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According to the newest research, what substance is best tasked with reinvorgorating a sleepy thread?

Powdered Sweet Pod
Crushed Mermaid Scale
Elven Bone Marrow
Flaked Adamantine
Ground Unicorn Horn

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Author Topic: The Hastening of Doomforests  (Read 439586 times)


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The Bay12er gestures!
The thread shudders and begins to move!
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


  • Bay Watcher
  • Crundles + Kobolds = AWESOME!!
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Haha, I have noticed it's stagnation. (I check it a lot but mostly wait to type) I am waiting for the update because I like to keep my RP based in at least some form of actual DF playing. When it does come though I hope things speed up, this is BY FAR my favorite succesion game!  :D

Beware the Crundle, it learns.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 09:22:46 pm by TechnoXan »
By the by, if your wondering why I use so many smiley faces, its because I smile a lot when I talk. So I use them here so I don't come off the wrong way.

And so it begins...


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Dark One

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  • 'What do I care for your suffering?'
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[OOC] I wanted to post it after the overseers next post, but seeing that the thread is a little stagnant... [OOC]

Journal of Dark One

My research met with a dead end. I need bodies, lots of them to continue it. The times when you could just go, take a random corpse and no one would think that it's suspicious are over. But what to do? I know! I take a pen and paper, then start to write.

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Next I wave the raven rod, copying it, so I have a huge pile of them. Then I chant:


And the notes disappear. Forces I called should give them to every dwarf in the fortress. This might grant me some bodies.

I look at the giant cave spider and the blind cave ogre brought to me by MechaTechno. I put a ward on them, so they won't attack me. I take a flask full of acid. First I take the spider to the table, and using raven rod I make it unconscious. Then I proceed to dismember the head from the body, still keeping it alive.

Next I take the ogre, do the same as with the spider, but dismember its hands instead. I place them back in their cages. I weave the raven rod, and set a spell on the cages that should keep them alive, regenerating.

I take the dismembered parts and whisper:

- Doomed by Nifih shall revel in darkness!

Then the transformational process begins. I feel strong energies flowing within me. Dismemberd body parts start to float. They emanate with mysterious light. For the first in a long time I feel the warmth. The arms of blind cave ogre start to grow into my body, giving me two additional, muscular hands. My legs and lower body melt, and spiders body grow within me.

My transition to new form is over.

[OOC] I think I should look like this.

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Journal of Mate the 888th
A paper appeared magically in my hand this afternoon and I couldn't help but to laugh histerically.
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For Armok's sake, does he think we are STUPID?!
I think it's time for our comeback...
-Likot, what I am going to ask you may be kind of profane, but I'll need you to go to a fairly recent tomb, open it, steal the corpse and replace it with a bunch of dead kobolds, so if someone lifts the coffin for some reason, the weight will be pretty much the same. I know that profaning a tomb is sacrilegious, but it's for a greater goal. Armok will forgive you, I'm sure of it.

Hours later, Likot came back with the corpse.Ol
-Good. Now, while Feb, Kulet and I do the dirty work, you, Kogsak and Kogan go search for a decent room in Old Doomforests. We will have to move after this.

We proceeded to open the dead dwarf and to introduce a sporewood barrel filled with qinua beer inside of his abdomen, the same size of the barrels used by the kobolds. So he would not look abnormal, just fat.
Then, we placed a booze-soaked wick in the barrel, going out of it and exiting through the dwarf's... Pooper... It was not a very practical place, but normal people would not look up there.
The wick is long enough as to get through the pants, so it may catch fire either when Dark One takes him close to his firepit (he surely has one, the caverns are cold and he is living there like a Troglodyte, so he would need that to illuminate himself and get warm.
If not, it may burn while the corpse is revived (is magic flammable?, I don't know). Or when it turns into a zombie, maybe stumbling into a fire. Zombies are very dumb after all.
We patched the corpse up and we dressed him back up, so the stitches could not be seen.
It has a very big chance of failing, but we have to try.
Also, just to make sure, I'll send Kogan, the sneakier of us, to wait hidden until Dark One comes to take the corpses. Unless the rumors of his teleportation are true, I don't think he would use them unless he knew somebody was following him. And we are assuming that he thinks that the Inquisition is destroyed and the MechaTechnoists are doing their thing, so Kogan may be able to tail him into his cave and get back to tell us where it is.
Of course, if we attack him, he may attack back, making him kill us all. So we must change our base and not act so official about it. Getting a secret room in Old Doomforests to live and make the actually important stuff there, while leaving our old base here as "bait", maybe to give speeches and go to for lunch or something so it doesn't look like its deserted.
It would be easier to blame the MechaTechno sect for this attack, but we aren't such dishonorable rats... Not yet atleast... It's not convenient.
Also, those Crundle-shaggers may get a bit upset if they see us in their caves, but we are helping them kill their enemy after all, so it shouldn't be that bad, should it?
Well, our plan is ready. Mothram will go to place the corpse in the cavern entrance, and Kogan will wait, hidden.
The Inquisition is back, baby!
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about

Dark One

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  • 'What do I care for your suffering?'
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Journal of Dark One

My transformation was a big step towards completion of my research, though I still can't get used to spider legs and two more hands. I need to check if the funeral house plan is working. I crawl out of my hideout. As I venture through the caverns the blood slowly stops to circulate in the new parts. They are accomodating to their new host.

As I go closer to the entrace, I realise that I can't show up to the dwarves as a spider-like abomination. I use the raven rod to change my appearance. Then I go on. As I come closer to the entrance I see a few dwarves. They asked about the price. I took them for free. This might look suspicious, but I've just told them that it's a special offer for first few customers. They believed.

One body seemed weird. There was no one that brought it there. Great, no one would look for it. I take all the bodies, as I'm halfway to my hideout I feel strange turning in the energies. Translocation would help me with this matter, but I decided to ignore it. Probably a crundle of MechaTechno scouting the area.

I put the corpses on a pile. I take a dagger warmed a little by ominous forces I called, and I started to prepare the corpses fo a ritual. The strange disruptions of energies are still close, though just outside of the protective ward over my hideout. I slice the chest of the corpses open, place a rough, black rock inside of it, and then infuse the rock with energy. The same step I follow for each of them.

As I slice the weird corpse, I have troubles with opening the chest. I gues I'll just incinerate it.

In a few seconds the liquid starts to burn. Pressure raises inside of the wooden barrel, and the corpse explodes, shredding me into pieces and collapsing my hideout. This time however... I could see it. I saw it all when I was dragged by mysterious forces. Dragged to another realms. The transition... the vastness of it all.... just inconceivable!

As I floated in the empty space composed of pure energies, I felt strange. The warmth was flowing through me, forming limbs and then a flash. I have awakened, buried uder the collapsed rock. Only a matter of time until I'll come back to Doomforests, and haunt these accursed halls from beyond the grave.


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                           Codex of TechnoXan, Master Mecha Engineer

OOC: Dark One, good idea. Wouldn’t want the thread to slow down too much until the update!   :D

                    Entry 3:

By the all mighty blood god Armok! This is a miracle of magic if I have ever seen one!! My beautiful Crundles have been blessed by magic. They can speak! Urel himself came back with the precious Magma Gems and he actually told me about it! Although I fear what Dark One will do with those poor creatures. All creatures of the caverns are important both to the sect, myself, and to the cavern ecosystem. But by Armok they can speak! Fido is now not only my body guard and confidant but now he is my right hand man. My aid and construction leader Zurek has informed me that all of my precious Crundles are able to speak verbally as well as through writing. All except Fido, who is amazingly intelligent, are still only have rudimentary intelligence but they can still follow orders and have a limited improvisation ability. I am still studying the magical effects, it appears as if the very vocal organs have changed! They are still small though. Their skill (might) make up for that though. The base renovations are now complete as my workforce of six acolytes and Zurek more than doubled as I put twelve of the even stronger than normal of my special bred Crundles on the job. I think our security program could do with another upgrade and put a Crundle soldier patrol of four on a route leading through a small part of the caverns in which I have started to build a small steam powered mill. It will power our magma river, used for both decoration and research. That blasted inquisition is active again! I thought the grand inquisitor was dead. Bleeding idiot, I knew he would kill himself sometime. Messing with basically every cult, sect, and power hungry rabble in all of Doomforests is just stupid. I will need to take action soon, maybe some booze bombs. I have around thirty in my explosives room.

Entry Four:

Ogre teeth! A huge boom echoed across the entire cavern today! The accursed warp pillar is billowing smoke and has collapsed! I saw with my very own eyes, a faint glowing purple light floated up throughout the caverns. Magic is at hand! I am doubling the Crundle guard. My acolytes each lead a squad now, their leadership will be needed. Whatever Dark One or even Mate are planning, we will need to be protected. This is across the line. The assault will commence soon. The Politica plan B is so close to being finished. If I can just refine the steel-copper alloy to channel the Magma Gems power! I have been able to recharge the gem in actual magma though so I am almost ready to charge the launcher. Its Obsidian-Silver alloy is able to hold up against even the hottest magma. If only I was free of petty distractions such as the inquisition, I could finish Mecha plan F all on my own. Alas, when the Politica plan B is complete I won’t even have to worry about my nefarious foes.

OOC: Sorry for the long gaps in between posts, math (SO much homework!  :'() is hitting hard but I will try to actually be consistent now.  :)  So yeah dont worry, you will all know my super secret Politica plan B by probably early tomorrow.   :D
« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 07:46:35 pm by TechnoXan »
By the by, if your wondering why I use so many smiley faces, its because I smile a lot when I talk. So I use them here so I don't come off the wrong way.

And so it begins...


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Kogan followed Dark One as pulled the corpse-filled wheelbarrow to his little cave-inside-a-cave. Then he waited.
-Oh, Armok dammit! Will you blow up alre--
Kogan flew towards the wall because of the explosion, hitting it hard.
He woke up minutes later, and he saw how a section of the cavern had collapsed.
He then proceeds to write in the floor with kobold blood:
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He left the kobold there and ran away, as the weird purple mist was making him very unconfortable. The Mechatechnoists would not be upset if we make a bit of the cavern explode just to kill an enemy of all living things, right?
Dammit, the purple smoke was getting closer. He had to run.
Spoiler: To Dark One (click to show/hide)
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about

Dark One

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  • 'What do I care for your suffering?'
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If you want you can just possess the priest or of the dead kobold, I mean I'm sure killing you isn't as simple as blowing a dwarf up.

There's no need to possess anyone. I'm lying in the open space under the collapsed section of the cavern. I'll just wait until more crazy times would come, and after finding the message, strike back.

Also, the ward over the place is still active, so no one can come closer to the collapsed hideout.


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Hey Drazoth, not to be pushy, but yesterday was the 2 week anniversary.  How's it going?

EDIT: Helps if you spell people's names correctly... le sigh.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 03:07:09 pm by Iamblichos »
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


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Summer is done.  I'll post it and the save today.  Sorry for taking so long, but I've been very busy with school.  That, and for a while my FPS was down to 3.  At least there's exciting things in this post, so there'll be plenty of things to write about.
Welcome to Doomforests, please, choose a cult of your liking or head to the overseers office to register your own cult. Religious freedom is pride of this fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Crundles + Kobolds = AWESOME!!
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Yay! Can't wait Drazoth!  :D :D ;D
By the by, if your wondering why I use so many smiley faces, its because I smile a lot when I talk. So I use them here so I don't come off the wrong way.

And so it begins...


  • Bay Watcher
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[OOC]  Sorry this took so long.  Life got busy, and it doesn't look like that is going to change.  That, and my computer could not run a fort this messy at a decent speed.  Oh well.[/OOC]

From the Journal of Drazoth III:

18th Malachite: Word has reached me that the stone Forgotten One is dead!  He was not as badly hurt as I thought, but it seems that didn't matter much.  I was informed that a brave dwarf known as "The Hero" was the one to slay the beast.
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If I could, I'd make him a baron.  In other news, I'm told the electrum goods I ordered, could not be made, and that we were nearly out of gold and silver.  I know that there's a few veins of silver around, so I have some dwarves stop digging for Sub Plan A and divert them to this.
It's just as well, for Sub Plan A to make more progress, the masons need to put in some floors, so this gives them time to do that.

25th Malachite:  I have received word that Mate the 888th has been missing for a week.  Likely the result of Dark One's tantrum.  No matter, this should weaken the Inquisition a bit, not to mention that this helps keep him out of my way.  Now that we finally have some silver ore, we need to get some gold.  I know there's some around here some where, but I suppose I'll just leave it for now.  The masons have gotten some of the floors in so I'll put the miners back to work on Sub Plan A.

8th Galena: I've been informed that Kadol Bufutavus, one of the miners, has been missing for a week.  This is annoying, as I need all the miners I can get.  Oh well, I'll just assign someone else to take his place. 

15th Galena:  I have received tremendous news.  Adamantine has been discovered in DoomForests!!!
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Not sure how the hell someone spotted it, as the only line of sight to it has dozens of Urists worth of magma in the way.  At any rate, I doubt that it's a good idea to mine any at this point in time.  While it would greatly accelerate my plan, the dangers that come with it may be to great for the fort's army to handle right now.  Also, I've been told that Fikod Fikodison, a fishery worker, has been missing for a week.  Damn, that's the guy I had replace Kadol.  Something tells me that this is not just some random losers just wandering into the caverns and dying.  Somebody's trying to sabotage Sub Plan A, and Iamblichos still hasn't been sighted.  This can't be good.

17th Galena: More bad news.  I've been told that Sigun Onshendishmab, Master Mason, has been missing for a week. Damn it.  I know he's mainly a mason, but he also does some mining, and he's been doing a lot for Sub Plan A lately.  Why do only useful people go missing?  I've instructed Kronk to start spreading rumors about Iamblichos's involvement with this.  Once he's done that, he's to start monitoring the area around Sub Plan A.  In other news, since I can't divert people from Sub Plan A to mine gold, I've taken a look at our stockpiles of metal and ores.  We seem to have a lot of aluminum lying about.  While not as valuable as electrum, it will suffice for my purposes.  It seems most of it is in Old DoomForests, so I order it smelted and made into crafts at the metalworks there.  Fuel is not a problem, as I've had the wood furnace there making charcoal for a while now, so there should be plenty.  Wood is not a problem either, between the underground trees cut down to make room for Sub Plan A and all the ones one the surface, we have plenty of wood for now.
I've also ordered a halt to most food production for now.  We have enough food to feed the fort for at least 3 year or more, migrants included.  I've left one dwarf for brewing, butchering, and farming each, just in case. This should stop the constant whining about not having any seeds.
[OOC] There actually aren't any below ground seeds in the whole fort, Only above ground ones.  I've also ordered all the farms save the one in ODF to not have anything planted in them for now.  The job cancel spam was a total pain in the ass, and doing so helped my FPS a bit. [/OOC]
I've also ordered cloth production to stop for now.  We have enough of that as well.  All the free hands liberated by this will either be made into miners to replace the missing ones, or haulers, to get rid of all the crap marked for dumping that's still lying around.

22nd Galena:  Stukos Shegettekud, a miner, has been missing for a week.  I'm starting to get fed up with this bullshit.  Something needs to be done about this.  While I still don't know what's happening, I know for certain that no necromantic spells have been cast for a while.  Dark One seems to be more concerned with remaining in this realm, while Iamblichos still hasn't been sighted.  Right now, he's the prime suspect.  Even if he isn't to blame, he's still connected to SanctumCoals, thus poses a threat to me and the whole fort.  He will be dealt with, sooner rather later if I have any say in the matter.

30th Galena:  Summer ends today.  Iamblichos is still on the loose.  I cannot risk him continuing to run freely.  Tomorrow, I intend to pass the purple hat to someone else.  Hopefully, it will be someone who can be counted on to obey me when needed.  I shall spend the rest of today trying to find someone suitable.  Failing that, someone who at least won't fuck up his rule too badly.  This place does not need another 1.  Once this hat is off, I intend to work on finding and removing Iamblichos.  Before that though, I need to check in on TechnoXan and Dark One.  Aside from that one chat with Dark One, I've not been in touch with either during my reign.  I need to make sure that things are going well with them.  Here's the fort as I leave it for the next overseer:
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[OOC]  Well, that was fun.  Still, I can't wait to go back to my personal fort.  I haven't even looked at GloomDiamond since my turn started.
Any way, here are some images that will provide information I could not without breaking character, as well as some stuff I should have added earlier, but forgot to.

First off:
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This is the location of our new metal friend.  For the love of Armok, do not open the door in front of him.  It's all that keeps him out.

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Just some images regarding Sub Plan A.  There is more stuff involving it on the Z levels below what's shown on the second image, but I didn't feel like showing it.  If you are really curious about it you can always download the save and look for yourself.  It wouldn't reveal too much, but it's not really important or interesting.  Also, regarding Sub Plan A, there's a reason all the people who disappeared where miners, aside from that one baby, but I think somebody found the body eventually, but I forgot to note it.  Anyway, I took steps to prevent further disappearances, but I won't mention what I did or what caused them here. 

Moving On

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Some images detailing Old DoomForests, and the various changes that I made, as well as some other stuff I wanted to mention.

Here's the save:

Good Luck to next poor bastard to run this place.  I think you're going to need it.  [/OOC]
Welcome to Doomforests, please, choose a cult of your liking or head to the overseers office to register your own cult. Religious freedom is pride of this fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Wait, you mean you actually-

Oh no.

Oh noooooooooo.

See, I joined on expecting the fort to fall by the time it got to me. I've just been informed that it didn't. I'm not sure if I should be overjoyed, or absolutely horrified. I've got a lot of work to do, don't I?


  • Bay Watcher
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yep.  If you intend on continuing with Sub Plan A, pm me and I'll share the plans, such as they with you.
Welcome to Doomforests, please, choose a cult of your liking or head to the overseers office to register your own cult. Religious freedom is pride of this fortress!
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