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Author Topic: KYOSN: Now with Archived QuickTopic links!  (Read 259108 times)


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) (1 replacement) - The End is Near (of the Day...)
« Reply #645 on: November 18, 2014, 01:54:15 am »

Tolyk: Can we get an extension for ~12-24 hours so we can see what flabort is.

Cheetar: If I was scum, why would I unvote someone who is likely to get lynched today to rolefish them?

Considering his stuff is going to be revealed if he dies, then I'm obviously trying to get him to prevent that because I honestly don't think he is mafia. He seems to be 3rd party and I want to know what 3rd party before I proceed.

You seem to be grasping for straws, anything that could shed light onto our situation, or maybe it's something to make you look good. I'm not sure which it is, and I'm trying to decide if this is a town move or not.


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) (1 replacement) - The End is Near (of the Day...)
« Reply #646 on: November 18, 2014, 01:57:18 am »

You're too timid to call me scum for 'grasping at straws and trying to make myself look good'? Here's a question: Why are you trying to not lynch him if you actually do think he's third party?
I've played some mafia.

Most of the time when someone is described as politically correct they are simply correct.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) (1 replacement) - The End is Near (of the Day...)
« Reply #647 on: November 18, 2014, 01:59:14 am »

Cheeetar, not timid, I could see how it would go both ways.

I would lynch him if he's a bad 3rd party, that's why I'm 'rolefishing'.

Also, just read through flaborts role. Not really comprehended it. What the hell does that mean? We don't know if shake rag, anti shakerag, town, or mafia. How nice.


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  • Nowan Ilfideme
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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (14/15) (1 replacement) - Spinning Bowie
« Reply #648 on: November 18, 2014, 02:16:37 am »

Fine. Day mod-extended by 6 hours because I can't be on for 12-hour one.

Current votecount:
The appointed hammerer is JIM GROOVESTER.
Day will end: TUESDAY, 5 PM UTC or so.
(9 hours 45 minutes)


Shakerag (0)-
Cheetar (0)-
Jack A T (0)-
Zombie Urist (0)-
TheDarkStar (2)- SuperBlackCat, Persus13
Vector (0)-
Varee (0)-
Tiruin (0)-
Jim Groovester (0)-
Toaster (0) -
Persus13 (0) -
4maskwolf (0) - 
Mastahcheese (3) - Jack A T, TheDarkStar, Toaster
SuperBlackCat (1) - Cheeetar

To Hammer: Majority at Day End
Please note that voting shenanigans are not displayed if they occur.

Not voting:
(Shakerag, Mastahcheese, Tiruin, Varee, Vector, 4mask, 4mask, 4mask, ZU, Jimbot) (8)

Extensions used:
Vector (1/2)
Flabort (1/2)

Requesting Replacement: Persus13
My Mafia Stats
just do whatevery tolyK and blame it as a bastard mod
Shakerag: Who are you personally suspicious of?
At this point?  TolyK.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (14/15) (1 replacement) - Spinning Bowie
« Reply #649 on: November 18, 2014, 02:21:11 am »

I'm basically asleep. However, Superblackcat for floppiness, not answering my questions regarding whether Mastahcheese purportedly regards me as "suspicious and unsuspicious," and what looks a lot like chainsawing.
"The question of the usefulness of poetry arises only in periods of its decline, while in periods of its flowering, no one doubts its total uselessness." - Boris Pasternak

nonbinary/genderfluid/genderqueer renegade mathematician and mafia subforum limpet. please avoid quoting me.

pronouns: prefer neutral ones, others are fine. height: 5'3".


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (14/15) (1 replacement) - Spinning Bowie
« Reply #650 on: November 18, 2014, 02:23:44 am »

You asked me a question? And what the hell is chainsawing?


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (14/15) (1 replacement) - Spinning Bowie
« Reply #651 on: November 18, 2014, 02:25:16 am »

Chainsawing is when you go after someone's attackers rabidly for no apparent reasoning.

And yes, I've asked you a question, and I believe I asked it multiple times. You can check back... I gotta sleep.
"The question of the usefulness of poetry arises only in periods of its decline, while in periods of its flowering, no one doubts its total uselessness." - Boris Pasternak

nonbinary/genderfluid/genderqueer renegade mathematician and mafia subforum limpet. please avoid quoting me.

pronouns: prefer neutral ones, others are fine. height: 5'3".

Jim Groovester

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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (14/15) (1 replacement) - Spinning Bowie
« Reply #652 on: November 18, 2014, 03:11:41 am »

So that didn't work out like I expected. flabort's power that prevents him from dying suggested that it would prevent a single death per phase. I expected that I would shoot him, his one-shot protection would get used up, and then the lynch would kill him for good.

Ah, I see. The power isn't an auto, it has to be explicitly used. So I guess flabort's dead, guys.

Oh, well. I guess it's back to voting mastahcheese.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) (1 replacement) - The End is Near (of the Day...)
« Reply #653 on: November 18, 2014, 03:17:14 am »

Cheeetar, not timid, I could see how it would go both ways.

I would lynch him if he's a bad 3rd party, that's why I'm 'rolefishing'.

So you're unwilling to make a judgement. If he's a bad third party, why would he tell you that? Why wouldn't he just make a false claim? In what case would a person claiming something make you unwilling to lynch him while you previously were?
I've played some mafia.

Most of the time when someone is described as politically correct they are simply correct.

zombie urist

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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (14/15) (1 replacement) - Spinning Bowie
« Reply #654 on: November 18, 2014, 03:22:54 am »

superblackcat today, post tomorrow.
The worst part of all of this is that Shakerag won.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) (1 replacement) - The End is Near (of the Day...)
« Reply #655 on: November 18, 2014, 03:29:30 am »

Cheeetar, not timid, I could see how it would go both ways.

I would lynch him if he's a bad 3rd party, that's why I'm 'rolefishing'.

So you're unwilling to make a judgement. If he's a bad third party, why would he tell you that? Why wouldn't he just make a false claim? In what case would a person claiming something make you unwilling to lynch him while you previously were?

Well, He just doesn't seem like scum to me, and I guess I understand your reasoning for 3rd parties, but eh, I'm not too sure about it. He keeps making cryptic comments about stuff and I want to try to understand what he is thinking. Because his actions don't make sense, as I mentioned earlier.

Also, The reason I unvoted and voted TDS is because it seems that it's more possible that he is scum. He's bandwagoning, Posting just enough to escape attention, while still running with what everyone else is saying, and frankly, not pulling any moves. That's scummy.

Also, the second I step kind of out of line with what everyone else thinks, boom everyone votes me. Heh.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (14/15) (1 replacement) - Spinning Bowie
« Reply #656 on: November 18, 2014, 03:59:28 am »

You stepped out of line with what everyone else thinks much earlier when you were defending Mastahcheese and trying to get everybody to focus on Toaster. I didn't vote you then- my vote on you now is based on multiple occasions of suspicious activity from you, not just the one.

superblackcat today, post tomorrow.

We don't have time for tomorrow. You really can't post anything about why you find them suspicious, Zombie Urist?
I've played some mafia.

Most of the time when someone is described as politically correct they are simply correct.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) (1 replacement) - The End is Near (of the Day...)
« Reply #657 on: November 18, 2014, 04:55:17 am »

There are only two extends per day (no matter what Shakerag says :p).
Well that's lame.

My wincon triggers when no Shakerags are left (outside of the player Shakerag). 
I can't be lynched.  In fact, I have multiple abilities that prevent me from being killed in any way, shape, or form.
I lose if there are more Shakerags in the game than there are players.
I have a day ability that lets me gain 2 points of karma.  I have used it already today. 
I have a night ability that is basically a jailkeeper with the added effect of letting me send a message to my target via the mod.
I also technically qualify as a noble. 
I have a "goal" of finding out how to get everyone to win.
There are no mentions of "town" or "scum" or anything similar (outside of what was mentioned above) in any role information of mine.
[bitchingandwhining]Why do you all get the interesting roles and I get stuck with boring old town with no new mechanics[/bitchingandwhining]
Actually, I take that back, I don't personally have any new mechanics but have access to them.
Dude, really?  I've got a wincon, a losecon, some ability that gains me karma which seems to do fuck all, a jailkeeper, and a "goal".
The unkillable bit is noteworthy, but passive, and the nobility thing seems to be for lulz since it couldn't affect the rules supposedly changeable by role powers. 

I think flabort has got the craziest wtf-is-that role so far.

But that aside, I'll tell you what.  Give me a mandate (for whatever good they seem to do) and I'll issue it on your behalf.  Why?  Because apparently not everyone wants everyone else to have nice things, so I'm segueing into IDGAF mode.

Persus13:  You can have a proxy-mandate too if it does anything for ya.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nowan Ilfideme
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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (14/15) (1 replacement) - Spinning Bowie
« Reply #658 on: November 18, 2014, 06:09:27 am »

Current votecount:
The appointed hammerer is JIM GROOVESTER.
Day will end: TUESDAY, 5 PM UTC or so.
(6 hours)


Shakerag (0)-
Flabort (0)-
Cheetar (0)-
Jack A T (0)-
Zombie Urist (0)-
TheDarkStar (2)- SuperBlackCat, Persus13
Vector (0)-
Varee (0)-
Tiruin (0)-
Jim Groovester (0)-
Toaster (0) -
Persus13 (0) -
4maskwolf (0) - 
Mastahcheese (4) - Jack A T, TheDarkStar, Toaster, Jimbot
SuperBlackCat (3) - Cheeetar, Vector, zombie urist

To Hammer: Majority at Day End
Please note that voting shenanigans are not displayed if they occur.

Not voting:
(Shakerag, Mastahcheese, Tiruin, Varee, 4mask, 4mask, 4mask) (5)

Extensions used:
Vector (1/2)
Flabort (1/2)

Requesting Replacement: Persus13
My Mafia Stats
just do whatevery tolyK and blame it as a bastard mod
Shakerag: Who are you personally suspicious of?
At this point?  TolyK.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (14/15) (1 replacement) - Spinning Bowie
« Reply #659 on: November 18, 2014, 08:26:06 am »

Jim stabs flabort in the face and nobody bats an eye.

But you trick one guy into shooting himself and everyone loses their fucking minds. [/reference]

Suprahblackkitteh: Ive got the power to give people fake guns (which it seems are not one-shot. Whoops.) The power to give people "panic buttons" that explode when pressed, and the power to give someone a "device" that is more or less guaranteed to not be malevolent, but even I don't know what it actually does.
I'm not telling you anymore than that.
I have no damn idea what's going on anymore.
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread
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