This is an accurate depiction of humans chillin' together. We're off to an amazing start.
Er, ignore this I guess.
I think it's impossible for someone like Nudist to have a sweetheart. But you're Snake, you can make anything happen. Go for it, dude.
You're a piece of shit, Snake. This is all your fault.
I don't fucking know, Nudist. I tried to convince him not to do it, but he just wouldn't listen. The bastard has gone completely out of my control. I fear that no force on the Earth will be able to stop him.
Oh god, no. This is going to go as horrible as the last time I allowed this to happen, but I'll let it happen anyway so Leonidas can learn to cope with rejection.
But then again, I might be wrong.
IRONTOMATO. Get fuck away from there, you piece of shit. I didn't turn you into an adult so you could pull this shit. Yeah, I can see you over there. Do not do this. You're only making things worse by delaying the King's inevitable rejection.
Mother of shit. It actually worked. Congratulations, Sparta.
To celebrate his recent triumph, Leonidas promptly erects an amusement park to celebrate.
Your hat looks plenty unique to me.
I bought you two very unique hats, Snake. I am not buying you any more.
You have brought shame to this family.
There was a lull in activity after Nudist nearly killed me with that excuse for a funny face, so I decided I'd scan the QR code that Yoink posted up there. His name is Bano. I'm not sure who this Bano character is, but I have a feeling that he will be slightly less insane than the other islanders. Yoink was listed as the creator, so everybody give him a hand.
I also decided I'd create a mii of The Boss, because our island doesn't have enough grils on it. It's not a very good recreation of her, but it'll have to do, because I couldn't find any QR codes for her.
And I'm spent.
Prepare your anuses for the longest post I've ever posted. Don't worry Tawarochir, these images are small and won't use up all your bandwidth. They're all about 4MB in total.
I can't actually see them.
Shit. Sorry. I don't have an account for any other image service which allows me to upload 30+ images and easily see the BBCode for all of them, but I will look for one. Sorry for the inconvenience. Can I ask why you can't see imgur?
If you're doing them, request to be mii'd. You'd have to make it, though.
I could mii you. I'd need a picture or description of you, though.