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Author Topic: Glovedloved - The Mountain of Kings [DISCUSSION & COMMENTS]  (Read 20784 times)


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Glovedloved - The Mountain of Kings [DISCUSSION & COMMENTS]
« on: October 12, 2014, 09:52:53 pm »


You have come here to behold what is soon to become the greatest feat of dwarven Architecture and craftsdwarfship in the whole world - A place fit for the greatest of Kings!
You have come here for an opportunity to get a place in our mighty halls, to lead a life full of peace and true dedication to your trades!
The Mountain towering before you will provide for the wildest of your needs and dreams, hosting workshops and quarters, statue gardens and superior engineering, having you live the life worthy of a KING OF THE WHOLE WORLD!

Fellow pilgrims! Behind these closed doors awaits an own, monstrous and decadent bedroom, a dining room all for yourself, an own workshop for every single craftsdwarf! Enormous riches await in the depths of Glovedloved, waiting for you to come claim them for your own!

However, as we, the seven founders, have already done, you are to PROVE YOURSELVES WORTHY FOR KINGSHIP in order to step in our glorious halls and claim a place among us! Your harsh trek to this very valley that embraces Glovedloved has been but your first step towards greatness, and i trust in your great tenacity and dedication to rightfully accomplish what you are thriving for!

Not everyone will succeed in this harsh and tedious quest, as only the greatest and best dwarves are to call Glovedloved their Home.
However, The Famous City will give EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU the chance to work towards that noble goal, to fight and work and thrive and take your own destiny, your own future, into your own hands. In lies in your decisions, your dedication, your spirit of COMPETITION to earn this all for yourself!

Pilgrims to Glovedloved!

We will be watching every step you take, every feat you accomplish from now on, here from above the valley, from our thrones. You will be experiencing a cold harsh winter, you will be working under the rain, in stormy winds, under the bright light of the Sun.

BUT WHEN THE SNOW AND RIVER THAWS, when Spring makes its way back to Glovedloved, ONE OF YOU, NOT MORE, NOT LESS! - will be chosen to move into the halls. From hence forth, after EVERY SINGLE YEAR, only one of you gets to join the ranks of the GREATEST KINGS OF DWARVES!

People of Glovedloved.

Prove yourselves worthy. For now, your numbers are small.
BUT SOON, WORD WILL SPREAD among the Mountainhomes and more pilgrims will arriveon their quest to claim a place among the citizens of the Famous City.
YOU are the first to arrive, so your chances are great to see an end to your tedious journey by the End of this very year!

May Armok grant you strength."

This is the discussion and information thread of Glovedloved.
Here you can make dwarfing requests, generally talk about the whole thing, indulge in OOC, et cetera.

If you want to read or add to the the story and Journals, visit the JOURNAL THREAD.

This will be a classical DF Let's Play/Succession Game (if there's enough interested overseers) somewhat based on the HERMIT CHALLENGE, hosted on either 40.13, with a special ruleset.


The first seven dwarves carve out a mountainside fortress.

All Dwarves joining the Fort after embark will be kept outside, forming an outskirt slum. None of those migrants may enter or communicate with the fort and do not have access to any forges or trade depots. Kilns and glass furnaces are okay.

Peasants living in the slums may only dig through soil/ non-solid material and one z- level of stone.

After every year, ONE of the slum Dwarves is chosen to be a new member of the Mountain, and, if we do a succession Game, becomes the Overseer for the next year. (the overseer rule applies after some years after embark. until then, coins are flipped to decide.)  The Ascending dwarf should be chosen by votes between all members of the mountain, out of a small list of candidates.

If any of the Mountain members dies, they are replaced with another Slum dwarf.

Any Child that is born on the mountain has to leave and join the Slums as soon as it can stand on two legs, to earn its way back to kingdom.

The Mountain may impose taxes and sieze goods from the slums. Providing the slums with goods from the mountain is generally forbidden, but there may be intrigues and smuggling.

This is a ruleset i've thought up that highly encourages and at some instances REQUIRES Roleplaying.
All in all, Roleplaying should make for really interesting stories in this kind of fortress.

I also have a feeling that stuff like this has been done before, but hey, i thought it might be interesting.

Dorfing will be done at a first come, first dorf basis. You might belong to the lucky six who join me in our glorious stronghold of super-nobility!


 - Nordinkel
 - Chimerat
 - Tacomagic
 - neblime
 - Dwarobaki
 - tonnot98
 - Njneko


1. Nordinkel (Founder)
2. neblime (Founder)
3. Tacomagic (Founder)
4. Deus Asmoth (Peasant)
5. EinsteinSatDown (Peasant)
?. tonnot98 (Founder)
?. Onud Itlud (Peasant)

Chimerat (Founder)
Rhaken (as Digger) (Peasant)
Dwarobaki (as Dhoor The Hammer) (Founder)
Yesaja (Peasant)
Breemont (Peasant)
Doc Timeless (Peasant)
MedicIndisquise (Peasant)
Skullsploder (as Skulls) (Sherrif)
Libitina (Peasant)
Illogical_Blox (Peasant)

« Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 05:48:20 pm by Nordinkel »


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Re: The Mountain of Kings - A twisted Dwarven society
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2014, 10:56:40 pm »

sounds cool.  I'm in if you don't mind the fact that the last two succesion games i took part in sort of died  :D
how do you plan to keep the dwarves appart, just with burrows?
I am quite looking forward to the next 20 or 30 years or so of developmental madness


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Re: The Mountain of Kings - A twisted Dwarven society
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2014, 11:23:49 pm »

I guess I have some time to spare.
Don't sign me up for second, though.

Will return here sometime during the week to join up.

Quick question: Are the slum-dwarves allowed to dig?
If so, I guess a z-level restriction should be placed on how deep they can go?
« Last Edit: October 12, 2014, 11:25:29 pm by EinsteinSatDown »


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Re: The Mountain of Kings - A twisted Dwarven society
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2014, 12:05:08 am »

Sign me up, love to have a go at this.

Are slumdorfs allowed kilns or glass furnaces?


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Re: The Mountain of Kings - A twisted Dwarven society
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2014, 05:04:23 am »

how do you plan to keep the dwarves appart, just with burrows?

that, and at a later time with a giant wall too.

there are also traps that arent dwarf-proof.

oh, imagine the sweet tragedy when that dwarf finds a hidden passage that seemingly leads to the glorious halls of the Mountain of Kings and is then welcomed by wild monsters, randomly dropping floors and gentle streams of lava.

Are slumdorfs allowed kilns or glass furnaces?

Quick question: Are the slum-dwarves allowed to dig?
If so, I guess a z-level restriction should be placed on how deep they can go?

i'll update the OP accordingly.
Slumdorfs should be able to dig through soil and, maybe, one Z-Level of stone, just to prevent unneccesary tantrums or sudden werebeast genocide. also, i like the idea of an underground city that forms beneath the fort. and tunnels that are dug in futile efforts to get into the castle by force..
kilns and glass furnaces are okay i guess. Also who the hell knows what's going on beneath the surface of the slums..

Adding Taco, Einstein and Neblime to the list. I will flip a coin for each of you, deciding wether you will be a founder or a migrant.
i also altered the ruleset a little, according to my statements above. thanks for giving me ideas.

I will start my turn later today; mind that i live in europe, and the uploading of a save is a huge ordeal for me, because i have almost no internet at the moment


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Re: The Mountain of Kings - A twisted Dwarven society
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2014, 05:29:21 am »

Could I please be Dwarfed here? Due to my schedule I can't take a turn, but I certainly am interested to see where this goes.

(If indoors, can I be a cook/brewer/farmer sort, please? That or a farmhand.)


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Re: The Mountain of Kings - A twisted Dwarven society
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2014, 05:59:43 am »

This idea. I like it. Sign me up. I probably can't play a turn though.

If possible, can I get a miner named Digger?
Of course, he may have simply crushed the forgotten beasts with his massive testicles.

Forget a spouse, he needs a full time gonad wrangler.


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Re: The Mountain of Kings - A twisted Dwarven society
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2014, 07:06:46 am »

the coins have been flipped for the first five dorfings!

neblime, Tacomagic and Chimerat made it into the (soon to be) Mountain of Kings!

Tough Luck, Rhaken and Einstein, you get to live in poverty and tantrumming for 1 to 100 years.

there is still three vacant slots for the luxury life! Get a spot now!
« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 07:15:21 am by Nordinkel »

Deus Asmoth

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Re: The Mountain of Kings - A twisted Dwarven society
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2014, 07:14:59 am »

This seems interesting. Sign me up for a turn, please, and watch the glorious peasant uprising take place.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: The Mountain of Kings - A twisted Dwarven society
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2014, 07:18:49 am »

Deus will experience the great peasant uprising first-hand, because the coin says he's not gonna get a spot. Will he become a great Hero to free the Fortress from slavery and arrogant nobility?

Only Nordinkel knows.


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Re: The Mountain of Kings - A twisted Dwarven society
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2014, 07:27:28 am »

the coins have been flipped for the first five dorfings!

neblime, Tacomagic and Chimerat made it into the (soon to be) Mountain of Kings!
Whoot! ;)

The Fortress can be well-fed now.  :P


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Re: The Mountain of Kings - A twisted Dwarven society
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2014, 07:50:02 am »

It looks interesting, I won't be able to play, but I would like see Dhoor the Hammer among dwarves.

If possible, make him some kind of Mountain Guard or Slums Defender who values duty, laws and tradition above all. He will defend at any cost those who are under his protection, but he will have no pity for ones that try to break The Rules. ;)


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Re: The Mountain of Kings - A twisted Dwarven society
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2014, 07:59:59 am »

I'm off to work. will only take 4 hours.

Dwarobaki will be the Guardian of the Mountain, protecting his noble brothers from the wrath of angry hobos.

if i can't fill up the starting party until i come back, i will randomly choose some current peasants to fill up the group. Will start playing today no matter what.

till later, folks


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Re: The Mountain of Kings - A twisted Dwarven society
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2014, 08:18:31 am »

Outside of the walls you'll be a proletariat because, baby, we're the Bourgeoisie!
« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 08:20:44 am by Tacomagic »

Onod Itlud

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Re: The Mountain of Kings - A twisted Dwarven society
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2014, 08:30:55 am »

Sounds interesting. I'll take a Dwarf, and a turn.
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