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Author Topic: [YEAR 1 CHAPTER 4] Glovedloved - The Mountain of Kings [JOURNAL THREAD]  (Read 9366 times)


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Re: [YEAR 1 CHAPTER 3] Glovedloved - The Mountain of Kings [JOURNAL THREAD]
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2014, 09:06:26 am »


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Re: [YEAR 1 CHAPTER 4] Glovedloved - The Mountain of Kings [JOURNAL THREAD]
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2014, 03:43:38 pm »

Fourth Entry: Suggestions for the Lazy

It seems Njneko might have an issue with the crops I've been planting. Unfortunately, I had come to this Fortress expecting to lead the culinary efforts of a new settlement. Nordinkel's little speech means that I'm a one she-Dwarf operation and if any other Dwarf would like something planted they can learn the fine art of putting a bloody seed in the ground!

If we didn't have this restriction, those who wanted to volunteer to be injured in some sort of minor way (maybe a fight with captive beasts or short, controlled falls) could also be allowed in the Fortress.

Unfortunately, we do have those restrictions, and I'm not of a mind to get stuck out in the rain and away from the Kitchen and Still which have been set up just right for my purposes here...
« Last Edit: November 03, 2014, 02:43:46 pm by Chimerat »

Timeless Bob

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Re: [YEAR 1 CHAPTER 4] Glovedloved - The Mountain of Kings [JOURNAL THREAD]
« Reply #17 on: November 01, 2014, 07:12:15 pm »

Musings of Doc Timeless, Gentledwarf Adventurer!

   The rumors about this place were truer than I had imagined.  I've arrived incognito, to find the weaknesses in these evil overlord's plans, but it seems they have several and aren't really worth my time at the moment.  I mean, who would ever brag about my exploits if I could rush into a supposedly fortified position yelling "BONES!" and be given entry without a second glance?  I'd be the laughingstock of the Orion Club if I ever told that story.  No, best to quietly set up a dojo in an inconspicuous area on a low hill somewhere and continue practicing my dwarf-jitsu.
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: [YEAR 1 CHAPTER 4] Glovedloved - The Mountain of Kings [JOURNAL THREAD]
« Reply #18 on: November 03, 2014, 11:49:49 am »

Excerpt from the journal of TacoMagic, Wood Queen of Glovedloved:

1st of Granite, 251,
That whole affair went far better than I expected.  This morning I cornered that little rat Nordinkel about allowing the prospectives into the mountain.  He threw a tantrum about the woes and trials of leadership and then told me that if I didn't think he was doing a good enough job, maybe I should spend a year in charge and see how difficult it truly is.  I think my glee at his proposal took him off guard; he locked himself in his room shortly after I accepted and has refused to do anything since.  As if him being useless was some kind of surprise or punishment to the rest of us.

Even so, I'm left in the delicate position of having to allow an additional dwarf to be sacrificed.  I've gone over the list a few times and have concluded that there are only four dwarves who meet the criteria.  I'm loath to allow this, but the damage is done.

The first candidate is obvious.  The sheriff, Skulls, is already a corrupt, violent, and shallow soul who would be little loss to the project if she were included in the sacrifice.  However, Skulls does serve a useful purpose out among the citizens, so she may be better kept as a tool we can utilize for molding the prospects.

The next is Digger.  While ostensibly a master craftsdwarf on his way toward true ascension, his recent willingness to allow himself near the corrupting force of the mountain disturbs me.  I cannot help but think his sudden mastery of bone work may have more to do with coveting the trappings of luxury than it does with wanting to further the Path of our race.  It may be better to sacrifice him before these potential aspirations are allowed to taint the others.

There is also MedicInDisguise who recently closed himself into the jeweler's workshop near the bedrooms.  I find it very suspicious that a self-proclaimed practitioner of the medical arts would be so quick to allow exposure the corrupting force of gems.  Even if his desire to master the art of gem cutting happens to be sincere, allowing such a dangerous skill to be practiced among the prospective would be unconscionable.

Finally, there is Onud Itlud.  Her bizarre insistence that dying clothes is somehow a worthwhile venture is ludicrous.  The very idea that something so vain could be part of the Path is absurd in the highest degree!  Even so, her name is known to me from the mountainhome as one of the foremost dyers in the land.  Such opulence within the mountain would increase the effectiveness of the sacrifice, so she is worth considering.

The rest are currently unskilled enough that I can safely exclude them as dwarves the others would view as candidates.  Hopefully the more disreputable members will make themselves known to me so that I may start 'awarding' them positions of power within the outer precinct.  That should make it easy to start rewarding them with fake accolades.  I must make a note that, whatever happens, I need to rendezvous with Skulls before the week is out.  It should be a simple matter of bribery to secure her as an agent among the prospects.

I will call a meeting of the founders this evening so that the choice can be made.


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Re: [YEAR 1 CHAPTER 4] Glovedloved - The Mountain of Kings [JOURNAL THREAD]
« Reply #19 on: November 03, 2014, 02:08:34 pm »

Excerpts from the diary of Skulls, Sheriff of the Slum of Glovedloved

1st Obsidian 250
New month. New job. Only been here a couple days and some dwarf claiming to represent the Mountain came to me and offered me the chance to inflict pain. Dunno if he was genuine, but I'm taking it none the fucking less. These idiots in the slum here don't know their place.

8th Obsidian 250
Kill kill kill why won't anyone do something that lets me KILL.

20th Obsidian 250
Some trouble-makers went up into the Mountain carrying barrels. Claim to have been summoned by Nordinkel himself. We'll just have to punish them for their lies now won't we? Oh yes we will.

25th Obsidian 250
Heard rumour of someone training peasants to fight. Probably nothing, but must remember to investigate. Apprehended some children with fine toys. Obviously stolen from the caravan. Broke one of their wrists, will teach others not to steal.

2 Granite 251
The Wood-Queen wishes to speak to me. Congratulations unlikely? The peasants do not yet fear the Mountain as rightly they should. First they must fear me. They will fear me. The eight who brought barrels into Glovedloved will not try their stunt again. But it is not enough. More blood more pain more screams.
"is it harmful for my dwarves ? I bet it is"
Always a safe default assumption in this game 


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Re: [YEAR 1 CHAPTER 4] Glovedloved - The Mountain of Kings [JOURNAL THREAD]
« Reply #20 on: November 03, 2014, 02:52:25 pm »

Fifth Entry: Random Voting?

We great the new year and...a change in leadership? When did that happen exactly?

Either way, we've been asked to select from four (seemingly completely random) migrants to include in our rather small workforce. At the meeting I got my vote out quickly as I was munching on one of my better made roasts, but not the best. It had meat and plants but no eggs or cheese. Not quite bland though, what with the various tiers of mincing I used while crafting it.

I think my choice will be helpful, having already proven his worth in making something useful. Also... Also, he's a male. Which means we'd have more choice in here than Nordinkel.

I just hope that doesn't create its own problems.


VOTE: Digger


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Re: [YEAR 1 CHAPTER 4] Glovedloved - The Mountain of Kings [JOURNAL THREAD]
« Reply #21 on: November 03, 2014, 04:50:52 pm »

Silver Hammer Diaries 2
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Re: [YEAR 2 Prologue] Glovedloved - The Mountain of Kings [JOURNAL THREAD]
« Reply #22 on: November 03, 2014, 07:28:38 pm »

Excerpt from the journal of TacoMagic, Wood Queen of Glovedloved:

7th of Granite, 251,

It has been a week and yet the others have not made their decision; some have chosen but others continue to beg more time.  I say let them have it; I've already come to terms that somebody must be admitted, and any of those four are the same as the others in my mind.

While they ponder, and while I wait for the 14th when I will address the prospects and officially take command of the project, I decided to take stock of the current situation of Glovedloved by looking at our books.  Or at least I would have if Nordinkel had thought to appoint anyone to the task of keeping records.  Since there were no records, I decided to approached the manager to see if he had any estimates of our stocks by way of outstanding jobs. As it turns out, I found that I couldn't approach the manager because, once again, we lacked one.

I will remedy both these issues immediately by appointing a Tax Collector to keep and enforce the books.  But, first I need a corruptible soul who can do this job.  I originally considered Skulls for the task, but I fear she may not be stable enough for bookwork.  I will have to think on this more closely over the next week.

The state of the Mountain and "the slums" (honestly, that is a poor name for the area devoted to the prospects, I shall have to change it as part of my stint as overseer) are a shambles to say the least.  The Mountain is barely more than some bedrooms, a farm, a storeroom, and some workshops; all of which are simply open to the world.  There are no less than two entrances to our holdings, neither of which can be secured against entry in any way.  No wonder Nordinkel couldn't keep the peasants out.  We'd have a hard time keeping anything at all out of the mountain as it stands.

I also found that, despite our agreement on the laws, Nordinkel saw fit to appoint Skulls rooms in Eastern Glovedloved.  There are to be NO exceptions to the doctrine!  To compound his crimes, I caught Nordinkel leading a team of engravers who were finishing the rooms.  The absolute nerve of that man!  I intend to cancel these illegal orders and hold Nordinkel accountable for his flagrant acts of lawlessness.  But that is for later.  For now I will placate him with comforting words and vanishingly few references to our engagement.  It is likely I will need to tap his skill with metals before too much longer, so punishment will have to wait until after he has outlived his use to me.

If it can be believed, the "slums" are in an even worse state.  A shamble of stockpiles surrounding some open-air workshops and a single hut outrageously claimed to be a dojo, whatever that is.  Ordin Tredlek's "The True Path" is somewhat vague on the particulars, but I am almost certain that righteous suffering of divine adversity does NOT require this level of squalor.  Certainly the rank odor that wafts across the mountain when the wind shifts cannot be an integral part of the Path.

Overcoming both of these design shortfalls will be my first work once I am appointed overseer next week.  It should not take much time at all given the preponderance of idle dwarfs that are plaguing us.

Finally there is the issue of food and drink.  Though I cannot know exactly how we stand until the new tax collector finishes tallying the books, it appears from the piles of libations and preserved roasts on the various stockpiles that there is more than enough to go around for the time being.  As such, I intend to order our hunters to reign in their blood-lust until further notice.  They are better used to put some order to this mockery of civilization.

I will of course leave Chimerat to her devices.  Between her gardens, still, and kitchen, I am confident that she will be able to keep up with the demands of the mountain for the foreseeable future.  Though I will mention that I would appreciate it if she spent a little less time fishing.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2014, 07:30:27 pm by Tacomagic »


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Re: [YEAR 1 CHAPTER 4] Glovedloved - The Mountain of Kings [JOURNAL THREAD]
« Reply #23 on: November 04, 2014, 06:50:56 am »

Sixth Entry: The More Things Change...

The transition has begun by degrees and Tacomagic came by the Fishery the other day and asked a few questions about our stores. I answered honestly that I'm not quite sure how much we had stored.

...I wonder if this is due to the fact that I'd offered the engravers who passed through some refreshments?

Oh well... Once we get a few more males and have a few moments to relax we'll have the pitter-patter of little boots, which means more hands at harvest time and more mouths to feed and throats to keep...un-parched!


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Re: [YEAR 1 CHAPTER 4] Glovedloved - The Mountain of Kings [JOURNAL THREAD]
« Reply #24 on: November 04, 2014, 03:08:27 pm »

7th Granite 251
The Wood-bitch stopped me from accessing my bedchambers in the Mountain. Kill her? Torture? No. Otherwise, she informed me that I was near the top of the list for introduction into Mountain. Chambers back, but no more justice. Madness, despair. Polite no. She wants me to spy on other candidates instead. Eager yes. More power in exchange for easy work. Opinion on Wood-Queen-bitch? Good-bad. Knife edge.
Eyes open, ears down, fist raised.

8th Granite 251
I've found my new bedchambers. Someone built a hut in the middle of the Slum. Sign outside said "Dojo." Nonsense word? Must investigate, interrogate. Regardless, occupants will be evicted, this will be my new residence. Only larger. Dungeon will be added first...

9th Granite 251
One occupant of hut escaped without questioning, will find him later. For now, others are providing good fun information.
"is it harmful for my dwarves ? I bet it is"
Always a safe default assumption in this game 


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Re: [YEAR 1 CHAPTER 4] Glovedloved - The Mountain of Kings [JOURNAL THREAD]
« Reply #25 on: November 05, 2014, 12:23:25 am »

Year 2: The rule of TacoMagic, Wood Queen of GloveLoved.  Preliminary Report.

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« Last Edit: November 05, 2014, 12:26:20 am by Tacomagic »


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Re: [YEAR 1 CHAPTER 4] Glovedloved - The Mountain of Kings [JOURNAL THREAD]
« Reply #26 on: November 05, 2014, 08:19:37 am »

Seventh Entry: Paving Stones

I'm not quite sure why TacoMagic (she insists on the capital in the middle) is so set on paving a road. I suppose that'll help the trade caravans, but would our time not be better spent on making sure everyone has what they need to survive in this environment?

Maybe it's a new kind of Mood?

At least she's advised me to stick to my job and not pitch in on the lugging of the heavier items. The time wasted bringing just one lump of stone to a stockpile might cost us half a dozen Roasts! And she's also going to make things more practical, it seems. Maybe my new bedroom will be beside the farmland with the Still and Kitchen nearby? One can hope.

Still no news on the results of the voting though, which is a little odd. Oh well, back to letting the random comment slip about the cheese supplies being related to female animals that I can milk... A single Ewe will not do the trick. Especially if I need to share her with the other "half" of our population.


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Re: [YEAR 1 CHAPTER 4] Glovedloved - The Mountain of Kings [JOURNAL THREAD]
« Reply #27 on: November 05, 2014, 10:03:50 am »

13th Granite 251
Queen-Wood-bitch met me again today. Wants me to oversee haulers in the Slum. Says I can take what I want off them. Seems fair. Good deal. Orders are fun to give. Perhaps I should consider using them for more than just labour? Yes. Information, enforcement, many hands. Too few dwarves though, too little anonymity.  Must wait. Enforcers later, quiet bodyguards now. And so many shinies in the meantime.
"is it harmful for my dwarves ? I bet it is"
Always a safe default assumption in this game 

Timeless Bob

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Re: [YEAR 1 CHAPTER 4] Glovedloved - The Mountain of Kings [JOURNAL THREAD]
« Reply #28 on: November 06, 2014, 05:57:26 am »

12th of Granite, in the 251st year:

Journal of Doc Timeless, Gentledwarf Adventurer!

  That great oaf, "Skullz", has taken over my training dojo as his residence.  This won't do, not at all!  That dwarf is a stoolie and bully-minion if ever I saw one, which means that the "Nordinkel" who was supposed to be ruling the villains was, in fact, merely a figurehead!  I see now that it was TacoMagic that is the shadowy power behind the throne, and who has stepped to the fore as all such types are wont to do, to show her true hand!  As my nemesis, she presents a much greater challenge, and greater status at the Orion club once all's said and done.  Defeating the High Priestess of some Dark and Terrible Cult... that makes for a much greater tale!
  First, however, I must either defeat the minion, or co-opt him to my aid.  I shall see if one such as he can be goaded into a bout of fisticuffs, throw the match to "show him that I am not his equal", then "attempt to regain my honor" by offering to spar with him regularly and thus allow myself to become one of his confidantes and "errand boys".  By such subterfuge I should be able to continue my training and also become more fully able to infiltrate the evil conspirators inside the mountain.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2014, 02:02:27 pm by Timeless Bob »
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: [YEAR 1 CHAPTER 4] Glovedloved - The Mountain of Kings [JOURNAL THREAD]
« Reply #29 on: November 06, 2014, 12:43:42 pm »

Gloveloved Year 2: Spring

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