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Author Topic: The Hastening of Doomforests  (Read 439883 times)


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Re: The Vampire Lord in Doomforests - Avoid the East Part of the Fort for Now
« Reply #390 on: January 06, 2015, 11:46:02 pm »

Diary of Dr Taupe II

I'm not even sure what day it is anymore. I have been sleeping less and less, spending most of my time transcribing those old books. Someone has been searching my room, of that I am sure. I suspect this Dark One. He looks at me strangely, for sure. I'm told he was married to Geshud. I certainly hope he never learns the truth of her death can come to term with her passing. someone reading this? I should hide this diary, and burn my older journals. Yet I can't. no matter how crazy they do sound, they may prove useful for someone tp continue my work, should I fall.

Great news have reached me. In his madness, Mate the 888th has trapped the vampire Lord, and reclaimed the fort. He is afraid of a new forgotten beast, but as long as the seals I installed on the caverns hold, we should be safe. I am a qualified miner, and it would be so easy for me to go outside at night, and channel around the room downstairs, crushing the monster underneath ten thousand tons of earth. He would deserve it... This journal of his, I read... He claims to have killed a thousand dwarves at least, after which he stopped counting. Such a monster deserves to die more than anything on this world. And yet...

And yet, when it came to do the deed, I could not bring myself to crush him. I took my pick, headed for the door, but then stopped and grabbed a drink instead. Yes, he has killed a thousand dwarves. Over a millenia. Yet how many have died by my actions in the last year alone? Could I have saved that rotting children? What if I had taken arms, or ordred everyone to flee sooner? Maybe the ghostly lumberjack was right. Maybe I should have died back there.

No! I did what I had to do. It was the right call. Senshuken had the right of it. Sometimes dwarves have to die so other dwarves can live. It's better than to let everyone bite the dust because you were too scared to act. Salmeuk, even Geshud... I could not risk them to destroy everything. So when it came to it, I was unable to get rid of Osp. Maybe a righteous dwarf will do the deed, and be proclaimed a hero. But i forsake my claim to righteous the day I took over Doomforests. I know i will regret this, regret letting him live, letting him twist the minds of the citizen here with his dark powers, yet I feel he may still have a role to play in this fort.

And failing everything else, he has answers I seek.

*    *    *


Well, i should have known. I know he whspers to the youngest and most terrified of dwarves in their sleep. They have elected Osp mayor. I cannot bring myself to kill this monster on my own, but i will tell Mate the 88th about my plan. He is overseer. He has the final word. I've ended enough mayoral careers for the time being. Let the blame be on someone else, preferably a dwarf known to be insane.

I hope he does it. If he was elected within a season, what else will he bring about in a year's time?

Meanwhile, someone was posessed by the spirit of a serpent man. And not just any serpent man. This one is a were-tortoise, who has been haunting the world for over a century and a half...

Part of this I learned from the human caravan, as I spent a long time asking about rumors. Discussion about werebeasts and lizardfolks of all kind led the merchant to mention a name: Ebe DestinedSold, a human. about four decades ago, he was attacked by this fiendish serpent man, and became a were-tortoise himself, roaming the night in search of preys. That was in InkedColor. I'm old enough to remember leends about a dwarf, around the same time, who also turned into such a creature in Dencloistered. There were also rumors of various animals and dwarves circulating about a weretortoise as soon as 966.

Strangely, no mention of Nifi the Grizzli Shade is made in the notes I retrieved from Osp's book. I will write home, and get some answers.

*    *    *


I have heard back from the friends of Dakost Bellstaff, whom was the freshest name in my memory. The poor lass was killed by a weretortoise in 1049, and as we were packing our bags to settle in Doomforests, tales of her demise were on every lips in the mountainhomes. her death was a shock to dwarves everywhere, as she helped kill over a hundred wild beasts. She also played an important role in defending dwarven lands from a troll invasion. Quite the hero, really, Dakost was. then one day she heard of a mysterious monster, packed her crossbow, and never returned. she was found mangled and half eaten. Peasants said they saw her getting mauled and felled by a vicious, murderous turtle looking somewhat more humanoid than any turtle should be.

''My dearest doctor,

I pains me to hear about this creature once more. alas, the beast depeicted on the sketched weapon rack you sent is, no doubt, the dreadful Grizzli Shade who took my friend's life. I have heard the gruesome tales of this fort of your, and prey that such a fool beast will come to it and meet its deserved demise there.

I have inquired with the bookkeepers about your other question. The books about this creature are sparse, that I could find. Yet, you were mistaken. The monster-serpent was not created by this deity you call Nifih, but by an ancient being called Durpul. So claim the transcription of an old legend i managed to lay my eyes upon.

I pray that such information will help you, and help bring forth the demise of Niti.

Sincere greetings''

A beautiful tale, almost saddening. too bad I have a hard time believing this is the all of it. I asked the messenger to also do some of his own research while he was on this errand, and he uncovered some... darker facts.

Altho Dakost was truly defeated in 1049, rumors have it that she lost her head in 1930. I would usually discard such rumors as untrue, if not for one thing. The creature reported to have done is Zomus Tombdied, a moon freak. Shortly after being decapitated by this strange and ancient creature, Dakost had a strange encounter with a reptile man named Osnuk, a vampire who made himself immortal using black magics. He is the killer of 140 dwarves, and still lurks around somewhere. Dakost mysteriously reappears after he apparent demise, probably reanimated by a reptilian vampire who saw worth in her slaying skills. As soon as she was reanimated, she started tracking down the weretortoise, and came upon it several times. She also started hunting another moon freak.

Only after facing all those monsters, with her head chopped off, did Dakost Bellsstaff finally die, during her third encounter with the weretortoise engraved on our weapon rack. So why is that relevant? Because both reptile vampires and moon freaks are linked to DateTattoed.

And what about that other God who cursed all this happy lot? Well, turns out he's also a human god. He had a cathedral dedicated to him in dateTattoed. I know this, because I'm currently tracking down the lineage of the High Passion who commissioned the cathedral.

The plot thickens.

*    *    *

Malachite, I think, continued...

It is becoming harder and harder not to attract attention. Between my various duties as miner, engineer and doctor, and my nightly research, I'm turning into more zombie than dwarf. Even my handwritting is becoming square and sloppy...

But I cannot sleep. I spent the last two days awake, putting together those pieces of the puzzle. Why did this vampire raise a hero like Dakost, only to send her on her way to destroy a werebeast? This vampire reptile, Onusk, achieved his powers through dark means of his own, or so it is said. Could he be hunting down the spawns of Gods, or studying them? Or is he preventing them from tracking him down? Are the spawns of Nifih and this new god stopping him from sharing the secrets that he discovered, for they should belong to the gods alone?

There is more going on than I can imagine. Dare imagine. I need to sleep. I need booze. But most importantly, I need to share my finds with someone I can trust...

I'll let this journal in plain sight in my office. someone has been reading it, browsing my stuff. i know it. Whoemever you are, I can't do this alone. I'll need help. This is bigger than any one of us.

Spoiler: OOC notes (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 12:08:22 am by Taupe »


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Re: The Vampire Lord in Doomforests - Avoid the East Part of the Fort for Now
« Reply #391 on: January 07, 2015, 01:52:46 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


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Re: The Fall of East Doomforests - East and West reunited at last :')
« Reply #392 on: January 07, 2015, 02:16:55 am »

What epicness we are witnessing in this fort these days. I tip my hat to you mate888 ;D.
On the rare occasions where this fort isnt under siege, wood cutting and hauling is our ultimate priority.


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Re: The Fall of East Doomforests - East and West reunited at last :')
« Reply #393 on: January 07, 2015, 02:22:24 am »

This fort, though. It's just too crazy.


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Re: The Fall of East Doomforests - East and West reunited at last :')
« Reply #394 on: January 07, 2015, 04:17:01 am »

Audio Log of the Twenty-second of Hemetite: Taupe II's Office

*knock knock*
"Hello? Taupe? May I come in?"
"Ah, Skaia, come in, come in!"
*A stone door slides open*
*There are footsteps, and then the sound of many heavy objects being dropped off*
"Here's the books you were looking for. They're written in Human, so I had to take their word that this is what you were looking for."
"You got them then! This will help my research considerably. I have to admit I was running out of leads."
"I still don't get how these books will help you figure out what's happening here. I mean, religious books, family genealogies with brief history, reports of mysterious incidents...what does it all mean? It seems like a lot of conjecture at best."
"We must start with conjecture. Only then can do we have the path set in front of us. As for what it means, the world is all interconnected, no matter how many only think of their personal town or fortress. Every uncovered stone gives a piece of a far grander picture."
"Well, you would know more than I. I'm just happy I was able to get them for you at all. They were luckily my first deals, warming them up before I went for the big sale."
"Hm? Did the trading not go well?"

"....Go well? Go WELL? Look, I was starting to have second thoughts about our overseer. He took back the East Wing, he's dropped much of his paranoia of elves attacking us through birds and beasts. He even has been going around and helping maintain the fortress. I'm a grown dwarf, I can admit when I'm wrong."
"I'm guessing something happened?"
"I was about to start setting up the major deal for the season, when our "great Overseer" Nate decided to drop by and "help out" with the executive decision. I tried to quickly set up a deal, but Nate kept seeing the large metal objects and shiny weapons and shields. He kept throwing random objects into the trade on their side, things we simply couldn't get in a fair deal. Of course, as overseer, I can't overrule his final decision, no matter how much I hint otherwise. Finally, the humans had enough and simply closed up shop. They left almost immediately afterwards. This is my JOB! I spend hours in my office each day checking out trade agreements in local areas to get the most accurate prices possible. Seasons of work, WASTED, because one dwarf gets a little too greedy! I always give far more than we get in return, because when there's good trade people bring good items. Not to mention that when tales of our overflowing wealth hit the Mountainhomes, we're sure to attract some fresh blood. Nobody's come to live here recently. I mean....seriously....AARRGGHHH. He even let them in early, letting me be the first one there when the blood moon hit. I expected it to be a setup for my less than subtle criticism recently, but he honestly seemed completely shocked to find me gathered with them himself."

*three minute pause*

"Well, here's to next season. Care to join me for a drink Taupe? Small keg of Prickle Berry Wine, from my personal collection. Because I think we both need it."
"It sounds like it, so let's have a toast."
"Ahem. To those who came before us in this forsaken hellhole,"
"And all those bastards unlucky enough to come after!"
"To Doomforests!"
" Doomforests."

*five minute pause*

"Say...Taupe...I have to ask as a friend, have you been sleeping okay? It seems that every time I see you you're either working on a digging project or candlelight's been coming out beneath your door."
"I'm fine. Skaia. Just focused on my work."
"Really? You don't look so good to me. I did what you had to do to survive. No one can blame you for their deaths."
*30 second pause*

"Taupe, have you been having nightmares? I wouldn't blame you, you've gone through twice the stress that would send the average dwarf into unbeatable depression, anger, or insanity. I'm worried for you. Just...take care of yourself, okay?"
"Huh...and I thought I was supposed to be the doctor. Heh. If you're questioning my sanity, you should have realized I let that go over a year ago."
"Aye, Skaia, don't worry, I'll get some rest. Before you go, any news on Osp? I heard he was elected mayor. How did that happen?"
"Well, we can still hear him. It's not like the...Minister...who simply babbled and screamed in Goblin. Osp changed his strategy. He said that we don't have to let him out. That he just has some "advice" to share. Of course, most of us don't believe it. But quite a few, especially the young, the scared, and those who have yet to make their mark in the fort, are listening. He's been alive for millennia. He can be patient. He can be influential. Help out enough people and they'll tear down the walls for him. Doc, I'm worried of his influence."

*2 minute pause*

"Well, I best be off to bed myself. It's been a rough day. You take care of yourself, okay?"
"Same to you, Skaia."

*A stone door slides shut*


Dark One let go of the rock wall. In a moment, he had heard the conversation of the past. Nothing to convict the old doctor of anything, but nothing to prove his innocence either. Could the Vampire Lord really be telling the truth? Or was he falling under his spell like so many others in the fortress?

He shook his head. No matter what, this was getting complicated. His break finished, he walked back to his job.
I'm running out of dogs. I'm running out of bolts.
I'm running out of dwarves.

Dark One

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Re: The Fall of East Doomforests - East and West reunited at last :')
« Reply #395 on: January 07, 2015, 05:15:36 am »

Journal of Dark One
4th Hematite

After the conversation with Osp, I went to my bed. On the way I was thinking about it all. Have Geshud never loved me? Was I only a tool in her hands? I don't know. I went to my bed and fallen asleep.

I woke up in the farm plot. Overseer mad at me sleeping at work shouted. I obeyed to him, and when he left I started harvesting plump helmets to brew some wine. But then the wall in front of me broke. Clouds of dust spread over the farm. After the dust settles down, Osp and Geshud appear. Vampire lord weaves his hand, and spatters of blood soaked out of walls forming puddles, and from these puddles gigantic plump helmet man appeared. Geshud made a sign with her hand, and a group of plump helmet man catched me, and dragged to the still to be distilled alive. Last thing I could hear was the sentence "Doomed by Nifih shall revel in the darkness!".

I woke up in my bed. I immediately got out of it and started running. I must redeem myself. I must find a way... I stopped running near the wall where Osp was closed...

- You have come Dark One! Do you seek redemption? I can help!
- What do you want bloodsucker!?
- Find some information about DateTattoed.
- And that's all?
- No, I'll need some more help from you cattle. It's all for now!

And so it has come that I'm serving the vampire lord. I don't know how much truth I can find in his words, but it's the only way to free myself from nightmares.

10th Hematite

Since my conversation with the vampire, I decided to gather any information about DateTattoed. I was asking about that doctor, Taupe the Second. I was watching every his move, his daily shedule, to find a good moment to break into his office. When I finally made it, I was shocked. That doctor must be a great passionate of reading and searching for knowledge. In his office I saw piles upon piles of books. I quickly started to search for history books, leaving religious and genealgical tomes for later. When I finally gathered all the information I needed, I left his office under the cover of darkness, and went to meet Osp.

- You are back cattle!
- Yes, I've gathered the information you needed.
- I don't need them, but they'll help you in  your mission. For now, you need to do something.
- Go on.
- Listen to me carfully cattle. I need to have some influence in this settlement. Since you've been loyal to the cause, this task lies upon you. Find a way to elect me a mayor!
- Why should I do this? It won't help me redeem myself.
- Look at the incompetence of the overseer, he fend off the human caravan! And the broker? He bought only books for that mad doctor. We need a broker that won't hesitate to sell humans lead mugs for good weaponry!
- How do you know?
- Even if I'm closed here, I can sense it all, I can see it all. And you won't redeem yourself if youd die by their incompetence! Listen to me cattle, fo I am immortal!

22nd Hematite

Although nightmares never stop to torment me, I still go on. My plan worked! I only needed to scare younger dwarves to made Osp the mayor. I still break to Taupe's office from time to time, to gain as many information about that damned Osp and his DateTattoed as I can. Maybe I'll find a way to redeem myself in one of those ancient tomes of knowledge? I think Taupe knows that I break to his office. He left me a message in his journal. I don't know what to do, and the conversation I heard. Taupe was talking with SkaiaMechanic. I should watch him closely. So many questions and not enough time to receive answers. Is it all true that the vampire lord has told me? And my feelings to Geshud, they haven't ceased. I will find a way to bring her back to life! My break ends, I must go to work.


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Re: The Fall of East Doomforests - East and West reunited at last :')
« Reply #396 on: January 07, 2015, 10:27:27 am »

Journal of Iamblichos
10 Hematite

A most productive few days.   I finally went to the overseer and announced a sudden calling towards cutting gemstones.  Perhaps it was unusual for a ranger to do, but I had to get back inside; spending my days strolling the woods was driving me sun-mad.  I hate all the tangled greenery.  The overseer, who goes by the unDwarfish name of mate888, looked at me very strangely when I claimed an interest in cutting gems.  Shrugging, he reached into his cabinet and produced... MY OLD TOOLKIT.  I got my tools back!  Thankfully nobody seemed to notice the other tools hidden in the kit; lucky for me there were no other gemcutters to examine my things.  Now my work can truly begin.

11 Hematite

My divinations have removed all doubt; my books lie hidden in Taupe's giant rat nest of written materials.  The item of greatest aid to me in my search was also indicated to be in his office, so my course of action is clear.  Finding them will not be easy; he is rarely away, and seems to spend all night awake reading.  I wonder if he is another vampire like Osp?  They are said not to eat or sleep, deriving all their sustenance from drinking the blood of the living.  If my plans go smoothly, I should soon understand the nature of the vampire more clearly.  Soon.  As grandmother used to say, 'the hasty dwarf falls off the bridge'.

Speaking of the vampire, I was passing down the hall near his current prison, when who should I see but my fellow newcomer Dark One whispering to the wall.  Not wanting to be seen, I stayed hidden in the shadows.  After a short conversation with the stones, he crept away.  If Osp can call disciples and bend minds from behind stone walls, this may prove to be a race against time.  If he can hear my thoughts, he knows my plans; if he gets too many disciples, I will have... problems.

13 Hematite

Success!  My "new" gemcutting interests (ha!) gave me an excuse to talk to one of the miners.  There ARE yellow diamonds here!  The deep mines and caverns are FULL of excellent gems... only the surface is awash in poor-quality trash.  Perhaps Doomforests wasn't so much of a mistake as I feared.

Even more amazing, there is apparently a giant flawless emerald deep in the caves, embedded in the marble wall.  I have never heard of emeralds appearing in marble; this could be a potent stone indeed.  Since emeralds can control the minds of the undead, perhaps... But I get ahead of myself.  Hasty dwarf, grandmother.

Later: I need my books, because clearly my memory is faulty.  I could have sworn Twinwhistle's _Boke of Precyos Stownes_ claimed that brilliant-cut chalcedony could be used to drive off ghosts and the dead.  I found one set in a crown and it didn't affect me at all.  Since I *am* a ghost at the moment, albeit one well-housed in another, I approached it with caution.  Nothing.  I even picked it up.  It produced no effect at all.  Was it supposed to be banded agate instead?  I can't remember!  Damn that hoarding Taupe!  I must get in.

15 Hematite

Spotted Dark One sneaking out of Taupe's office.  I snuck in behind him; my books were on top of one of the piles.  I seized them and ran; if anyone asks, Dark One took them.  He was clumsy and left Taupe's journal open, so Taupe will know someone has been here - I would have been a fool not to seize the opportunity.  Must find a good hiding place.  Also a room for my experiments.

23 Hematite

The worst has happened.  When I saw Osp call the Dark One to his side, I knew what was coming; sure enough, he was elected mayor.  Soon they will release him on some pretext, and then we will all be enslaved.  I must *ink blots*

Enough.  A great beast has come.  No sooner did Osp seize the throne of power than he summoned some great evil to seal off the deeps.  He knows that emerald is there as well.  No matter.  You can't kill me Osp; I'm already dead.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 06:54:30 pm by Iamblichos »
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


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Re: The Fall of East Doomforests - East and West reunited at last :')
« Reply #397 on: January 07, 2015, 01:26:51 pm »

Diary of Doctor Taupe II,
Probably the last one for a while.

Well, this may be the last entry for now. People are getting very, very curious about me and my strange behaviors. I can no longer spend all my time in this office. My research cannot stop now. However, i will need help.

Things are escalating quickly in this fortress at the moment. Even tho no apparent monster roams our hall, this may be our darkest hour. I can hear the voices in the dark, young dwarves too afraid to think otherwise. they pray to the vampre lord at night, begging to be spared when his time comes. Someone has been talking to Smunstu. Who could that be? My room is close enough to his that I can hear some faint discussions at night, when everyone is asleep. Somehow this doesn't bode well. Worst of all, someone has been sneaking into my office again. My books on history are missing. I still have some notes on DateTattoed, but all the source material has vanished. Someone is undermining my work... or searching for something of their own?

I'm not sure it's safe to keep a journal like this anymore. I will keep my important research hidden, including this journal. I was the one to dig out Astville, so I know where a secret room could be installed. I will now go and talk to SkaiaMechanic. She is the only one I trust for now (Aside from minion and baby Minister, of course!).  I will show her what I have found so far, then ask her help in creating a secret room where we can stash our notes. She is a decent mechanic and helped me deeply when we had to set the traps and wires for the megabattle, this should be an easy enough task for us. Then we'll start investigating the legacy of this High Passion.

Her work as a broker won't attract suspicion if she is seen reading and writing here and there. And if someone is truly sabotaging my research, then having two people to remember important facts that could vanish from my notes instead of one could be vital. With the two of us working on this in interval, I should rise way less attention. anyway, with my historical notes gone, the High Passion is our only lead at the time... assuming someone doesn't get possessed.


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Re: The Fall of East Doomforests - East and West reunited at last :')
« Reply #398 on: January 07, 2015, 01:48:59 pm »

Journal of Mate the 888th
People are talking to Osp. People are being fooled by the vampire into thinking that he will spare them.
He, who drank the blood out of the rotten corpses of their relatives, he who has swore to kill us all. This night I saw a hooded figure whispering to Osp's wall, but he ran off before I could catch him.
People are being fooled into forming a vampire cult. This has to stop. He is an enemy of dwarfkind, even more than goblins and kobolds. Even talking to him is a crime. And the people of Doomforests must know that.

*Later, in the dining hall, all citizens of Doomforests are called to a meeting there. Mate the 888th speaks*
"Citizens of Doomforests! Like it or not, our, erm, "mayor" is sealed in a dormitory for all eternity. So I am the biggest authority in this fort.
I heard... Disturbing things about his ascending to power. I heard about some of you praying to him at night for him to spare you when you... Free him. I heard that some of you were... Cospiring with the monster... And I can't belive you have done such undwarfly actions.
You SAW what that monster did to your relatives' bodies! Eating them, draining them of blood! You HEARD him swearing to exterminate us! You HEARD Iamblichos screaming when that demon drank all of his blood! And yet... You think he will be good for us.
Hereby, I, Mate the 888th, overseer of Doomforests, declare illegal any attempt of comunication with the vampire. If I see any dwarf talking to Osp, I swear for the beards of my 887 forefathers, that I will PERSONALLY EXECUTE the traitor!"
"Thank you for your time, you can return to your tasks."
« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 01:51:24 pm by mate888 »
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about

Dark One

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Re: The Fall of East Doomforests - East and West reunited at last :')
« Reply #399 on: January 07, 2015, 02:08:52 pm »

Jourmal of Dark One
25th Hematite

This place is full of distractions! If I can achieve what I want, I have to stick to my plan, I'll write it here, and keep my journal with me all the time, so no one can read it. I'll turn it into a few parts.

The coming of darkness

Research on death of Geshud - done.

Become the servant of vampire lord - done.

Elect vampire mayor - done.

Gather group of disciples big enough to turn against Osp - almost there.

Eliminate the bloodsucker - I won't need him, I have Smunstu!

Ressurect Geshud - she'll be back! I can't live without her!

Research on DateTattoed

Steal some books from Taupe - done.

Study them - It'll take some time.


Find cause of all of this madness and my curse - It'll take loooong time.

End this madness - either by death, or knowing the truth, it shall all perish!


For now, I'll try to accomplish all of this tasks. Sticking to them would bring me some stabilisation, and it surely would be easier to do it if its planned. I need to gather more disciples of Osp. I am his "archbishop" by now, and my only task is to brainwash innocent dwarves. I know there are persons here that can stop my plan, but I have allies. I have talked with Smunstu. He warned me that I've been followed. Last time, when I was talking with my "master", I have felt presence of a dark spirit. That goblin also seems to have great knowledge about dark rituals, and even though he isn't millenias old, I prefer working with a goblin than a bloodsucker. I swore to bring him back his freedom, if only he finds a way to lift the curse from me and bring Geshud back to life, preferably in non-vampire form. The overseer decreted that talking with vampire means certain death. I don't need the bloodsucker anymore. I have what I wanted. I have power within disciples, and I can turn them against Osp! If only I had them a few more, It'll be possible to take over the fortress! But I won't do it. Power corrupts. If Smunstu haven't opened my eyes earlier, all of this brainwashing wouldn't be necessary! Why did I come to the vampire again? Maybe he really can alter out thoughts? I doubt it. Smunstu revealed me some secrets about vampires. He is more valuable ally than Osp. I should go now, we have a ceremony for "Osp the light of glory" as younger dwarves call him. If only I could stop this madness before it's too late!
« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 02:12:40 pm by Dark One »


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Re: The Fall of East Doomforests - East and West reunited at last :')
« Reply #400 on: January 07, 2015, 02:50:22 pm »

Journal of Iamblichos
25 Hematite

I must confess, I seem to have wronged poor old Taupe.  I found a sheet of parchment tucked in my book on gem-lore through the ages.  He seems to have been researching Datetattooed as well; why does this little human town in the northeast corner of nowhere seem to be so important?  Whatever the reason, he clearly opposes Osp... or "Osp the Light of Glory" as the young ones call him now.  Unbelievable.  Just when I think I have seen every possible flavor of stupidity, something like this happens and I find a new cavern underneath the old one, stuffed to the brim with even worse ignorance.  Now I'm not sure whether I (or rather, "Skazul") should join forces with Taupe or not.  I cannot lie, it would help me greatly to have a miner to get me specific types of gemstones on request.  I just don't want to have another scandal like we had in Stroking.  I will have to perform another divination about it.

PS: Ran into Urvad in the halls; she actually sneered at me!  I can't believe she suspects anything, but she used to claim to like Skazul.  I gave her a puzzled look and walked on.  Thank the gods she never knew of my other... interests... so she can't tell stories about what she doesn't know.  Stupid wench has probably already sold and drunk my collection of stones; what a shame.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 06:54:53 pm by Iamblichos »
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


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Re: The Fall of East Doomforests - East and West reunited at last :')
« Reply #401 on: January 07, 2015, 06:47:23 pm »

Journal of Mate the 888th, Overseer of Doomforests
Osp the Light of Glory?
Osp the Light of fucking Glory?!
Who is the sick bastard who would start a vampire cult in this fortress?!
You, whoever stupid asshole who started this cult. I don't know who you are, but when I inevitably find out, I will splat your head with a hammer!


14 of Malachite
I proceeded to name myself the fort's hammerer. This place needs some justice.
Also, the fisherdwarf Minkot is going to snap at any moment. I'll tell him that he does not have to do any hauling anymore, he needs some rest.


16 of Malachite
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The fortress voted for the sentence that should be given to Osp. And even though I wanted to kill him with a hammer, slowly breaking his limbs and ribs before squishing his skull, the majority voted for a temporary imprisionment.
Even though I was planning to incarcerate him for all eternity, I see that the monster can very easily get into our citizens' heads. He must die.
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Admire the digging project I like to call "The digging project whose sole objective is to channel over Osp's head and make one thousand metric tons of rocks fall over him and maybe to throw convicts into Smuntsu's office to make him eat them".


18 of Malachite
I just noticed that "Engraver-Guy" is actually blind. Yet she engraves masterpieces. That's art.


22 of Malachite
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Just to make sure that nobody will speak to Osp during his final moments, I'll construct a second layer of walls between him and the outside.


The most common noise on the fort now is crying. I mean, it's better than the noises the Supergoat made, the snorting of the trolls, the babbling of the goblins or the moans of vampire and ghosts, but it's really fucking depressing. Seeing our dwarves kneeling in the refuse stockpiles, mourning their dead friends, lovers, sons, brothers... All after finding their mangled, rotten and dried corpses.
They still belive Osp is good. And, well, he made less harm to the fort overall than the forgotten beasts before them. But they should know that he is the one who drank of their family member's corpses.

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GOLD! Oh, you know how to make a dwarf happier, my precious, shiny yellow gold... My precious...


1 of Galena
I took the digging operation to myself, and I'm alredy halfway trought it.
In other news, Astville's dining hall is starting to look more like a dining hall now!
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And the statue garden is taking shape too!
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Just some minor details to make our lives here a bit more tolerable.


5 of Galena
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I... Will... I will finish the job. No matter how long it takes... Osp has to die.


14 of Galena
I've been digging non-stop for the last 14 days. I've finally reached the room that must be channeled. Osp's end is coming. The rest of the miners will come to help me with the digging now as I go for a much deserved qinua beer and some sleep.
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18 of Galena
Every dwarf who can dig is excavating the room we will drop Osp's head.


19 of Galena
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Our good old friend Snakey the One Eyed Snake is back! And apparently she/he/it dislikes crundles as much as I do.
It'll be one crundle less in the world.
The creature is still uninterested in us.


22 of Galena
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The channeling has begun. Osp can hear us from his room. He is screaming for help.
"No you aren't"
I don't know how did the voice of Osp went so far, but I can hear the steps. Many people, running towards us, screaming like madmen.
"Mate, Udib, keep digging, we will try to stop them!"
I did not saw who said that, but right then, all the miners ran to the corridor, and used the stones they had to block the crazed cultist's path.
Udib, I, and a woodburner with a wheelbarrow are the ones that have to channel the floor. We are running out of time.
Then, amidst the crazy vampire cultists, one dwarf pushed between them with a pick, and ran towards Udib and I. It was Taupe. He wanted to finish his matters with the vampire.
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Oh, gods... While channeling, Osp jumped and grabbed the miner Kosoth by the neck, knocking her unconcious. After that, he drained her of blood in front of our eyes! He. Must. Die!


28 of Galena
Taupa managed to hit Osp's head with a rock. It didn't kill him but he was knocked unconcious ((OOC: He actually fell asleep :P)). This might buy us some crucial time.
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I will dig the last floor bit. And then Osp will be dead.


3 of Limestone
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And also, Osp escaped right before we finished digging the last tile.
Double fuck.
Wait, that can be a good thing. If Osp is trying to escape the fort, he may find the goblins and trolls siegeing us now. I doubt he will manage to kill enemies that carry weapons. Maybe a lucky goblin arrow will end him.
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Or it'll end the fort.

The game crashed and nothing of what I wrote happened. I'll do it again but for now let's pretend it didn't happen.
I'm so frustrated right now.
Mate888, Bay12er is throwing a tantrum!
« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 02:26:00 pm by mate888 »
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


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Re: The Fall of East Doomforests - East and West reunited at last :')
« Reply #402 on: January 07, 2015, 07:51:35 pm »

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The following was discovered somewhere near Astville, scrawled in burn marks upon the cavern wall. No trace of the writer remained, leading to the conclusion that the message was written by some otherworldly creature. Or a particularly literate crundle.




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Re: The Fall of East Doomforests - East and West reunited at last :')
« Reply #403 on: January 07, 2015, 09:50:05 pm »

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The following was discovered somewhere near Astville, scrawled in burn marks upon the cavern wall. No trace of the writer remained, leading to the conclusion that the message was written by some otherworldly creature. Or a particularly literate crundle.


Damn literate crundles stealing our jobs...
And yes, you are dwarfed. Should I un-dwarf you? I mean, your dwarf really likes to put himself in very dangerous situations.
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


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Re: The Fall of East Doomforests - East and West reunited at last :')
« Reply #404 on: January 07, 2015, 11:20:51 pm »

((OOC: I'll proceed to replay what was lost on that tragic crash. Just act like everything that happened before the the channeling started happened. Pretty please?))
8 of Galena
The digging's nearly done, but that's not what worries me.
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After a half a month of constant non-stop lonely digging and another half month of constant non-stop digging with friends, what one less would like to hear is that someone in the fort is about to snap.

The digging has finished and the channeling has started. This will be Osp's end.

((OOC: Aaaaaaaaaaand, I'll continue tomorrow guys, otherwise I'll get very drowsy, get stressed and eventually stop responding to the world...))
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about
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