0: Slave
1: Common smallfolk, Initiate of the Faith, standard Man of the Night’s Watch, most squires, low-born foreigner
2: House retainer, lesser merchant, acolyte maester, hedge knight, foreign merchant prince, established Man of the Night’s Watch
3: Landed knight, Merchant, sworn sword, veteran member of the Night’s Watch, member of a minor house
4: Lord of a minor house, maester of a minor house, junior member of the Faith, member of a noble house, heir to a minor house, important foreign dignitary, officers of the Night's Watch
5: Lord of a powerful minor house (often one with bannermen), Merchant Prince, maester in a great house, Castle Commanders and Firsts of the Night’s Watch, member of a great house, heir to a house, foreign noble
6: Lord of a major house, officer of the Faith, archmaester, Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, heir to a great house
7: Lord of a great house, member of the Small Council, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Grand Maester, High Septon
8: Member of the royal family, Warden of the East, North, South, or West
9: Queen, Crown Prince, King’s Hand
10: King of the Seven Kingdoms
Ah, and sudden thought, rereading the house creation rules. You might want to play a bit "fast and loose" with them. My personal advise would be, if you want to roll for LOCATION, roll two or three times and allow the players to pick from the results (then do the rest normally). Further, when we purchase terrain, don't necessarily restrict the players to the listed choices for each realm. The Riverlands do have coastline, after all, and it's not as if the Reach is entirely devoid of hilly areas.