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Author Topic: (PTU) - Paradise Islands - IC Thread - Domini Island  (Read 21208 times)


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Re: (PTU) - Paradise Islands - IC Thread - Tonic Island
« Reply #405 on: February 26, 2015, 02:40:17 pm »

((And how did thomas go back down the hill or whatever again XD ))

Thomas merely waits and watches how the rest of the battle plays out, with the roggenrola going berserk.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: (PTU) - Paradise Islands - IC Thread - Tonic Island
« Reply #406 on: February 26, 2015, 04:10:25 pm »

((Blerch. That was a mistake on my end. Luckily, since we're still under Set-Battle, hurting you again is a piece of cake! But since it was my own error, I'll just roll with it. Thanks for pointing it out though.))

Frank moves in to get in closer to Leaf, while Thomas continues to be the best of all guides.

The rest of the battle will be handled during the session. I want to be sure that Taricus gets the file so he can get things rolling.

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


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Re: (PTU) - Paradise Islands - IC Thread - Tonic Island
« Reply #407 on: February 26, 2015, 10:06:16 pm »

This last session...

Samine was quick to bring about an end to the last Roggenrola. Leaf was heavily injured in the fighting, and so was about to be brought down into the clinic when Celesta happened upon them. With a touch, she was able to wake up Leaf and bring him back to consciousness. She quickly ran off in order to avoid having to explain how. Back at the clinic, The old lady was able to patch up many of their aches and pains. Lina and Thomas delivered the Swablu fluff to Lily, who gave them a hat that had the interesting tidbit of being able to attract Flying-Pokémon.

Frank was finally starting to get a bit worried about Wendy, the reporter, and decided to head straight into town to find her. He did find her there, but he did find the 'Officer' McKenzie. They had a brief conversation, enough to divine that he was hiding something. They went back to the docks. On their ship, they discovered trace bits of Venonat hair in the carpet of the main cabin. Venonats that belonged to the thugs on the bridge.

Meanwhile, Celesta and Corrie had a little chat about McKenzie. Celesta had begun to have her doubts as well, having overheard McKenzie talking about some kind of experiment. All at once it dawned upon her that something had been small had been amiss with Glitter Cave earlier when she was catching Pokémon. With that revelation, the documentary team and Celesta gathered up at the clinic to decide their next move. Those thugs have been doing something on the island and was about time to figure out just what.

48 EXP and 2 TEXP were awarded for that session and the last battle!


: "If you need any supplies... Like potions or revives... I'm sure Agnes can spare some supplies. Take your time... And prepare as needed. Once you're ready... We'll head up."

Code: (Requisce Town Clinic) [Select]
Potions: 300$
Revive: 500$
Bandages: 450$
Antidote:  200 $
Paralyze Heal: 200 $
Awakening: 200 $
Burn Heal: 200 $
Ice Heal: 200$

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


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Re: (PTU) - Paradise Islands - IC Thread - Tonic Island
« Reply #408 on: March 19, 2015, 10:06:20 pm »

Last time on Tonic Island...

No purchases were made. Hopefully, the party would not need medical supplies in Glitter Cave. They gathered up their courage and ascended the mount.

McKartney greeted them at the mouth of the cave as Jessie masterfully accosted a hooligan's Venonat with pecks of fury. He spoke only briefly with the party before running off into the cave with Bomb-Nom the Koffing at his side. In the antechamber, the Hooligans and their Pokémon awaited the party around a wide pit that led further into the caves. A large portion of the thugs ran off before they could be captured, save for poor Henry the Hooligan, who was accosted, burnt, and eventually knocked senseless by an aggressive Jessie. It seemed as if the little Taillow was holding a grudge of some sort. Thomas and Frank meanwhile descended further in. Frank was able to find a side passage through the caves. Then, with Thomas' guidance they were able to navigate past the thugs that waited in ambush. However, they had better things to do than to bash mindless thugs and Celesta had gone on in much earlier, so they ignored the poor fools and went around them.

Having snuck past the thugs, they entered what seemed to be the main chamber of the Glitter Cave. It is a wide room, glittering with tiny crystalline fragments that seem to glow when touched with life. A submarine is parked in the waters of the cove. Emblazoned on the side of the submarine bright red letter A. Celesta and McKartney are here as well. Celesta is in rare form, her fists clentched like hammers. McKartney's dark sunglasses and wicked smile both gleam with malice.

: "Hmmph. Took you long enough."

He steps to the side as if to reveal a prize. Lina gasps.

Behind him his the crumpled form of Wendy the Reporter.

No TEXP or EXP has been rewarded yet.


Pre-Battle Banter Mode: ACTIVATE!!

: "Heh heh heh. I'm ever so glad you guys came on over to see me off, ya know? I've had a lot a fun round here, but I best be heading on back to the main office. Miss Sunshine here ain't doing so hot."

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


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Re: (PTU) - Paradise Islands - IC Thread - Tonic Island
« Reply #409 on: May 08, 2015, 10:23:09 am »

Battle Report: McKenzie

Corrie conquers the hills once more. The poor girl had been left behind in the madness that was the climb over. However, the party was nowhere in sight. Alone, she plunged into the cave with the aid of Wiki, the Mareep. Deeper inside, she met the half-conscious Henry, one of the strange hooligan gang members who told her that the rest of the party had gone down a series of ropes that led deeper into the cavern.

Right before she made her descent, Henry stopped her, saying that her handhold was all wrong. By having her tie the rope around chest, he was able to save herself a lot of pain on the way down. Which, turned out to be necessary as her hand slipped nearly immediately and she still managed to get herself hurt just a little bit. Marching boldly into the cave, Corrie sprang an ambush by three of the gang members and their Pokémon. However, sounds of fighting emanated deeper from the cave...


McKartney's attempt to banter was cut short by the party having none of that shit. They attacked him before he could get so much as a word in otherwise. Suddenly, they were embroiled in battle. That is when he played his trap. By using some kind of sonic device, he forced his Koffing, Bomb-Nom, to evolve into a hideous monstrosity caught somewhere between the two.

Meanwhile, the ambush squadron split up, two of them going to hit the party from behind, while the other stayed and did battle with Corrie. His Woobat managed to defeat two of Corrie's Pokémon effortlessly, although he himself sustained heavy damage. His attempt to retreat was cut off by Corrie, who decided that she had it up to here with his bullshit and knocked him out. The attack invited a horrifying retribution in the form of a heavy gust to the back as Corrie fell unconscious...

Back in the main chamber, the overpowering giant took every last bit of the party's strength to defeat. Flanked by his two Voltorbs, Charger and Shocker, McKenzie confidently oversaw the battle as he smirked. In the end, it took intervention by Celesta's Clefairy in order to create an opening where by Wendy could be rescued. Thomas had only just enough time to rescue Wendy before McKartney could escape on his submarine and his thugs poured back into the room. As McKenzie began to power up the sub, Bomb-Nom's exceeding strength finally failed him as he plummeted to the ground in a pit of noxious gas and stench. McKartney couldn't help but smile. His faithful partner had served him well.

Meanwhile the thugs saw that they pretty much screwed. Again. Most of them who weren't already unconscious attempted to run for it with little to no success. The remaining Woobat that knocked out Corrie had no intention of doing so. It took Bluk's intervention to stop it from attacking his downed trainer, and Frank's Capone to take it out... Forever. A flurry of rocks took town the Woobat and it was never going to get back up now.

The battle has ended. 150 EXP awarded to split among your Pokémon! 1 Milestone Level Up Rewarded! 1 TXP to Thomas for rescuing Wendy!


There was an overpowering fetid stench like that of death itself inside the cove. It was a left over gift from Bomb-Nom, fainted but not forgotten. The loud noise of a submarine propeller permeated the air as it descended down into the depths of water, escaping out into the ocean. McKartney was defeated, but not captured. Inside his strange submarine, you can only guess that he is gloating about his successful tests on this island and going over some kind of battle data. Although he had not achieved everything he had hoped, there was much he could learn from this experience.

Meanwhile, Thomas and Leaf were just pulling themselves up onto the stone shore of the cave. Their clothes were soaked through and through with ice-cold seawater. The jiggly limb dead feeling of Paralysis was beginning to get to Leaf, preventing him from moving fast. Wendy was on the ground next to them, still unconscious and dead to the world. Lina stood nearby, perhaps watching the submarine as it made it's retreat. Off further in the cove, Celesta had dropped down upon her knees. Her hands were clasped in prayer as she uttered something inaudible underneath her breath. Celesta seems visibly shaken by the whole ordeal. Lux floated nearby, sitting on the ground. She was too tired to fly.

Further in the dark pits of the cave, Corrie was lying on the ground unconscious while Frank stood over an equally unconscious grunt. Although he cannot fully convey or see the extent of Corrie's injuries in the darkness, his experience in hurting people has given him unique insight in knowing when people are hurt. And Corrie is hurt pretty damn badly.

He had failed his job as a bodyguard.

Spoiler: GM Tidbits (click to show/hide)

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


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Re: (PTU) - Paradise Islands - IC Thread - Tonic Island
« Reply #410 on: May 08, 2015, 11:41:04 am »

Franklin glances around the dark battlefield, and decides to take advantage of the Gym Leader's state of shock to try something that she might find questionable. "I say we learn from our mistakes this time, and take it upon ourselves to revoke these fool's Pokemon privileges so that they will not cause us trouble a third time. Thomas, would you care to collect these men's Pokeballs and recall the surviving Pokemon? Don't forget the ones upstairs either."

He then gestures to Capone to keep an eye on Corrie until somebody more qualified can help her, before checking on each of the bad guys to see if anybody was awake enough to interrogate.


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Re: (PTU) - Paradise Islands - IC Thread - Tonic Island
« Reply #411 on: May 08, 2015, 01:29:43 pm »

Celesta doesn't respond. As far as you can tell without really looking into, she didn't seem to hear or understand you. On a quick, cursory look around the place, each of the mooks down in the caves are clearly unconscious. You'd need to take a closer look to figure out when they're going to awake. ((Med. Edu)) The fourth Hooligan, Henry, is still up on the first level. You'd have to attempt to climb the rope back up first. ((Acrobatics or Survival)) Which begs the question, how the hell you getting out of this cave with all of these people?

Capone goes to keep an 'eye' on Corrie, but Bluk seems to have that covered. The Eevee gives his master a nuzzle on the cheek. A worried look is written upon it's face and his ears plop low down to either side of his head. He growls a little bit when Capone gets close, so the rock Pokémon gives the two wide berth.

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


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Re: (PTU) - Paradise Islands - IC Thread - Tonic Island
« Reply #412 on: May 15, 2015, 08:44:05 am »

"Yeah, sure. Just may take a bit to get them all given the amount of light down here." Thomas responded, trudging off on what would likely be a literal corpse-tripping event, zotting up and taking every pokemon the grunts had with them, including the ones on the upper level of the cave, carrying Kolya on his back most of the time.

((AKA Zotting him in and out when climbing :P ))
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: (PTU) - Paradise Islands - IC Thread - Tonic Island
« Reply #413 on: May 15, 2015, 04:03:45 pm »

Thomas succeeds in doing so. A total of four Venonats and two Woobats are collected. The third Woobat refused to return to it's Pokéball. Koyla peered at it from his perch, before sending a small message into your mind via telepathy.

: ("Dead.")

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


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Re: (PTU) - Paradise Islands - IC Thread - Tonic Island
« Reply #414 on: May 15, 2015, 05:48:11 pm »

"Huh. Well. Also when did you start being able to talk telepathically?" Thomas asks, looking towards Kolya with a slightly startled look on his face.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: (PTU) - Paradise Islands - IC Thread - Tonic Island
« Reply #415 on: May 16, 2015, 10:07:53 am »

Kolya seemed to shrug a little bit. Instead, he seemed to try to change the subject, pointing at a dark figure in the caves wearing blue. He looks at you in confusion and sends the same word again, but seemingly asking it as a question.

: ("Dead?")

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


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Re: (PTU) - Paradise Islands - IC Thread - Tonic Island
« Reply #416 on: May 16, 2015, 10:28:09 am »

"Not sure, can't see from here." Thomas replied, barely able to see the figure as he cautiously moved towards it...
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: (PTU) - Paradise Islands - IC Thread - Tonic Island
« Reply #417 on: May 16, 2015, 10:46:24 am »

As you approach the downed form, another smaller figure in the shadows pops out at you.


Bluk, Corrie's Eevee rises up. His little mane hairs struck out in all little directions as he continues to guard his downed trainer. In the cover of the darkness, it can't easily tell friend from foe. Hearing it's cry, you stop a few feet away where it watches Thomas carefully.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2015, 11:28:05 am by birdy51 »

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


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Re: (PTU) - Paradise Islands - IC Thread - Tonic Island
« Reply #418 on: May 16, 2015, 11:07:50 am »

"Ah dammit. GUYS, I FOUND CORRIE!"Thomas exclaimed, slowly approaching her and Bluk.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: (PTU) - Paradise Islands - IC Thread - Tonic Island
« Reply #419 on: May 16, 2015, 02:05:20 pm »

"Yeah! I know." Franklin shouts back. "She got caught fighting one of them on her own, and I couldn't go get her without risking letting some of the other jerks reach the main battle."

Franklin makes the Med Edu (2d6) to see if any of the goons can be brought around for questioning.
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