Devon channels negative energy and begins rebuking the skeletons.
[Turn Check: 18+3] Undead 6HD and lower are affected.
[Damage: 3+2+1+3] 9HD of Undead Rebuked.
Skeleton 1-4 are Rebuked and now cowering!
[13+0+2] Feckle clubs the Skeleton harming it greatly.
[3][12+4+2] Dimble scratches the Skeleton but it doesn’t seem to have an effect.
[1-1-5][5+4+2] Dimble’s second scratch only hits the shield.
[2+4-1] and his bite catches naught but air.
[Tumble: 14+5] Sharos tumbles away from the Skeletons without a scratch.
[11+6+2] During a complex series of movements Sharos looses an arrow at Skeleton 4 which seems to chip the spine badly.
[4+4-5]Venena summons a Swarm of Bats!
[8+2+2] The Bats Swarm Skeleton 3 but fail to do anything.
[9+2+2] And likewise with Skeleton 4.
Turn 2 starts[11+1] Skeleton 1 swings its sword at Feckle but misses.
[15+1] Skeleton 2 swings its sword at Feckle but misses.
[16+1] Skeleton 3 hurls a javelin at Feckle but misses.
[9+1] Skeleton 4 hurls a javelin at Feckle but misses.
Orange Lines = Doors
Black Dots = Bats [10’x10’x10’]
Skeleton 1: 100%
Skeleton 2: 50%
Skeleton 3: 100%
Skeleton 4: 50%
Robin: 5/5
Devon: 7/7
Dimble: 6/6
Feckle: 11/11
Sharos: -7/10
Venena: 6/6
Bat Swarm: 13/13
Duration: 10 Rounds
Affect: Attack rolls against this creature get a +2 bonus.
Duration: Concentration+2 Rounds
Affect: A Swarm of Bats is summoned to the field and will attack any caught within its confines.