Hell yeah, I'm in. Second victory in a row, coming this November.
So, this is actually my first attempt at NaNoWriMo. Any advice from regulars?
Outline everything. Start now. I have my A and B plots done, with character sheets of the major players and most of the relevant world-building in progress. Every shred of work you put in now is that much less time you spend staring at a blank screen in panic in November. It's not critical that you stick to the outline, really, but having a plan will keep you from writer's block later.
Don't revise or edit anything in November - there's no time. Write your daily goal and if you have inertia, keep going.
Grab some cheerleaders if you can. Alpha readers are even better. Someone reading your story with a fresh perspective can point you in directions to help expand your story to meet wordcount or give you plotlines you didn't know you needed.
What you end up with won't be a masterpiece. The name "zeroth draft" gets tossed around a lot, and it's true. What you have will be an awesome framework for revision, if you choose to do so.
If you aren't on pace, don't give up. If you run out of ideas, drop some ninjas on your protagonist or something and let them spend a chapter dealing with random plot ninjas... but don't give up. If you aren't done by December first, DON'T GIVE UP! The greatest novel never written is worse than the shittiest first draft in the history of literature... because whoever wrote that shitty draft had the grit and vinegar to get it done.
Also a hearty +1 to Willfor... there will be a time when you hate everything you've written and want to burn the manuscript. The big secret is... everyone feels the same way. Everyone hates their work, no one feels like it's good enough. Doesn't matter, write anyway. For the record, I STILL don't know if my novel from last year is good or not, I simply can't tell. But I do have one, so I got that shiny winner's badge.