Haha, you really believe that?
Unilateral disarmament? European integration? Oh wow.
This European Elysium is a dream impossible in the current world, and indeed in any future world, too. There would never be unilateral disarmament, and there would never be an integration of Russia into this fake heaven Europe, which can only exist on the tears of the whole world outside it.
It's about time you finally start feeling what the rest of the world experiences every day, and get those utopical notions of "unilateral disarmament" out of your head. You'll never get into your imaginary future, if you continue to think that "unilateral disarmament" is even possible.
Premise 1: "Unilateral disarmament will never happen, neither will European integration with Russia"
Premise 2: "Unilateral disarmament will never happen, neither will European integration with Russia"
Premise 3: "Unilateral disarmament will never happen, neither will European integration with Russia"
Premise 4: "Unilateral disarmament will never happen, neither will European integration with Russia"
Conclusion: "Unilateral disarmament will never happen, neither will European integration with Russia"
If we reduce that further:
Premise 1: A
Premise 2: A
Premise 3: A
Premise 4: A
Given that all four premises are exactly the same, you're just asserting the same thing over and over. That's not an argument, that's an assertion repeated several times.
You see Sergarr, people like me have big, crazy dreams and ideas. They're no crazier than those held by people in history - e.g. that one day everyone would have a say in the running of a country, regardless of their race, creed, class, gender, sexual orientation etc. This now happens in my country. Another would be that Europe wouldn't be at each-others' throats anymore, fighting every decade over some thing or another. Due to the European Union that is now the case.
I accepted long ago that I'll never see the stuff I want to see in the world, but I want to at least work towards it so that someone may do some day. By asking me to stop dreaming of how things can be different and start thinking in your mindset you're asking me to stop being who I am, which I'm not going to do. I believe that the longer Europe remains on this path of unity and peace (not necessarily towards a single super-state, I just mean united through the loose ties we currently have) the closer we'll come to the situations enjoyed by Japan and Costa Rica, perhaps more realistically the one originally envisaged by Woodrow Wilson where every nation would only have as many troops as it needed to defend itself and so on.