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According to the newest research, what substance is best tasked with reinvorgorating a sleepy thread?

Powdered Sweet Pod
Crushed Mermaid Scale
Elven Bone Marrow
Flaked Adamantine
Ground Unicorn Horn

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Author Topic: The Hastening of Doomforests  (Read 439885 times)


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Re: The Megabattle in Doomforests - To be Engraved on a Stone Wall Near You!
« Reply #375 on: January 05, 2015, 06:17:10 pm »

Pulling himself from the wreckage of his recent body, Iamblichos sputters "I curse this Ost fellow, I will haunt... I will haunt... oh t'hell wi'it, he's a vampire, a haunting vengeful spirit would be like sweet music t' his ears.  I know...

"I will take over another, and use him to poison the undead using the powers of CRYSTAL TECHNOLOGY!  Yesss.... the undead hate diamonds of all types.  I will find the perfect light yellow diamond and use it to focus the rays of the sun onto that perambulatin' corpse and burn him to a crisp!"

((OOC: If dwarves had the concept of crystal weenies, our boy would be one.)

Skazul, the ranger, feels a cold wind on his back. When he turns, he sees Iamblichos' ghostly face. He looks... Dry.
-Oh, hey, Stakud!
-Whatever. Do you remember that I saved you?
-Well, could you take my name as a form of gratitude?
-Um... No, thanks. I like my name.
-But everyone thinks you are Stakud, the peasant!
-Yeah, but I like my name, anyway.
-If you don't I will haunt you!
-Then I'll put you to rest.
-Okay, okay! I'll take your name!
-Thanks! One more thing, do you like crystals?
-Yeah, I find them very intresting, actually.
-Good enough. Byyyyyyyyyyyye!
-See ya! Asshole.
-You what?! Oh, that's enough! I'll possess you now!
-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO gahh! hhh... Oh... I'm alive again! Yeah! Oh... I'm female now. I'll get used to it.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 01:44:46 pm by mate888 »
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


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Re: The Megabattle in Doomforests - To be Engraved on a Stone Wall Near You!
« Reply #376 on: January 05, 2015, 07:08:20 pm »

Medical report,
Doctor Taupe II, chief medical dwarf of doomforests.

Yeah, so, the dwarf known as Iamblichos has been killed by the vampire lord. Not much we could do about that, save for locking the fool in here. As dictates the procedure, here are the belongings left by the deceased, even tho we don't have a body, and won't be going for it anytme soon.

1 locket, good quality, silver
2 pairs of shoes
1 pair of socks
3 coats
1 pair of pants
1 kit of gem cutting
1 magnifying lense
2 books on various rare stones
1 book on jewelcrafting trough the ages
1 book on rare pieces of art.

*    *    *

Diary of Dr Taupe II

I stumbled upon a large clue recently. One of the migrants died, stupidly, to Osp. He was a gemcutter, tho, and I found a very interesting book, detailling various gems and pieces of jewelry. It was an accident, really, but here's what I found...

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A big necklace, encrusted with an emerald that resembles a seal found in lore detailing Nifih. this piece of art was comissioned for a sort of Archbishop who lives 300 years ago. The high passion of the clean fellowship, for 52 years. Strangely, this name doesn't appear in any of the notes I have on Nifih. but the symbol is the same...

''This piece of art was comissioned by the High passion of the Clean Fellowship, in 787. The high passion was a holy man, one of the most devout of the human nation he was born to, paying great homage to all gods of their pantheon. After his mysterious death, the necklace was passed down to his descendant. High passion was himself the son of a very devout man, reverant Buqui Mutedbrass.''

I must talk to Skaia. Next time the human traders come, I want him to get genealogy books from them, about this family. If we can find the heirs, then maybe we can have answers, or at least some clues of what happened in Datetattoed.

I wish this gemcutter was still around. He would have been invaluable in tracking down this necklace...


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Re: The Megabattle in Doomforests - To be Engraved on a Stone Wall Near You!
« Reply #377 on: January 05, 2015, 09:03:38 pm »

Journal of Iamblichos - Mental Edition

Hng.  Oof.  This is worse than the time I drank a barrel of gutter cruor over that bet at Melbil's.  I feel silly talking to myself, but I have to talk to someone.  'S hard being dead.  I've seized control of this ranger for now, but who knows how long she will hold out... bodies tend to come and go out here in the woods.  Speaking of the woods, I can look at these hands and tell I have some training to do... this cow has never held any sort of precision tool in her life.  Pfft, rangers.  Strutting around in the rain and the sun with their crossbows, shooting at the wildlife.  What a waste of a dwarven existence.  Not much use in dreaming of yellow diamond with these grubby paws, though.  Wouldn't trust these fat clumsy fingers with a cracked pyrite at the moment.

I wonder what happened to my possessions... not only do I need those books back, especially my history book (hope no-one can read the notes!), I want my spare socks... those were practically new!  So-called friends come and go, but good socks are a treasure beyond price.

I don't know why I came to this place anyway.  It has a well-deserved reputation as a deathtrap.  Well, there was all that unpleasantness back home, I mean, but I don't know why I came *here*... I could have gone anywhere!  They will never connect me with all that, as far as anyone knows, I'm still in good standing, right?  Nothing to see here, nothing at all.  I didn't know her family would visit her tomb so often.  Doesn't anyone work any more?

All anyone can talk about here is the beasts in the lower levels, the vampire in the other fort, the elves in the woods... these people don't have enough to do.  The vampire will have to wait... I have so much training to do, so many stones to cut, so much to learn about the crystals that are below us here.  It is said that violet spessartines can be used to call the spirits of the dead.  It is said that green zircon can cause trees to grow.  It is said that clear garnets can be used to create aquifers in stone or soil.  It is said that the emerald can be used to control the minds of necromancer and vampire alike.  How?!  I MUST KNOW!!!! No time to be dead, so much to do...

Also, note to self: need to do some research on the city of Datetattooed.  My book mentioned something about emeralds there.  Emeralds are found in schist... wonder if there's any below?
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 10:25:22 am by Iamblichos »
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


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Re: The Megabattle in Doomforests - To be Engraved on a Stone Wall Near You!
« Reply #378 on: January 05, 2015, 09:20:41 pm »

Hm... Why is the ranget talking to herself with the voice of a very old male dwarf and why are her eyes glowing purple?
I knew plump helmets and cave adaptation were bad!
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


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Re: The Megabattle in Doomforests - To be Engraved on a Stone Wall Near You!
« Reply #379 on: January 06, 2015, 02:32:51 am »

Journal of Drokles the Second

It seems mate888 finally lost interest in the elves.
I have to do something to rectify this!
The elves are rude, arrogant and, let's be honest, worthless trading partners. If we allow them to insult us with their wooden baubles, smelly clothes and hairy ears, then we are truly without honour.

Of course, the plot they've long had to overthrow Doomforests is just a figment of the mad imagination of our overseer. As an overseer he has already become unpopular among most of us. He is paranoid, dangerous and probably schizophrenic. However, paranoid schizophrenics are easy to manipulate!

Long hours have I listened, without complaint or question, to his rants about the elves and their schemes. I have nodded my head and confirmed his suspicions. Indeed! the elves have manipulated the birds to steal peaches from us, for they know their language and how easily birds are impressed. Yes! as masters of camouflage and subterfuge they hide in the forests so that even the most ardent scouting party stand no chance of finding them whilst they are being laughed at from behind a tree. Of course! They were the ones who lured the forgotten beasts to our caverns with the promise of revealing the secrets to obtaining human form as bestowed by the ancient elf king.

The trouble is now that we are short of accidents that may be blamed on the sneaky intervention of an outside power. If I wish to further the war effort it must be by invention and fabrication. What fantastic lie shall we invent to cement our antagonism towards their foul disgusting kind?

In the end, warring against the elves will be a great honour for Doomforests. Besides, nothing ties a community together like a common enemy.
... I have a craft to practice.

How do you remove a poll?
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 02:35:05 am by Drokles »
On the rare occasions where this fort isnt under siege, wood cutting and hauling is our ultimate priority.


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Re: The Megabattle in Doomforests - To be Engraved on a Stone Wall Near You!
« Reply #380 on: January 06, 2015, 02:41:18 am »

How do you remove a poll?

Just make a new one about the current state of the fortress or something.

"Just how doomed are these forests?"


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Re: The Vampire Lord in Doomforests - Avoid the East Part of the Fort for Now
« Reply #381 on: January 06, 2015, 01:29:05 pm »

Journal of Iamblichos
3 Hematite

More than ever, I question the wisdom of coming to Doomforests.  Everyone here has a weary, defeated look.  There isn't a lot of conversation in the food hall beyond the laundry list of problems we face in the present day, but five nights ago Dr Taupe got deep in his cups and told us a long, rambling story about how things "used to be here".  I couldn't keep it all straight; not only was he stumbling drunk, but there were so many attacks and counterattacks, new monsters, old monsters, monsters fighting monsters... faugh!  Even after two hours, I couldn't tell if there were two or three beasts from the deeps (was it the snail that breathed fire, or the goat?)  Vampires and goblins, werebeasts and snails, some other settlement nearby named 'Astville'... who could make sense of it all?  By the end of it he was reduced to babbling about elves and human gods and curses and some pendant.  I noticed that he mentioned the same town I was trying to research, though, Datetattooed... then he passed out.  I am suspicious.  Something isn't right here.

5 Hematite

My suspicions deepen.  There are no books to be found in this fortress.  It took me a while to realize it... so many enemies have pillaged these halls that chaos reigns.  Finding any specific item is difficult indeed.  The bookkeeper shuffles around mumbling, trying to keep everything in memory.  As a Memorist, he would be deeply offended if I asked about books; I must seek on my own.  SOMEONE has my books.  And my socks.  Several dwarves eyed me in my wandering, as I was probably very obvious in looking around... damn this fat body and its lack of stealthiness!  Knowing the mind of my fellows as I do, though, I just muttered something about being "new to the fort" and "on break" and they ignored me.  I must find my books.  My notes.  My SOCKS!

PS: The exhaustive search did accomplish one thing; I was able to do a quick mineral survey.  The gems here seem laughably inferior.  I saw a few cut pieces and they were utter trash, garbage gems and poorly cut at that.  Who trillion-cuts a sard?!  I must convince the overseer to let me retrain... somehow.  He seems utterly mad; perhaps I could say the elves feared my gemstones?

7 Hematite

I have found... something.  For days I have combed the wreckage of this fortress.  I have quietly searched high and low, peeked in every cabinet, rummaged every chest, tossed through everywhere that wasn't in the vampire's fort or deep in the sealed off caverns below.  I even went back out into the woods.  No books.  No writing.  I was beginning to suspect that everyone in Doomforests was in some sort of cult of anti-literacy.  Then I found doctor Taupe's office... or should I say, LIBRARY.  Books stacked on books, books of lore, books of medicine, books of plants, books about books!  Old trade records stacked on religious works; herbals next to bestiaries next to cheap pornography!  Old High Dwarvish, modern Dwarvish, five or six flavors of Human, even some of those elven leaf-books they scribble in when they travel to trade!

Taupe acted oddly chatty, but I made my excuses and left quickly.  I am fairly certain I know where my books ended up.  Now I am forced to wonder if he had me killed just to get them; that's a dwarf in the grip of a Strange Mood if ever I've seen one.  Bastard probably has my socks as well.

He still thinks I'm the ranger; hopefully everyone does.  I need to make sure it stays that way.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 03:21:39 pm by Iamblichos »
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


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Re: The Vampire Lord in Doomforests - Avoid the East Part of the Fort for Now
« Reply #382 on: January 06, 2015, 03:55:24 pm »

Journal of Mate the 888th, Overseer of Doomforests
2 of Hemetite
Everyone thinks I'm crazy... Maybe the elves were not conspiring aganist us and I was fooled to act like an idiot, I'll make sure to apologize to them next year... Then the only enemies we have are the vampire, the goblins and the ocassional skulking filth that comes to rob us.
Also, the ranger Stakud (whose voice and eyes are still looking weird) decided to change her name to Iamblichos II. Maybe the spirit of Iamblichos possessed her, but whatever, I always hated that greedy cow. I'll let her do Iamblichos' gemcutting for now on.
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Also, SkaiaMechanic was talking behind my back to someone, I think that they are planning to overthrow me.
Maybe the trader will have to stay in the quarentine room with the humans until it's proven that they aren't wereantelopes.


We can't kill the vampire. But we can try to... Neutralize him. We will need to lure him into a room and seal it, but how?
I think this is a job for the dispensable bastards scouting party!
The plan consists in sending the most skilled in battle but more useless overall soldier (Kogsak Inkutter, the speardwarf/peasant) to the bridge, once it opens, he will run trought it, then the bridge will close, he will lure him into the only room that still has doors sealing it completely, and then the doors will be locked and forbidden, with luck, Kogsak will be quick enough as to escape him. Once the doors are locked, a wall will be built to seal Osp in for all eternity.
Kogsak dashes trought the bridge as it closes, and sees the vampire on the distance and he yells at him.
-Hey, ugly! Your mom is---
-Oh gods why
Kogsak ran, as planned to the dormitory, a big enough room, and Osp followed.
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No shit, Sherlock!
Kogsak entered the dormitories, chased by Osp, and when the vampire entered, he dodged one of his attacks, kicked him in the face, stunning him, and ran outside of the room, then, he proceeded to lock the gates and write "forbidden" on them with charcoal.
Osp started to scratch the gates.
-Hey, Batman, how does it makes you feel that you were tricked by a peasant?
-Locked for all eternity inside some dirty old bedrooms.
-At least you have ten nice beds all for you!
Then, the speardwarf went to the cage room, and he leaned to the wall.
-The vampire is sealed! We reconquered the fort!
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A hole in the wall dividing the fort is made, and we cross to the horrible half of the fort.
After so much time, after so much suffering and death, the fort has been retaken. I can hear Osp begging on his jail. The dwarves begin cheering. I fall to my knees. Thanks to my plan and Kogsak's stupidity courage, we retook the fort.
We did it. Doomforests is ours.
The dwarves are terrified. But safer.
Get ready, guys, there's a lot of cleanup to do.
((OOC: I'll keep playing and post again when something important happens.))
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


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Re: The Vampire Lord in Doomforests - Avoid the East Part of the Fort for Now
« Reply #383 on: January 06, 2015, 04:21:55 pm »

Good job!

... let's hope we don't need to let him out because of another invasion  :/
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


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Re: The Vampire Lord in Doomforests - Avoid the East Part of the Fort for Now
« Reply #384 on: January 06, 2015, 04:28:53 pm »

7 of Felsite
Aaaaaaaaaaaand many people refuse to work because apparently many migrants came here because they had relatives living here. Well, that's sad.
The daughter of "Stupid Elves", for example, is crying on a corridor.
They'll get over it, they should have known by now that they were dead in the most horrible ways possible.
Taupe, Doren and I are in charge of sealing the vampire from the outside world, thing that sounds simple enough but for that you have to cross this endless sea of death, gore and miasma. This is some disturbing shit, man, I even feel bad for the poor goblins lying here, some of them look a lot like Smuntsu, maybe his whole tribe came here to save him? Dang...
I... See the dwarves mourning their dead, thing that Osp would enjoy if he wasn't begging for freedom... Do the families of the elves we killed mourn that way, too? Were they waiting for their sons, fathers, sisters and friends to come back, to then be told by a bird that they have been slaughtered? Maybe it's worse for them. As they are immortal, they may never die and thus, never see them again in Armok's halls. Do elves even enter Armok's halls?
Shit, I should not think of this now... I regret killing those poor elves, the decisions I made were all wrong.
But I must keep myself together, until the year ends. If it was not for me, we would have never retaken the fort, we would be all being eaten by crundles now. I must stay sane. For now at least. For the good of the fort.


10 of Felsite
Osp was screaming like a maddwarf. Like a desperate dwarf. But SkaiaMechanic did not respond to the monster. Her expression did not change at all. She may have called me a crazy bastard. but I respect her. Carrying the last stone, to bring Osp to his final demise.
She got closer.
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She ignored his words.
She ignored his begging as she placed the stone.
She walked away.
-Are you even listening to me?! COME BACK HERE, YOU FILTHY PLEBIAN! COME BACK HERE! Come back here... Please...
« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 02:00:12 pm by mate888 »
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


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Re: The Vampire Lord in Doomforests - Avoid the East Part of the Fort for Now
« Reply #385 on: January 06, 2015, 05:10:32 pm »

Journal of SkaiaMechanic
3rd of Hemetite

So, Osp the Vampire Lord was sealed yesterday after a rather...daring plan by our overseer. He may be insane, and his plan was equally crazy, but the whole situation was so crazy they seemed to cancel each other out and the plan worked without a hitch.

On one hand, there was a considerable advantage having Osp deal with any enemies for us. We have lost our greatest enemy, and our greatest weapon all in one fell swoop. We're back to being a standard fortress now, except for the enemies we keep within our own walls.

On the other hand, it's REALLY NICE BEING ABLE TO ACCESS THE OTHER HALF OF THE FORT. I got a general layout from Taupe a while ago, but it's nice to be able to see it first hand. Taken with what we had built on the other side, Doomforests looks like a respectable fortress. I do think we need to keep this side of the fort mentally seperate to appreciate it's history, like with Astville. Even the East Wing would do, to signify all the battles fought here and it's occupation against three groups of foes.

I mean, once all the corpses are all cleaned up. There are a LOT of them, and they've been sitting out for a LONG time. Time to put in a coffin work order!
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 10:00:51 pm by SkaiaMechanic »
I'm running out of dogs. I'm running out of bolts.
I'm running out of dwarves.

Dark One

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Re: The Vampire Lord in Doomforests - Avoid the East Part of the Fort for Now
« Reply #386 on: January 06, 2015, 06:15:18 pm »

Journal of Dark One
3rd Hematite

It seems that the mental state of overseer is better. His risky decision, and it's outcome proves him to be the right dwarf in the right place. I can finally get to the fortress proper. Maybe I'll find some information about my wife there. I saw masons walling-off Osp. If I could hear him from behind that wall, then I could finally talk with this bastard. He is the one to be blamed for the death of Geshud! And now in this situation he Is helpless, thus I could easily divulge any information I want. I'll talk with the vampire lord by midnight, when no one can disturb us. But first things first, this place needs some serious cleaning.

I couldn't fall asleep. I was wandering the fortress and thinking about all the nightmares, voices, and the situation I'm in. It's the right time, I should go to the Osp's eternal prison. Immortality can be a good thing, you've got all the eternity for your desires and self fullfilment. But Osp's "entombment", fate of the many corpses shambling under the necromancers command can clearly show that undying can be a true torment. This also shows that being neutral, regaining balance between good and evil is important. Avoiding troubles and caring only for your business seems a good way to spend eternity. But vampires feed upon death, bringing chaos and darkness whenever they appear. I'm here, this is it. The vampire must have felt my presence already.

Osp: What is it you want cattle?
Me: I came for answers.
Osp: Give me freedom! Break this wall and I'll show you all the secrets of the underworld!
Me: Not until I get what I want.
Osp: I have all eternity cattle, and I'd love to spend it in another way... alright, ask.
Me: What happened to my wife Geshud, and who's responsible for her death?
Osp: Ah, I was not certain, but now I feel it. The Dark One has appeared! You should confront previous overseer!
Me: What happened to my love, and what previous overser has to do with her death?
Osp: She was killed by trolls, when he send us here. It's his fault cattle, FREE ME!
Me: Not yet. Why did she travelled with you?
Osp: Still jealous cattle? She never loved you or your daughters, deal with it!
Me: Liar! Why did she married me then!?
Osp: It's a good disguise for a vampire, and you would never knew I you wasn't following us. Also the overseer told you about her... condition.
Me: How can I know you don't lie to me?
Osp: I am immortal. I have spent ages feeding upon other cattle like you, it makes no difference if you know. You'll be dead anyway. NOW, BREAK THIS WALL, AND CONFRONT ME FACE TO FACE!
Me: No, you shall be closed here for eternity. When I'll find peace in heavens you will be still sitting here!
Osp: Don't you understand cattle? You are doomed, marriage with Geshud sacrificed your soul to our godess. You are nothing more than an empty husk! Are the rocks still talking to you? Those voices are not rocks, but other empty shells such as you. They follow you, they bring nightmares, they bring... torment. In the end, you shall become the same, cold and unloving form as me!
Me: But the difference between us, is that I still have some empathy, and to the very end, I'll be a dwarf!
Osp: Empathy is for pansy elves! NGYAAAAAARGHHH! BREAK THAT WALL!
Me: I prefer being empathic, pansy elf, than a bloodsucking traitor to dwarkind worshipping human godess! Have a nice eternity!

With this words I have left. He was trying to break walls, but it was effortless. It's over. Truth brings suffering. But it doesn't matters, I'll stay here to the end, and ensure that bloodsucker stays behind those walls.

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« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 06:25:29 pm by Dark One »


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Re: The Vampire Lord in Doomforests - Avoid the East Part of the Fort for Now
« Reply #387 on: January 06, 2015, 06:55:59 pm »

((OOC: Mate888, I think you glitched your posted dates  :)  You list 2 Hematite for the date that he gets sealed up, but then you are saying in the next post 7 Felsite, 10 Felsite etc.  Since Felsite is the month before Hematite, either time started running backwards or you accidentally listed the wrong month  :D  ))
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


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Re: The Vampire Lord in Doomforests - Avoid the East Part of the Fort for Now
« Reply #388 on: January 06, 2015, 09:33:54 pm »

((OOC: Yes, I confuse Felsite with Hemetite. Don't judge me!  :'())

11 of Hemetite
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Those are good news amidst all of this mourning!
We will meet them at the depot after the full moon.
Also, a new part of the crypt has been finished and a new statue garden is being dug. Kogsak, now oficially a hero of Doomforests will recieve the golden room downstairs that may have been of a noble long ago.


13 of Hemetite
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I like humans, the thing is that I don't know if they are going to turn into evil antelope monsters or not.
We will have to wait till the 21st to see.


17 of Hemetite
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Seriously?! I mean, I know Sodel and I may not be the best rulers, but seriously?! The fucking vampire lord who has swore to kill us is now the mayor?!
What were you thinking?! He is not even able to leave the room in wich you sealed in! *sigh* I can't even...


18 of Hemetite
We will wait till the 21st and we will trade. Apparently, SkaiaMechanic is in the depot with the humans. Oops.


20 of Hemetite
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Well, that sounds worrying, luckily, it is running towards a cage trap on the sealed part of the caverns.
Welp, those things seem to be impervious to cage traps. Luckily that stairway is sealed.


21 of Hemetite
Nothing happened. Let the trade commence!


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Well, that was a disaster. I'll have to let them go, as I will not seize their goods, that would only piss the humans off. *sigh* Goodbye, exotic bags and metal weapons. See ya in autmun, I hope.


23 of Hemetite
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I think that the universe did not wanted us to reclaim the eastern fort.
Well, fuck the universe, then! And I wish luck to whatever forgotten beast tries to enter Doomforests!


24 of Hemetite
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It's not a suprise. And, altought dissappointing, we are better with a reduced population for now.


25 of Hemetite
The forgotten beast decided to not go towards the stairways and instead to go take a swim in an underground river. We'll leave him to it.


27 of Hemetite
Welp, the thing left to unexplored cavern territory, so we'll assume it just left. Still we must keep our eyes open.


2 of Malachite
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Urvad was possessed by a Armok-knows-what and now she is trying to build something awesome. Okay.
Wait a moment... Maybe she was possessed by Nifih and this may give us valuable information about this dark godess!
The possessed dwarf has her eyes glowing purple and is muttering cryptic stuff while ocassionally screaming "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" on Urvad's normal voice. Thankfully, I could understand what the spirit was saying and thus we managed to give her what she needed.


8 of Malachite
Urvad keeps muttering "Italtilesh Fazilserush"...


11 of Malachite
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Fuck. You. Osp, you heard me? FUCK. YOU!
Who the fuck do you think you are to ban buckets?! When the dwarven caravan arrives, we will give them as much buckets as we can! Let's see what do you do about that Mr. Mayor!


12 of Hemetite
Remember that very stressed fishery worker? Yeah, he started tantruming and throwing corpses around.
Just another normal day in Doomforests.


13 of Hemetite
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Rackception. Cool.
I asked Urvad what inspired her to build that masterpiece, but she was shivering, happy only because the ghost had left her mind.
-I... I did not do it, I gained not experience in how to be a mason.
-Y... Yeah. I f... Felt the soul of a serpent man that wanted his victory over a human warrior to be immortalized.
-So... You are still a mediocre at best mason?
-That's dissappointing. Okay, we'll put this rack in your bedroom.
-Oh, and one thing, you are the wife of the late Iamblichos, right?
-Well, his spirit possessed Stakud.
-That fat cow? I'd expect more of him.
-So... You are not shocked?
-Not really, I was going to divorce anyway, he was an asshole, y'know.
-O... Okay...


Well, I'll finish the statue garden planning and I'll get some rest.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 11:16:28 pm by mate888 »
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Vampire Lord in Doomforests - Avoid the East Part of the Fort for Now
« Reply #389 on: January 06, 2015, 11:12:09 pm »

Also, I changed Kogsak's profession to "hero" because why the hell not.
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about
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