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Author Topic: KYOSN: Now with Archived QuickTopic links!  (Read 259055 times)


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #570 on: November 16, 2014, 04:51:51 am »

Tiruin- Flabort's reads aren't true reads. He changed them to look more convincing- ergo, he's being deceitful and suspicious.

I can easily see both Mastahcheese and Flabort as scummy, but I can see Mastahcheese being (incredibly) poorly performing town moreso than somebody who intentionally lies. Unvote Mastahcheese, vote Flabort. Not that neither deserve to be lynched- I can see them being partnered, even, given Flabort's weird read of Mastah as town because !gambitz!

Cheetar - Claimed third party with no wincon, and his apathetic play seems to agree with his lack of wincon. I guess he can just keep trying to get that role Jim has.

Would you explain what you mean when you say I play 'apathetically'?
I've played some mafia.

Most of the time when someone is described as politically correct they are simply correct.


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #571 on: November 16, 2014, 08:53:19 am »

The reason I shot Toaster (or rather, made him shoot himself) was because I honestly didn't like his answers, they felt dodgy to me, in a way I can't really explain.
Yeah, I realize that I really should have waited for more evidence, but I guess I was just really wanting an excuse to use my power because it seemed hilarious to me.
Didn't realize I was lurking, though. The questions towards me kinda died down (or I'm an idiot who missed them) and I've been trying to read the other conversations going on at the time, and still going on.
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #572 on: November 16, 2014, 09:02:35 am »

It's interesting how much the players are the bastard in this game, as opposed to the mods.

Don't you think so, Webadict?
My Mafia Stats
just do whatevery tolyK and blame it as a bastard mod
Shakerag: Who are you personally suspicious of?
At this point?  TolyK.


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #573 on: November 16, 2014, 09:04:19 am »

The reason I shot Toaster (or rather, made him shoot himself) was because I honestly didn't like his answers, they felt dodgy to me, in a way I can't really explain.
Yeah, I realize that I really should have waited for more evidence, but I guess I was just really wanting an excuse to use my power because it seemed hilarious to me.
Didn't realize I was lurking, though. The questions towards me kinda died down (or I'm an idiot who missed them) and I've been trying to read the other conversations going on at the time, and still going on.

Have you considered attempting scumhunting?
I've played some mafia.

Most of the time when someone is described as politically correct they are simply correct.


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #574 on: November 16, 2014, 09:29:57 am »

Well, like I've stated a while back, I don't know what scum is in this game. I don't know about town or mafia, all I know is I'm a Shakerag. (Which I've been trying to avoid saying because I'm rather certain that someone needs to kill Shakerags, but other people have been saying they are or aren't, so whatever)
So I don't think I need mafia dead, just anti-shakerags dead, and I don't know how to hunt for that. And i've been trying to follow what else is going on, and trying to deduce things.
I'd say more, but I have to go do my job.
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #575 on: November 16, 2014, 09:41:13 am »

It seems likely that Shakerag are not a mafia-esque group- at least, not an informed minority. That would imply that anti-Shakerags are the informed minority?
I've played some mafia.

Most of the time when someone is described as politically correct they are simply correct.


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #576 on: November 16, 2014, 10:39:49 am »

It's interesting how much the players are the bastard in this game, as opposed to the mods.

Don't you think so, Webadict?
Don't worry TolyK, they'll soon learn their mistake.


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #577 on: November 16, 2014, 11:27:33 am »

It's interesting how much the players are the bastard in this game, as opposed to the mods.

Don't you think so, Webadict?
Don't worry TolyK, they'll soon learn their mistake.
Yeah yeah, pipe down or I'll stick your "we know better" up where the sun doesn't shine  >:( (I'm just kidding, btw).


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #578 on: November 16, 2014, 11:32:11 am »

It seems likely that Shakerag are not a mafia-esque group- at least, not an informed minority. That would imply that anti-Shakerags are the informed minority?
I would assume so. But then again, wasn't there someone who said they weren't a Shakerag? If they were an informed minority, I would think they wouldn't say that. (Unless I'm mis-remembering something) Then again, there's also the Shakerag-miller.
I have no idea.
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #579 on: November 16, 2014, 05:53:34 pm »

The reason I shot Toaster (or rather, made him shoot himself) was because I honestly didn't like his answers, they felt dodgy to me, in a way I can't really explain.
Yeah, I realize that I really should have waited for more evidence, but I guess I was just really wanting an excuse to use my power because it seemed hilarious to me.
Didn't realize I was lurking, though. The questions towards me kinda died down (or I'm an idiot who missed them) and I've been trying to read the other conversations going on at the time, and still going on.

You decided to cause the hammerer (who obviously had control of the vote) to shoot himself because you found it hilarious. I'm pretty sure that's not a town action; my vote stays right where it is.

Well, like I've stated a while back, I don't know what scum is in this game. I don't know about town or mafia, all I know is I'm a Shakerag. (Which I've been trying to avoid saying because I'm rather certain that someone needs to kill Shakerags, but other people have been saying they are or aren't, so whatever)
So I don't think I need mafia dead, just anti-shakerags dead, and I don't know how to hunt for that. And i've been trying to follow what else is going on, and trying to deduce things.
I'd say more, but I have to go do my job.

Why should it matter to your scumhunting what the scum are called? They are still the informed minority, just like every other mafia game.

2. SBC has had some scummy activity including his odd defense of and subsequent attack on cheese. Does this change your read of him?
TheDarkStar: This feels half-hearted.  No effort to show what happened, where it was, and how it was scummy.  Without an argument, or even a reference to previous arguments, this is basically just you saying you disagree and asking if this changes flabort's read of SBC.  Why the low effort?

Why do you think that it's low effort? I asked him several questions (including that one) about his reads with the implication that they were unclear and lazy.

TheDarkStar - Has been asking good questions and
Varee - Actioned 2 people at the start of the day, which IMO is a pretty stupid thing to do. Also claimed that his ability targets at random. Other play has been mediocre. Claimed third party, probably third party. Probably not benign though...
Mastahcheese - Did an interesting gambit. Not sure how effective it was but I guess I can see his motivations. Not sure if realized Toaster is the hammerer. Kinda town?

1. What other thing were you going to say about me?
2. Why is varee probably not benign?
3. Why do you consider him "kinda town"? What motivations do you see for him trying to kill Toaster?
Don't die; it's bad for your health!

it happened it happened it happen im so hyped to actually get attacked now


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #580 on: November 16, 2014, 05:55:29 pm »

Unvote all, but I'm watching you Flabort and mastahcheese


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #581 on: November 16, 2014, 05:59:58 pm »

Unvote all, but I'm watching you Flabort and mastahcheese

Why are you unvoting? If you find them suspicious and have votes available, 4maskwolf, why aren't you voting for them?
Don't die; it's bad for your health!

it happened it happened it happen im so hyped to actually get attacked now


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #582 on: November 16, 2014, 09:54:14 pm »

Unvote. Vote TDS: You seem REALLY keen on getting mastah killed. And from my skimmation of the weekend's posts, you really didn't put too much effort in and took what everyone else said and repeated it. I don't like that.

zombie urist

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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #583 on: November 16, 2014, 09:57:00 pm »

This is so low effort and strange also considering you were voting mastahcheese. Superblackcat
The worst part of all of this is that Shakerag won.


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #584 on: November 16, 2014, 10:54:29 pm »

Unvote all, but I'm watching you Flabort and mastahcheese

Watching them do what, exactly? You seem to agree with the cases on them, but you're not willing to make any kind of stand or work to figure out what's going on?
« Last Edit: July 22, 2017, 09:51:40 am by Vector »
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