So here I was, minding my own business (mostly doing bugger all) when I was hailed by a messenger from the overseer. Great, a job for me! Apparently it seems that my avoidance of work was noticed but..
You what? You want ME? What do you think I know about running a fort?! Well you can tell that damn overseer that she's the stupidest...
Sometime laterWell turns out that shouting didn't help neither. So instead of shirking, I've now actually got to pay attention around here. Thankfully I know a few of the routes around here, so let's have a look around.
Stocks first.
Beer is good at least - there's no riot on my hands any time soon. Money is good. Apparently we're doing well economically. The military looks decent - or as decent as one can be when up to ones waist in vomit all day. Things look pretty damn stable. Nothing could possibly go wrong from here.
Entrance hall looks about normal as can be, if a bit bloody disorganised. Soldiers down there training away hard in a pool full of vomit. Presenting reason one why I was absent when the call to arms went out. Keep up the good work. No it's not fair, but get on with it. I hear there's some story about that hat..
Apparently, we're good on coffins. Yep. Rough math says that's about 600 coffins, almost four times as many as we have dwarves. I hope someone didn't know something terrible about the future that I don't.. (I did always wonder why 'Doomforests')
A bit hard to see in here as its all sealed up but... why in Armok's name do we have a gold-encrusted throne room to cater to a... goblin bowman? Step one on this week's agenda: Butcher the greenskin and instate the monarch in here. That'll stop her complaining about not having a throne room.
A beautiful, if small drinking hall. Also containing three entirely unmarked levers. I must have been avoiding work that day when we told everyone what they did.
I also approve of this beautiful semblance of dwarven architecture. A room held supported over a pit of magma. Who couldn't appreciate the elegance in that? Also more unmarked levers, so I'll be appreciating that one from a distance if you don't mind.
Four more levers, two of which shock me by being clearly labelled! One labels itself by being for the East Trade Gate, which I might think about using. The other is marked 'Total Safety Project', a name that bodes anything but.
And lastly, it seems there are four forgotten beasts roaming the halls. In one case, quite literally. That visible beast there is just a skeleton, but there's another under that cloud of miasma. The others seem to be stalking the watery depths.
Question is though, what do I do with this place? Establish my own mark here? I mean, the place is running fine enough on its own, so perhaps there's some side room for creativity? There's a huge axle running up about 30 floors from magma to the surface going precisely no-where. Was someone going to wind-power a pump? Such limited scope! Perhaps we can improve on that?
Really, everything looks too stable! I was expecting... well, a little more Doom? This is all just looking around prior to unpausing, getting acquainted. There's a lot of chaos with some of the passages, but nothing too bad.
The graphics set seems a bit funky though. Flame mentioned a problem with it, maybe it's not fully cleared up.
Also, no idea what version to run this under. Currently reading it under 40_24 and it seems fine.
Going to get going and see what happens! Wish me luck
Edit: 13 fps makes me sad