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Author Topic: KYOSN: Now with Archived QuickTopic links!  (Read 259040 times)


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #585 on: November 16, 2014, 11:07:21 pm »

Votecount soon-ish.
Day ends in about 30 hours. No buts, no ifs.
My Mafia Stats
just do whatevery tolyK and blame it as a bastard mod
Shakerag: Who are you personally suspicious of?
At this point?  TolyK.

zombie urist

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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #586 on: November 16, 2014, 11:11:22 pm »

TheDarkStar - Has been asking good questions and
Varee - Actioned 2 people at the start of the day, which IMO is a pretty stupid thing to do. Also claimed that his ability targets at random. Other play has been mediocre. Claimed third party, probably third party. Probably not benign though...
Mastahcheese - Did an interesting gambit. Not sure how effective it was but I guess I can see his motivations. Not sure if realized Toaster is the hammerer. Kinda town?
1. What other thing were you going to say about me?
2. Why is varee probably not benign?
3. Why do you consider him "kinda town"? What motivations do you see for him trying to kill Toaster?
I forgot.
I don't consider actioning players without any data to be a town thing to do. Furthermore all his posts seem empty and hasn't really done much scumhunting.
3. Because he thought Toaster was scum? I'm not too sure about my read on him (hence the ?) but I don't really think scum mastahcheese would pull such a gambit. I doubt his scumbuddies would approve either, but I could be wrong.

I'll setup a better case tomorrow time permitting.
The worst part of all of this is that Shakerag won.


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #587 on: November 16, 2014, 11:38:29 pm »

The reason I shot Toaster (or rather, made him shoot himself) was because I honestly didn't like his answers, they felt dodgy to me, in a way I can't really explain.
Yeah, I realize that I really should have waited for more evidence, but I guess I was just really wanting an excuse to use my power because it seemed hilarious to me.
Didn't realize I was lurking, though. The questions towards me kinda died down (or I'm an idiot who missed them) and I've been trying to read the other conversations going on at the time, and still going on.

You decided to cause the hammerer (who obviously had control of the vote) to shoot himself because you found it hilarious. I'm pretty sure that's not a town action; my vote stays right where it is.
Why does the fact that he shot the hammerer matter? Why is it scummy that someone wanted to use their power?

Jim Groovestar: I'm surprised he hasn't voted me yet, considering past games with him. Seems town, but once again, as he is experienced, I don't trust that read.

I'm considering it because of your wimpy vote on an absent player.
When is the best time to get rid off an absent player?

Also, I'm voting GayArchea because he's barely posted. Due to a lack of really scummy players (besides mastahcheese, but no one is currently defending him, so he might just be badly playing town), I would rather get rid of someone who hasn't been playing then people who are trying to contribute.

What does people defending mastahcheese have to do with your opinion on whether he's town or scum?
People who everyone thinks is scum is either town or being bussed, and I doubt mastahcheese is being bussed. The lack of an alternative lynch case (then, flabort seems to be an alternative currently) to mastahcheese makes me doubt he is mafia. Now, given people like Vector currently taking Mastahcheese's side, I'm more willing to believe Mastahcheese could be scum.

Jack A T
Persus13: Quite the vote.  What do you think town would gain from a GayArchaea lynch that we wouldn't from a Mastahcheese lynch?  What would we lose that we wouldn't with a cheese lynch?
We'd gain the fact that we wouldn't have to be constantly looking over our shoulder worrying if a non-participating player was scum. If we lynched him, we'd lose cheese's flip and the light it would shed on interactions, but at the time I voted for GayArchaea, that interaction was pretty much the same universally.

If cheese flipped scum, who would you be the most suspicious of? if he flipped town? If you feel this question may help scum, feel free to ignore it.

... but if you're only interested in killing mafia (as a townie would be (?)) ...

I am interested in killing scum.  I define scum as "anyone who actively wants to hinder town."  This definition includes cults, SKs, lynchers, and the like; and it can also include people who we can't trust to work with us.  Especially since I (thought I) had a daykill; I could use it outside of the lynch process to go ahead and eliminate someone who wasn't on our side.
And you didn't just cite the town wincon in this argument because?

Also, I'm voting GayArchea because he's barely posted. Due to a lack of really scummy players (besides mastahcheese, but no one is currently defending him, so he might just be badly playing town), I would rather get rid of someone who hasn't been playing then people who are trying to contribute.

This is a very weaksauce and inoffensive vote.  It's almost like you're trying to stay in the background and not step on anyone's toes.

Votecount soon-ish.
Day ends in about 30 hours. No buts, no ifs.
Didn't you say day got extended to Tuesday?

When I next post, I'll probably be voting for TDS or Toaster. Toster has done some stuff, that I find kind of odd (need to look deeper into him and Jack interacting), and TDS feels pretty scummy in his recent attacks on Mastahcheese.
Congratulations Persus, now you are forced to have the same personal text for an entire year!
Longbowmen horsearcher doomstacks that suffer no attrition and can navigate all major rivers without ships.


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #588 on: November 16, 2014, 11:53:11 pm »

Votecount soon-ish.
Day ends in about 30 hours. No buts, no ifs.
Didn't you say day got extended to Tuesday?

My good fellow, but that is Tuesday!
Due to time zones I'm working in UTC (see: every votecount :p), which is my time - 3, which means it's 4:52 UTC on Monday.

And since the day ends on Tuesday at 11 AM UTC, that's 24+11-5=30 hours.
So, iw was of by about half an hour. :)
My Mafia Stats
just do whatevery tolyK and blame it as a bastard mod
Shakerag: Who are you personally suspicious of?
At this point?  TolyK.


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #589 on: November 17, 2014, 12:20:14 am »

Zombie Urist: I asked you a question, friendo.

Alright. I chose to vote for the declared Noble because I am pretty sure the nobles are one of two things: Anti-town team or mason team. If they ARE a mason team, odds are good that there are at least three, so losing one would confirm that they are masons and leave the other two safe. If they are a scum team, then obviously we want to kill them.
Therefor, either way the flip of a noble will be a good thing.

Apart from the fact that this is false (not necessarily more than one noble) even in the case of it being a mason team they would have to claim prior to Jack A T's lynch and then be confirmed by him. This is more than a little silly to expect to come about- it's a poor excuse for voting for the noble, and suggests ulterior motives as your real reason.

What does people defending mastahcheese have to do with your opinion on whether he's town or scum?
People who everyone thinks is scum is either town or being bussed, and I doubt mastahcheese is being bussed.

There are alternatives: He's third party and still anti-town (lyncher, serial killer, mafia-ally (is a mafia-ally third party?))
I've played some mafia.

Most of the time when someone is described as politically correct they are simply correct.

Jim Groovester

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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #590 on: November 17, 2014, 01:23:03 am »


I agree with you that flabort is scummy, but with the end of the day coming soon I think we should focus our efforts into lynching a single scummy person instead of spreading all our votes around at the last minute.

Last minute vote fuckery is a possibility here.

Well, like I've stated a while back, I don't know what scum is in this game.
The reason I shot Toaster (or rather, made him shoot himself) was because I honestly didn't like his answers, they felt dodgy to me, in a way I can't really explain.

You had enough of a hunch to shoot Toaster to get Toaster to shoot himself for no good reason, and yet you claim you don't know what scum is in this game.

How do you rationalize your contradictory reasoning? Oh, wait, you're just making a mess of your answers because you're scum.

Didn't realize I was lurking, though. The questions towards me kinda died down (or I'm an idiot who missed them) and I've been trying to read the other conversations going on at the time, and still going on.

I've got it now. It's not your fault for lurking, it's just that people haven't asked you any questions recently.

You've got town written all over you.

When is the best time to get rid off an absent player?

I'm not really interested in getting into a discussion about this point.

Point is, I think you're scummy for going after such a weak target. It's ridiculous that of all the readily available targets to vote the lurker who could be easily replaced (and was) was somehow the most pressing target for you.

Also, I'm voting GayArchea because he's barely posted. Due to a lack of really scummy players (besides mastahcheese, but no one is currently defending him, so he might just be badly playing town), I would rather get rid of someone who hasn't been playing then people who are trying to contribute.

What does people defending mastahcheese have to do with your opinion on whether he's town or scum?
People who everyone thinks is scum is either town or being bussed, and I doubt mastahcheese is being bussed. The lack of an alternative lynch case (then, flabort seems to be an alternative currently) to mastahcheese makes me doubt he is mafia. Now, given people like Vector currently taking Mastahcheese's side, I'm more willing to believe Mastahcheese could be scum.

Why don't you think he's being bussed? The lack of people defending him even though he's scummy as balls doesn't make him town by some paradoxical reasoning.

If I take your answer at face value here, you seem to be suggesting that Vector and other people willing to vote for flabort are likely scum partners for mastahcheese.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #591 on: November 17, 2014, 04:33:20 am »


I agree with you that flabort is scummy, but with the end of the day coming soon I think we should focus our efforts into lynching a single scummy person instead of spreading all our votes around at the last minute.

Last minute vote fuckery is a possibility here.

Absolutely- to that effect, I encourage you to vote Flabort instead. I see Mastahcheese as more likely poorly performing town ('gambitz')- Flabort's outright lied.
I've played some mafia.

Most of the time when someone is described as politically correct they are simply correct.

Jim Groovester

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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #592 on: November 17, 2014, 05:16:58 am »

If we could get more frequent and timely votecounts decisions like these would be a lot easier.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nowan Ilfideme
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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Clumsy Trigger Finger
« Reply #593 on: November 17, 2014, 05:36:55 am »

If we could get more frequent and timely votecounts decisions like these would be a lot easier.
I was just about to, too.

The appointed hammerer is JIM GROOVESTER.
Day will end: TUESDAY, 11 AM UTC or so.


Shakerag (0)-
Cheetar (0)-
Jack A T (0)-
GayArchaea Zombie Urist (0)-
TheDarkStar (1)- SuperBlackCat
Flabort  (2)- Vector, Cheeetar
Vector (0)-
Varee (0)-
Tiruin (0)-
Jim Groovester (0)-
Toaster (0) -
Persus13 (0) -
4maskwolf (1) -  Shakerag
Mastahcheese (4) - Jack A T,
TheDarkStar, Jimbot, Toaster
SuperBlackCat (0) -

To Hammer: Majority at Day End
Please note that voting shenanigans are not displayed if they occur.

Not voting:
(ZU, Mastahcheese, Tiruin, Varee, Flabort, 4mask, 4mask, 4mask, Persus13) (7)

Extensions used:
Vector (1/2)
Flabort (1/2)

My Mafia Stats
just do whatevery tolyK and blame it as a bastard mod
Shakerag: Who are you personally suspicious of?
At this point?  TolyK.


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #594 on: November 17, 2014, 09:24:01 am »

Oh, well with that votecount, Flabort Flabort Flabort, and I encourage all whose votes are on Cheese to vote for him.

Unvote all, but I'm watching you Flabort and mastahcheese

Why are you unvoting? If you find them suspicious and have votes available, 4maskwolf, why aren't you voting for them?
Because of possible vote fuckery, and because I'm not sure enough of mastahcheese being scum to actually vote him.

Unvote all, but I'm watching you Flabort and mastahcheese

Watching them do what, exactly? You seem to agree with the cases on them, but you're not willing to make any kind of stand or work to figure out what's going on? The fuck?
No, I was exhausted but wanted to change my votes, there's a difference.


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #595 on: November 17, 2014, 09:24:27 am »

EBWOP: Flabort Flabort Flabort


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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Clumsy Trigger Finger
« Reply #596 on: November 17, 2014, 09:31:06 am »

Since it was asked for...

The appointed hammerer is JIM GROOVESTER.
Day will end: TUESDAY, 11 AM UTC or so.


Shakerag (0)-
Cheetar (0)-
Jack A T (0)-
GayArchaea Zombie Urist (0)-
TheDarkStar (1)- SuperBlackCat
Flabort (3)- Vector, Cheeetar, 4mask, 4mask, 4mask
Vector (0)-
Varee (0)-
Tiruin (0)-
Jim Groovester (0)-
Toaster (0) -
Persus13 (0) -
4maskwolf (1) -  Shakerag
Mastahcheese (4) - Jack A T, TheDarkStar, Jimbot, Toaster
SuperBlackCat (0) -

To Hammer: Majority at Day End
Please note that voting shenanigans are not displayed if they occur.

Not voting:
(ZU, Mastahcheese, Tiruin, Varee, Flabort, Persus13) (6)

Extensions used:
Vector (1/2)
Flabort (1/2)
« Last Edit: November 17, 2014, 09:46:32 am by TolyK »
My Mafia Stats
just do whatevery tolyK and blame it as a bastard mod
Shakerag: Who are you personally suspicious of?
At this point?  TolyK.

zombie urist

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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #597 on: November 17, 2014, 10:00:50 am »

Don't know why my vote didn't get counted, but I'll switch to Flabort since he seems to be scummier than mastahcheese for reasons I stated earlier. Cheetar I'll get to your question later in the day.
The worst part of all of this is that Shakerag won.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Clumsy Trigger Finger
« Reply #598 on: November 17, 2014, 10:05:40 am »

Don't know why my vote didn't get counted
Probably because I'm blind.

The appointed hammerer is JIM GROOVESTER.
Day will end: TUESDAY, 11 AM UTC or so.


Shakerag (0)-
Cheetar (0)-
Jack A T (0)-
GayArchaea Zombie Urist (0)-
TheDarkStar (1) - SuperBlackCat
Flabort (4) - Vector, Cheeetar, 4mask, 4mask, 4mask, zombie urist
Vector (0)-
Varee (0)-
Tiruin (0)-
Jim Groovester (0)-
Toaster (0) -
Persus13 (0) -
4maskwolf (1) -  Shakerag
Mastahcheese (4) - Jack A T, TheDarkStar, Jimbot, Toaster
SuperBlackCat (0) -

To Hammer: Majority at Day End
Please note that voting shenanigans are not displayed if they occur.

Not voting:
(Mastahcheese, Tiruin, Varee, Flabort, Persus13) (5)

Extensions used:
Vector (1/2)
Flabort (1/2)
My Mafia Stats
just do whatevery tolyK and blame it as a bastard mod
Shakerag: Who are you personally suspicious of?
At this point?  TolyK.

zombie urist

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Re: KYOSN: Day 1 (15/15) - Improvised Flashbang
« Reply #599 on: November 17, 2014, 10:48:31 am »

There are 6 votes on Flabort...

Cheetar I said you were playing apathetically because it seemed like you were doing a minimum of scumhunting only asking a few questions and not really following up.
The worst part of all of this is that Shakerag won.
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