Imic was in bed.
He was, however, not asleep.
His family had always considered bed - time as the perfect time to think.
It had been quite a while since he had sent the letters off, but no migrants had come. None.
This worried him.
Among the problems of bringing the order of paladins back was the problem of where they would meet. Most nooks were taken up by cults, cults, cults, and, you guessed it, workshops.
Then there were the other cults. The order of the black arrows, or whatever they were called, had set up shop now. They did it quietley, but not quietly enough not to be noticed by this old hammerdwarf.
The order of ale had not answered his letter, so he decided to re write his letter before his friends and family arrived. So, he got up and started to write.
Dear dark two.
I would like to cancel my attempted joining of the order of ale, as my fellow paladins from an old paladinial group have been notified to the culty nature of this city and shall be (hopefully) arriving here soon. From there i should like to protect this city from all threats, outside and in.i hope to work alongside you in the future,
He sent it off. Then lay down again. There was... Something about this place... Some kind of energy that caused groups of people, mainly religeous, to gather. Ther were three in this world. They never ended well, though. His family had seen it happen before. Nowadays they called it datetattooed. The third area had been a sacraficial alter that had not been used in 685 years, but doomforests still had hope. As long as his family arrived...
(Ooc) please, please don't forget to dorf those other people using the next migrant wave...
Gardrog jr...
And yes, i did notice the whole "Goken" thing (ooc)