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According to the newest research, what substance is best tasked with reinvorgorating a sleepy thread?

Powdered Sweet Pod
Crushed Mermaid Scale
Elven Bone Marrow
Flaked Adamantine
Ground Unicorn Horn

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Author Topic: The Hastening of Doomforests  (Read 447991 times)


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Re: Doomforests - Where Swords can be Hatchets (if they really want to)
« Reply #780 on: February 28, 2015, 09:27:30 pm »

Can I be dorfed as any male dwarf?


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Re: Doomforests - Where Swords can be Hatchets (if they really want to)
« Reply #781 on: March 01, 2015, 10:42:29 am »

But of course!

Seeing your name, I found an unclaimed master engraver... who ended up being the mayor  :)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Welcome to our asylum.
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


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Re: Doomforests - Where Swords can be Hatchets (if they really want to)
« Reply #782 on: March 01, 2015, 02:21:02 pm »

Overseer's Records - Autumn, 1060


To continue the tradition of anyone important in Doomforests suddenly developing mental aberrations, my puppet mayor has announced that she will henceforth be known as "Pencil_Art".  Crude jokes abound in the mead hall, but I leave such things to others.

Within days of the new season, an announcement comes from the watchtowers... and is just as quickly withdrawn.

Well, make up your minds, idiots... are we under attack, or aren't we?

Yes, it seems we are.

First reports are of an army of goblins, perhaps three legions, and at least one legion of troll auxiliaries.  Second reports say that many of them seem to have left.  By the time the Kinetic Swans got suited up and got outside, it was determined that the so-called "siege" consisted of two (2) elderly goblins, one with a bow and one with a whip.  The one with the whip only had one tooth left, and helpfully extended her neck when the swing came.  Even for this place, it was a bit... ridiculous.  In a pouch around her neck, I found a barely-legible note purporting to be from the local goblin chieftain, stating:

"YouR pLaCE BAd.  YoU gOT SmUnSTu - KeeP SmUnSTu SEnD OnLI fEWw"

After pondering this cryptic message for a bit (and consulting with Ezum) we were able to determine that dear old Taupe's "minister Smunstu" is actually the next in line for the throne of the local chieftancy.  Because of his current predicament, caged in a dwarven city, he is both unable to assert his right to rule and also thought of as sort of a laughingstock in the goblin camps.  His uncle, much more politically savvy, has assumed the throne and has less than no interest in his beloved nephew being freed.  As long as Smunstu is alive, and the uncle is on the throne, we should be safe from the local goblin tribes and will receive only token sieges.  Once again, Taupe has proven wiser than any of us suspected.

The siege being broken, three days afterwards the caravan hove into view.  This time the liaison was able to meet directly with Pencil_Art, both passing on the latest gossip

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and the price structure for next year's negotiations:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Skaia traded for a great deal of cheese (why is it always cheese?) and some other items, but we gave the traders bins and bins and bins of useless crap fine dwarven crafts we had recovered from the upper halls.  In exchange for this tremendous act of passive aggression generosity, we received something even more useless phenomenal in return... Doomforests is now a royal Duchy of the Town of Stroking!  Best of all, we are an absentee duchy, having no Duke on-site, so our tax revenues go to pay someone we've never seen a fortune for their own consumption!  Truly a pointless travesty glorious day!

While the traders were here, a ragtag assortment of dwarves came out of the woods, following the wheel ruts.  We have added another 9 dwarves to our population... When I took over as overseer, we had 51 inhabitants; now we are 80.  Doomforests is growing again.


Dark One's spirits swarm the halls at night.  Poor Drazoth went out to get a drink of water and:

After gathering many, many items he finally withdrew into the workshop.  Within a few days, he was finished:

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Unless this item has some unknown curse, it will prove quite useful.  Artifacts are always good for public places, and this is worth over 74000 Urists... truly a masterpiece.

Later  Of course, I should have known.  Drazoth's wretched weapon rack must have contained a beacon of sorts.  As soon as it was placed in the dining hall for others to admire, screaming came from below.  The watchers in the caverns reported a giant stone colossus, wreathed in shimmering light. 

As it slaughtered the crundles in the caverns one by one, I dispatched runners to ensure that all entrances to the caverns were sealed.  With this creature roaming the caves... we may never venture out again.  Spessartine is an ill-omened stone.  Valuable, yet poisonous to the owner eventually.  This is a message; it remains to be decoded.


The upper halls are clear.  Hundreds of items have been cleared away into storage.  Cages have been stockpiled; I have no idea who ordered hundreds of buckets, but they are in their own stockpile as well.  I have reclaimed the upper dining hall, and ordered more tables set in it.  The upper farms are likewise clear, and I am consulting with the farmers to see what crops are best suited to grow there.  I have ordered doors and walls to be built to section the keep into more manageable segments.  The progress is astonishing.  When the Mountainhomes hear how much has been done here, more dwarves will come.  Many more.  The plan is working.

In code below ** All of the bodies have been removed from upper and lower Doomforests.  All have been processed and consumed.  The emerald glows with a brilliant light; the green glow would be visible for miles if it were on the surface.  The sacrifices tremble; they know their time approaches.  Ezum is pleased.  The time draws nigh.**
« Last Edit: March 01, 2015, 04:58:45 pm by Iamblichos »
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


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Re: Doomforests - Where Swords can be Hatchets (if they really want to)
« Reply #783 on: March 01, 2015, 02:48:06 pm »

                        Journal of TechnoXan, the Master Mecha Engineer
OOC: The battles are from the Crundles point of view. And The Mechanimal plan language is only rudimentary. And Thanks to Dark One for his amazing help in writing the fight scene and to Drazoth for writing his quotes.    :)  Oh and dang! This was late!

                     Entry fourteen:

My research on the Mechanimal plan is complete! Mecha plan B is still being worked on as well And work in the forge is a good break from the war. Zurek is recovering thanks to my therapeutic appliance of magma packs. Also two more hopefuls passed the trials. One didn’t. four acolytes now, amazing. One of the senior acolytes reports some red robed Dwarfs looking through the caverns. The inquisition. It was a member of Mate 888’s family! I have sent a message to him asking him what he is doing in Mechatechno sect territory. My Crundle war pack has returned! Only four of my brave Crundles returned! Now comes the final test of my top secret Mechanimal plan. I haven’t even told Drazoth III about it yet. I grab a fish and the Molta-slab from by desk. I give one the fish as a treat and then put the Molta-slab in front of him. The Molta slab is a Gabbro and Marble alloy that stays semi solid in a tray, I use it for the Mechanimal plan. Then the Crundle begins to draw, no, write. He writes the symbol for stalking prey. And then the story began. The Crundle war pack of twelve split up into a group of eight and a group of four. The larger group ran into an necromancer patrol. Four disciples and one, one thing. It must be one of the nefarious mutant Zombies Drazoth III told me of. Axes for hands! I look at the poor Crundle, even when trained to be the best it can be, I can see an all engulfing fear at what happened. They charged, death was thrown at them and melted one of the pack. Probably acid. Another is injured. They pounce and one of the pasty ones is killed. But the thing scratches in half a Crundle. They attack, the thing dies. Then death happened. Two of the pack become gone in a burst of pain and death, then they feel fear like never before and flee the death. Oh for Armoks sake! My poor, poor Crundles. I must heal the survivors. They have acid wounds, cuts, and worst of all. These poor Crundles are scarred mentally by the horrors of what they have seen.

                    Entry Fifteen:

One of the new acolyte yells out as he runs down the hall. “One Survived!” Wait, one survived from the other pack! I order the new acolyte to bring him. The sole survivor of the smaller pack. He was comatose in the caverns when the new acolyte discovered him while searching for a Crundle pack. I brought him back, the poor little guy. Festering scratches all over him. He wants to tell me the story. He knows he may not live, these wonderful creatures. He tells me. The small pack of four stalked their prey. They rounded a bend and saw him. The prey, just like I ordered, a robed pasty Dwarf. They charge. They charge with a drive born from the desire to make their master proud. He summons a flying thing. And they meet, the thing picked up two and throws one into a wall breaking its thinker. The other scratched it's way out of its clawsOne of the pack rips off the pasty ones leg, then he is scratched dead. Another scratches his arm. He dropped his stick. He got mad and then the offending Crundle was no more. The Crundle pounced on the things back and scratched his thinker dead. Then he saw the pasty one. He was fear, and then he was gone in the caverns. Then he fell asleep. That must have been Dark One. A great blow was struck against the enemy! Ah, Drazoth III has arrived, he says it is urgent. I must go speak with our Mecha Engineer

                       Entry Sixteen:

NO! Caccast has come, a deadly age old beast! He has slaughtered almost all of the feral Crundles! The poor beasts, I might have been able to capture and educate them. The sect shall still explore the caverns, we must hide and be careful. By Armok! My already amazing Mecha Engineer, good friend, and trusted ally has some astounding news! "TechnoXan, it's time informed you of my more unusual abilities.  See, I am a sorcerer of above average power.  My main abilities are the animation normally inanimate objects and detecting magic.  I know it's a shock, but I didn't want to reveal it until I knew you could be trusted.  With the current political environment, I felt it best to keep it secret I know you don't like the necromancers, I don't like them either, but I need them for something I've got planned.  I would greatly appreciate if you could stop your attacks against them for now.  Once I'm done with them, we'll use Plan B Sub:1 to remove them.  Right now we need to either get rid of, or gain an alliance with this inquisition movement.  One of their leaders is a distant relative of mine.  If they try to reach out to you for help against the necromancers try to arrange a meeting between me and Mate888 so we can work something out." By Armok! This, this is surprising. I still trust him. But magic, I have never thought of magic apart from necromancy. He asked for some Crundle skeletons, my Crundles! Well, for a good friend. I will give him two full sets of Crundle skeletons I have stored. I will also up my attempts to get in contact with this “Mate” of the inquisition. Sadly I must refrain from openly attacking the vile cult of death! Well, more time to work on the Mecha plans and Mechanimal plan 2. The Mechatechno sect will always prevale!
« Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 02:14:17 pm by TechnoXan »
By the by, if your wondering why I use so many smiley faces, its because I smile a lot when I talk. So I use them here so I don't come off the wrong way.

And so it begins...


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Re: Doomforests - Where Swords can be Hatchets (if they really want to)
« Reply #784 on: March 01, 2015, 03:21:28 pm »

Kogsak, or Mate the 892nd, was standing on the entrance of the caverns when he saw a dwarf run into the caves. He didn't know if he was a Crundle Hunter or one of Iamblichos' Runners, but he followed him inside. He was startled by a hand touching his shoulder. He turned and he saw another dwarf looking at him.
"What are you doing in Mechatechno's territory, priest?" The dwarf asked.
"Mechawhat? Oh, the Crundle hunters, right? Look. Your people are not pagans like the vampire cultists or the necromancers. To what we know, you are just normal dwarves under the grace of Armok like us. We also know that the necromancers are at war at you, and they have recently attacked us, so we are both in need of as much help as possible. I need to talk to someone with authority within your... Group of sorts, so we can--"
The first dwarf that Kogsak tailed into the caves, a runner, came back from the dark, terrified.
"Forgotten Beast! Everybody get inside! Lock the gates!"
"Oh, shit, let's continue our conversation inside, shall we?"
Kogsak followed after the runner before the hunter could respond. If there was a huge thing made of stone in the caves he did not wanted to stay there to see it, no matter how skilled of a speardwarf he was before joining the inquisition.
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


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Re: Doomforests - Where Swords can be Hatchets (if they really want to)
« Reply #785 on: March 01, 2015, 04:38:05 pm »

Overseer's Journal - Winter, 1060


The spessartine terror continues to rage in the caverns just outside our halls.  The roaring is almost constant.  When it strikes, destroying a crundle or reacher, dust falls from the joists in the halls.  It is time to begin the Great Returning.

The halls above are clear for the first time in years.  New passages have been dug and smoothed; the filthy rags and detritus have been cleared away from the old carvings.  I have placed a statue garden in the midst of old Doomforests, reminding those who have only seen it in ruins that it was once a proud fortress.  If all goes according to plan, it shall be again.

How far I have come in a year.  Before, I would have said "Armok willing" or "If it please the gods" in that last sentence.  Now, I know better.  Armok is a lie; the gods are against me now because of what I know.  They are laughable.  Wretched, selfish little things, conspiring with Those Below to bring terror and death on mortals while claiming to be "moral" and "good".  Now I know.  The first secret was laughably simple: all you have been taught as true is a lie.  Open your eyes and see - when have the gods ever loved any mortal thing?  They cause only wrack and ruin, heartbreak and despair.

The room is ready.  If I only dare use it.


Skaia made the same mistake as Drazoth.  With the same result.  Do these dwarves never learn?  Are we all so stupid?

Let us see what sort of destruction shall arise from this little charade.

Later  It occurs to me that the spirit possessing Skaia may not be aware of bodily needs.  It has been weeks, and still he walks the halls muttering, occasionally seizing some bit of detritus and carting it off to the workshop.  This process is taking quite a while.  His body is looking rather... stretched.

I have ordered animals penned in the farming area above.  The farmers are complaining of a lack of plump helmet spawn for new crops; this is patently ridiculous, as I see seeds everywhere I look.  There are also plump helmets everywhere; they are so plentiful people leave them sitting around to rot.  I order the farmers flogged for spreading lies.


The animals are fighting.  A dog and an elk had a two week long grudge match.  I finally ordered the military to put the elk down, since it had gone beyond reason and the butcher feared to approach it.  Regardless, it is now elk steaks.  Tasty ones too, if I do say so.

I am informed that Skaia has completed a... bracelet?  Really?  Who would wear such a cursed item?  Well, let's see it.

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Impressive.  Not that I would put it on a pet dog, but impressive.  60000 Urists value at least, unless I miss my guess.  And the appraisers inform me I did not.  The elk bone in this must have been a mistake - that would be the malevolent force that drove the elk mad with blood lust.  The spirit thought it was dwarf bone.  Tricky, tricky... stupid, but clever at the same time.

I have made elegant bedrooms in the upper halls and invited dwarves to move.  Only a few have done so, but more will come.  I have cleaned and reclaimed; it will grow now.  The rot has been beaten back... for a time.

Now, I retreat to my grandfather's kingdom.  I await the next secret.  Soon, I will transform.  I must wait... but my impatience grows.  Hopefully they won't find me before it is complete.

(OOC: As I sort of mentioned, i didn't get any farms set up upstairs, but the rest should be ready to roll.  You will need a new trade depot up there, but the vast majority of the mess is removed.  Only the giant rockpile (and no, I have no idea why it's there) remains.  That was too much to tackle with everything else.

Remember, everybody... one chair per table.  A lot of the dwarves were getting cranky because of "the crowded tables", and each table had 2-3 chairs at it... they hate that.  No, I don't know why.

Some dwarves are pretty stressed; they weren't fond of my 'lets remove all three thousand non-dwarf corpses at once' idea, but they sucked it up and the fort is better for it.  There are still some lingering piles of dirty clothes upstairs, because jesus christ the amount of clothes in that place.  If you want to know how it looked to START with, check out Skaia's save.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2015, 06:36:09 pm by Iamblichos »
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


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Re: Doomforests - Where Swords can be Hatchets (if they really want to)
« Reply #786 on: March 01, 2015, 04:50:04 pm »

Save is here:


Please sign me up for another turn as well... that was a lot of awesome  :)
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Doomforests - Where Swords can be Hatchets (if they really want to)
« Reply #787 on: March 01, 2015, 05:09:40 pm »

Great job dude! Loved it.  :D
By the by, if your wondering why I use so many smiley faces, its because I smile a lot when I talk. So I use them here so I don't come off the wrong way.

And so it begins...


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Re: Doomforests - Where Swords can be Hatchets (if they really want to)
« Reply #788 on: March 01, 2015, 05:21:37 pm »

I will start my turn to tomorrow, I'm at work for most of tonight, and have class early tomorrow.
Welcome to Doomforests, please, choose a cult of your liking or head to the overseers office to register your own cult. Religious freedom is pride of this fortress!

Dark One

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Re: Doomforests - Where Swords can be Hatchets (if they really want to)
« Reply #789 on: March 02, 2015, 01:48:43 pm »

[OOC] Thanks to TechnoXan and Drazoth. They really helped me with writing this. [/OOC]

Journal of Dark One

I order a patrol group to check the eastern entrance to caverns. Then I go straight the secret passages into the Old Doomforests. Suddenly, I feel strong turnings in energies. I sense someone hostile close. I ignore it, and go on. Then, a pack of four weird, armored crundles charges at me! I weave the raven rod muttering:

- You've got this coming!

I have spawned a dread raven, it should deal with them quickly. The raven charges in, and grabs two crundles. Then one of those crundles somehow sets free from the clutches of demon bird. The second is not so lucky, and thrown at the wall breaks it's neck. The third crundle charges towards me, and rips my leg off. I took a carving knife out of my pocket, and stab it in the head, tearing the brain apart. Shocked I quickly replace my old leg, with the one I cut out of the crundle corpse, and stand up, preparing raven rod for another attack. I watch as one of the crundles manages to kill the dread raven, just when another one charges and bites me in my arm, tearing my flesh. I drop the raven rod to the ground, the only thing slowing down merging of my body with other realms. I yelled in pain, but soon I started to shout in rage:


The crundle immediately sets on fire, and burns into ashes. I feel like I'm dragged by my legs, and in the last moment I pick up the raven rod from the ground. The strange sensation stops. There's only me and one crundle. I say:

- You will suffer greatly!

It tries to look into my eyes, but finds nothing under the hood, except the glance of the abyss. I weave the rod, and translocate the crundle away, deep into the caverns. Then I go to the meeting place, and sit down on the floor. Shortly after Drazoth the third appears.

- Sorry I'm late.  Had to meet with someone else first.

- No need to apologise. I was busy on the way too.

I point at the blood coatings on my robe, and the crundle leg instead of dwarven one.

- I see.  Sorry about that.  The MechaTechno deployed war crundles to attack the inquisition.  He probably should have given more specific instructions beyond 'Attack anyone wearing a robe'.

- The MechaTechno?!!! I was sure that crundles were sent by inquisition! They will pay for the death of Urist! I have a few undead waiting to feast upon living flesh.... they... hunger!

The raven rod strapped to my upper body almost falls off while I was jumping in rage.

- I understand your rage.  They will pay, but not in a random and useless fashion.  Better to make sure that vengeance will also further our goals.  Might as well make use of the resources at our disposal.  Know this however, it was the inquisition that bomb your meeting place, not the MechaTechno.  This inquisition has made attacks against them as well.  Though, I think they consider you the greater threat, and may try for a false alliance with the MechaTechno.  They must be removed.
I take off the hood, revealing nothing but empty space in place where head should be. I take the raven rod in hand. Strange energies fill the chamber as I speak

- I am becoming one with The Great Beyond! Unlimited sources of energies are at my disposal, yet the price I have to pay is high, for my body shall dissolve into abyss until I merge with the realms. I will follow your plan, to take my vengeance when the time comes!

When I say that my right hand becomes slowly transparent.

- I see.  I have a plan for this revenge.

Then Drazoth presents me with basic outline of his plan. It seems promising. With excited tone I say:

- With the power of The Great Beyond, I can do this! I will do it, if it might help in my revenge. Also, I don't need mental wards anymore. I'm becoming free from the binds of the mortal realms.

- Very well.  I will take care of this.  I have received word from home about that, so I intend to do it here, where it can be safely dealt with.

- Then I will do this. I need to find a way to preserve my existence here, until our plans become true. Planes try to claim me quicker than I thought.

Then we talk about details of the plan. When we end I say:

- I'll have my vengeance! Also, I have to ask. Is there any other way I can preserve my existence here than changing body parts all the time?

I point at the replacement-crundle leg, loosely sticking with the rest of my body.

- I'm not sure.  I haven't seen something like this before.  Perhaps we can use the project to help delay the process.  I've also noticed that Iamblichos is up to something.  Care to enlighten me?

- The spirit managed to break itself free from the master necromancers spell. Master thought that Iamblichos is weak, though he proved itself to be stronger than masters spell. I presume that he's against my own plans, and blames the situation of the fort on me. I don't know if I'll have any other powers over him.

- In that case, we need to move to thwart him.  The simplest way of doing this would be to remove him from the Overseership and replace him.  The MechaTechno are working on installing me in that position.  If you can assist this process, it would be greatly appreciated.

- I can, but I need to know what I'll have to do.

- Simply hinder any others trying to obtain the position.  The MechaTechno can get me in if you do so.  Also, by hinder, I do not mean kill.  We may need any people who might oppose me later.

- Then I'll just try to show them why they should help you in assuming the position.

- That should do just fine.  As for the inquisition, one of their leaders is a distant relative of mine.  If I am able to meet with him, I may be able to make him assist us.  Also, I think you should dispel those demons you summoned.  They will be a nuisance if I'm to get anything done.

I weave the raven rod. It starts to absorb the stream of light, in which thousands of demonic shapes could be seen. I say:

- The dispel is done. They won't be any threat to your plans anymore.

- Wonderful. I think that's everything I wanted to discuss.  Anything you want to talk about that we haven't yet?

- I think it's important to say. I'll order patrol duties from disciples to end, and make a strong fortified compound in my chambers, where I could find a way to preserve my existence. There's also another thing, I have an undead army in The Great Beyond, waiting to be summoned. I just wanted to let you know.

- Excellent, thank you for this information.  I'll get in contact with my external allies and see if they know anything that can help you.  I'll let you know if they do.  Until next time.

With that he leaves the hall, returning to the rest of the fort. I turn around and go back to the secret passages. On the way I grab some corpses, to have some spare body parts, and go on. I reach the main chamber, then I see the patrol group coming back. Two dead, no traces of the zombie. I ask:

- What happened?

- We were attacked by crundles master! We managed to injury one with acid, and kill two with scrolls of torment. Zombie has killed one too, but crundles shred it to pieces.

With that I shout:

- What! You incompetent bastards! Go, and tell that there'll be no more patrols, fortify the chambers! Go, until I change your mind and zombify you!

Next I go to experiment with corpses I gathered before.


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Re: Doomforests - Where Swords can be Hatchets (if they really want to)
« Reply #790 on: March 02, 2015, 05:01:14 pm »

I quickly replace my old leg, with the one I cut out of the crundle
Wait, what? I tought crundles were like... Smaller than kobolds? You would be easier to detect that way, being something like this:
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I don't know how you are able to walk.


Kogan kept running away from the necromancer's headquarters when he heard noises like the squeaking of the crundles. He kept running until he saw many other dwarves, walking into the old fort. Were they returning to Old Doomforests? He would ask that to Mate the 888th, now he needed to escape. He got mixed within the crowd and got back into the new fort.


Kogsak got out of the caverns, but the crundle hunter (MechaTechnoist?) was getting away. Whether the crundle hunters trusted the inquisition or not, it was better to know where their headquarters were. He silently followed the hunter.


Mate was going to give up any hopes of ever seeing Kogan alive again when he raced into his office.
-I found their headquarters! They are in Old Doomforests!
-Good, sadly, now that the old fort is being repopulated, the pagans will have to blend in. Luckily for us, no matter how well they can blend in with normal dwarves, we know where their hiding place is.
-Will we relocate to Old Doomforests, Your Santity?
-No, it's still too dangerous. We will stay here, where we atleast know from where will the attacks come.
-Will we attack them back?
Then, Likot and Kulet entered into the office, each carrying two cages. Each cage had a kobold inside of it.
-I see you accomplished your task.
-Yes, sir.
An old dwarf, completely bald and with a beard so long it reached its knees, entered the office after the two dwarves left the caged kobolds on the floor.
-Ah, Feb!-Exclaimed Mate-I see you made the devises you said would help us aganist those pagans!
-Yes, yes, here they are. I call them, the koboldburners!
-... We will come up with a better name later, now hand them to me!
Feb gave Mate the four rudimentary artifacts, it consisted of a small barrel full of booze, more precisely of qinua beer, a very flammable drink. It was attached to a leash, big enough to be tightly tied to a child or an adult kobold. Above the barrel there were a couple of sticks, joined together by a screw, even though the sticks would only bend to one side, and only if it was abruptly shaked. Attacked to the stick on top there was an unlit torch.
-Oh, Feb you are a bloody genious!
.Here are the blueprints of how does it work:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
-So, we tie the kobolds to the burner, then we light the torch and we set them free, close to the necromancers' base. They naturally sneak in to rob them, but because of their torch and the number of pagans in the headquarters, the kobold will eventually be spotted. Everybody who has ever seen a kobold knows that when a kobold is spotted, the poor little dog-rat panics. When a kobold is scared, it jumps a lot and makes many abrupt movements. The initial jump that the kobold would make when spotted would be enough to make the two sticks connected with a screw to bend over, and the torch nailed into those sticks would burn the barrel, causing the qinua inside to burn, turning this ugly little thief into a flaming ball of fun. It would burn not only dwarves, but also whatever potions it touches and whatever the little thing had grabbed before exploding.
-And how wouldi they sneak into their headquarters with a barrel tied onto them?
-Well, as you see, the barrels are small and made of sporetree wood, wich is light but doesn't let any liquids flow through it. Also, that's why we would only fill half of the barrel with qinua. So that the weight of it couldn't make the kobold significantly slower, but also, being the qinua the more flammable booze we have in the fort, half a barrel of qinua would still be a nice fireworks spectacle when lit. And as we know, burnt corpses can't be reanimated, and, if they are, they would still be weaker than a regular zombie since, well, it burnt to the bone.
-Feb, your work here will greatly help the inquisition and I'm sure you pleased Armok. I promote you to Chief Mechanic of the Inquisition!
[OOC]: Back in my turn, there was leather, spore trees and qinua beer (the Peruvian equivalent of vodka) in the fort, so I have the reasonable means to make this stuff.[OOC]


Kulet, Kogan and Likot, dressed with the red robes of the inquisitors, carrying the four caged kobolds and a cat, walked into Old Doomforests, and into the hallway that led directly to the necromancers' hiding place. The door was half-open, like if somebody had entered there quicly.
-They made the job easier for the skulking filth.
-Shut up, Kogan! They may hear us!
The three dwarves lit the torches attached to the burners, that were alredy strapped to the kobolds (job that nearly costed Kulet's little finger) and let the kobolds free. The thieves sneaked into the necromancers' room, hoping to find some shiny stuff.
-Now, before the necromancers find them!
Likot quickly grabbed the cat that was with them and gutted it with a knife. Its blood spilled all over the floor.  Using their hands, the priests wrote a message in the floor with cat blood:
"The Inquisiton sends you their regards"
Grabbing the cat corpse, so that the pagans wouldn't revive it, the three dwarves left, not willing to stay for the fireworks.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 05:08:15 pm by mate888 »
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


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Re: Doomforests - Where Swords can be Hatchets (if they really want to)
« Reply #791 on: March 02, 2015, 05:22:16 pm »

I like how the engraver/broker made a high-value trade item for the fortress.

Also...has anyone noticed Doomforests has a higher-than-normal ratio for possession? I mean, it happens all the time here. Are there really that many restless dead things in the fort?

I need to ask. Was it true the siege was actually huge, but then disappeared? Or was it really another war of two goblins or so? Either way, tying it with Smunstu was great. That reminds me, I need to grab the latest save to check on the current history. Last I checked the goblin tribes were crumbling. I think the last great seige was...the one that had to fight Supergoat, and the survivors were slaughtered by Osp singlehandedly. No wonder even suicidal goblins say "Nope, it's basically the place where we send our weak and infirm to die in battle." I don't think we have much to worry about from them unless something unexpected happens.


Well, that was unpleasant.

I was so thirsty...watched myself a make stone bracelet covered in bone spikes for weeks. Spirit kept choosing the slate from Old Doomforests. Said it "had to be" from there, and not the giant pile of slate sitting outside the craftshop. Should have died but the spirit kept my body going anyways. I'm glad I chose to expand the staircase now. Yeah, that creation is going on the next Dwarven Caravan possible. The faster it's gone the better. Nothing could go wrong with sending a undoubtedly-cursed artifact bracelet to the Mountainhomes, right? They can remove any curses there. Trying to remove a curse in Doomforests is like trying to drain a river with a bucket. Yes, you might have done something, but it doesn't matter because more of the same will just take its place.

I'm running out of dogs. I'm running out of bolts.
I'm running out of dwarves.


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Re: Doomforests - Where Swords can be Hatchets (if they really want to)
« Reply #792 on: March 02, 2015, 05:43:00 pm »

[OOC] I've got the save and am working on my turn now.  I just wanted to post this before I started posting the turn, if only to make sure the stuff that happened in game to 3 was accounted for. [/OOC]

After his meeting with the Dark One, 3 returned to his room in New DoomForests.  On the way, he heard that the overseer was moving everything back to Old DoomForests.  Knowing it likely had to do with whatever Casper the ghost had planned, he made sure to carefully pack his things to that his secrets wouldn't spill out on the floor while relocating.  Once he had set himself up in his new room, he began to think about what he had heard from home.  A Forgotten One was in that area, he had to draw it away, lest his family be destroyed.  While pondering this, he felt a strange presence in the room.  Turning around, he saw the spirit of 2 standing there.

"Brother!  What brings you back to this wretched place?"
"I've been watching our family from the next life, and saw the threat approaching our home.  I am here to help you bring it here."
"Thank you.  I've been trying to find a way to do that myself, but I've not had any luck.  What must I do?"
"It would be too difficult and tedious to explain it.  Allow me to control your body for a time, that I might get it done quickly."
"Very well.  I'll allow it."

With that, 2's spirit entered the body of his brother, taking control in order to create an artifact to use for luring the beast here.

Sometime Later:  3 awakens in a workshop, with no memory of how he had gotten there.  Looking around, he saw it, Zugobthilseg, a masterpiece of craftdwarfship if he ever saw one.  Looking at it, he saw the subtle runes marking it's surface.  After reading them, he saw that it was the spell needed to summon the Forgotten One to DoomForests.  Looking around to make sure no one was watching, he touched the runes and cast the spell.  With that, he left the workshop, to begin working on taking the purple hat for himself.
Welcome to Doomforests, please, choose a cult of your liking or head to the overseers office to register your own cult. Religious freedom is pride of this fortress!


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Re: Doomforests - Where Swords can be Hatchets (if they really want to)
« Reply #793 on: March 03, 2015, 04:34:24 am »

Anyone wish to throw a turn summary at me for Iamblichos's year? Otherwise I'll put it off for a bit longer then write it at the same time I do Skaia's (school is getting the best of me).

I've added Iam to the end of the turnlist.

This fortress is still alive, and I love you guys for that! Whether that it due to skilled play or sheer luck I can't say.


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Re: Doomforests - Where Swords can be Hatchets (if they really want to)
« Reply #794 on: March 03, 2015, 07:56:52 am »

I need to ask. Was it true the siege was actually huge, but then disappeared? Or was it really another war of two goblins or so?

Yes, it was true.  Weird as hell, but true.  The alarm got sounded, I went and looked, and there were ten goblins and some trolls at the spot.  When I unpaused and went back, there were only two goblins.  I figured it was time Smunstu came back into play  :D

Trying to remove a curse in Doomforests is like trying to drain a river with a bucket.

This right here is pure joy wrapped up in money.  I love it!
« Last Edit: March 03, 2015, 11:28:33 am by Iamblichos »
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.
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