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Author Topic: WIFOM Fortress - Night 4 - "Peerless visionary" floods fort with GCSs  (Read 60746 times)


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Re: WIFOM Fortress - Day 2 - Mafia unleashes WMD - Weapon of Mass Dromedary
« Reply #165 on: November 11, 2014, 10:09:06 pm »

I'd like to be dwarfed as a military dued

zombie urist

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Re: WIFOM Fortress - Day 2 - Mafia unleashes WMD - Weapon of Mass Dromedary
« Reply #166 on: November 12, 2014, 05:25:47 pm »

I'd like day 7 now that I have a new computer.
The worst part of all of this is that Shakerag won.

Jim Groovester

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Re: WIFOM Fortress - Day 2 - Mafia unleashes WMD - Weapon of Mass Dromedary
« Reply #167 on: November 12, 2014, 06:20:47 pm »

Time's up.

Sorry, Tiruin. I'm grabbing Toaster's save and continuing on.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.

Jim Groovester

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Re: WIFOM Fortress - Day 2 - Mafia unleashes WMD - Weapon of Mass Dromedary
« Reply #168 on: November 13, 2014, 01:53:05 am »

In a quicktopic thread not too far removed from the events of our story....

"So it looks like Toaster isn't going to be running the fort anymore," remarked notquitethere.

"Can you blame him after he lost his wife and kid?" said tonnot98.

"Good riddance, I say." Jim commented. "The man is responsible for sending me to my death. All I wanted to do was live!"

"Maybe if you hadn't shot those camels in the first place you wouldn't have ended up in this predicament," notquitethere pointed out.

Jim fumbled around for a word or comment in retort. None came to him.

"It seems no one's stepping up to run the fortress." Captain Kaladin Anrizlokum said. "Without leadership the fortress will see itself to ruin."

"But bad leadership can do even worse!" tonnot98 argued.

"Anything is better than just letting the fortress run its course according to its own whims!" Kaladin argued back.

Just then a dwarf none of the members of dead chat had seen before approached them. "Hi! My name is Tiruin!" She began. "I would like to run the fort. You see, I have plans for each dwarf, taking into account their individual histories and preferences, along with lofty architectural and defensive goals, with realistic timetables, deadlines, and resource predictions." She continued. "I've already ran several simulations, and under my leadership life expectancy for the average dwarf improved by 122% and average wealth increased by-"

"Fine! I'll do it!" Jim blurted out, interrupting Tiruin.

"What?" Tiruin asked, taken aback by the sudden outburst.

"Since no one else is volunteering, I'll run the fortress." Jim proclaimed.

"Oh," Tiruin muttered. "Well,"

"And how are you going to do that from here?" asked notquitethere. "There seems to be a critical existential obstacle to running the fortress, seeing as how all of us here are dead."

"I dunno," Jim shrugged. "I'll just come back as a ghost and possess someone I guess."

"Of course," notquitethere said. "How obvious."

Jim packed up her ghostly things. "Yeah, so I don't know when I'll be back, guys, but I've got a fortress to run, and if it's not paved wall to wall with gold by the time I get back, then I'm an elf's uncle." With that, Jim walked out into the foggy void.

The members of dead chat watched her leave. "Does anybody like this choice?" Kaladin asked. Everybody else shook their head.

1st of Granite, 127

This is the log of Jim Groovester, previously Ast Idenathser. I have chosen to possess this dwarf as she was a hunter like I was in my previous life. Hopefully no one will notice that I was dead despite our drastically different appearances and her rather extensive extended family.

Now, what the hell am I doing?

Jim Groovester has returned to life!

It is now Day 2!


(Sorry, Tiruin)

Yeah, nothing's happened yet. I haven't even unpaused the game.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: WIFOM Fortress - Day 2 - Mafia unleashes WMD - Weapon of Mass Dromedary
« Reply #169 on: November 13, 2014, 03:00:19 am »

Time's up.

Sorry, Tiruin. I'm grabbing Toaster's save and continuing on.
Yeah, its ok...I just...
I'll be uploading my non-canon save later on, just if anyone else wants to play from there, anyway. Guhh.
* Tiruin throws her emotions into a bottle and flops.
Best internet ever here.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 03:17:28 am by Tiruin »

Jim Groovester

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Re: WIFOM Fortress - Day 2 - Mafia unleashes WMD - Weapon of Mass Dromedary
« Reply #170 on: November 13, 2014, 06:08:10 am »

1st Granite, 127

Thus my tenure as overseer of the fortress begins. The first order of business, kill that camel.

I talked to our weaponsmith, Mephansteras, about getting some weapons and armor.

"Unfortunately, we don't have any iron down here, else we could make steel." He told me in our conversation. "That would mostly solve our weapons and armor problem."

"Well, what do we have?"
I asked.

"We have two bars of bronze, and lots of copper and silver." Mephansteras replied. "Best we can do would be some silver hammers, some copper armor, and whatever bronze weapons we can make for whatever soldiers we have."

"Then let's do that."

After taking stock of our citizens, I discovered we had a macedwarf, a swordsdwarf, and a speardwarf. I ordered a bronze sword and spear created, along with five silver hammers and five suits of copper armor. Hopefully that should provide enough protection against the undead humped menace.

As an additional action of my start as fortress overseer, I ordered a clear cut of the underground forest. TheDarkStar expressed his hesitation about venturing into the underground cavern. "There's dangerous creatures down there." He told me.

"The fortress needs wood. I need you to go down there and start cutting the trees down."

"But," He tried to stall. "Won't that anger the elves?"

"If a tree falls down and an elf can't see it, does he care?"

TheDarkStar expressed confusion at my riddle. He then ventured off. What's the worst that could happen to him down there?

Additionally, I've ordered an area for fire clay to be gathered and expanded our magma metalworking facilities to include magma kilns.

3rd of Granite, 127

4maskwolf approached me today about the areas I had ordered be dug out.

"The stone's warm down there." He warned me. "We could risk breaching a magma lake and flooding our forges!"

I stared blankly at him. "Are you kidding? Just dig it out."

"Why are you giving me orders? I'm the mayor!" He asked. "And who are you anyway?"

"I've appointed myself fortress overseer." I replied.

"Hmph." 4maskwolf said. "We'll see about that."

4maskwolf and his miners bothered me six more times about warm stone over the course of the week.

9th of Granite, 127

TheDarkStar was killed by a Giant Olm while attempting to clear cut the underground forest.

TheDarkStar was a Town Woodworker!

In light of this, I've suspended woodcutting operations down there.

I feel somehow responsible for his death.


In dead chat....

"What a way to go," TheDarkStar said.

"Yeah, that's tough." notquitethere said. "You did give that giant olm a run of his money though."

"Not enough of a run."

10th of Granite, 127

An elven caravan was spotted on the horizon. Eager to get seeds for the fortress to start the clothing industry, I cautiously ordered the gates open.

This caused the undead humped menace to venture towards our gate.

Not eager to get everyone mauled to death by the camel, I ordered the gates closed. The elven caravan, sadly, was killed by the camel.

Adela Baliquileli was an Elf Merchant!
Emima Quilelienore was an Elf Merchant!

"Ha!" Shakerag remarked. "Sadly? Couldn't have happened to a better race!"

The elven caravan left their cargo on the sands. Maybe when the camel's dead we can get our hands on their trade goods. Always a silver lining to a dead elf.

15th of Granite

Today I handed Shakerag a series of plans.

"What are these?" He asked.

"Plans for apartments." I replied.

"We're doing an awful lot of your bidding lately." He said. "We know there are dwarves that have it out for us. How do I know that you're not one of them?"

"The big room's yours when you dig it out."

"Attempts at bribery noted." He said. "The rest of the fortress will hear about this, and we'll see what they have to say about it."

It looks like there's going to be tension between me and the rest of the fort until I establish a legitimate reason for why I'm ordering them around.

25th of Granite, 127

"Alright, everybody." I shouted to the gathered dwarves. "Let's begin." I tried to shout over the din of the gathering.

The crowd continued to murmur despite my efforts to get them to calm down.

"Okay shut up!" I snapped.

The crowd fell silent.

"Now, I realize there have been many questions about me over the past several weeks, and how I've suddenly taken a leadership role. I've decided to gather you all here to explain a few things and hopefully reach an understandin-"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Jim Groovester." I replied.

The crowd murmured. "Jim Groovester's dead!"

"No she isn't, because I'm Jim Groovester, and I'm alive right here."

"No, she's dead, because somebody saw her body!"

"Oh, yeah?" I asked.


"Okay, okay, okay, you're right. Jim Groovester is dead, but I'm not lying about being Jim Groovester." I said. "I came back from the dead and possessed a dwarf to fill the vacancy of fortress overseer left behind by Toaster after he gave it up."

"That's ridiculous!" 4maskwolf said, stepping forward. "The dead don't come back to plague the land of the living!"

"Look, 4maskwolf, I don't trust this new Jim either, but that's strictly not true." Shakerag joined 4maskwolf and myself at the front of the crowd. "We're currently under siege by an undead camel and there have been many sightings of ghosts around the fortress."

"That's right." Toaster came forward. "Claiming to be a spectre from the underworld is not reason enough on its own to convict somebody of any wrong doing."

"None of the undead we've encountered so far have done us any good." 4maskwolf said. "Why would Jim be different? She didn't even have the fortress' interests at heart when she was alive!"

"I think I've been doing a pretty good job of fortress overseer so far." I replied in my own defense.

"You ordered TheDarkStar to her death." Shakerag pointed out.

"That was an accident."

"You ordered our gates open to let the camel in!" 4maskwolf accused.

"I was trying to get the elven caravan inside to hopefully get some of their trade goods."

Toaster, Shakerag, and 4maskwolf eyed each other thoughtfully.

"She is ordering weapons and armor made to kill the undead camel." Mephansteras stepped forward to offer.

"She also tried to bribe me into carving the new apartments." Shakerag said.

"Which you carved anyway, I'll point out."

"Yeah, because we need a place to sleep that isn't knee deep in clay!" Shakerag said.

"How about this," Persus said, stepping forward. "Let's put it to a vote. All in favor of immediately killing Jim for being some evil possessing ghost raise their hands."

A few gathered in the circle and many in the crowd raised their hands.

"And those against, raise their hands."

Slightly more people raised their hands.

"That appears to settle it then," Persus said. "Jim, you have leave to continue being fortress overseer for the time being, but there are lots of us keeping our eye on you."

After that the meeting dispersed. I'd say it went rather well.

Apparently there's a character limit to posts.

The meeting didn't happen, of course, but I thought I'd like to have some mafia-like discussion going on in the story.

Also, yeah, TheDarkStar. A mere thirty seconds after I ordered the underground trees cut you were wrasslin' with a giant olm. Sadly you didn't make it.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.

Jim Groovester

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Re: WIFOM Fortress - Day 2 - Mafia unleashes WMD - Weapon of Mass Dromedary
« Reply #171 on: November 13, 2014, 06:28:21 am »

28th of Granite, 127


Five babies born today!

18th of Slate, 127

Mephansteras finally produced the last set of copper armor. Our ramshackle arms and armor were complete. I looked over our soldiers.

The one claiming to be a swordsdwarf had his sword ready. The macedwarf had a spear and the speardwarf had a silver hammer.

Happy enough that they even had weapons, I sent them out to kill the camel.

19th of Slate, 127

And our soldiers report their victory. Nilesidek Anistosd has been slain. Sadly, we lost two dwarves, the macedwarf and a baby.

Nilesidek Anistosd was an undead one-humped camel!
Iden Tiristnicat was a Town Macedwarf!
Goden Othlestolin was a Town Baby!

In celebration of our victory, the swordsdwarf asked to be known by Dorisdwarf, and the speardwarf by pisskop.

The rest of the fortress celebrated in their usual fashion, which was to loot the corpses of the elven caravan clean for everything they had.

24th of Slate, 127

I swung by our surface workshops only to find a stonecrafter babbling wildly about needing stone, silk, and fiber cloth.

I tried reasoning with him to quit frantically shouting at all passersby, but she wouldn't have any of it. In light of this, I've tried to get her some of the materials she's requesting.

28th of Slate, 127

"Is that a caravan?" Deus Asmoth asked some dwarves looking out towards the horizon.

"No, more migrants." Radio Controlled replied.

Deus Asmoth frowned. More migrants meant more opportunities for dwarven enemies to infiltrate the fort.

"How many dwarves is that?" than402 asked.

"Twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven." Taupe replied.

"Goodness." Radio Controlled said. "Don't they know that this place is barely more than a hole in the ground?"

"Yeah, a hole filled with gold." said Deus Asmoth.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

12th of Felsite, 127

"Alright, here's my plan." I spread out a piece of parchment across a table 4maskwolf's temporary office. "We turn the crannog into a full-fledged fortress."

"A fortress on a lake?" asked Toaster.

"Yes." I said. "We take all our marble blocks and start stacking them up so that when evil goblins or dwarven infiltrators show up, they know exactly how much we mean business."

4maskwolf nodded. Persus, than402, Deus Asmoth and the rest of the assembled masons nodded their approval as well. "We'll get started."

Seeing their approval, I smiled knowing that I had come up with a completely brilliant and totally original idea.

In dead chat....

notquitethere rolled his eyes. "That was the whole point of the crannog in the first place! You've done nothing new!"

23rd of Felsite, 127

"The were what?" I asked.

"A werekangaroo." Dorisdwarf replied. "It then killed a cat, turned into a human, and then left."

"Huh. Alright."

The Stray Cat was a Mafia Stray Cat!

27th of Felsite, 127

One of our craftdwarves pointed out the flock of ravens circling overhead.

Whispers of bad omens pervaded the fortress afterwards.

And that takes us through spring.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: WIFOM Fortress - Day 2 - Mafia unleashes WMD - Weapon of Mass Dromedary
« Reply #172 on: November 13, 2014, 08:09:08 am »

In the real reality, everyone alive in my world is dead and horribly slain there ._.
ohhh fish.

Granted, the only problems I faced in the half-year were...well, 3 Forgotten Beasts. 2nd one was in the lower layer (which is inaccessible to the top layer--though I saw one slink from top to bottom because of the sight radius).
The 1st and 2nd fought, like Godzilla and another match of its own. The 3rd one was downed by a (expert shot) by marksdwarves followed by an axe to the neck.

...Also you'll meet a ton more babbies. All married couples are with child.

All of them.


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Re: WIFOM Fortress - Day 2 - Mafia unleashes WMD - Weapon of Mass Dromedary
« Reply #173 on: November 13, 2014, 09:20:04 am »

I knew a clay industry would happen at some point, but I never got around to starting it.  I figured laying the seed for the deep forges was good enough for Year 2.

Also, yeah, TheDarkStar. A mere thirty seconds after I ordered the underground trees cut you were wrasslin' with a giant olm. Sadly you didn't make it.

It's funny, because I used the hell out of that cavern and never had an issue.  I did cancel a few designations when I saw a cave crocodile, but I don't think I had as much as a job cancellation.

Tetrahedrite is enough for something of a military, and there should be a few more layers of it.  At least the gold will make sure we have plenty of meatshields potential military candidates.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: WIFOM Fortress - Day 2 - Mafia unleashes WMD - Weapon of Mass Dromedary
« Reply #174 on: November 13, 2014, 10:29:08 am »

Being a werekangaroo sounds kind of fun.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: WIFOM Fortress - Day 2 - Mafia unleashes WMD - Weapon of Mass Dromedary
« Reply #175 on: November 13, 2014, 11:12:03 am »

M-mafia stray cat?

Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread


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Re: WIFOM Fortress - Day 2 - Mafia unleashes WMD - Weapon of Mass Dromedary
« Reply #176 on: November 13, 2014, 11:24:18 am »

That was our only cat, too!

At least at one point.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: WIFOM Fortress - Day 2 - Mafia unleashes WMD - Weapon of Mass Dromedary
« Reply #177 on: November 13, 2014, 11:30:18 am »

That was our only cat, too!

At least at one point.
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread


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Re: WIFOM Fortress - Day 2 - Mafia unleashes WMD - Weapon of Mass Dromedary
« Reply #178 on: November 13, 2014, 01:44:55 pm »

I seem to be the voice of reason in the fort. Interesting.
Congratulations Persus, now you are forced to have the same personal text for an entire year!
Longbowmen horsearcher doomstacks that suffer no attrition and can navigate all major rivers without ships.

Jim Groovester

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Re: WIFOM Fortress - Day 2 - Mafia unleashes WMD - Weapon of Mass Dromedary
« Reply #179 on: November 13, 2014, 04:16:28 pm »

That was our only cat, too!

At least at one point.

Relax, there's another one. It must have come in the migrant wave.

I forgot to mention in the update that I'm working on making the walls taller.

And that peasant that came in the migrant wave had no skills whatsoever. The interesting thing is that he's forty-four years old. What have you been doing with your life?
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.
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