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According to the newest research, what substance is best tasked with reinvorgorating a sleepy thread?

Powdered Sweet Pod
Crushed Mermaid Scale
Elven Bone Marrow
Flaked Adamantine
Ground Unicorn Horn

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Author Topic: The Hastening of Doomforests  (Read 448006 times)


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Re: The Supergoat in Doomforests - There was just one dwarf left, but...
« Reply #270 on: December 25, 2014, 01:26:52 am »

"Oh look at this artifact door. I wonder what it is doing down in the caves? Oh well, I guess I will use it as the door to Urist McNoble's Chambers."

Some time passes

"Why are there forgotten beasts wandering up the staircase? It must be Taupe's fault for not sealing the caves properlly."
You can't make an omelette without melting a few dwarves...
The purple overseer hat weights heavily on one's head. Some would argue that the leadership of Doomforest is uneasy to bear for too long. Others would simply suggest that we don't craft the next overseer hat out of rutile.


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Re: The Supergoat in Doomforests - There was just one dwarf left, but...
« Reply #271 on: December 25, 2014, 01:29:16 am »

I think the only reason I would need to go in the caverns is for either wood, or gathering stuff left by dead dwarves. Nominating a single dwarf to woodcutting, and making sure i use burrows so nobody else wander off, should make sure we dont end up with a new creed of morons living in a random place.


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Re: The Megabattle in Doomforests - To be Engraved on a Stone Wall Near You!
« Reply #272 on: December 25, 2014, 02:28:57 am »

Doomforests is beyond repair now. I think we should just live in Astville and let Doomforests be a perpetual staging ground for the game to duke it out with itself.
On the rare occasions where this fort isnt under siege, wood cutting and hauling is our ultimate priority.


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Re: The Megabattle in Doomforests - To be Engraved on a Stone Wall Near You!
« Reply #273 on: December 25, 2014, 03:14:37 am »

I'm working on that actively, when I'm not murdering Salmeuk freeing some of our nicest rooms.

EDIT: ...Or weaponizing millenia-old vampires
« Last Edit: December 25, 2014, 03:58:38 am by Taupe »


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Re: The Megabattle in Doomforests - To be Engraved on a Stone Wall Near You!
« Reply #274 on: December 25, 2014, 05:06:44 am »

I'd imagine the mad doctor as feeling a little disconnected, ruling a group of dwarves that had no idea of the horrors he went through or the friends he lost. Should he commission a few notable slabs to be placed in proper areas? If nothing else, for Ast in Astville. Disregarding that, I'm not sure whether it's more accurate that you weaponized Supergoat towards the goblins or the goblins towards Supergoat. It's funny imagining the situation either way.

Maxcat, I'm pretty sure Santa is a dwarf. Legendary Craftdwarf and Animal Trainer, with a stout, fat figure and mighty beard. Enslaved a city of elves for unpaid labor, moved his entire operation to the middle of a glacier climate because he felt like it. Constantly takes breaks, throws parties, and sleeps. Goes into a martial trance once a year and accomplishes feats that seem to defy the laws of physics. Mines enough coal to have enough for all those likely to start !!Fun!! with fires. May be a necromancer due to lack of dying of old age, and resurrects any dead elves for eternal work. Artifact steel sleigh and cloth bag. The list goes on.

I'm running out of dogs. I'm running out of bolts.
I'm running out of dwarves.


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Re: The Megabattle in Doomforests - To be Engraved on a Stone Wall Near You!
« Reply #275 on: December 25, 2014, 06:50:18 am »

Journal of Taupe II, mad doctor
Winter 1055:

I am growing weary of having everyone second-guess my every decisions. Salmeuk is becoming increasingly opposed to my overseer position, and none of those young dwarflings understand the horrors I survived so they could endure this ''shithole'' as they call it. The only people I can rely on are my assistants Skaia and Minion, and my trusted minister of agriculture, Mr Smunstu.

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People have started to grab the bodies stuck in the initial staircase. They reported to me that the corpses were, in fact, dead. No shit, Sherlock, I could have guessed that on my own. What I find disquieting as I browse my message list is not those outdated death announcements, but the fact that our mayor Salmeuk II issued a mandate.

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A large gem. we don't have an army, we don't have bedrooms, we don't have wood, yet this asshole is using his newfound autority to request that we create a large gem. Is he serious? No really, is he? I was a mayor for over two seasons and never requested anything! I go and chat with my two resident gemcutters to learn about these large gems.

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''Large gems, huh? says SkaiaMechanic. Well, only one in twenty gem can be sculpted into a large gem, if that.
-So how many gems do we have?
-Hum, with what we found in the staircase, ten. We may find more as we dig out.
-Yes, my miner instincts tell me we'll get clear zircons down in Astville, and maybe some turquoises. But I doubt we'll get more than a dozen, two if we are lucky.
-Yeah. This request is ridiculous. Even if we decidate our miners to finding new gems nonstop, instead of doing something productive, I can't even guarantee we'd be able to turn them into a large gem before the mandate ends.
-Indeed. and even if we do meet Salmeuk's demands, he'll probably ask for more soon after. Armok save us if he asks for 2 or three large gems at once.
-Scary. He'll probably condemn someone to a serious beating. I'm glad I gave up the gem business to be our broker, but it sucks for my replacement.
-I... may have a plan. It may require your mechanics skills. Can you prepare two rock gears for tomorrow?
-Sure thing, doctor.

Now, to meet with my minion. He's very happy to know that I'll be using his artefact door to secure access to the caverns, so we can get woods and thus beds. I tell him I have a special job for him, and if he does, he'll be promoted to the ranks of Superminion, and become my personal bookkeeper, replacing Salmeuk II. Minion gladly accepts, and head for the shooting range, for a special meeting with minister Smunstu.

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Salmeuk II is asleep, now is the time to set up my little trick. A while back, I promised minister of agriculture Smunstu that I would get him a decent office.

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Gosh, Salmeuk will be so mad when he waks up and realizes I gave his office over to minister Smunstu!

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Minister Smunstu is glad to finally leave the cage. He has been in there for years.

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He quickly informs Salmeuk of the new office accommodations I came up with.

Smunstu will be able to enjoy his office for a long time. I'm told goblins do not have to eat.

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On the 9th day of mid-winter, I'm informed that some migrants are showing up on our doorstep. i look at my notes. the last bloodmoon was on the 4th, we'd have to wait until the second of the next month for another. I order that the migrants remain outside in the courtyard, until we can verify which of them, if any, is infected by the wereantelope curse. I spend that time gathering information on them, to better assign them once (if) I let them in. Most are useless: a glassmaker, an adequate glazer (whatever that is), a wood burner (we have no wood, and we have magma), a woodcrafter (already have more than we need, which is one)

Speaking of woodworker, I nicknamed our woodworker ''mr woodcut''. He is the only dwarf allowed to cut trees. When I want Mr Woodcut to chop down some logs, I unlock the door leading to the caverns next to Astville, and modify the burrow to path up to the log I want him to chop. Once the logs are safely inside, I remove the burrow and lock the door. That way, I prevent random dwarves from venturing in the caverns for no good reason.

what I'm really interested in at this point, is to build something resembling a military squad. I interview the newcomers to find who can and should become a soldier. One of them is a bone doctor, altho his expertise in both surgery and bone fixing is astonishing, aka, far superior to mine. For a moment, I'm afraid he'll replace me as chief medical dwarf. I start asking more questions, yet none of the places i mention ring a bell to him, and none of the teachers he mentions are familiar to me. ''Can you wield a weapon?'' I ask.

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He says he once had to kill a dwarf, then gives me a stupid date, before mentioning it was a joke ''ah ah, just kidding, i'm not that old, altho I AM 108, which may be why you never heard of those things i mentioned.'' Yeah, right, asshole, I'm 105, I'm pretty sure all the great medical teachers didn't vanish when I was three. Something is definitely up with that guy.

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his friend, a fine lady named Geshud, pretends she killed 327 animals in her career, and is proficient with a mace, as well as being an expert armor user. despite all that, she presents herself as a simple farmer. She also claims to be 108 years old.

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Always tell the truth my butt, yeah. My screening process may not have  caught any antelopes, but by Armok I'm old enough to realize I've stumbled upon something else equally as dangerous. Most fortresses aren't paranoid enough to locate a bloodsucker before it is well-inserted into the fort's social dynamic. those rare few who are wary enough to spot such a creature would murder them on sight, or seal them away to avoid bloodshed. And yet... Doomforests is no ordinary fortress. They are not werewolves, but they will suffice.

I politely explain to the newcomers that we are sadly short on food and booze after the most recent goblin attack, and as such, we cannot let just anyone in. Doomforests has no bedroom and no food for useless moths calling themselves glazers, or glassmakers. What it needs is soldiers. ''Why, I may be a doctor, but i can handle a sword decently, says the male vampire'' Geshud the vampiress then talks of her unumerable kills as a ranger back in her youth. she can fight, is what she is saying.

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''Very well, you two. there is a back entrance in this fort, where two goblins remain still. defeat those horrible beasts, and we shall let you in, and name you heads of our milicia. Any dwarf that came along with you will also be able to enter, if you vouch for their skills
-We shall be back with haste, declares Geshud.''

No you won't.

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The newest members of Super Happy Team reach the backdoor built years ago by the first Salmeuk. The bridge is lowered to let them in. The two vampires venture deeper into the fortress. Once I know they are far inside, I raise the bridge, sealing them in.

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Wait, did i mention two goblins? Silly me, that was the wrong ledge, the one about Smunstu and his caged friend Bax. The ledger for the other side of Doomforests actually indicates 42 trolls. Geshud is quickly ambushed, and enters a martial trance.

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Despite claiming to be a badass, Geshud loses her breath after getting punched in the stomach by an 8 foot troll. After that, she is pretty much done for. Was she truly a vampire, or just a random dwarf that happened to have the wrong age and an absurd kill count, coupled with legendary tracker and ambusher skills? I guess it hardly matters now...

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The other guy, Ushrir, moves with incredible speed. He slices a troll after stalking him through the dark halls of what was once Doomforests. the troll hardly lands a blow. Without hesitation, the vampire lord dashes foward, seeking more targets.

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The sole survivor of the Super Happy Team is now entering a martial trance. He lunges into a group of trolls, and slice them to bits with his +iron short sword+, dodging or parrying every blow his foes try to land. After only a minute, a dozen corpses join the body party that has become Doomforests.

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The vampire smells more warm blood to spill, and ventures deeper into the fort. ''Oh, there you are!'' A few trolls try to fight, the rest make a run for it. but one does not escape Doomforests so easily.

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Here in these cursed halls, death is the only way out.

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The condemned part of the fort is now silent, populated only by a silent stalker feeding on the blood of his victims. Ushrir, if that is even his real name, managed to murder all the trolls without getting a single scratch, even tho he wore no armor save for his regular cloths. he truly is a master killer. Armok knos what he would have done should we have let him inside the fort. could we truly defeat such a formidable foe? Deep inside, I know that in Domforests now reside a fiend crueler and more dangerous than any one to come before him.

Ushrir is smart enough to know he was tricked. Yet, even tho I lured him into this trap, he proved that none could vanquish him. A silent pact is signed between the two of us. This section of Doomforests is now his to call home, and in exchange, he shall slay and feed on any creature foolish enough to invade our halls.

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Vampires are static and systematic creatures. Ushrir does not care to live in a littered hall. I expand the burrow to include a second area, covering body stockpiles and parts of the hall, and he begins to tidy up the place by organising the messy stockpiles as best he can. Should we keep him there long enough before an ''accident'' was to befall him, there would be that less cleaning to do for our dwarves.

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Ushrir has his home, but now so do we. Astville still needs a reliable food supply, some engraving, and many furnitures, but 20 rooms are now excavated in the warmth of the volcanic pools, as well as space for a grandiose dinning hall. Atir's designs did not go to waste in the end.

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As the year ends, and the calendar turns to the spring of 1056, my fellow dwarf is taken by a strange mood, and creates an artefact grate, inspired by some fey power he cannot truly explain. This creation depicts a group of dwarves being slaughtered by an unkillable enemy rampaging through their civilisation. Is this some higher power's way of foreshadowing what awaits us? Will Ushrir spell our doom?

There is no way to know. Against all odds, Doomforests is thriving once more. Where once there was but one dwarf, now live 31, sealed from the outside world. I am the only survivor of the tragedies of Doomforests, for I have been here since the first year of its cursed existence. Horrors and bloodshed have taken their toll on my old mind, and I fear Salmeuk may have been right. Perhaps it is time for me to resign, and let a younger lad lead this mess... I will continue with my work as a miner. It reminds me of my youth in the mountainhomes, before they were left bare and ruined by greed. When my pick strikes the earth, revealing the gems and strange minerals hidden within, i can feel my soul breathing a sigh of relief. Then i am not the broken refugee of this forsaken place, but a simple dwarf, at one with the mountain.

Spoiler: ooc notes (click to show/hide)


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Re: The Megabattle in Doomforests - To be Engraved on a Stone Wall Near You!
« Reply #276 on: December 25, 2014, 08:01:53 am »

Journal of Senshuken the Second.

Despite how much of a prick that ghost was, I have to admit that after walking the world in his shoes and trying to see the world as he did I have to say I understand why he did the things that he did. I recall in our final conversation just before the restless specter of the former captain finally joined the rock he had lived his life to serve and protect that he had found a new level of respect for the now former Overseer Taupe II.

Taupe II had merely been the Chief of Medicine when the two dooms of Doomforests came and struck down most, if not all of the dwarfs that lived within its walls; Despite being poisoned by the damned monster goat, not only did he retain enough of his wits to cure and heal himself but he managed to revive the fortress from just himself to over thirty during his term as Overseer. His policies to use the newest threat to the fortress to deal with the last one have worked insanely well, allowing our enemies to die at each others hands while we recover and regain our strength until we are powerful enough to reclaim what was once ours.

I shall swear on the grave of that son of a bitch Senshuken the First that I will do whatever is required to make Doomforests as grand as any Mountainhome. If this means we are going to have to let our enemies keep a part of our fortress for the time being, so be it. One day we will be strong enough to take it from their cold, severed hands. It will come sooner or later. All I need to do is be patient. 
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


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Re: The Megabattle in Doomforests - To be Engraved on a Stone Wall Near You!
« Reply #277 on: December 25, 2014, 08:45:01 am »

Journal of Drokles the Second.

Haven't seen Salmeuk II around for a while. Am so excited to see that big gem he mandated to raise the morale of everyone. It is to be the new symbol of lower Doomforests, or Astville as our current overseer likes to call it. Apparently he was here when it was formed. Salmeuk II's motto has always been "Happy dwarves are productive dwarves". He's always thinking of the people, which is why I voted for him. I wonder what he has been up to lately...

Anyway, since taking over the name of the first overseer of Doomforests I have become increasingly proficient in coffin making. I hardly do anything else. My hope is that we will one day have a great big stockpile of masterwork coffins. Living in Doomforests might not be so bad when you know where your eternal rest is going to be. I just pray there will be someone around to bury me.
I learned from Taupe II that Drokles valued coffin making above everything else, strange how this obsession survives through his name alone.
But, then, what can truly be said to be more artful than a masterfully crafted coffin containing the body of a skillful artisan? The care and lifelong devotion that the craftsman has put into the perfection of death. And at the same time the coffin is the ultimate taboo. It is a container which is never to be opened - it is designed to hold something which must never be revealed.
What better place to practice this art than Doomforests?

Still think this place sucks ass though.

OOC: Sent a message to nekoexmachina. Long ago he warned us though, that he probably wont be able to do a turn, so be ready to take over instead, mate888 ;). I wont be here during the weekend, so if you need to decide something about the turn order, feel very free to do so.
Also, I put myself in the turn queue, just in case there's still a fort left to run at that point I want another go!
It goes without saying. I tip my hat to you Taupe. What an awesome turn that was.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2014, 08:59:36 am by Drokles »
On the rare occasions where this fort isnt under siege, wood cutting and hauling is our ultimate priority.


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Re: The Megabattle in Doomforests - To be Engraved on a Stone Wall Near You!
« Reply #278 on: December 25, 2014, 09:57:43 am »

Can't believe I missed all of this! I also cant believe I singlehandedly accidentally saved Doomforests twice! Sucks to be busy, guys. Thanks for that soap tower thread, by the way. Should be quite amusing.
Our forward thinking overseer at the time devised a way in which werebeasts can live in peace with other dwarves by utilizing the mysterious magical properties of soap!

Quote from: PsychoAngel on January 19, 2016
Don't worry. I've got extremely volatile exploding fish.
My friends and I say a lot of fun things to each other.


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Re: The Megabattle in Doomforests - To be Engraved on a Stone Wall Near You!
« Reply #279 on: December 25, 2014, 05:32:38 pm »

Journal of SkaiaMechanic

I have lived here for months now, and I have yet to figure out if Doomforests is a shining example of Dwarven Perseverance, or an omen of doom reflecting the madness of Dwarven society as a whole. Every stone carving has a story, and Doomforests is filled with pointless bloodshed.

Taupe II is looking increasingly weary dealing with most of the new residents. The youngest of them laugh publicly about how he ran and hid himself away while his brothers and sisters were being slaughtered. Better to die a noble death, they say, than to skulk in the shadows like a lowly Kobold. Fortresses can always be reclaimed, but cowardliness lasts forever. Once the rumors start spreading about our popular mayor's "unfortunate cultural disagreement" with the Minister of Agri- let's call it what it is, the crazed goblin prisoner "Smunstoo" or whatever, he's likely to be forcefully ousted from power if he doesn't step down.

Blind fools. The struggles of this place are literally written on the walls. There is terror coming, and we will not be ready. From within our group, the outside world, or the caverns, I know not. But it will come.

This outpost is exile. We take the attacks so the rest of our nation may dig without fear. Why do you think, despite the terror stories that sound like fiction coming out of this place, a small group of dwarves are still sent here consistently? As long as there's trade, the Mountainhomes will continue to throw those they perceive as a nuisance or a threat out here to die. Any suspected to be cursed, turned, or generally useless will be sent here.  They must be so pleased how well their little experiment turned out.

So we'll take them on that challenge. I currently handle all communication between the traders and this fortress. Diplomats will never honestly accept this place, not while one barely escaped with his life, so our only chance of getting some skilled dwarves in here is to play up the wealth and comfort of the place. I'll make this place sound like paradise. Large bedrooms, protected magma forges, sturdy defenses. It'll be easy.

This place might be our tomb, but we will not be sacrificed. It might take a few years, but I'm putting in some bids to become Overseer. Currently I'm known to be too close to Taupe, as wise as he is crazy, and it makes me unpopular by association. But being Overseer is different from being mayor. I can work my way in. Maybe then we can make this place the stronghold that we deserve. I've never been a leader before, but I have an idea to protect this fort from any attack once and for all. Doomforests will not fall again. I'm writing out all my ideas in my office. I just need the resources to make it happen.

Assuming of course, I can even survive that long.

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« Last Edit: December 25, 2014, 05:35:16 pm by SkaiaMechanic »
I'm running out of dogs. I'm running out of bolts.
I'm running out of dwarves.


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Re: The Megabattle in Doomforests - To be Engraved on a Stone Wall Near You!
« Reply #280 on: December 25, 2014, 07:43:52 pm »

Great journals, everyone! Now, for some recaps and useful information regarding the rather... peculiar case of the fortress.

Dwarfing and nobles:

Everyone has been dwarfed, and is in position of power save for Salmeuk III which I redwarf'd as a random woodcutter. Feel free to request something else or ask for different skills. it's not like your skills are too high to switch career.

Drokles is military commander, altho the position exists mostly to name people. He's truly a mson. I guess so are our soldiers, so it makes sence that Drokles is the one to nominate them. He's also the manager.

SkaiaMechanic: Is our broker, and also a mason/mechanic. Some dabbling in gemwork, which I disabled just in case I couldn't murder the current mayor fast enough. All around one of the most useful guys

Senshuken: currently leader of the Kinetic Swans: Trains in a tiny, tiny barrack with 4 useless dudes. They mostly have some form of armor or weapon, as well as a legendary crosbow, but they lck bolts and experience. Maybe give them a bigger, fancier barrack in time?

Maxcat61: Currently our superminion, a fancy title for bookkeeper. He had a lot of random skills activated, mostly doing the odd jobs for the doctor. now a legendary mason. wether you want to let him multiclass, or give him a specific workshop and abuse his legendary stat is up to you. Part of the awesome trio.

Drazoth: Only dwarfed guy without a title. currently training as n engraver. He and 2 others are hard on the task, and smoothing Astville as a whole should give them enough experience to then start doing nice engravings. I'd wait until all the smoothing is done before letting them express their artistic vision. He also wanted to become a smith, so maybe disable enraving for him. I wanted to make him the manager, but gave a double title to Drokles because we lack rooms. Yup, that bad.

Taupe: The doctor is a very good miner, a good surgeon and overall medical dwarf, and also dabbles in mechanics and masonry. How you wish to use him is up to you, but he is used to death and quite proficient in many skills, so he'll probably be a key component in digging out more parts of the fort, or wiring shit. (Please do not let him die?)

Other notable characters:

Smunstu: Sealed in Salmeuk's office forever (using soap). Just leave him there, he's been trough a lot.

Mr Woodcut: Currently working full-time in Astville to gather wood, and turn it into beds, bins and barrels. Process of gathering wood is lenghty, but safe: Expand burrow to the tree, unlock door, designate tree to be cut, wait until job is done and Mr Woodcut is back inside with the wood, close door and undo burrow. Best way to prevent people from adventuring in the caverns and forming a new offshoot community away from the offshoot community. With a magma forge, we should only need wood for steel, or beds/barrels.

Engraver-Guy: Best engraver yet, all around badass dwarf, very useful if you can get him to snap out of is permanent mental traumas.

Baby minister: Ignore him.

Ushrir the vampire lord: Stay the fuck away. Just expand the burrow and let him do random hauling jobs. His strenght and speed make it really efficient. they are also the reason you do not want him in the fortress ever. He's Doomforests' rRth Craftportent, of Roomcarnage fame, only way worse. Possibly worse. Definitely at least 700 years old.

Sodel the mayor: a random dude, asks for shields. the reason the save is delayed to the 7th day is because i wanted to see the artifact complete, and get rid of the mandate. I used spare wood to make two shields, just to shut him up. Will probably be overthrown by the millenia-old vampire soon enough. Armok have mercy on our souls when that happens.


Access: Protected by the caverns using an artifact door. One sub door leads to the lower cavern, another to the old staircase. Lower cavern opens on a need for wood basis, other one allows pathing in the staircase at the moment, to gather corpses. Once that's done, you probably want to remove the burrow, then lock the doors. There's space for a sealing wall next to the artifact door just in case double-hell breaks loose.

People get to Astville by using a new staircase, running straight down without touching the caverns. Conects directly into the well room, our main water access. On the way down, there are two corridors with doors. Locking all the doors should buy you enough time to seal off the passage somewhre down the line, if something terrible happens. (it will).

Housing: Astville has rooms carved out, but not smoothed or furnished. Drazoth and his pals are working on that for the next 30 years or so, then just have them engrave the place. I started putting down beds, just so people could sleep nearby instead of going up. If you are cool enough, you'll remove the random ugly bed in one of the rooms and use only goblin caps and cinnabar when you create the doors, beds, and furnitures. Because it will look absolutely kickass to have silver and blood-red rooms with the volcanoes next to it. There's also alcoves for our coolest statues in the corridors, as well as the dinning hall. (I'd just make a long central 10-long set of tables, with thrones on either side. Your call).

Ressources and workshops: Astville has a food stockpile, but produces none. I've linked an upper pile, so dwarves are taking barrels of food and bringing some down. you may want to make the place more indepenent, altho I'm not sure how. We have magma forges, but the set isnt set up. Maybe take on guy and only have him do metal stuff, no hauling or engraving. You'll need the forge up and running soon because the mayor requests shields. You'll also need ores, digging some tunnels into the new staircase is probably the safest way to get some. If you are stabel enough, we have the ressources on the map to produce steel. (hematite, marble, logs) Astville also has the carpenter workshop. The stockpiles are mostly random, i just wanted peope to drop stuff around instead of carrying every rock upstairs. That's why two of the rooms have stone stockpiles in the. I started digging a new stone stockpile in the workshop areas, but it won't be enough. (maybe have a mason turning some into blocks would help, assuming you have the bins to store them)

The doctor's lair:

Area: Includes a crypt, the dinning hall, the farms, some offices, makeshift and poorly located workshops, as well as the kennels. Connects to a part of the main hallway, and then to the trade depot.

Ressources and organisation: None, really. Getting any job done is a pain, I mostly just use soap because all the soap is on the right side of the barricade, unlike the 900 blocks stored with the vampire. The place ws designed for survival, not efficiency. You may want to slowly but surely scrap most of this should you decide to redeploy to Astville. Stockpiles everywhere, once again because i wanted the stuff stored, but didnt want people to lose too much time doing back and forths.

Access to the outside: Deconstruct one part of the wall to let migrants in, three of them for a caravan. (there is a mini stockpile next to the wall-off so it can be done pretty quickly if need be) However, always wait until a full moon has passed before letting anyone in. Be on the lookout for more vampires too. If it's awfully skilled, belonged to twenty civilisations, Never thinks of food, or claims he killed somebody 5 centuries ago, then it is a vampire.

Levers: The control room near the depot has 4 levers. Learn them. The upper left controls the inner bridge and seals the tunnel. The upper right controls the main gate and seals the courtyard (but not really, people can climb the walls or hills). you can use those two to funnel migrants and caravns, and protect them from the outside world. The lower left lever does nothing and is not connected to anything. The lower right controls the backdoor bridge, and is used to lure invaders and nuisances to the vampire.

Wereantelope prevention: This wiki page contains the list of all the blood moon dates. You'll need to check it whenever dealing with migrants and traders. So far human traders are confirmed to be infected, elves have been once if I recall from the thread, and many dwarves also bear the curse (the dwarven caravans no longer show up because of the unhappy diplomat)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Crypt: If you want to engrave slabs for all the dead people burried in the cypt, here is the way to do so and place them so you have as many tombs as you have slabs. Red are coffins (all set by now) blue is where the slabs go, and green is some spare area where you could put statues. or whatever. The screenshot doesn't include the new part of the crypt, which is self-explanatory (put the slab in front of coffin, fill corners with statues)

The vampire is working on burrying people on the other side, but some dwarves want to put bodies in the old part, and sometimes the vampire thinks a body belongs in the new crypt. You will get messages about that. Like, thousands of those.

General management:

Burrow: The currently used burrow is named Doctor's lair, and it is linked to the alert DOCTOR MANMODE which should basically always be on to prevent people from wandering into lava or vampires.

Milicia and squads: Wishy-Washy Banjos are just a placeholder to name a milicia commander. (Drokles, maybe rename to Drazoth once he becomes a smith) Super Happy Team usually includes whatever abomination the fort is currently employing, say vampires or werewolves. the fact that we have a designated squad for that is just sad. The Kinetic Swans are our main unit, led by Senshuken. Currently the only team set on training, others are doing civilian jobs. Or vampiric civilian jobs. Uniforms are very standart, but if you decide to actually set up something close to a fighting force, you probably want to double-check that shit. Bonus point if you can guess where the names are derived from.

Food and drinks: stable for the time being, but will definitely plummet once (if) the population rises. Easiest way to solve that, according to Smunstu, would be to unseal the passage to the outside farming enclave, and complete the walloff's second layer. Easy way to get more/different crops. Be sure to let the door to the outside sealed, and unsuspend the fartest blocks one by one until people build the wall up to the ramp, then complete the last block and deconstruct the ramp+scafold.

Save and technicalities

Framerate: Absolutely terrible, nothing I can do about it. Not as bad now that the trolls are dead. Could be caused by my 4 years old laptop, which is currently melting and needs to be changed within the month.

Version: I am using 40.19. In case this matters for compatibility issues, I was running the save using THIS version of the starter pack , which bundles the 40.19 release with dfhack, some utilities like dwarf therapist, and texture packs. Hilariously enough, i clicked on using ASCII graphics, yet the texture pack you saw in the sreenshots still booted. I was like, ''oh, ok''. If whatever you use seems to cause some compatibility or crash issues, you probably want to switch over to using the same thing I did. It's just overall very good anyway, and pretty.

Save: There it is

Final notes: Sorry for the wall of text, this was a fucking long turn and the fortress is in shambles. I'd rather say too much than not enough. Good luck. If you have any questions about the clusterfuck you were just handed, feel free to ask. I don't bite. Unlike Ushrir. Omg stay the fuck away from Ushrir.

PS: sign me up for another round, once everyone including the newcomers had their share
« Last Edit: December 25, 2014, 08:16:48 pm by Taupe »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Megabattle in Doomforests - To be Engraved on a Stone Wall Near You!
« Reply #281 on: December 26, 2014, 12:07:12 am »

Uh, the last time nekomachina was online was November 5th. I say we wait till tomorrow, then send a message to mate888.

Edit: Message has been sent. Mate888 was online yesterday, and should get it sometime today.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 10:05:10 am by maxcat61 »
You can't make an omelette without melting a few dwarves...
The purple overseer hat weights heavily on one's head. Some would argue that the leadership of Doomforest is uneasy to bear for too long. Others would simply suggest that we don't craft the next overseer hat out of rutile.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Supergoat in Doomforests - There was just one dwarf left, but...
« Reply #282 on: December 26, 2014, 10:47:12 am »

So much for going a full month without a ravenous monster wandering our halls.

This made me laugh so hard I almost breathed tea out my nose.

If it is permitted, please sign me up for a turn.  If not, at least dwarf me so I can get some eyes into this boiling sink of Hell-begotten insanity.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 11:12:37 am by Iamblichos »
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Megabattle in Doomforests - To be Engraved on a Stone Wall Near You!
« Reply #283 on: December 27, 2014, 12:57:02 am »

Mate888, you should count yourself lucky. Most of the work was done by Taupe. Still, you have a hard task ahead of you; maybe you will get the fortress through another year.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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Re: The Megabattle in Doomforests - To be Engraved on a Stone Wall Near You!
« Reply #284 on: December 27, 2014, 01:53:12 am »

I won't lie, playing trough this turn was one of the most intense and satisfying experience I had with gaming ever. What truly made it awesome for me was not simply the absurd amount of trouble that was thrown at me, but the way everything tied up together nicely at the end...

*Introducing Smunstu as a joke and using him to neutralize a dangerous mayor...
*Complaining about the absurd sprawling 2d design of the fortress, to in the end discard it altogether...
*How anticlimatic the minotaur was caged, only to be used against our enemies later
*How the wereantelope storyline made me so paranoid and defensive, that in the end it not only helped me spot ageless vampires, but use them to destroy all the remaining enemies at the end of my turn
*How Supergoat attacked us so fast that in the end, it's eagerness rendered it blind and saved the doctor.
*How I made endless jokes about portraying PsychoAngel as a deluded, useless ruler, yet soap saved the fucking fort not once, but twice. In the end I was using soap for everything because it was so convenient
*Hilariously enough, and linked to the previous point, Psychoangel roleplayed the soap need as requested by the doctor in the first place, making it so, so fitting when it helped that same doctor salvage the fortress
*Astville was founded by accident, and I was sort of sad when it fell, yet in the end, strange events led to this random colony becoming our new fancy fortress.
*The way I ended up taking over as a single dwarf the exact moment my turn proper began.

I would like to thank all the previous overseers and their terrible decisions, making this train wreck of a turn possible. And also, thank you to all the readers, for their interest, feedback, suggestions... Those who have been with us since the beginning, and those that came out of the shadows to share their impressions. Yes, I had the most epic turn possible, and yes, I try my best to write cool updates, but in the end, a community fort is forged by said community, and not any single player in the fort. So great job, everyone. The awesome people here inspired me to write the best stuff I could, and in turn, I hope this will inspire more people to join us, either as overseers, journal writers, or simply as enthusiastic readers. Lets make doomforests the greatest (or worst) fortress we can, a journey that we will remember fondly.

And most importantly, let's have !FUN!

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