What really got me about the first picture is "She didn't feel anything after seeing a weasel die." Firstly, lol, secondly, how could you not?
I think you picked up the wrong cue. Let's put it in context:
She didn't feel anything after seeing a weasel die.
She is the expedition leader of the Curious Glaze.
Tosid Thabostlòr likes porcelain
She has an iron will, very good creativity, a sharp intellect, the ability to focus and a sum of patience, but she has a poor memory.
respect those that take the time to master a skill
respects fair-dealing and fair-play
She personally is offended by leisure time and leisurely living and does not particularly value the truth.
She finds helping others emotionally rewarding.
I want to see what do they feel after the inevitable happens.
So... let me get this straight... she personally supervised construction of a shower in the rooms of that one noble who mandated furniture from materials absent on site, but she, uh, can't remember now who was assigned to construct the automation of the sink floodgate?
Sorry... I know... I know... dead weasel - er, horse.
Can dwarves go tantrumming from the overload of pleasure?
Or just go on a non-stop party until lack of booze gets them distressed?