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Author Topic: The Hastening of Doomforests  (Read 447992 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fate of Doomforests
« Reply #30 on: October 27, 2014, 08:22:28 am »

24th Opal

The doctor noted that Vutok needed water, not alcohol, to speed his healing process. However, our only source of water was frozen over, so I orderd a shaft dug as deep as possible. We would surely find water before Vutok became too dehydrated. Sure enough, some time later our miners found a pocket of air. After enlarging the hole, we discovered a great expanse! We also learned an important lesson about native wildlife in the form of a massive, aggressive Cave Crocodile who just happened to be sitting outside our staircase.

This world is not forgiving, is it?

The first to engage with the (lesser) beast was a miner by the name of Dishmab Goldenyawn. With a name suggesting anything but combat, Dishmab suffered a glancing bite to the head before running off into the caverns.

One of our remaining milita then arrived. He tried engaging the beast with his bare hands (damn me for not thinking ahead! We should have been smelting at least some sort of metal weapon. . .) and died for it, after landing a few minor blows to the beasts snout.

Before any more could fall to the leathery reptile, a mysterious figure appeared and struck down the creature with a gleaming steel axe! Her name was Reg Parchedgirder, and she was responsible for saving our fort from a second catastrophe. In her quick thinking, she had decided to ignore mortal danger and took the axe from the weapon stockpile where it had been forgotten amongst the crossbows. In three swift blows, Reg had killed the creature and earned her a permanent title of Militia Commander.

Soon, more were recruited in the exploration of the caverns and we discovered multiple pools full of magma, as well as the shores of a massive underground lake.

And, of course, yet another obstacle appeared in our path to water. Or should I say, lumbered into the way. A blind Cave Ogre discovered our hastily carved staircase and set up camp next to it, attempting to grab any helpless dwarf that walked by. He finally caught hold of a poor dwarfs foot and bludgeoned him to death.

Oddly enough, the ogre didn't seem compelled to climb the staircase. I ordered 7 haulers to run down and fight it - no one knew where the steel axe was located and the ogre need to be dealt with. They rushed down, taking the ogre by surprise and knocking it out quickly. The haulers were in the process of choking the life out of the ogre when yet another creature attacked the fort - this time topside.

A strange abomination greeted our Mayor, Kivish Rubbedposts. Twisted, malformed and walking on it's hind legs was an antelope. The creature seemed immediately hostile. Our mayor met this creature on the other side of the waterfall bridge, the south entrance. I had to make a choice, and fast: close the bridge, leaving the mayor to the creature's wrath, or leave it open and try to save his life.

~To be continued~


And I thought this year was going to be boring. . .
« Last Edit: October 27, 2014, 08:24:26 am by Salmeuk »


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Re: The Fate of Doomforests
« Reply #31 on: October 27, 2014, 11:36:25 am »

24th Opal, 1051, Continued

As I rushed towards the lever room I heard screams and wails from the hospital. "Vutok has perished!" exclaimed the doctor, distraught over the death of the fallen hero. I had no time to spare for grief, but the news was devastating. His injuries had been massive, including a cracked skull and fractured spine, but our doctor had managed to set the fracture and patch up his skull - he had died of dehydration.

I burst through the door and centered my vision on the south bridge control lever, the one in between the wereantelope, the mayor, and our 60 citizens.

That's when I realized I couldn't do it - I couldn't bring myself to lock out the mayor with that thing. He had been recently elected due to his kind words and ability to make friends with nearly anyone, and his death might trigger massive moral loss and even more deaths.

Yet again, I ordered some haulers to form a ragtag mob and charge towards the beast. I sorted through our weapon bins, looking for anything that could help. Beneath the piles and piles of wooden crossbows (damn my lack of foresight) I spotted it - the elk bone short sword created earlier this year. I had no time to consider what a terrible weapon it might be and snatched it, sprinting towards the south entrance just behind the haulers.

The mayor, in his quick thinking, attempted to draw the creature out and dodged past it, running back towards the south entrance.

However, his speed was lacking as the terrible beast took hold of him, literally snapping his limbs in two with it's brute force. His death was a terrible mutilation, adding on to the pile of gruesome mortality that this fortress had experience.

The creature wasn't finished, and we were still halfway across the fort. A lone armorsmith was walking back to his bedroom when the thing attacked - catching the dwarf unaware. Medtob Rocksroars was the name of the armorsmith, and while a lesser dwarf might give in to pain, the bruises and broken bones only enraged him.

He fought back, despite his weakening state. It still looked hopeless, for the beast was imbued with an unholy strength and could not be stopped.

That's when midnight struck. The wereantelope writhed and convulsed, it's body reshaping itself into it's true form - a human! Better luck could not be had.

We cornered it at one of our wood stockpiles, but the fight wasn't over yet - the human was wily and dodged back and forth. It took six of us to subdue him, and I repeatedly stabbed it in the head in a furious rage. Only after some time did we stop and realize it had been dead, it's head punctured and brain gored.

At this point, I stopped. I was exhausted, I had never killed anything before and despite knowing the human was truly a beastly creature I still felt horrified.

In a moment of clarity, I realized my hasty orders to search for running water had not only killed many more dwarfs than simply Vatok, they had also accomplished nothing. The shaft I had ordered dug, without the usual safety precautions that come with breaching the caverns, had led to multiple invaders gaining access to the fort. The death of the mayor was in my hands - had we not been occupied by the Cave Ogre, the militia might have saved him in time.

I knew what I had to do. I found a willing dwarf to take my place, and resigned position as Overseer. I thought I had been doing well, I thought my orders to be logical and sound, but I simply hadn't been tested. This fort would not suffer at my hands any longer.


And so end's my year as overseer. I actually cut 14 days into the next year, so my apologies - I was distracted as you might have noticed. The cave ogre still isn't dead, since we don't have any weapons to kill him with (try to find that steel axe). He's somewhere on the staircase to the caverns.  The fortress is in a state of disarray, the last few months were dedicated to fighting all these random beasts and as such there are corpses lying everywhere and the hospital is full.

Food stocks are alright. If you need to close the various gates and want to know which lever does what, look at the 'N'otes and the bridges are color-coded with the levers.

The next overseer should try to set up the military - I have a few uniforms already set up but right now we have no dwarfs except Reg, the guy who killed the cave croc. Next migrant wave should be dedicated to the military and hauling.

Here is the file, have fun!

And here is the DFMA link:


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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Re: The Fate of Doomforests
« Reply #32 on: October 27, 2014, 02:41:21 pm »

You did what you could. I dont think anyone could be fit to oversee such a doomed encampment


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fate of Doomforests
« Reply #33 on: October 27, 2014, 07:47:30 pm »

Damn, this fort is turning out better than I expected.
Hehe, I hope that our next ruler knows how to deal with Ogres.

Remember to stockpile coffins!
On the rare occasions where this fort isnt under siege, wood cutting and hauling is our ultimate priority.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fate of Doomforests
« Reply #34 on: October 27, 2014, 08:30:13 pm »

Ogres? Hah, the next overseer is screwed.


What?! What do you mean I'm up next?!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fate of Doomforests
« Reply #35 on: October 28, 2014, 07:16:03 am »

I just like to imagine the conversation between the old and new overseer.
All right. So, so glad you signed up for this, on such short notice...
And um.. Congratulations, by the way, this must be an honour for you..
Small issue, the ogre that's on its way up the stairs to kill and maim everyone... Oh did no one tell you? Well, anyway that is something you should deal with soon... Yea, that is the sound of its footsteps.
But good luck! And may the rest of the year bring good fortune.
On the rare occasions where this fort isnt under siege, wood cutting and hauling is our ultimate priority.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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Re: The Fate of Doomforests
« Reply #36 on: October 28, 2014, 07:37:48 am »

Here's an omen of prosperity for you


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fate of Doomforests
« Reply #37 on: October 28, 2014, 09:38:21 am »

Please count me in, and dorf me as some quick-to-form grudges asocial dude.
Whenever i read the "doesn't care about anything anymore" line, i instantly imagine a dwarf, sitting alone on a swing set. Just slowly rocking back and forth, somberly staring at the ground, and stopping every once in a while to sigh.
It's mildly depressing.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fate of Doomforests
« Reply #38 on: October 28, 2014, 10:31:04 am »

Ogres? Hah, the next overseer is screwed.


What?! What do you mean I'm up next?!


Oh, the ogre isn't actually a problem. After wrestling my unarmed militia for a few weeks he was mostly yellow injuries and overexerted, so you just have to find a way to finish him off before he wakes up. You can't get fresh water until you do (or the river thaws).

The militia who were wrastlin' him just couldn't finish him off, which is rather realistic - could you put an Ogre in a chokehold?

Anyways, the biggest threat is a tantrum spiral, but if you updated versions that could lead to some interesting interactions with the new feelings. Just get that water and you should be set (rotting bodies be damned).

Oh, I'm also suspecting that there aren't any goblins who have access to the fort - there were zero goblin snatchers during my reign and usually an ambush or two would have worked it's way past our gates by now. Drokles, do you remember if you embarked on a non-goblin map?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fate of Doomforests
« Reply #39 on: October 28, 2014, 10:39:08 am »

And I'll just doublepost this, but you should know that when I assign labors to a dwarf I also give them custom profession names - long ago I got sick of the auto-names that were assigned after a certain skill level. This means that if you change a dwarfs labor, unless you also edit the custom profession names I've assigned them (i.e. Hauler, Farmer, Marksdwarf) their name won't change despite being a better miner than smelter. That could be confusing to someone new - I believe the commands to edit profession name once you have a certain dwarf highlighted are 'z' - 'y' - 'p'.

Also of note (I have a lot a quirks) that I designate 4-5 dwarfs as general farmers, and give them all the farming professions. You could split up their duties into brewer and cook and whatnot if you want a more efficient and skilled food production. I'm just too lazy to individually assign all 10+ farming labors. As long as you keep enough dwarfs around who have every farming skill enabled, then you won't have an issue with production - just roast quality will probably never be very good. I find masterwork *plump helmet roasts* sort of exploity, especially if you trade them.

Again, all of these things were my personal preferences and I suggest you edit the fort as makes you comfortable.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fate of Doomforests
« Reply #40 on: October 28, 2014, 05:13:37 pm »

13th Slate, 1052 year of Armok.
So this is Doom Forests huh? Doesn't seem so-

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Oh goddamnit.

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Aw damnit.

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Okay, so it's increasingly obvious that some stuff, well to put it lightly, "went down" while some other madman thought it was a good idea to build a literal paved highway to the place of my nightmares. I mean, I'm all for caves and all, but seriously, we could have AT LEAST build a gate instead of letting the blind bastards RIGHT UP TO OUR DOORSTEP. I'll have that fixed immediately after I uh... Get rid of these mangled corpses.
Also, we don't have any smelters. Someone should fix that.

14th Slate 1052
Migrants! Maybe someone with a weapon! I keep hearing banging and screams from the staircase. I'll send them down there to deal with it, cos' there's a snowball's chance in hell that I'm gonna go check it out alone. Have you even seen that thing's teeth? Horrifying.

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17th Slate, year of baddassery
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YEAH! About time someone sorted that out!
Oh yeah, and on a side note, discovered the Magma sea!
That actually sounds really unpleasant... Although that might solve the corpse problem.

21st Slate, 1052
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Got to work on the magma smelters. With that ogre gone, we've been able to work on the lower caverns much more easily, so that's always nice. Although I will admit, the room is turning to be a bit more shoddy than I expected. I'll keep working on it.

26th Slate, 1052

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I keep watching this poor sod try to carry a bucket of water from one place to the next, but suddenly, he starts weeping into the bucket and getting snot eveywhere. Poor guy.

7th Felsite 1052

Morale has been, well, pretty shite actually. Erected a tiny little mist room to see if that cheers anyone up. Kids love mist, of course it will work.

8th Felsite 1052
OH GODS, WHAT WENT WRONG?! That thing just literally SWALLOED his head with the neck still attached! And worse, not one stepped up to help him!
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13th Felsite, 1052
We are getting our arses handed to us thricefold. I don't care HOW depressed we are, we are getting a REAL military.

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17th Felsite, 1052
Reinforcing the outer wall. Judging by all the corpses, we definitely need the extra protection.
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20th Felsite, 1052

Yep, I think the new millita is definitely working.

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23rd Felsite, 1052

What's that awful smell-
Oh dear.
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28th Felsite, 1052

Some craftsman named "Tekkud" begins work on some mysterious construction. Huh, maybe things aren't as bad here as I first thought.

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4th Hematite 1052.

Oh. It's just a flute. That's actually kind of a massive buzzkill after all that we've been through. Guess you could say that it...Blows.


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7th Hematite, 1052

Thanks to the relative calm lately, I've been able to start several building projects, all of which I can't be bothered to scribble onto this page. But what does it matter anyway? It's not like anyone is going to READ this or anything. Who would take a random leather bound journal anyway? Right? Right?!

Note to self: Improve lock on the chest under the bed.


Not much is really happening, like, at all. I'm not sure what's worse, knowing that anything could happen, or actually having said awful event happen.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fate of Doomforests
« Reply #41 on: October 28, 2014, 06:14:17 pm »

Please count me in, and dorf me as some quick-to-form grudges asocial dude.
Done. Could you dorf him Ethan? Oh I completely forgot to dorf Masked_Hunter1824 during my turn, could you dorf him as well?
Ogres? Hah, the next overseer is screwed.


What?! What do you mean I'm up next?!


Oh, the ogre isn't actually a problem. After wrestling my unarmed militia for a few weeks he was mostly yellow injuries and overexerted, so you just have to find a way to finish him off before he wakes up. You can't get fresh water until you do (or the river thaws).

The militia who were wrastlin' him just couldn't finish him off, which is rather realistic - could you put an Ogre in a chokehold?

Anyways, the biggest threat is a tantrum spiral, but if you updated versions that could lead to some interesting interactions with the new feelings. Just get that water and you should be set (rotting bodies be damned).

Oh, I'm also suspecting that there aren't any goblins who have access to the fort - there were zero goblin snatchers during my reign and usually an ambush or two would have worked it's way past our gates by now. Drokles, do you remember if you embarked on a non-goblin map?

Oh yea, I checked neighbouring civilizations before embarking. One of the biomes neighbours goblins, but then another one neighbours humans, so I don't get why their caravan wasn't there last summer.
I'll update my original thread with a screen of the area we embarked on.

EDIT: My first journal entry has been updated with pictures of the embark site. These are taken from the save I passed on to Salmeuk, so that's why Doomforests is already present on the map.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2014, 08:38:29 pm by Drokles »
On the rare occasions where this fort isnt under siege, wood cutting and hauling is our ultimate priority.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fate of Doomforests
« Reply #42 on: October 29, 2014, 06:19:11 am »


Not much is really happening, like, at all. I'm not sure what's worse, knowing that anything could happen, or actually having said awful event happen.

Just you wait, fellow overseer. Soon you'll be up to yur neck in forgotten beasts and dragons and goblins!

Oh yea, I checked neighbouring civilizations before embarking. One of the biomes neighbours goblins, but then another one neighbours humans, so I don't get why their caravan wasn't there last summer.
I'll update my original thread with a screen of the area we embarked on.

EDIT: My first journal entry has been updated with pictures of the embark site. These are taken from the save I passed on to Salmeuk, so that's why Doomforests is already present on the map.

Ah, sweet. I wonder if maybe the civilizations are dead, then, since I would seriously expect some goblin intruders about now. Whatever the case, our own locality seems to provide plenty of fun.

Also, I lol'ed at the flute joke - it caught me unaware early this morning.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fate of Doomforests
« Reply #43 on: October 29, 2014, 06:16:31 pm »

8th Hematite, 1052
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Here's just a little hint of some of the things that I've been toying around with. As odd as it sounds, the calm of late is rather unsettling. I don't quite like it.

13th Hematite, 1052
Human caravan arrives from the north. Or East, whatever. I hope the massive pile of death at the front doesn't scare them off.
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17th Hematite, 1052
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We have a new mayor! I'm not sure what he actually does other than demand an office and also raise, but yeah! Power to the people!

23rd Hematite, 1052
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So THAT'S why those splints weren't getting made! What's that Salmeuk? You're a woodcutter and not a carpenter? Sod that! You work for ME now!

24th Hematite, 1052


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26th Hematite, 1052

Oh. Well that was abrupt. I'm quite liking our "Marksdwarves".

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Side note: New mayor is an ass, he put a ban on the export of bolts.  I'll shove a bolt right up HIS nether-cap if this continues.

27th of Hematite, 1052

Traded with the humans, and not much else. Did you know you can make wine out of sweet potatoes? I sure as hell didn't.

7th Malachite, 1052
Began work on our soon to be expansive smelting room. I hope no one else decides to go for a swim in the magma sea. That last guy's ashes STILL fill my lungs.

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15 Malachite, 1052

Feb the mason just dropped dead today. I suspect some sort of foul play, but neither gash nor bolt was found on him. Odd.
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23rd Malachite, 1052
The page is illegible, the words stained by what appears to be dried draltha blood.

24th Malachite, 1052

More migrants! This should be interesting. Or ridiculously disheartening, depending on how you look at it. Do we even have any room left?

3rd Galena, 1052

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I KNEW those random cage traps would pay off! AND THEY DIDN'T BELIEVE ME! Hmph! And they all thought I was just some useless sneering imperialist!

12th Galena, 1052
Started a mass movement of all ores down to the smelters. I think this "Masked Hunter" guy is a lazy asshole. He's been sitting in the dining room doing nothing claiming that he's "attending a party, sir."  I'll be keeping tabs on him.

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« Last Edit: October 29, 2014, 06:27:02 pm by Ethan741 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fate of Doomforests
« Reply #44 on: October 30, 2014, 12:42:28 am »

Random dwarf dropping dead? Sounds like a vampire!

. . .

Look for highly skilled migrants with white hair - if you suspect a vampire lock them in a room and see if they get hungry.

Also, if you could trap a cave croc, we could train them. That would be swell, don't you think?
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