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According to the newest research, what substance is best tasked with reinvorgorating a sleepy thread?

Powdered Sweet Pod
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Flaked Adamantine
Ground Unicorn Horn

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Author Topic: The Hastening of Doomforests  (Read 440183 times)


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Re: The fate of Doomforests -The Death of Babyminister
« Reply #645 on: February 11, 2015, 05:17:40 pm »

I then get a disturbing report.

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Not this again...the cult was harder to get rid of than I thought.

And this is why I wanted to put a lava floodgate in the jail: There is no problem that cannot be solved with proper administration of lava.
I like your point.
Death to the cultists!
Also, if you don't want to ruin his jail cell, you could just convict him for a random crime that has a deathly punishment and let me smash his head into oblivion.
Hell, just convict him of every crime on the justice screen.
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


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Re: The fate of Doomforests -The Death of Babyminister
« Reply #646 on: February 11, 2015, 05:18:49 pm »

So, I want to create a (hopefully) awesome journal for my Dwarf. Should I just make up my stats? Like what he likes or what his skills are, because I am not sure of his current stats.
By the by, if your wondering why I use so many smiley faces, its because I smile a lot when I talk. So I use them here so I don't come off the wrong way.

And so it begins...


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Re: The fate of Doomforests -The Death of Babyminister
« Reply #647 on: February 11, 2015, 06:44:21 pm »

More rumblings. The cavern is collapsing underneath us. Is there something causing it?

Oh, and we got a glimpse of the fire blob again. It was pretty easy, just had to follow the fire and ash. The beast had been fighting some creatures, and used its fire as often as it could. Somehow, it had gotten hurt himself. Its flame flickered in a few areas, and it's bright burning right wing was completely gone. Still, not getting close to that thing anytime soon.

I start coming up with a plan to deal with the vampire. I want to use it against others but really I just want it dead now. We lose track of the fire beast again.

For now, something concerns me. I'm a trader by heart, and I do a damn good job at it. And I haven't seen any traders so far. I worry that still being under "seige" ("ANY MINUTE NOW" they yell out) is preventing traders from entering. They've been shooting at birds to pass the time. We'd be going in disadvantaged at range, but we need to get rid of those two goblins. I order the seven Kinetic Swans to take them out.

The goblins launch silver arrows as fast as they can shoot them, but the Kinetic Swans are dodging admirably. A few dwarves are nauseous and dizzy from the sun, so I remember to get them up here more often. Still, there was nothing to worry about, like always, our Hero takes out both goblins with quick efficiency.

It is time. The door is remotely unlocked. May Lor strike hard and true.
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Seriously? I thought unlocking it would let the beast in or Lor out! You mean I have to literally connect it to a lever myself to get it to open? That's such a pain. There she is, axe and shield in hooveshand, but no battle begins.

Lor turns back into a dwarf, and everyday life falls into a rhythm. I set up the mechanics to link with the door for next time. I open a path into Old Doomforests after forbidding everything I could think of.

Life continues without incident. It is now the 17th of Galena. Lor just turned into the beast again, but even when I throw the lever and the door disappears they can't attack each other. Even mechanically opened the Forgotten can't get through. New strategy. Have her attack on the day of turning, and then she'll turn midbattle. 13th of Limestone, gotta keep an eye out for that.

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I wish I had more to write down here, but life at Doomforests is actually, kind of mundane for once. Everyone is busy, even our "mayor" isn't issuing any demands.

Well, at least that's interesting. We found the blob of fire again. Everywhere it moves a fire starts. It's pretty crazy.

And now it's swimming. And perfectly fine, except for a cloud of steam that follows it. How is it still alive????

Drinkin' time.

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Suddenly, a spirit falls into the eyes of Taupe II. He is possessed! He immediately runs to a mason's workshop and sets up.

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He runs out and grabs a some slate. This wouldn't be notable, except that he ran all the way across the fort for the "right" slate, passing many on his way. He wants the ones by the dead bodies no one is burying. After slowly hauling it back up the entire way, he runs backs and grabs another slate sitting right beside where the first one was.

Maaaaaattttteeeeeee. Your heir stepped out into the sun and is now throwing up all around the fort. Go clean it up.

And with that, Autumn arrive on the calendar.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 06:48:59 pm by SkaiaMechanic »
I'm running out of dogs. I'm running out of bolts.
I'm running out of dwarves.


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Re: The fate of Doomforests -The Death of Babyminister
« Reply #648 on: February 11, 2015, 07:18:38 pm »

I'm running out of dogs. I'm running out of bolts.
I'm running out of dwarves.


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Re: The fate of Doomforests -The Death of Babyminister
« Reply #649 on: February 11, 2015, 07:28:09 pm »

Did you finish making my emergancy lever? I bet you wish you had right now.

Did you seal every entrance in Old Doomfortress?

Did a FB get in the fort?

Did you send the militia to attack, and did they all die?

Please, enlighten us.
You can't make an omelette without melting a few dwarves...
The purple overseer hat weights heavily on one's head. Some would argue that the leadership of Doomforest is uneasy to bear for too long. Others would simply suggest that we don't craft the next overseer hat out of rutile.


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Re: The fate of Doomforests -The Death of Babyminister
« Reply #650 on: February 11, 2015, 07:32:21 pm »

Oh no! What happened!? Mmm... My guess is Bax the blob of death, or the...other thing, its eyeless I think. Well hopefully I will not die. Or at least not a horrible, gruesome, and destructive death. :D Have you had to evacuate yet? That is what I have done in my last fort, kind of like an Astvill type deal. Stupid stinking Were Creatures...

OK, no rush! :D
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 07:41:37 pm by TechnoXan »
By the by, if your wondering why I use so many smiley faces, its because I smile a lot when I talk. So I use them here so I don't come off the wrong way.

And so it begins...


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Re: The fate of Doomforests -The Death of Babyminister
« Reply #651 on: February 11, 2015, 07:38:25 pm »

Nope, sorry, I have to get going now. Named dwarves died. I didn't think it could go so badly so quickly. A small project I had quickly gets put to use. I installed the emergency lever but wasn't done attaching it to most bridges.

Brave, brave Militia. Doomforests still has surprises in every bend.

Okay, talk more about it later, probably tomorrow with full report. Already late to an appointment.
I'm running out of dogs. I'm running out of bolts.
I'm running out of dwarves.


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Re: The fate of Doomforests -The Death of Babyminister
« Reply #652 on: February 11, 2015, 08:18:36 pm »

Taupe II didn't like the new fort much. not that it wasn't pretty, no. New Doomforests was a very fancy place, definitely moreso than the bloodsoaked halls of old. The original fort was designed in the worst possible fashion, with small rooms, a dinning hall so far away from all the bedrooms, giant rooms making everything so far away... And the random mining shafts... No, old Doomforests was a terrible place. But it was their terrible place, the one he managed to salvage a few years ago, and which mate the 888th helped reclaim from an ancient vampire lord.

No, this place was fine, but it felt like a betrayal of everything they fought against. Even tho it was nicer, the same curses had followed them down here too. Wereantelopes filled his clinic, heirs to the legacy of Ast. The doctor remembered Ast fondly, how she accepted her fate and ventured in the caverns with honor, to face against Snustrok the nightmarish snail from hell. Despite the legends, the new wereantelope refused to attack her enemy. Blood moon after blood moon, the two beasts stared at each other without crossing the threshold. Linking the door to a lever did nothing to help. No, Something was wrong, and the more he studied the poor soldier, the more he realized the issue wasn't with her. Yes, she was rather mental at this point, but every time he made such a comment, Cabinet snickered from his corner, pointing out the irony. No, Lor is not at fault here.

After three moons, Taupe II decided to study the artefact. Maxcat the superminion had passed away, but his door namesake was still around, immortal and timeless in all it's beauty. They were so happy to have an unbreakable door, that they never stopped to reflect on the actual designs enscribed on the artefact. Where had he seen them? Could the door's glyphs, made of interwined round cabochon circles, copper engravings and gold patterns, be more than mere decoration? The gemworker Iamblichos would know, but he was dead as well now. There was, however, another dwarf acting strangely, who showed much interested in the books left by the deceased dwarf. What was his name already? The doctor had seen him a couple times already... That dwarf would jknow for sure, of the true warding powers sleeping within Maxcat61.

Annnnd, there he was once more. He had not touched most of his books since he moved to the new fort. With no further lead, no caravans to get new books, and no news from the brave dwarf who ventured on a journey ages ago, there was no point in dwelling on the subject anymore. For a time, he believed that Fath was right, that moving elsewhere would put all the curses and shadows of the past behind them. But walls and bridges cannot stop shadows, they only conceal them. Minotaurs were wandering the land once more, and wereantelopes, and cultists in the dark corners of the fort... He was so close to unraveling their secret meetings, but Fath exiled them here before he could finish his secret spying wall-tunnels. And now, a new vampire had arrived, and claimed the title of mayor. Datetattoed. The twisted tendrils of the shadow city had found Doomforests, and refused to let go. There was no research it any further, for what could a lone dwarf do against a remote city of vampires, anyway? Bloodsuckers and deities were too powerful for a mere doctor, no matter how well-versed the circumstances had made him. No, there wasn't much he could do on his own...

But the recent events had changed everything. Maxcat61 the artefact door changed everything. there was power in gems, power in the glyphs... Minion glimpsed at the true meaning of power, for even a single moment, when he poured his soul and mind into the creation of his door. His mind was so focused that for a brief instant, everything made sence, and he instinctively knew how to ward the door against the powers of evil. If they could study the glyphs, improve them, then maybe they can fend off the dark powers coming from Datetattoed... seal the cursed Chapel of Charms, even...

If only he could wield the same knowledge that minion did back in 1055. It was not too late, for he had never created an artefact in over a hundred years, and it is said that a dwarf can only enter a strange mood once. If luck would have it, inspiration and knowledge would come to him before he was too old... There was little hope in that, tho. instead he would focus on the younger dwarves, and study them as they produced artifacts of their own. Maybe he could select a group of promising young artists, and use hypnosis to prepare them, so that they focus their work toward something specific once a mood strike. It was worth a shot.

As he pondered on potential volunteers, a small knock was heard on the mad doctor's door. He opened, but found nobody. That's when he noticed the book on the floor, with the note. Dark One? Strange, the dwarf had not been seen in a month. Some assumed he was somewhere smithing, others believed he was still outside. Most of the fort didn't care, as Dark One was definitely weird in all the wrong ways.

To Taupe,

I am leaving this journal as a legacy and warning. Be aware of necromancers and dieties striving for power, as they will use any means at their disposal to gain power. You may not believe me, you can treat this as a ramble of schizophreniac, but be aware of what I have written.

Dark One

At this point, Taupe II was ready to believe anything. The warnings about necromancers filled him with shivers. He knew of vampires, and werebeasts, but the inclusion of dark mages to the mix just made everything so much worse. Whatever this book contained, he had to know. He crouched, and reached for the journal itself.

A strange feeling rushed through him as his fingers touched the cover. A flash.

Then darkness.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 09:17:12 pm by Taupe »


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Re: The fate of Doomforests -The Death of Babyminister
« Reply #653 on: February 11, 2015, 08:35:59 pm »

mate the 888th, may he rest in peace
Wait, what? I tought I was moping my heir's puke outside!
Aw, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


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Re: The fate of Doomforests -The Death of Babyminister
« Reply #654 on: February 11, 2015, 08:59:28 pm »

My bad, i misread, I assumed that having a mate the 889th meant you bit the dust. will correct. Haven't been home for a while, and read everything too fast.


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Re: The fate of Doomforests -The Death of Babyminister
« Reply #655 on: February 11, 2015, 09:07:47 pm »


Happens to all of us.  All the time.  Also, this was my reaction when, while looking over Numbers 2's engravings, I decided to take a quick peak into old DoomForests and noticed something.  Look at this image (Acquired by loading up the save from end of my turn):
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And then take a look at this one (Taken from save at end of MaxCat's turn):
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Anyone mind enlightening me?
Welcome to Doomforests, please, choose a cult of your liking or head to the overseers office to register your own cult. Religious freedom is pride of this fortress!


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Re: The fate of Doomforests -The Death of Babyminister
« Reply #656 on: February 11, 2015, 09:10:30 pm »

Trolls destroyed your tomb. Trolls destroyed everyone's tomb. Trolls destroyed everyone's everything.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 09:14:53 pm by Taupe »


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Re: The fate of Doomforests -The Death of Babyminister
« Reply #657 on: February 11, 2015, 09:23:21 pm »

Thank you taupe.  You shall be rewarded for this.  Namely, with a tomb which will have solid gold everything.  I'll put it right beside mine.  They'll be basically the same, but mine will have a magma moat.  I intend for these tombs to house all who we named/used in place of named dwarves.  The trolls will pay though.  not the specific ones that did it, cause I assume that they're dead, but all future trolls will pay in their stead.  Not sure how yet, but I'll think of something.  I am open to suggestions, and unlike last time I asked about this type of thing, I my even use peoples ideas, if they meet may standards of cruelty.

« Last Edit: February 12, 2015, 02:57:28 pm by Drazoth »
Welcome to Doomforests, please, choose a cult of your liking or head to the overseers office to register your own cult. Religious freedom is pride of this fortress!


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Re: The fate of Doomforests -The Death of Babyminister
« Reply #658 on: February 11, 2015, 11:35:05 pm »

If only he could wield the same knowledge that minion did back in 1055. It was not too late, for he had never created an artefact in over a hundred years, and it is said that a dwarf can only enter a strange mood once. If luck would have it, inspiration and knowledge would come to him before he was too old... There was little hope in that, tho. instead he would focus on the younger dwarves, and study them as they produced artifacts of their own. Maybe he could select a group of promising young artists, and use hypnosis to prepare them, so that they focus their work toward something specific once a mood strike. It was worth a shot.
If you want to study gems, then you talk to Taric. He knows quite a bit, for a human.
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You can't make an omelette without melting a few dwarves...
The purple overseer hat weights heavily on one's head. Some would argue that the leadership of Doomforest is uneasy to bear for too long. Others would simply suggest that we don't craft the next overseer hat out of rutile.


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Re: The fate of Doomforests -The Death of Babyminister
« Reply #659 on: February 12, 2015, 03:43:35 pm »

Date Unknown; Somewhere far from DoomForests:

Having finally finished packing for the journey to DoomForests, Number 3 decides to see what the other Drazoths are up to.

He finds most of them in his family's private dining hall.  9 and 10 are sitting together at a table, 6 is entering from the other end of the hall and
7 is relaxing with a bottle of rum.  Heading over to 7, a strong, powerful looking dwarf with a pick axe attached to a loop on his belt, 3 passes by 9 and 10.  Due to their youth, they haven't been on any assignments yet.  They seem to be playing a game with cards made from various expensive metals and jewels.

"What game is this?"

"It's called Sorcery: The Scattering.  It's very interesting.  Mother says it's supposed to be very popular among humans lately.  One of the nearby hamlets is having a tournament for it.  The prize is an invitation to the world championships in one of the major human cities.  Mother wants us to be in that tournament." 

"I was wondering when you were getting your first assignments.  I take it your assignment is to get in the championship and use it to spy on the humans."

"How did you know?"

"Easy guess.  Besides, I think all of us had an infiltration as our first mission.  Have fun."

"We will."

Leaving them to their game, 3 proceeds to sit beside 7 and pulls out his own bottle of rum.

"So, I take it that mother wants you to replace 2.  Good luck with that, that place is trouble.  We shouldn't bother with that damned place."

"Yeah, I know.  Not like I got a choice though.  Can I ask you a favor?"


"I don't intend to die in that cursed place.  But things will probably go to shit there, so I need an out.  If I gave you a map of the caverns in the area, could you dig me a tunnel for me to escape through?"


"Thanks.  By the way, where's everyone else?"

"All on assignments.  All secret."

"I see.  Well I need to get going."

3 gets out of the chair and heads towards the door.  As he's leaving the room, 6 pulls him aside.

"I just got back from the capital.  While I was there I snuck into the offices of the traders who had been to DoomForests.  Someone there has been making suspicious inquiries.  Lots of supernatural crap.  Be careful there bro, strange things are at work there and we can't risk getting caught up in it."

"Got it.  Thanks for the warning.  I'll be seeing you around."

With that 3 leaves, and begins heading to DoomForests.
Welcome to Doomforests, please, choose a cult of your liking or head to the overseers office to register your own cult. Religious freedom is pride of this fortress!
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