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Author Topic: The Hastening of Doomforests  (Read 439856 times)


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Re: The fate of Doomforests - now without spoilers
« Reply #510 on: January 21, 2015, 02:55:43 pm »

2nd Obsidian
Astesh Boatdwell was taken by a mood. He's claimed one of the mason's workshops and keeps hauling up stone and nothing else. Considering he is but a skill-less farmer most of us have already forgotten - surely he can't create anything of value?

4th Obsidian
On my way down to Astville I saw Zulban Utterstandards being carried off by the fortress guard. I ended up following them to the prison, where Zulban is now locked against the rough stone wall. When was this even built? I convinced the guard (I traded 5 horse meat that I had earlier swiped from the stockpiles) to tell me what Zulban's sentence was:

"For the failure of Zulban Gutidlorbam 3 months past to craft the requested goods to support the fortress, Mate the 888th has sentence him to 3 strikes of the hammer. By coincidence only, Mate the 888th will be hammering the strikes."

After giving Zulban one last glance, I walked away shaking my head. It's rare to find true justice in this world, and failing to make a few trade goods shouldn't result in a crippling set of hammer strikes.

5th Obsidian
Mate the 888th was furious this morning. Screaming about this and that, and it was only after he retired to his room that I could get a full story. Apparently he had forgotten where the jail cells were and no one would tell him - people were standing in solidarity with Zulban!

17th Obsidian
Astesh finished his great work today: a cinnibar coffer worth 6000 Urists.

When he emerged from the workshop he professed to his newfound excellent skill in mining of all things. We didn't believe him at first, but after he stole a pickaxe and went to work next to Fath he could almost keep up! Were not entirely sure what went down in that workshop but we could always use another miner.

21th Obsidian
A little bird told me that a vile force of darkness arrived soon after daybreak this morning. I asked that little bird why it hadn't
informed me when the last siege had left. . .

Whatever the case, we continue to be trapped within.

2nd Granite
We finished the dump chute today: a tall shaft that runs directly to the new fortress. Now we can begin transferring the most important objects: beds, food, artifacts, and other rare materials. Only the miners have seen the new fortress location but apparently it is rich in flux, magma and all the various minerals we might need to outfit an army or forge valuable trade goods. One of the miners told me that they had also carved out a room that was now flooded, and once the water recedes we might grow food on the muddy stone.

Not everyone is happy with the decision to move, but no one really dares to challenge Fath. She always keeps her steel pick by her side,
and her eyes are fiercely observant.

In other news, Zulban was freed from his jail when we stripped the ropes from the wall in preparation. It seems that Mate the 888th never found his way down to the jail, and while the sentence still hangs over Zulban he won't be executed anytime soon. He has resumed his work as an engraver.

4th Slate
As we were finishing our evactuation, the mad doctor confronted Fath.

"Do you really plan to leave our minister of agriculture behind? How do you expect us to survive without his precious oversight?"

". . ."

"Even if you don't plan to listen to him, how will he feed himself?

"He hasn't been fed for 2 years and he is still alive. Do you have any other reasons?"

"Look. I know you might not understand the massive influence Smuntsu has on the success of our fields, and I know you think I'm crazy. Forget all those preconceptions and try to see the issue from my side. Smuntsu is a valuable asset to our fortress, and I won't just leave him behind."

Fath considered for a moment. I'm not sure what she was thinking, but it certainly didn't involve understanding the viewpoint of some nutty somewhat-skilled physician.

"Fine. But you have to figure out how to get him down there."

"Yes! That's no problem at all, I already have plans sketched out and if you look right here they aren't all tha. . . "

Fath just walked off.

- - -

Later on that night, Taupe II told one of the masons to remove the wall between Smuntsu and the rest of the fortress. Taupe had constructed an elaborate set of cage traps just outside the wall. When Smuntsu poked his little green head outside the room he was immediately trapped in one of them. The goblin will be coming with us.

I'm not sure what cause Taupe's madness in the first place, but it is evident that his mind has been gone for longer than any of us can imagine.

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Dark One

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Re: The fate of Doomforests - now without spoilers
« Reply #511 on: January 21, 2015, 03:59:50 pm »

Journal of Dark One

The previous overseer, Mate the 888th has retired, and Fath Clobberedhammer took his place. I can sense energies flowing from within into her body. Her eyes glowing purple, her voice changed to male. She was possessed, but it's not the usuall possession by demons, ghosts or gods. This entity is different. It's stuck between the underworld and our physical plane. An ordinary slab can't put it to rest. The only thing it wants is power. Maybe it's just paranoia, but I think he, she or it - as I don't know the nature of this entity, is watching me. Maybe it's in conflict with The Light Of Glory? I'm not sure, only confrontation with it would reveal it's intentions. But I'm not going to fight with such otherworldly being. I have enough of it all. Dark disciples, Osp, trying to be the archbishop to dwarven gods. It's too much for me. Since some time I've gathered small group of disciples and teached them. I must choose someone as the new archbishop. I'll tell my followers that since now, the overseer would be the archbishop. I'm afraid this would give the absolute power to the overseer, as a physical and spiritual leader... another dangerous cult could form. I don't care, we're all doomed anyway.

The new overseer gathered us all in the meeting hall, and gave us plans to build another fortress. I'm not moving anywhere. This halls may be cursed, soaked in blood and guts of our dead brethren, but since bloodsuckers have died - it's my home. I spent much time in these old fashioned chambers and... I can't move on. All the effort that was put in this place by Mate the 888th and others. Just a few days ago poor Zulban Utterstandards was carried off by the fortress guard. When Mathe the 888th, a hammerer couldn't find a way to the jails, I told disciples to find a way to protect him. They succeeded for now. I saw that they dragged Smunstu away. I don't know if I'll see him again, but I can tell he was really knowledgeable goblin. Our discussions about The Light of Glory must end for now though.

Night by night, Doomforests hallways buzz with activity. Dark disciples creeping in the darkness with me following them. From time to time a somnambulic dwarf could be spotted. I leave them be, they only distract me from following dark disciples. I left a note to Iamblichos, our current mayor, asking about "his condition". I use all my efforts to find the meeting hall of dark disciples, but I can't find it. It seems that they are able to deceive my ability to detect energies flowing within the realms. It just disrupts in some of the crucial places of the fortress, leaving me vulnerable to any threat when I can't detect danger. It's interesting, as in the gigantic storms of energies we are just a little, blinking sparkles.

My nightmares aren't as big problem as before, but I'm still puzzled. Last night, I woke up in the rock floating in the middle of the void. There was an infinite spire in the middle of it, with four pressure plates. Each of them had different symbol. I had to choose between one of them. I decided to push the one on the left side. I heard a maniacal laughter, but nothing happened. Then I heard the voice Nifih, Dwarven Gods, The Light Of Glory, each deceives you Dark One! Read the symbols, you'll see them when the time comes! I woke up. Someone has broken into my room, and placed a dwarven skull with a dagger stabbed into it.

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Re: The fate of Doomforests - now without spoilers
« Reply #512 on: January 22, 2015, 11:33:37 am »

Journal of Iamblichos

1 Moonstone

The days all blend together.  Being the mayor is a constant punishment; keeping a regular journal requires time I simply don't have.  Some interesting things need to be noted, though.

My dream of months ago has not recurred; I guess it really was just a dream.  It seemed so real.  I haven't slept well since then.  Must be in my mind.  Oddly, after that night, Osp's pet snake was found dead in the caverns - no marks of violence on it.

Shadowy figures still walk the halls at night.  I went to the dining hall late (early in the morning, actually) and saw hooded figures flitting through the hall.  Ghosts?  Other spirits?  I am unsure.

Mate the lunatic was... coerced... into transferring power to a miner named Fath.  I remember her as being fairly docile and quiet, though a demon with a pick; now suddenly she is acting like a moody dwarf, running here, running there, announcing decisions and directing everyone.  It is very strange.  Dark One went by me muttering something about Fath's "glowing purple eyes"; either his mushrooms weren't all plump helmets, or Fath may be under the influence of more than alcohol.

13 Moonstone

Fath must be possessed.  There is no other explanation.  She announced in a full meeting that she wants to abandon this entire fortress and move to a different location.  I swear I can hear Osp's spirit laughing in the deeps; we cannot abandon this place after so much blood and pain has been spent to keep it!  We still haven't even begun to mine the resources here AND I DON'T HAVE MY EMERALD.  I haven't forgotten it.  Maybe the ritual could still be completed...? 

1 Obsidian

I thought it was a dream.  I wish I could have been correct.

It began the same way... the shifting greenish light, the sounds of muttering from the hallway.  The old dwarf came around the corner, and didn't look nearly as friendly this time.

"Well, hello!  It's been a while!"  His mannerisms were the same, but seemed... off, somehow.  In the distance, I could hear distant screaming.  "So glad to see you again, still in the same place I see, good, good!"  He bounced on his heel and smiled, the picture of an old, avuncular dwarf, but his eyes looked like polished obsidian.  His eyes didn't smile at all.  "As I was saying before we were so rudely interrupted..."  The screaming became gradually louder; it sounded like someone in the final throes of madness from pain.  "Oh blast!  Pardon me a moment, would you?"  He walked to the door and looked back down the hall.

"Tikes!  One of the sacrifices is projecting too!  Tighten the beam!  Yes, we can hear one of them..."  He paused.  "No, I can't tell which one.  Yes, I know.  Well, you're spoiled for choice."  The screaming suddenly stopped, ending in a horrible coughing burble.  "Ah, that's done it.  Excellent!"

I wanted to run away, but like any good terrifying dream, I couldn't move.  "Who... who are you?  Why are you doing this to me?"

"Oh good heavens, you are a persistent one, aren't you?"  Since coming back, the old dwarf looked... dead.  His skin was pale now, and vaguely rotten looking.  Seeing the look on my face, he said "Oh dear, well, less energy means less control.  Fair enough.  I told you, I'm a relative of yours.  Your seventeen-times great grandfather, if you absolutely must know.  Lovely to meet you, good to see my line still continues, all of that."  At this, I was completely speechless.

"So," the old dwarf went on, "as I was saying, the dwarven and human spiritual powers are having a bit of a disagreement.  I represent a third pole of power, and we very much desire to influence the outcome of this little experiment.  Is that clear?"

"Spiritual... you mean the GODS?  You represent something apart from the human and dwarven GODS?"  A suspicion began to dawn on me as to why this old dwarf (family or not) looked dead.

"Yes, yes, Sanctumcoal is a wonderful place, exempt from the influence of those troublesome beings!"  The benevolent smile that had appeared so friendly at first looked truly ghastly through the rotten visage in front of me.  "As a spirit yourself, you are hardly in a position to judge, you know!  Since you are my descendant, I was nominated to come and speak with you.  We very much would appreciate your assistance."

"Assistance with... what?  I only know a little magic, I..."

At this the old dwarf burst out laughing.  "No, my boy, we don't need you to do any rituals!  Heavens no, we have enough magical power at Sanctumcoal to bring the entire world to an end if we desire it, we don't need help from deluded amateurs."  Still chuckling, he went on "No, as the mayor you can alter the mandates given.  We want to strengthen certain energies in this place.  The death and destruction here is amazing, and we very much want it to continue.  Your first task is to ensure that this proposed move fails.  If this site is abandoned, it will be a solid win for the Nifih-Gogol axis, and that won't do at all."

 "How am I supposed to..." I raised my hands to gesture, and realized that the paralysis I felt earlier had faded.  Without pausing to consider, I ran past the old dwarf and fled down the hall.  Cursing behind me echoed down the hall as I ran.  Someone cursed as I brushed by them, and I saw the shadowy figures in the back halls ducking out of my way as I ran.  I realized then... I wasn't dreaming.  This was the real fort.  I was awake.  And this fort was in deeper trouble than ever before.

12 Obsidian

I can't sleep.  I can't eat.  I take a different bed every night.  Sleeping is dangerous; they might find me.  I have seen the lights twice, but HE wasn't able to find me.  The smell of rot pervades the halls here.  Death chases me.  I have written my contacts in the mountainhome.  I will find out about this 'family member' and where Sanctumcoal is.  If I can just hold out.  So tired.

1 Granite

Found a note from Dark One outside my room asking about my condition; not sure how to respond.  I haven't slept.  I can barely choke down food; it has no taste.  When I try to let this body sleep, my spirit feels THEM trying to compel me to obey.  If I had known unlife would be like this, I would have found a way to die the true death.

3 Granite

News finally arrived from the mountainhome.  It is even worse than I feared.  My researcher got in trouble for even asking; this knowledge is deeply proscribed.  Sanctumcoal is a tower of necromancers.  The second in command at this tower is a dwarf named Ezum Wheelscall... and the genealogists have confirmed that I am descended directly from him in my father's line.  I don't know what to do.  Do I help them?  Do I refuse?  I am running out of options. 

I smell something foul.  Time to move again.
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


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Re: The fate of Doomforests - now without spoilers
« Reply #513 on: January 23, 2015, 07:21:14 pm »

Live, post! LIVE!!!
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


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Re: The fate of Doomforests - now without spoilers
« Reply #514 on: January 23, 2015, 07:25:17 pm »

No doubt.  How's the new fort coming along, Sal?
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


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Re: The fate of Doomforests - now without spoilers
« Reply #515 on: January 23, 2015, 10:22:20 pm »

I'll have a post soon. Made it to fall, but not much has happened.


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Re: The fate of Doomforests - now without spoilers
« Reply #516 on: January 24, 2015, 01:30:39 am »

the pressure amounts! And I suppose I could just edit my second post, in fact that might work splendidly.
Seems this is the only way to do it according to a PM sent to me by Toadyone. If you decide to do so, I'll just delete what's in the OP and write ellipses or something.

By the way. Holy shit, Doomforests is on the move! Only had time to read that now. Good luck, don't forget to bring coffins.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2015, 01:32:14 am by Drokles »
On the rare occasions where this fort isnt under siege, wood cutting and hauling is our ultimate priority.


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Re: The fate of Doomforests - Where Anything Fights Anything
« Reply #517 on: January 25, 2015, 07:57:48 am »

Iamblichos gestures!

The thread shudders and begins to move!
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


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Re: The fate of Doomforests - Where Anything Fights Anything
« Reply #518 on: January 25, 2015, 04:14:26 pm »

Soon I shall post. I have not forgotten! Time is short, but I am dedicated.

*scurries off to read horribly dry books about brazilian industrialization*


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Re: The fate of Doomforests - Where Anything Fights Anything
« Reply #519 on: January 25, 2015, 05:06:17 pm »

Soon I shall post. I have not forgotten! Time is short, but I am dedicated.

*scurries off to read horribly dry books about brazilian industrialization*
You are from Hueland?
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


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Re: The fate of Doomforests - Where Anything Fights Anything
« Reply #520 on: January 25, 2015, 10:05:33 pm »

The doctor has spent a lot of time thinking about ways to secure the fort. His lore research has run dry, and Fate and the new legendary minerhave taken over most of his digging duties. This has left old Taupe II with a lot of time on his hands. One morning, he gathers many citizen of the fort to present them with his new project.

-People, I have come up with the most awesome way to defend the fort against invaders. It's deadly, cruel, it won't kill entire sieges, but it will definitely get rid of a dozen or so invaders per assault. AND deliver the goblinite directly to the forge. This is the kind of project that would require several overseers to work, since part of the job must be done during winter. As such, this will not go through unless a majority agree to it!

The doctor signals his minion Maxcat, who enters the dinning hall and let a few pieces of canvas circulate among the viewers.

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-This, my dear friends, is our entrance tunnel. The bridge has been ommited, so have the sealed tower entrances. But you can see the general layout of the tunnel leading into the trade Depot.

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-The first part of this project involves slight modification to this tunnel. The section near the depot will be elevated by two sets of ramps, like so, close to each other. Then, it goes down one ramp shortly after, and this second set of ramp goes about halfway to the entrance. Building the ramps will be easy, removing the ceiling in the tunnel may require some care. We have just enough space to get those two levels up without breaching the surface.

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-This magnificient plan is made possible thanks to Doomforests' special layout: a river flows above the fort's entrance, and drops into a waterfall to the east.

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-The second part of this project requires winter. Once the river freezes over, we can dig a channel in the river, and install a set of floodgates. We'll need a similar hole with a floodgate on the bank of the river as well. Those two sets of floodgate will be connected to a lever, that will alternate the two. By flipping the river, we'll stop the river's normal flow and direct it to the side.

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-Once the river is redirected, the water will go to the side, accelerate after going down a ramp, then continue toward the entrance of the fortress. If the ramps are positionned correctly, water will flow toward the entrance, but not the depot. Any potential invaders will be flushed toward the exit.

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A bridge at the very entrance retracts, revealing a 3x3 hole that engulfs the river's flow and any goblin travelling with it. The goblins crash into a flooding room, about 6 levels below, and the goblins who don't explode on impact will slowly drown, leaving their belongings intact.

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-Once everyone is rightfully dead, we'll need to evacuate all this water. A first floodgate will, on command, reveal a grate connecting to the caverns by a shaft. Water is discarded, sweet goblin loot is kept in the room by the grate. A second floodgate connects to the fortress using a staircase up, allowing haulers to travel only a few leels to retrieve the loot. It goes without saying that once the flooding chamber has been successfully filled and can drown our new visitors, the river should be redirected to it's original course. Less water to empty that way. If we are quick with it, we can probably close the bridge, stop the flow for a moment, and drown more goblins down the shaft by switching the device back on.

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-Now, of course, the main weakness of this device is that it doesn't work during winter, because the river freezes. However, we CAN stockpile water in a chamber near the entrance (maybe closer to the base tunnel than this graphic shows, to avoid premature refreeze). All we have to do is pump a layer of magma under the reservoir's floor to keep this water warm during the cold season. Once the chamber fills up, we'll litterally encase our foes in ice, which is pretty badass. Unless of course we add a layer of magma under the drowning chambers, of course. We could also add a small magma arm, and make a third floodgate in the chamber, conecting to a pit, so haulers can incinerate goblin bodies after picking up their loot. Just forbid the bodies, unforbid the gear, and order the dumping of bodies once they are stripped bare.

Obviously making this device operational all year long is tricky, and will require extensive machinery. that's why i mention it last. Still, I think the first part is rather simplistic to set up, altho a bit time consuming when it comes to digging the flood chamber itself, because the shafts and the room itself are in stone. The surface tunnels, however, will be a piece of cake because they are made of dirt. Once the basic setup is complete, we'll have an hilarious way to obtain dead goblins.

The main issue i see with this device is that a forgotten beast from the upper cavern could path through the water disposal system if it can fly, but in this case we can just activate the device nonstop and crush the creature under a torrent of water until all its bones break and it drowns at the bottom of the underground lake.

So, who's in?


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Re: The fate of Doomforests - Where Anything Fights Anything
« Reply #521 on: January 25, 2015, 10:34:48 pm »

As the only minion in this fort, I am obligated to speak out first, and attract the wraith of the Overseer. I like the basic idea, but why not take it a step further? Instead of makeing the water drain, and hope the gobos drown, why not use Magma, and Obsidianise them? Here is the how the shaft would have to look like:

I used paint, so quality is low.

This design could be used in succession with no problems, would certainly kill anything caught in it (Fresh Boiled Gobo's anyone?). It would also burn all the pesky cloth, leaving pure goblinite behind. There would be no problems with forgotten beasts, and it would be an infinite source of rocks/cheap swords. This desing is also a bit simpler, and harder to mess up. With proper labeling of the appropriate levers, it could be idiot-proof (Hmm, I wonder what that unlabled lever does? Dwarven Liason has been found dead, drowned. Merchants have been found dead).

Also, in case it is not clear, the red stuff on the bottom is the magma sea.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2015, 10:43:23 pm by maxcat61 »
You can't make an omelette without melting a few dwarves...
The purple overseer hat weights heavily on one's head. Some would argue that the leadership of Doomforest is uneasy to bear for too long. Others would simply suggest that we don't craft the next overseer hat out of rutile.


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Re: The fate of Doomforests - Where Anything Fights Anything
« Reply #522 on: January 26, 2015, 12:04:09 am »

I like the idea. Killed goblins? Using natural resources? A good chance that somewhere down the line things will go horribly wrong? Although to be fair, I tend to lean towards anything with work put into the pictures.

Maxcat, your design is good, but your logic is off. It's true, the magma would burn the cloth and leave the metal. In normal cases. That's not what's happening here. The iron, cloth, and dead goblins would be drowned in the water. The water that is turning into obsidian. That'll instantly destroy everything, cloth, iron, and corpses alike. (It's actually the only way to take down some impossible forgotten beasts and demons.)

No, I suggest we make it a truly Doomforest-brand trap. Lure an aquatic Forgotten Beast to the drowning chamber. Would it be difficult? Very. Is it practical? Not at all, we still couldn't get the items.

But we will have the most Dwarven "Alligator in the Moat" that could be imagined. And it would be awesome.

« Last Edit: January 26, 2015, 01:16:30 am by SkaiaMechanic »
I'm running out of dogs. I'm running out of bolts.
I'm running out of dwarves.


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Re: The fate of Doomforests - Where Anything Fights Anything
« Reply #523 on: January 26, 2015, 12:36:34 am »

If the order is a problem, have some magma pumped in before, and in-between firings. I also want there to be a chance that things that fall down could survive. If you actually do my design, it will be at least a 50z fall, so you could just put a floor down, occasionally give the pit a magma bath, and call it a day.
You can't make an omelette without melting a few dwarves...
The purple overseer hat weights heavily on one's head. Some would argue that the leadership of Doomforest is uneasy to bear for too long. Others would simply suggest that we don't craft the next overseer hat out of rutile.


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Re: The fate of Doomforests - Where Anything Fights Anything
« Reply #524 on: January 26, 2015, 07:20:57 pm »

I like the idea. Killed goblins? Using natural resources? A good chance that somewhere down the line things will go horribly wrong? Although to be fair, I tend to lean towards anything with work put into the pictures.

Maxcat, your design is good, but your logic is off. It's true, the magma would burn the cloth and leave the metal. In normal cases. That's not what's happening here. The iron, cloth, and dead goblins would be drowned in the water. The water that is turning into obsidian. That'll instantly destroy everything, cloth, iron, and corpses alike. (It's actually the only way to take down some impossible forgotten beasts and demons.)

No, I suggest we make it a truly Doomforest-brand trap. Lure an aquatic Forgotten Beast to the drowning chamber. Would it be difficult? Very. Is it practical? Not at all, we still couldn't get the items.

But we will have the most Dwarven "Alligator in the Moat" that could be imagined. And it would be awesome.
We do have a giant leech from hell in the caverns, but putting it in the pit would defeat the whole purpouse of retrieving the goblinite.
Also, trolls swim very well, apparently, so there should be another floodgate right were the water should stop, so that no little greenskins try to peek their heads out and breath.
Also, I think that the pit should be opened before the water is thrown, in hopes of getting some unfortunate gobbos to fall and break their legs, before throwing the rest in with water.
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about
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