragons* you may need on adventures, for buying mercenaries, Diplomacy, or who knows.

*The highest Westerosi coinage is a Golden Dragon.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2014, 01:07:02 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (House Creation)
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2014, 11:30:24 am »

Just wondering, but am I in, or not? The other thread list my character (Henry Saltsworth) as being played by Henry Baldman.

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (House Creation)
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2014, 12:16:52 pm »

...Uh, yeah, that a misprint...he's obviously not play. I got my Henry's mixed up.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."

Lucus Casius

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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (House Creation)
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2014, 12:38:49 pm »

I'd suggest adding a tertiary vote, as well, and going by a point system with Primary worth three, secondary worth two, and tertiary worth one.  Then we can just total the points for each one and use whichever got the most total points.

I feel it'd be a better way to gauge the player approval for houses than just going by whichever has the most primary votes.  Mind, a bit more complicated, but.


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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (House Creation)
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2014, 12:51:33 pm »

Well obviously the most effective system is to organize the houses into a party system and award them proportional representation in a parliament where they can...

wait what?

There's five choices.  Odds are good that a clear favorite will emerge.
Ancient Babylonian god of RAEG
"Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget and I will tell you what you value"
« Last Edit: February 10, 1988, 03:27:23 pm by UR MOM »
mainiac is always a little sarcastic, at least.


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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (House Creation)
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2014, 01:34:52 pm »

House 1
Realm: Westerlands
Defense Rank: 20
Influence Rank: 31
Land Rank: 12
Law Rank: 28
Population Rank: 23
Power Rank: 17
Wealth Rank:51

House Age/New (Formed sometime in the last 20 years)
Major Events (1)
Foundation: Decline

Description: Your house is an offshoot of the scions of Wealthy Westerlanders, who came into fortune when a larger house was suddenly found heir-less in the midst of Robert's Rebellion-your fathers and mothers, previously lesser family, suddenly inherited a great deal of prestige and enormous untapped wealth. The years have been full of tumult, however, as these distant cousins and bastard sons scrabbled amongst each other for power left in the opening, or squandering it's resources in decadence. Your house sits on significant resources, most likely gold mines, and is a rich target for bandits-many of whom are your relations, sadly-crime is common, but not out of control. Your house has a poor standing army, mostly made of up of smallfolk, and likely heavily supplemented by mercenaries-which is a good idea, because your neighbors are hungry for your gold, your land, and your daughters. It will take Heroic measures to hold them off, and keep what is yours...
House 2
Realm: Riverlands
Defense Rank: 9
Influence Rank: 6
Land Rank: 29
Law Rank: 1
Population Rank: 32
Power Rank: 24
Wealth Rank: 27

House Age/Old (Formed sometime in the last 300 years)
Major Events (7)
Foundation: Infrastructure (Time of Peace)
Infrastructure (Time of Peace)

Description: It's often japed when Aegon granted the Tully family their banner for supporting his conquest, he rewarded your family the pole to hold the banner up-to this day, they count on your strong matter what your opinions are on the subject. For 300 years, your House has lived and died in the Riverlands-and you have always had to fight for what is yours, and are known for your martial prowess and tactical acumen. No less then four times have your lands been decimated, invaded, retaken, and decimated again-twice by Freys, once by Beesburys, and once by the Tully's themselves-when a foolish ancestor joined his men to the Blackfyre Rebellion, hoping to crown himself King of the Riverlands.

Still, wars end, and your family has always been good at rebuilding-in the old days, before the Dragons came, you were merely humble fisherfolk, so the singers say. Your family boasts a robust population, no shortage of wealth from river trade, and vast, rich farmlands and tracts of virgin woods-thought they could be bigger, some say, if you dealt with your problems at home.

Only recently, the last 20 years, have the hard times come. Your families previous Lord made a controversial, and in hindsight terrible decision-he supported Aery's over Robert, going against the wishes of the Tully's. At the end of the war, your family was made a pariah and a scapegoat, and the Lord won nothing during the war, but the scorn of the victors.

The loss stung, but the anger of your banner lords was worse-they openly revolted, defying guests right, slaughtering your Lord Grandfather, and hied to the hills. Over the last 20 years, any semblance law has completely fallen apart as these malcontents has spread like poison-one by one, your towers and holdfasts have fallen, and become Robbers Dens. Now, hordes of bandit murderers and rapers armed in stolen steel declare themselves Lords and force your people to pay them "taxes"-traveling the roads at night is oft suicide by moonlight. It's clear they must be dealt with, and soon-the greater part of house military forces, while not inconsiderable, are ill suited for hunting river will take heroic measures to rectify these injustices.
House 3
Realm: Mountains of the Moon
Defense Rank: 47
Influence Rank: 29
Land Rank: 18
Law Rank: 15
Population Rank: 14
Power Rank: 21
Wealth Rank: 15

House Age/New (Formed sometime in the last 20 years)
Major Events (2)
Foundation: Invasion/Revolt

Description: Your family was properly born in the fires of a great Lordslaying-during the winter following Roberts Rebellion, the High mountain passes snowed over, and your smallfolk began to starve. Rumors of their Nobles feasting every night in their Marble Towers spread subversively. They rose up and displaced their Lord, bloodily...and, your family, their former Castellans (your family was very popular and well loved) found themselves chosen for leadership by the surviving heirs-a hasty wedding to your Lord was perhaps all that kept the smallfolk from killing the lot of them.

Once Spring came around again, the balance was lost. Between your own family, and the "Old Blood" lay the uncountable horrors of what had transpired during one bloody night, none of which are yours to blame of...unless you listen to whispers. You have spent the intervening years sniping and fighting amongst one another, and both families and land have suffered greatly from the feud.

Your families lands are like most in the mountains-small, rocky, and sparsely populated. You have only meager wealth and forces at your command-your smallfolk can barely sufficing to hold off the mountain bandit clans, who raid freely, and without fear. Still, your natural mountain defenses, and robust walls keep them back-often do the Lords open their gates, to keep life and sundry secure. It's getting the smallfolk to leave again that's the problem, before they starve your halls.

Your family is currently at a bitter cross-with both sides avowing different ways and means forward, disagreeing with one another just because they can, and becoming more vocal and hostile toward one another-swords have been drawn, tempers high. It'll take heroic measures to sort it out, before it comes to spilling your brothers blood in the mountain streams.
House 4
Realm: Stormlands
Defense Rank: 27
Influence Rank: 16
Land Rank: 19
Law Rank: 20
Population Rank: 16
Power Rank: 23
Wealth Rank: 15

House Age/Old (Formed sometime in the last 300 years)
Major Events (4)
Foundation: Scandal
Infrastructure (Time of Peace)

During Aegon's conquest, it is said by the Bards that he flew down upon a small hold on Stormlands, and his generals demanded the surrender of a Lord and his castle, one summer day. The man was stubborn, however, and would not yield. His smallfolk trembled in their wooden huts, preparing for Dragonfire-and his knights prepared to take doses of Sweetsleep so they would die in dreams, rather than be cooked alive in their armor.

It was at this point the Lords brother asked to speak to him in private.

An hour later, the Brother presented his Lords head to Aegon's generals, his sword red with his kins blood. "Burn me if you must, but at least spare us a fools pyre,", he said.

The brother was rewarded for his Kinslaying, risen to Lord himself....which, your family maintains to this day, was a necessary evil. Better that, then end up like Harrenhal. Better that, than another field of fire...didn't the rest of Westeros surrender as well? Of course, it has been a bitter old memory that tags along where-ever you go. No one forgets, not when it's so convenient. A House born of Kinslaying-how shameful...Even your full blooded support of Robert in his rebellion, where your men often led the van, and died in terrible numbers for his cause, did little to change hearts and seems that ancient (necessary) evil may yet dog your family for the rest of time.

And yet, your family still lives on, blood of kinslayers or nought-though, it is a road that is has never been easy. Your lands are poor, though you boast fine (non-burned) fortifications, you have little wealth and poor population. You maintain barely modest forces, and crime and bandit are probably the worst in the Stormlands, though better than some places.

All in all, there's a lot of room for improvement. When have Stormlanders ever lacked for courage, though? It's time for some Heroic Measures.
House 5
Realm: The North
Defense Rank: 44
Influence Rank: 57
Land Rank: 48
Law Rank: 23
Population Rank: 30
Power Rank: 26
Wealth Rank: 26

House Age/Very Old (Formed sometime in the last 5000 years)
Major Events (6)
Foundation: Glory

Your family is an old and well respected one, of True Northern blood-you were here before the Dragons, the Stags, and the Lions-even the Wolves, maybe. Your family has endured Winters beyond count...and, has yet to break. Since time immemorial, your families blades have defended the North-you served the Kings of the North, a line unbroken for thousands of years, until the King who Knelt, where your family was shamed into throwing down their arms. Much like the Starks, you can boast of defeating Wildling hordes, Savage Ironborn Raiders, Bolton Betrayers, and mounting the heads of Giants on your walls...and more-one of most heroic ancestors actually managed to kill a mythic Ice Dragon, and it's frozen bones, still hanging in your hall, are a popular topic of discussion at your hearth tables. Your reputation for Heroism is unmatched-when the banners are called, you come-when Eddard called, you came and fought for Robert-and though many never returned to their homes in the North, you won an enduring respect from many in the realm. Your reputation is peerless, and your family is rich with trueborn heirs, your halls ring with the laughter of children-the future has never looked brighter. And if others whisper behind your backs-what does it matter? Winter is coming, and your family has never suffered Summer fools.

Your lands are immense and untracked, and you boast a fairly large population, uncommon to the North where desolation rules. Your military power is modest-your family has always preferred to fight with speed and surprise, with tactical acumen and trained soldiers, rather than relying on pure numbers or untrained levies-your lands boast defenses of stone and earthwork second only to Winterfell itself, many of which have stood for centuries. Your families wealth is not in gold and silver, either, though you don't truly lack for either.

In recent times, your family has never been stronger, but wildlings have begun to move on your lands in greater numbers-seemingly, their fear has been replaced by something worse, or perhaps it's just that new King Beyond The Wall...the Flayed Men of the Dreadfort become bold as well, and seem even more arrogant than usual, since Ned Stark went South, chosen to be Hand of the remember the words, though. It may take Heroic Measures, but, your family has the will to hold against any foe-North, South, West, East.

« Last Edit: November 07, 2014, 02:09:44 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (House Creation)
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2014, 01:36:23 pm »

I've decided Lucus has the right of it. We'll vote like this instead.

I'd suggest adding a tertiary vote, as well, and going by a point system with Primary worth three, secondary worth two, and tertiary worth one.  Then we can just total the points for each one and use whichever got the most total points.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (House Creation)
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2014, 01:44:52 pm »

1st Vote: House 2 of the Riverlands
2nd Vote: House 4 of the Stormlands
3rd Vote: House 1 of the Westerlands

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (House Creation)
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2014, 01:46:47 pm »

Primary:  5 (I like the north in general and really messing with the canon is great fun.)
Secondary:  2 (It sounds quite fun)
Trietary:  1 (Bandit hunting sounds somewhat interesting.)


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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (House Creation)
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2014, 01:48:30 pm »

Primary Vote: House 5
Secondary Vote: House 3
Tertiary Vote: House 1
« Last Edit: November 07, 2014, 02:29:00 pm by Taricus »
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll

Lucus Casius

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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (House Creation)
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2014, 01:50:01 pm »

Huh.  Five has one of the better series of rolls I've ever seen come out of this game.

Primary:  House 5
Secondary: House 4
Tertiary: House 3
« Last Edit: November 07, 2014, 03:58:27 pm by Lucus Casius »


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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (House Creation)
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2014, 01:50:38 pm »

Oh, come one, my character won't make sense in the North. :/ Plus, it's so big and empty. All the cool people are in the South (because all the people are in the south)

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.

Lucus Casius

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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (House Creation)
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2014, 01:52:06 pm »

Sure he would.  White Harbor's in the north and it's pretty rich.


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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (House Creation)
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2014, 01:54:08 pm »

Oh, come one, my character won't make sense in the North. :/ Plus, it's so big and empty. All the cool people are in the South (because all the people are in the south)
Saying that like we won't be going south soon anyways....


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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (House Creation)
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2014, 01:54:53 pm »

Won't be going south? Not with all these heirs :P
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll
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