"When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die."
You are a poor peasant living in the forest fief of Umeweth, in the kingdom of Rulasia. You just barely scrape by on a day to day basis, living in poverty. You pay a small amount of tax to the mayor of your small, nameless town, and you are required to serve the realm in times of war. One day, after you've returned from the forest, you hear the town crier, yelling out that a war has started, and that all able-bodied men are to gather in the town square at once. You gather what little equipment you have, and quickly rush to the square, where a sergeant, sent from the main keep of the fief, is waiting impatiently. He looks at the mob of men, and shakes his head.
"All of you, get yourselves in order, now! Ten in a row, facing front!"
The mob quickly shuffles themselves into some semblance of order, and the sergeant begins to inspect the rows of peasants, stopping in front of the man to your left.
Who are you? Name, age, description, background.
What do you do for a living?
Woodcutter: You cut wood for a living, felling trees for lumber to build. You're stronger than the average farmer, and you brought your axe to the muster ground.
Hunter: You hunt game in the forest. You're faster than the others, and you know how to use your bow, which you brought to the muster.
Trapper: You set up snares, deadfalls, etc. to catch game. You're far more intelligent and perceptive than the average, but you don't have a weapon with you.
Fluff: Are you married?
If so, describe your wife.
((I will update Bastion tomorrow. If I do not, please, please, PM me and yell at me. I've also decided I'm done with RTDS, since I've never been very good at running them.))